
Understand & Explore

SYSPRO's Multiple Bins system lets you keep track of the exact location of stock items in a warehouse, or to keep track of an item in different locations within the same warehouse. A single stock code can be stored in an unlimited number of bins and different stock codes can be stored in the same bin.

Tracking of stock is accomplished by assigning a bin location code to items. SYSPRO prompts you for this code whenever you process any transaction that affects stock quantities (e.g. receipt, adjustment, issue or sale).

When you enable multiple bins in SYSPRO, you are effectively switching the feature on in all warehouses for the current company. Only once you save your selections and reload the configuration program can you disable this feature for individual warehouses. (i.e. you can target specific warehouses in which to implement this feature if you want to reduce processing time for those warehouses where it is not required).

If multiple bins is enabled at company level, but a warehouse does not use bins, then a dummy bin is used internally by SYSPRO programs. The dummy bin always equals the warehouse code, so you never have to indicate a bin number when posting for a warehouse with no bins - the program uses the dummy bin automatically.

Get Started
Before you begin
System checks

When you change the multiple bins option (i.e. switching it on or off) the system notifies you of specific checks that are going to be performed.

  1. A Conversion program is run to update the bins for each warehouse.

    • A single bin is created for each stock code/warehouse combination and the entire quantity on hand for the stock code/warehouse is placed in the bin.

  2. The Lot Traceability Archiving program runs automatically (if the Lot Traceability module is installed).

    • The bin created in the conversion program is defined against the existing lot records for the stock code/warehouse combination.

    • The transactions associated with each lot record are updated to include the bin.

    • If lots were reserved for material allocations linked to a job, then the bin created in the conversion program is defined against these records.

Switching ON multiple bins

If you switch on multiple bins at any time after the system has been running without it, you need to do the following:

  1. Run the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program. This creates a new bin to store the warehouse quantity on hand.

    For each stock item, the bin location defaults to the bin code defined against the warehouse for that item. If this is not defined, then the bin location defaults to the warehouse code itself.

    If you have existing sales orders with quantities to ship then you need to

  2. Run the Balance function of the Order Purge program. This places all sales order lines for stocked items into back order since no bins will have been allocated to any order lines when multiple bins are switched on.

    When you later update your sales orders and move quantities into ship, you will be prompted to allocate the bin numbers.

Switching OFF multiple bins ('Single' warehouse)

If you switch off multiple bins for a single warehouse, then the system automatically performs the processes required to transfer the quantity on hand to the default bins.

  1. All bins are deleted against the stock code/warehouse combination and all sales order bin allocations are deleted.

  2. The quantities on hand for stock items in the warehouse are transferred to the default bin.

  3. The bin location is generated from the warehouse code.

  4. The ship quantity against the bin is calculated by subtracting the quantity on back order in the warehouse from the quantity allocated.

  5. The Lot Traceability Archiving program is automatically run to ensure that the bins are cleared from existing lot records and their associated transactions for items defined as Lot traceable or ECC-controlled.

For example

If you have the following lots, bins and quantities in warehouse DD:

Lot number Bin Quantity
2 D1 10
2 D2 5
3 D2 10
3 D1 20

The Lot Traceability Archiving program consolidates the existing lot numbers into the default bin which is the same as the warehouse code as follows:

Lot number Bin Quantity
2 DD 15
3 DD 30

The transactions associated with each lot record are updated to include the newly-created bin.

If lots were reserved for material allocations linked to a job and an individual lot is stored in more than one bin, then each of the bin quantities is accumulated into a single reserved lot that has the newly created bin associated with it. If any reserved lot entry is incomplete, then the single lot with the rolled up quantities is marked as incomplete.

Bins allocated to sales order lines are replaced with an allocation for the newly-created bin.

Although not a requirement, you can run the Balance function of the Inventory Period End and Order Purge programs.

If you later decide to re-enable multiple bins against the warehouse, no other action is required, as the default bin is already defined against lots, reserved lots and sales order ship quantities.

Switching OFF multiple bins ('All' warehouses)

If you switch off multiple bins for the entire company, then the conversion and Lot Traceability Archiving programs must be run.

  • The conversion program performs the following:

    • The bins are deleted for all stock code/warehouse combinations.

    • The bin allocations against sales orders are cleared.

  • The Lot Traceability Archiving program performs the following:

    • The bin is cleared from existing lot records for all stock code/warehouse combinations.

      If an individual lot is stored in more than one bin, then each of the bin quantities is accumulated into a single lot that is associated with a blank bin.

    • The bins against transactions associated with each lot record are cleared.

    • If lots were reserved for material allocations linked to a job, then the bins are cleared from these records.

Setup options

The following indicates the setup options within SYSPRO relating to multiple bins.

Setup Options Details
Inventory Configuration options  
Multiple bins This requires entry of bins upon the receipt, issue or transfer of items and when capturing stock take information. The Lot Traceability Archiving program runs to ensure the default bin is inserted into existing lot records and their associated transactions against your traceable or ECC-controlled items. Run the Balance function of the Order Purge and Inventory Period End programs to ensure there are no quantities in ship without bin allocations and to transfer any qty on hand to the default bin.
Warehouses for multiple bins This applies multiple bins selectively by warehouse. This can only be done after enabling multiple bins, saving your settings and reloading the Setup Options program. When a warehouse does not use bins (but the company does) then a dummy bin is used internally by SYSPRO programs. The dummy bin always equals the warehouse code (you don't have to indicate a bin number when posting for a warehouse with no bins as the program involved uses the dummy bin automatically).
Inventory Preference options  
Record movements for bin transfers If multiple bins is enabled, then this option enables you to include bin transfers when retaining transaction movements processed for a stock item. Otherwise, the bin transfer transaction can be printed on the Inventory Journal Report but no movement is created.
Create bins at inventory transaction This enables the automatic creation of new bins when a non-existent bin is supplied against a transaction. Bins are not automatically created when processing negative inventory transactions.
Negative on hand deplete out default bin This depletes the quantity (for which there is insufficient stock) from the default bin for items shipped in Sales Orders and kit issued in Work in Progress. You typically select this if you have enabled negative inventory and want to use automatic depletion to release or issue items (regardless of their stock level) for which you do not require a movement record through the system. The item cannot be serialized, traceable, or ECC-controlled.
Sales Order Configuration options  
Request lots/bins/serials This requires the entry of lot, bin and serial information when reserving stock. Otherwise you are only prompted when the items are shipped. The exception is if the Capture serial numbers for orders option is not selected (you are not prompted for serial numbers if multiple bins is not installed and the item is not traceable) and the Apply automatic depletion in Sales orders option is enabled (lots are allocated automatically from the first lot that can fully satisfy the requirement.
Work in Progress Preference options  
Multiple bins on hold during job receipt Automatic places a bin on hold that is affected by the receipt of a job into stock, preventing issues from the bin until the hold is released. Prompt operator lets the operator decide whether a bin affected by the receipt of a job into stock must be placed on hold.
Restrictions & considerations
  • Costing is unaffected by the multiple bins system. Costs are always held against the inventory warehouse record and the method of maintaining the unit cost is determined by the costing method that has been configured.

  • Existing sales orders with quantities to ship are unaffected by switching multiple bins off, as the bin allocations are removed as part of the conversion.

    However, we still recommend running the Balance function of the Order Purge program to maintain data integrity.

Deploy & Use
Transaction processing areas

The following indicates the interaction points in SYSPRO programs when processing transactions against items that are configured to use multiple bins.

Program Details
Inventory Movements
Function Description

Each receipt can only be processed into a single bin in the Job Receipts, WIP Inspection Review, PO Receipts and Purchase Order Inspection programs. The same limitation exists in the corresponding business objects.

Expense issues
  • The on-hand quantity of each bin is checked to see if there is enough stock. You won't be able to complete the transaction if there isn't enough stock and you are not allowing negative quantities.

  • You can configure the system to deplete bins automatically for sales, return merchandise replacements, dispatch notes, back order releases, kit issues and specific issue transactions. Stock is issued from the oldest, smallest bins first.

Stock take
  • You can use the bin location as a criteria to capture counted quantities.

Inventory Stock Take Capture When performing a stock take, the counted quantities of the stock items can be captured by bin location.
GIT Receipts with Apportionment When you change the receipt quantity for a GRN, you need to specify the bin location.
Inventory Period End The Balance function checks that the total on hand quantity of bins for a warehouse matches the on hand quantity stored against the warehouse. If it does not, then the bins are adjusted to equal the on hand quantity stored against the warehouse (i.e. bins are always adjusted to match the warehouse quantity).

If multiple bins is applicable to the warehouse, then an adjust bin is created for the adjustment quantity. Otherwise, the adjustment is processed against the default bin.

If the item is also traceable, then the controlling value is the lot quantity and both warehouse and bins are adjusted, if required.

PO Receipts and Purchase Order Inspection When processing a purchase order receipt for a stocked item, you need to enter the bin location into which the receipt quantity must be placed.
LCT Receipt in from LCT When processing a shipment receipt for a stocked item, you need to enter the bin location into which the receipt quantity must be placed.
SO Entry When you enter a positive ship quantity on a sales order line for a stocked inventory item, you are prompted to enter the bin location from which the sold quantity must be taken.

Your auto depletion setup option determines how the allocation of stock from multiple lots/bins is handled.

SO Back Order Release When releasing backorders for a stocked item, you are prompted to enter the bin location from which the sold quantity must be taken.
RMA Issue and Receipt The Single Level Bill of Materials process is used when processing a credit note or sales order for a kit item. Components may be required for both an exchange and a credit note.

Where applicable, you are requested to enter bin locations immediately after you confirm the components.

WIP Job Entry If you are reserving lots for allocations then you are prompted to reserve the required lot(s) once Trial Loading has taken place. Although it is not possible to reserve bins, because bins and lots are linked to each other, you are required to reserve a bin that is associated with the lot you choose to reserve.
WIP Job Issues Bins are requested when processing transactions using either the Kit Issue or Specific Issue functions.

Your auto depletion setup option determines how the allocation of stock from multiple lots/bins is handled.

Job Receipts When processing a job receipt for a stocked item, you need to enter the bin location into which the receipt quantity must be placed.
SO Lots, Bins, Serials Allocations If the multiple bins is enabled for a warehouse then you need to indicate the bin location from which the item must be issued.

If you reduce the order or ship quantity against an existing sales order line, or (after invoicing) you process a partial credit note to the invoice, then you will be required to de-allocate the lots, bins and serials manually. However, if you cancel an order line, or the entire order, or (after invoicing) you credit the entire invoice, then all allocations are automatically de-allocated.

If you indicated that you require the automatic depletion in sales orders then stock is issued automatically from the oldest and smallest available bin first as follows:
  • The bin information is sorted in the following sequence:

    1. Date of receipt.

      The oldest bin is determined by examining its receipt date. If there is more than one bin with the oldest date then stock is allocated/reserved from the smallest bin first. If the stock code is also lot traceable then only bins linked to the depleted lot are considered.

    2. Quantity available

      If stock is not allowed to go negative and insufficient stock is available, then a warning message is displayed indicating that the remaining quantity will be placed on back order.

      If back orders are not required then the sales order line is canceled. However, if you enabled the Negative on hand deplete out default bin Inventory setup option then the rules governing that option apply - stock is first depleted from the bins with available stock and the remainder is then depleted from the default bin. This is only applicable for transactions processed in SO Entry and Quick Entry.

      In addition, if the stock item is part of a kit, then this does not apply and stock cannot go negative.

      Regardless of whether negative stock is permitted you cannot ship more than is available against a traceable, ECC-controlled or serialized item. It is, however, possible to ship more than is available if the stock item has none of these characteristics, but multiple bins are in use. In this case, any shortage in quantity is depleted from the warehouse's default bin.

      To deplete stock from the default bin when there is insufficient stock, the following must apply:

      • the stock item must not be defined as serialized and/or traceable and/or ECC-controlled

      • negative stock must be allowed

      • the Negative on hand deplete out default bin Inventory setup option must be enabled

      • the default bin defined against the warehouse for the sales order line's must exist

      • some stock must be available in one of the bins against the stock item

  • A bin is ignored if:

    • it is on hold

    • it has a negative quantity on hand

    • it has no available stock

    If automatic depletion is not being applied and the stock code is not traceable, ECC-controlled or serialized, then stock can go negative when insufficient stock is available, providing negative stock is permitted against the warehouse.

    If you do not complete the allocations for the full ship quantity against the sales order line, then the quantity not allocated/reserved is placed on back order. If back orders are not allowed, the order line is cancelled.

Report & Query areas

The following indicates the interaction points in SYSPRO programs when reporting and querying items that are configured to use multiple bins.

Program Details
Picking Slip You use the picking slip to help you extract items from stock ready for delivery to your customer. This report can be generated in a number of sequences that includes the bin location.

If you select to sequence the report by Warehouse, bin location then you can select to start a new page on change of bin location.

Inventory Journal Report The bin location is indicated on the report against each transaction.

You can also enable the: Print multiple bin transfer journals option to list all Bin transfer transactions posted in the Inventory Movements program.

Stock Take Variance This program is used to record the results of a stock count performed on a selected range of inventory items and can be generated in bin number sequence.
Inventory Document Format A print position for the bin location can be defined and then printed on inventory documentation using the Inventory Document Print program.
Kardex Report The bin location is printed against the movements on this report.
Inventory Query You can view the bins held against a stock item (from the Query menu).

Movements are only generated for bin transfer transactions if the setup option to record movements for bin transfers is selected.

When you query sales orders you can select to query the lots/bins and serials for the highlighted sales order line from the Functions menu.

If an item is traceable, then the bins and serials are inextricably linked to the lot and you will have to query the bins and serials from the lot query.

Inventory Browse on Bins Bins are sequenced according to your selection at the Multiple bin browse default sequence setup option.
Sales Order Query When viewing sales order detail lines, you can query the bins for the highlighted sales order line from the Functions menu.

If an item is traceable, then the bins and serials are inextricably linked to the lot and you will have to query the bins and serials from the lot query.

Sales Invoice Query You can query the bins for the highlighted invoice line by selecting the Multiple bins option from the Invoice Line Information pane or using your right-mouse button on the invoice line in the Detail Lines listview and selecting the Bins option.

If an item is traceable, then the bins and serials are inextricably linked to the lot and you will have to query the bins and serials from the lot query.

WIP Query You can query the bins for the highlighted material transaction by using your right-mouse button on the stock item line in the Material Transactions listview and selecting the Bins option.

When viewing material allocations against a job you can query the bins for the highlighted material allocation by selecting the Bins option from the Functions menu.

Symptoms & remedies
Symptom Description and remedy
Bins are out of balance To correct an imbalance between the quantity on hand in your bins and the warehouse, you need to run the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program.
  • If the imbalance relates to traceable items, then the imbalance between the quantity on hand in your bins and your lots can be corrected. Once those are balanced, any imbalance to the warehouse can be corrected.

  • If the stock code is traceable or ECC-controlled, then the lot quantities are assumed correct and the bins and/or warehouse quantities are balanced to the lots.

  • If the stock is neither traceable nor ECC-controlled, then the warehouse quantities are assumed correct and the bins are balanced to the warehouse.

Balance routine (traceable or ECC-controlled items)
  1. If no bin locations exist for the stock code then a default bin is created with the entire quantity on hand for the stock code/warehouse.

    If a bin location has been defined against the stock code's warehouse (Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then it is used to generate the default bin.

    Otherwise, the warehouse code becomes the bin location.

  2. If bins are defined for the stock code then the on hand quantity against each bin is accumulated.

  3. The on hand quantity against each of the lots defined for the stock code is accumulated.

  4. If the accumulated total for the lots does not match the on hand quantity against the warehouse and the accumulated total for the bins does not match the on hand quantity against the warehouse then the bins are balanced to the lots (either replacing the bin quantity on hand with the lot quantity on hand, or creating the bin if it does not exist).

  5. Once the bins and lots balance, the lot total is compared to the on hand quantity in the warehouse. If they are not equal then an adjustment is processed against the warehouse so that it equals the lot total.

    An adjustment movement is created against the stock code and a journal is generated.

Balance routine (non-traceable or non-ECC-controlled items)
  1. If no bins locations exist for the stock code then a default bin is created with the entire quantity on hand for the stock code/warehouse.

    If a bin location has been defined against the stock code's warehouse (Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then it is used to generate the default bin.

    Otherwise, the warehouse code becomes the bin location.

  2. If the warehouse is enabled for multiple bins and bins are defined for the stock code then the on hand quantity against each bin is accumulated.

  3. If the on hand quantity against the warehouse does not equal the accumulated total for the bins then the bins are adjusted to match the warehouse.

    If the warehouse is enabled for multiple bins, then an adjust bin is created for the adjustment quantity. Otherwise, the adjustment is processed against the default bin.