> Form functions

Form functions

You display the submenu of form functions by right-clicking any field on a form. The options available depend on the type of form, previously selected options and the field highlighted when you access the form functions.

Any layout changes made when not using roles or the system-wide layout design, are computer-specific (i.e. the same operator can logon to different computers and see a different layout for the same form).

Form functions

Field Description
Mini toolbar Displayed above or below the form submenu, this enables you to:
  • Increase/Decrease the listview font size
  • Expand/Collapse groups
  • Change the background and foreground colors
  • Call up the Find function (listview only)
  • Filter text (listview only)
  • Filter columns (listview only)

  • Apply a new font or theme (listview only)

  • Modify how data is visualized in a cell by using the XAML markup code feature (listview only)

Field Properties

Uses the Field Properties for all Forms program to change the attributes for the selected field in the form.

Field Properties for All Forms Uses the Field Properties for all Forms program to change the field attributes and apply them to all the forms in which the field is used.
Hide Caption Hides the caption on the form for your operator code. You can redisplay the caption using the Show Captions option.
Move Caption Up Moves the caption up a line on the form.
Move Caption Down Moves the currently highlighted caption down a line on the form.
Add Group Heading Indicate a group heading (which is unique to the form) and add it as the first item on the form. The group heading can be dragged where required within the form and form fields can be dragged in or moved below it.

The Reset Form option places the group heading and its associated fields at the top of the form. This custom group heading is stored in the saved form XML file and behaves like any other group heading.

You can add the first field to the group using one of the following methods:

  • Position the required field directly beneath the Group heading, highlight it, and use the shortcut keys Alt + Up Arrow

  • Position the required field directly beneath the Group heading, right-click on it, and use the Move Caption Up option from the menu displayed.

Once the Group Heading exists and contains at least one field, you can drag fields into the group, or out of the group.

Reset Form Restores all captions and/or removes any properties assigned to fields, removes all form actions and removes any standard fields added to the form.

Custom form fields or multimedia objects added to the form are not removed.

Show Captions Redisplays previously hidden captions (except for captions that have been removed).
Show All Captions Redisplays all captions on the form (except for captions that have been removed).
Find Caption Locates a caption on the form. When you select this option, the Find Caption box is displayed enabling you to enter the caption name (or part thereof).
Form Tabbing Sequence Indicates the order in which you want to tab between the forms in the window.

Select the forms you want to include, and sequence them as required. The tabbing sequence is applied when you tab off the last field in each form, or if you press Ctrl+N.

Zoom Resizes the display of form fields in the current window.
Macro for: Indicates the macro for the form. You can use the VBScript Editor program to add events for the current field or for the entire form.

This option is disabled if your operator code belongs to a role and you are not in role design layout mode.

Field Selector Enables you to add fields by dragging them onto the current form.

A maximum of 150 fields can be added to a form.

This option is not available when your User Interface is designed by operator role. This is by design. The rationale is that when the user interface is controlled at role level, operators should not be allowed access to any additional fields not in the role.

You can select:

  • Custom fields (i.e. fields from a custom form associated with the primary table for this form).

    These are only displayed if custom forms are allowed for the SYSPRO table associated with the selected form.

    You can also add and configure new custom fields.

  • Related fields (i.e. fields from the primary table for this form)

  • Scripted fields (i.e. fields you created to contain and display values).

All numeric fields added adhere to the numeric styles defined for your company.

When you add a field to a form using the Field Selector, it is immediately displayed for all operators and not just to the role against which it was added. After being placed on a form, you can hide the field or move it to a different form, and this is then applied at role level. Note also that when you remove a custom form field from a form, it is removed for everyone in the organisation, and not just to the specific role from which it was removed.

Insert Form Action Select this to add an action to a form.

A form action is an user-definable hyperlink located at the bottom of a form in the Action Panel. The hyperlink can be configured to call a SYSPRO program and pass it parameters, or to fire a VBScript event.

You can have multiple form actions defined per form and they can be any combination of these types. This option also displays the currently available form actions which can be shown or hidden on a form.

Removing a form action does not remove the VBScript function associated with the function; that must be done using the VBScript Editor.

Insert Form Action Select this to add an action to a form.

A form action is an user-definable hyperlink located at the bottom of a form in the Action Panel. The hyperlink can be configured to call a SYSPRO program and pass it parameters, or to fire a VBScript event.

You can have multiple form actions defined per form and they can be any combination of these types. This option also displays the currently available form actions which can be shown or hidden on a form.

Removing a form action does not remove the VBScript function associated with the function; that must be done using the VBScript Editor.

Insert Standard Field

Inserts a standard field to the form. Standard fields contain environment information (e.g. the current printer name, company date or the current operator role title).

To remove a standard field from the form, select Hide Caption from the menu (or select the Shift+Del shortcut keys).

Insert Application Help Embeds an Application Help pane into the window with help information for the current program.

This option relies on the implementation of docking panes in a program.

Insert Associated Pane Adds a pre-defined customized pane containing relevant information into the application.

Standard SYSPRO associated panes have been created for key fields such as Customer, Supplier, Stock code, Purchase order, Sales order, etc.

This option is only enabled when you right-click on a field for which associated panes are available and only the associated panes available for the selected field are displayed.

Link to .NET control Link to a .NET application (written in any .NET language, VB.NET, C#, etc).
Insert Multimedia Object Adds a multimedia object for the selected field.

You can add multimedia objects to any field on a form where the caption is defined in the IMPQVW.IMP file (located in the \Programs folder on the application server). This file determines the linked caption and associated multimedia code.

A list of pre-defined multimedia categories that are available is displayed. When you select the required category, a new field is inserted into the form.

If the object is an image then this is displayed in the form. The size of the image can be changed using Field Properties.

Supported picture formats include bitmap files, icon files, GIF files and JPEG files.

For a non-picture type object the tooltip is displayed against the selected field indicating the file details of the object (if the object points to a valid path).

Multimedia objects are inserted into a form in the same way as Custom Form fields (i.e. they appear by default on this form for everyone in the organization. If you subsequently remove a multimedia object from a form then you are removing it for everyone using SYSPRO).

Load Previous Form Values Sets the form as it was when you last ran the program. This option overrides any default form values.
Save Form Values as Default Saves your selections for the form as your default preferences for your operator code for all SYSPRO companies to which you have access.

Note that this option is not available for all forms. Forms for which different data is loaded (from file) each time they are opened, typically do not allow saving form values as default.

Remove Default Form Values Removes all settings you applied to the pane for your operator code (in all SYSPRO companies) when you used the Save Form Values as Default option.

All selections in the pane are restored to the form's default preference selections.

This option is only enabled once you select the Save Form Values as Default option.

Save Form Values for This Company Saves your selections for the form as the default preferences for the current SYSPRO company only.
Remove Company Form Values Removes all settings you applied to the form in this SYSPRO company when you used the Save Form Values for this Company option.

All selections in the pane are restored to the form's default preference selections.

This option is only enabled once you select the Save Form Values for this Company option.

Always Show Buttons Displays any buttons (e.g. the browse button) where available for each caption in the form.

If you deselect this option, then the buttons are only displayed when you click in the caption line.

Show Captions in Bold Displays the captions on the form in bold lettering.
Captions Background Color Defines a background color to the captions on the form.
Show Grid lines Displays horizontal and vertical lines separating the captions and their values on the form.
Show Icons for Custom Fields Displays icons for custom fields.
Highlight Editable Fields Highlights fields on the form that you can edit (change).
Highlight Fields Linked to User Control  
Sunken Appearance Displays fields on the current form as sunken, instead of raised.
Alignment for Numerics Indicates the positioning of numeric values on the form. You can select to display them to the right, the left or in the centre of the value column.
Alignment for Captions Indicates the positioning of captions on the form. You can select to display them to the right, the left or in the centre of the caption column.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Customize Hyperlinks Hyperlinks are only available in Display forms (i.e. information panes). They are not available in Entry or editable forms.
Customize Exceptions These are not available in Entry or editable forms.
Customize by Group Customizes the form for a specific operator group.

Only operators who are not associated with a role and are not allowed to customize their own forms will see the customization applied to the Group.

Stop Customizing by Group Ends form customization for the operator group.
Customize by Company Customizes the form for the entire SYSPRO company.

Only operators who are not associated with a role and are not allowed to customize their own forms will see the customization applied to the Company.

Stop Customizing by Company Ends form customization for the company.
Save Customization Saves your customizations.

You will only see the changes when you re-select the Customize by Company option.

Print Outputs the contents of the form to a printer.
Export to Excel Exports the form to an Excel spreadsheet.

Ctrl+F8 exports VALUES (not necessarily captions) because SYSPRO does not save "NUMERIC" or "ALPHANUMERIC" to the database. It simply saves the value to the database. For example: If GRN numbering is set to Alphanumeric and the Numbering method to Manual, then when exported to Excel using Ctrl+F8, it reflects as Numbering method N.


You can use the System-wide Personalization program to specify an alternative application to use.

Export to HTML

Exports the form to an HTM file and displays it in your browser.

Email Customer/Supplier Emails a customer or supplier when you right-click on either a Customer or Supplier caption.

This option is only available if the Fax/mail integration required setup option is enabled for your operator code.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • Not all functions are available in every form.