Accounts Payable > Browses > Browse on AP Registered Credit and Debit Notes

Browse on AP Registered Credit and Debit Notes

You use this program to view details of registered credit notes or debit notes held on file for suppliers.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Add Select this to process a new credit note or debit note.
Change Select this to change the selected transaction.
Cancel Invoice Select this to cancel the selected transaction.
Return / Reinstate Uses the AP Invoice Registration program to record the return of a transaction to the supplier, or to reinstate a transaction that was previously returned to a supplier.

Listview columns

Column Description

The current status of the invoice / credit note / debit note.

Registered invoice The supplier's invoice number.
Transaction type The type of the transaction (invoice, credit note or debit note).
Entry number The entry number of the registered invoice / credit note / debit note.
Amount The total transaction amount including tax.
Reference The reference associated with the transaction.
Invoice date The date of the transaction / supplier's invoice.
Due date The date the transaction is due for payment.
Date entered The date the transaction was entered.
Branch The branch entered with the transaction or associated with the supplier
Currency The currency of the transaction.

Notes and warnings

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this listview if access to the program is set to Browse only, but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).

Hints and tips

View additional functions

  • Press Ctrl+F1 within a listview or form to view a full list of functions available.

  • Right-click on a tile or a category header within either the Navigation Pane or Favorites to view a full list of functions available.