SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration > Custom Form Entry

Custom Form Entry

You use this program to add your own custom fields to a number of master file take-on and posting programs. These fields are presented to the operator for the selected custom form.

This data can be viewed from within Query programs and reported on using the SYSPRO Report Writer program (or a compatible third party Report Writer).


Field Description
New Add a new custom form field.
Edit Maintain the selected custom form field.

Delete the selected custom form field.

You cannot delete a shared lookup field if it is currently being shared by another field.

Form name

Select the form to which you want to add custom fields.

This option is enabled for programs that cater for multiple forms. Contact Management Contacts is currently the only program that caters for this.

Maintain form

You can add or change a custom form name, or delete the currently selected form from this drop down option.

Field Properties

Field Description
Field definition  
Caption Enter up to 30 characters to indicate the label/prompt wording that you want to appear on the screen during the data entry phase.

Your entry here must be unique. If this caption is identical to an existing SYSPRO caption (e.g. Stock Code) then the custom form caption inherits the system caption properties.

Note that the caption is not case sensitive, so if you enter stock code instead of Stock code, the system still recognises this as the system field Stock code.

Field name Enter up to six characters to form the key field when accessing data. Entry at this field is mandatory and must be unique (i.e. you cannot use a field previously defined against the form). The field name can include a hyphen (-).
Field type
Option Description
Alpha Populates the field with alphanumeric characters.
Numeric Populates the field with numeric characters.

Lookup validation tables are not valid for Numeric custom form fields. You need to use a List or Range if validation is required on numeric custom form fields.

Date Populates the field with dates.
Field length

Indicate the maximum permitted size of the data entry field you are creating.

For Numeric fields, your entry here cannot exceed 12 characters.

For Alpha fields, your entry here cannot exceed 255 characters.


Although you can enter up to 255 characters for Alpha fields, when printing these fields on standard document types, only 60 characters are printed.

To print up to 255 characters, you need to define your document formats as MSWord or SRS document types.

For Date fields, you cannot access this field, but your selection at the Default field below determines the default value that is presented to the operator (e.g. {Today} indicates that the current system date will be presented to the operator).

Decimals Indicate the number of decimals required for Numeric fields. A maximum of six decimals can be defined.

Indicate the default value that must populate the custom field during the data entry phase.

For Date fields, the default can be {Today} to use the SYSPRO date when the form is loaded. Alternatively, the date can be hard coded using the date format CCYY/MM/DD or CCYY-MM-DD.

Entering a default date in any other format results in an invalid default date being displayed on the custom form (e.g. if the date format is DD/MM/CCYY, then a default date of 31/01/2008 is displayed as 08/20/3101 on the custom form).

Field validation  
Option Description
None Indicates no validation is required for the field during the data entry phase.
Spaces/zeros disallowed Indicates mandatory entry is required at this field.
List Up to 20 values can be entered for the field (a maximum of 30 characters each).

Up to 25 lists can be configured per form. If you require more lists, you can add them as lookup tables.

Range Define a range of valid entries for the field.
Lookup (mandatory) Uses the Custom Form Lookup program to define a list of entries for the field that must be selected at the time of capturing the data.
Lookup (not mandatory) Uses the Custom Form Lookup program to define a list of valid entries for the field. These can be viewed at the time of capturing the data for the field, and are optional.
Lookup shared (mandatory)

Uses the Custom Form Available Lookups program to select from a list of available lookups already defined against other fields.

Lookup shared (not mandatory)

Uses the Custom Form Available Lookups program to select from a list of available lookups already defined against other fields. These fields will be optional.


Click on the Edit hyperlink to define the entries for the field.

Reserved words

Reserved words in VBScripting

The following indicates some of the reserved words/symbols that are used in VBScripting and which should not be used as captions for a custom form field.

And Else Implements On Single
As ElseIf In Option Static
Boolean Empty Integer Optional Stop
ByRef End Is Or Sub
Byte EndIf Let ParamArray Then
ByVal Enum Like Preserve To
Call Eqv Long Private TRUE
Case Event Loop Public Type
Class Exit LSet RaiseEvent TypeOf
Const FALSE Me ReDim Until
Currency For Mod Rem Variant
Debug Function New Resume Wend
Dim Get Next RSet While
Do GoTo Not Select With
Double If Nothing Set Xor
Each Imp Null Shared  

Reserved words for Lookup Type Fields

When you define a Lookup type field you should not use a reserved word as the field name. For example, if you name a custom field 'Source', then when you select to Browse you are presented with the GL User-Defined Journal source codes, because 'Source' is a reserved word for the browse on GL User-Defined Journal source codes.

A/P Invoice terms Capex job Distribution Warehouse Payment customer Statement format
A/R Invoice terms Capex p/o req Document contact Planner Statistical G/L Code
Account Capex p/order Drawing number Positive status Statistical GL
Accrual type Capex po req Driver Problem code Statistical GL Code
Action user Capex p-order Employee Product class Stock code
Ageing currency Capex type Existing Customer Code Product group Storage condition code
Alternate stock code Cash drawer Expense code Program name Storage hazard code
Alternate Supplier Change to user File code Promotion code Storage security code
Analysis Category Class Geographic area Purchase order Sub job
AP Invoice terms Commission code GIT reference Quotation Sub-account number
AR Invoice terms Company Gl code Reason code Supplementary code
Area Company1 GRN Receiving warehouse Supplier
Asset Component type Group Requisition Supplier 2
Asset branch Contact GST code Requisition user Supplier 3
Asset cost center Contract Invoice discount Resolution code Supplier branch
Asset group Cost center Invoice number Resource Supplier class
Asset location Country of origin Invoice terms Retention customer SYSPRO stock code
Asset master/sub Credit note Job Retention GST code Table name
Asset owner Currency Job Classification Retention product class Target warehouse
Asset status Customer LCT Route Retention tax code Tariff code
Asset type Customer branch Ledger code Revaluation category Tax code
Bank Customer class Line discount code RMA Tax depreciation code
Bank charges Customer invoice Lot RMA number Tax Statistical GL Code
Blanket p/o contract Deduction code Machine Role Template code
Blanket po contract Deduction customer Manufacturer Role Ticket number
Blanket Sales Contract Default order type Mechanic Sales order Transport
Book value depreciation code Default warehouse Nationality Salesperson Unresolved status
Buyer Delivery load Nature of transaction Salesperson 2 Vehicle
Buying group Delivery route Negative status Salesperson 3 Warehouse
Buying group 1 Delivery terms Non-stocked code Salesperson 4 WIP Ledger code
Buying group 2 Delivery warehouse Operator Salesperson four WMS Operation
Buying group 3 Department Operator group Salesperson three WMS Operation type
Buying group 4 Deposit GST code Operator1 Salesperson two WMS Warehouse area
Buying group 5 Deposit product class Order branch Source WMS Zone material flow
BV depreciation code Deposit tax code Order type Source warehouse WMS Zone type
Capex classification Depreciation code Parent stock code Specific allocation Work center
Capex item Dispatch note Payment code Standard comment code  

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

See Restrictions and limits in Custom Forms Overview.

Deletion considerations

  • When you delete a custom field that was also added to a listview, the column for the field is also removed from the listview. This is only visible the next time you log in to SYSPRO.

  • If you delete a custom field while a role based operator is logged into SYSPRO, the SYSPRO Data Access Message: An unexpected message has been returned when accessing your data. Attempting to read a record) is displayed until the operator logs out of SYSPRO.

  • You cannot delete a lookup if it is currently being used as a shared lookup.

Visibility and access

  • When you add a custom form field to a form, the field defaults to being visible to all operators (including those associated with a role).

    This prevents enterprise-wide VBScripts from failing when a form for one operator contains a custom form field while the form for another doesn't.

  • System administrators can use the Design Mode for a specific role or operator and set the custom form field to be not visible (i.e. the custom form is visible to everyone except that operator and anyone associated with that role).

    If you remove a custom form field from an operator who is not associated with a role, then you need to hide it to ensure that the field is still available for everyone else.

    Only custom form fields and scripted fields are displayed automatically for everyone as they are added to a form.