SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration > System-wide Personalization

System-wide Personalization

This lets you define the system-wide settings of your SYSPRO workspace for all your companies. The program is typically used by system administrators to override the personalization preferences set by each individual operator.

System-wide Personalization

Field Description
Overall theme This lets you select a specific visual theme for each type of control (e.g. docking pane, listview column, calendar and toolbar) and apply it throughout SYSPRO.

Ensure that the font used by the theme you select is supported in the language you are using in SYSPRO. Some languages may not be fully supported in the font used by the selected theme.

For example, the font for the Office 2007 Ribbon theme does not display all Thai characters correctly in SYSPRO docking panes.

Not set by administratorSelect this if you do not want to override the individual operators' setting for this option.
User-defined skin Indicate your own skin to apply to SYSPRO. User-defined skins must be saved in the \Base\SkinFramework folder on the server. In a client/server environment, the skins saved in this folder are automatically copied to the client machine the next time the operator logs into SYSPRO.
Ini filename Indicate the initialization (.INI) file to use for the selected user defined skin.
Apply Ribbon Bar
Option Description
Not set by administrator Select this if you do not want to override the individual operators' setting for this option.
Always use ribbon Select this to always display the SYSPRO Ribbon bar.
Always use toolbar Select this to always display the standard SYSPRO menu bar and toolbar.
Ribbon style

Indicate the style you want to apply to the ribbon bar.

Option Description
Not set by administrator Select this if you do not want to override the individual operators' setting for this option.
Use Predictive Search

The Predictive Search facility in SYSPRO automatically shows suggestions of search results as you type text into any key field in the product (e.g. stock code, customer, supplier, etc). The search uses a web service (configured within the System Setup program) to interrogate the database and return values based on a pre-defined configuration.

  • This feature is only available for SQL-based companies.

  • The SYSPRO Communications Service must be installed and you must configure service address details against the E.Net Service Details tab of the System Setup program.

    If these details are not correctly configured, then you will receive a system notification message upon loading SYSPRO, that the WCF REST service failed to connect. Also, when typing text into a key field you will receive a message that the system can't connect to the service to retrieve data for the Predictive Search.

Auto insert Web View templates This adds a Web View template to the application (if one exists in the \Samples folder). F11 toggles the display of Web Views.

If you are using roles, then you must still configure Web Views for each operator role (i.e. enabling this option does not mean that the templates are displayed when you open SYSPRO in a role).

Enable minimalist user interface

This applies a minimalist theme (Office 2013) to the SYSPRO interface to give it an uncluttered feel. This hides icons (i.e. Menu, Autohide, Maximize and Close) and titles for docking panes (F12 toggles these titles). In addition, a field's caption is not displayed in Bold type when the field is highlighted.

Enable Task Dialog customization

This enables the Customize Task Dialogs option on the SYSPRO Ribbon bar (Administration->Customization).

Enable Toast Notifications This lets you show dialogs with single buttons as auto-expiring messages.
Toast Notifications delay This lets you set how long you want the toast notification to be displayed on the screen before disappearing (the default is 4 seconds and can be set to a maximum of 2 minutes).
Close Toast Notification when typing This lets you override the toast notification delay (if defined) and close the toast notification as soon as you start typing into a form field or a toolbar entry field.
Use single setup program This lets you manage your module setup options using a single program. It includes validation, company comparisons and a search facility.
Web Browser emulates highest IE version

By default the web browser control is currently an embedded version of Internet Explorer 7, as this is how Microsoft originally published the control. However, by applying a setting to the registry, the SYSPRO web browser can be made to emulate any version of IE.

Enable this option to allow SYSPRO to create new registry entries that indicate to the web browser control to default to IE11 compatibility mode. These entries reside in:

Internet Explorer
SYSPRO.exe = (11000) version 
SYSPROClient.exe = (11000) version

Disabling this option removes the SYSPRO.exe and SYSPROClient.exe entries from the registry and sets the SYSPRO web browser to use IE7 emulation. Note that this may result in some web pages not displaying or working correctly.

Save primary window settings upon exit

Select this to save the primary window position of a program upon exit. When next the program is loaded, the primary window is restored to its saved position.

By default, primary windows for each program are centered within the MDI frame of the main menu.

Validate GL sections as you type

This only applies if you enabled the Structured General Ledger facility (GL Structure Definition).

Option Description
Not set by administrator

Select this if you do not want to override the individual operators' setting for this option (see Personalize).

Validate sections Select this to validate a ledger code section by section as you enter it.

When you select this option, you cannot type ahead of the validation process as the system must first complete validating the section you entered before you can enter the next section of the ledger code.

Do not validate sections Select this to be able to enter the full ledger code and only validate the code when you use the Tab or Enter key to move off the ledger code field.
Display GL sections as drop-down list
Option Description
Not set by administrator Select this if you do not want to override the individual operators' setting for this option (see Personalize).
Display sections

Select this to display a list of valid ledger codes that can be entered wherever a ledger code must be entered in a program.

The list of available ledger codes is displayed by default, but can be switched off by selecting CTRL+L at any ledger code field.

Do not display sections Select this to hide the list of valid ledger codes by default. The list is displayed only when you select CTRL+L at any ledger code field.
Launch help from status bar

This applies to the launching of the online help when clicking on SYSPRO version in the status bar at the base of the Main SYSPRO menu (Status Bar).

Option Description
Not set by administrator Select this if you do not want to override the individual operators' setting for this option (see Personalize).
Launch help Select this to always open the online help system when you click on the SYSPRO version in the status bar.
Do not launch help Select this to prevent the online help loading when you click on the SYSPRO version in the status bar.
Show system-wide view when logging in

This applies when a system-wide view was designed to be contained in the main menu.

Select this to force the system-wide view in the main menu to be visible when the operator logs in.

Show role view when logging in This applies when a role view was designed to be contained in the main menu and the operator is associated with a role.

Select this to force the role view in the main menu to be visible when the operator logs in.

Override font Select this to set the font to use for all forms and listviews in SYSPRO.

Indicate the font to use for all forms and listviews in SYSPRO.

Show captions in bold Select this to display all form captions in bold.
Show icons for custom fields

Select this to display icons alongside the various types of custom form fields, including dates, in forms.

Option Description
Not set by administrator Select this if you do not want to override the individual operators' setting for this option (see Personalize).
Show icons Select this to always display icons alongside custom fields in forms
Do not show icons Select this to never display icons alongside custom fields in forms.
Default numeric alignment This lets you indicate how you want to align numeric values system-wide (i.e. to the left, right or centre of the available column or field).
Always apply numeric alignment

This ensures that the Default numeric alignment option is always applied to all forms, regardless of any previously-saved alignment options.

This option only applies to forms that have not yet been loaded. Once the form is loaded the alignment options assigned to that form are automatically saved and reapplied each time the form is loaded.

Show description of keys in caption

This option applies to the descriptions for key fields (e.g. Branch, GL code, Currency, etc) entered on a form.

Option Description
Not set by administrator

Select this if you do not want to override the individual operators' setting for this option (SYSPRO Ribbon bar->Home tab->Personalize->Forms).

Show description Select this to display the description for key fields for all operators. The matching description for the code appears in brackets within the caption portion of the field.

When you select this option, the option configured within the Personalize function (SYSPRO Ribbon bar->Home tab->Personalize->Forms) is automatically set to selected when you reload SYSPRO.

Although operators can still change the option, this is ignored and the captions are displayed.

Do not show description Select this to hide the description for key fields for all operators.

When you select this option, the option configured within the Personalize function (SYSPRO Ribbon bar->Home tab->Personalize->Forms) is automatically deselected when you reload SYSPRO.

Although operators can still change the option, this is ignored and the captions are not displayed.
Highlight editable form fields
Option Description
Not set by administrator Select this if you do not want to override the individual operators' setting for this option.
Highlight fields Select this to highlight all editable form fields.
Do not highlight fields Select this never to highlight editable form fields.
Highlight colour Indicate the colour to use to highlight editable form fields.
Map URL to use for directions Indicate the map product you want to use for directions (e.g. Google Maps or Bing Maps). You can use any map product that accepts latitude and longitude as parameters.
Map URL If you are not using Google Maps or Bing Maps, then enter the URL of the map product you want to use for directions.
Google API key Enter the key (obtained from Google) that will allow you to resolve addresses to GPS co-ordinates within SYSPRO.

Google's policy on this function has changed and the feature is now a billable service. You will need to register with Google to receive the key.

For information on registering and pricing:

Use short names when resolving addresses

Enable this to use the short names when applying a selected address from Google Maps (e.g. NY instead of New York and UK instead of United Kingdom).

Additionally, you can toggle between using Short and Long names directly from the address list when you click on Resolve GeoLocation from address option against a Geolocation form field.

The drop down list indicates whether the long or short name is in use. The operator can use the hyperlink to switch between using short or long name, but this applies to that run of SYSPRO only. The system-wide setting is re-applied the next time the operator logs in.

Use Excel for exporting Select this to use MS Excel to export data from SYSPRO listviews and forms.

This option is selected by default.

Deselect this option to be able to export listviews to an application other than MS Excel. The Export application field becomes enabled for you to specify the application to use.

Export application Enter the program (including the full pathname) to use to export listviews, when not using MS Excel.

You can use any application that accepts a file containing an HTML table as its first parameter.

Export application name Enter a description for the export application.
Override quick view font Select this to change the default font and font attributes (e.g. bold, italic) of the Quick View displays in SYSPRO.
Quick view font Indicate the default font required for the Quick View displays in SYSPRO.
Date format

Indicate the format required for all dates displayed in listviews.

Option Description
Not set by administrator Select this if you do not want to override the individual operators' setting for this option.
{short} For example: 18/03/2013
{long} For example: Monday 18 March 2013
dd MMMM yyyy For example: 18 March 2013
ddd yyyy/MM/dd For example: Mon 2013/03/18
Indicate optimized listviews Select this to display an icon in the listview heading of any optimized listview.

An optimized listview only initially loads the information for the columns you select to display, thereby speeding up the display.

Icon Enter the icon number you want to display for any optimized listview.

You can use the Edit Icon option to display the icons available. When you select an icon, its corresponding number is inserted into the Icon field.

Show icons for custom columns Select this to display icons alongside custom columns in listviews.
Show built-in toolbar Select this to display the built-in toolbar for listviews where applicable.

When enabled, operators will be unable to deselect the Show Listview Toolbar option by clicking on a listview column to customize the listview.

Note that changing this option does not affect an operator's preference and setting of the Show Listview Toolbar option from the Settings icon on the Ribbon Bar (see Home).

Company watermarks
Option Description
Edit Select this to define, for each SYSPRO company, a suitable bitmap image to display as a watermark in the list views.
Company ID Indicate the code of the SYSPRO company for which you want to apply the watermark.
Watermark image Indicate the bitmap image to use as the watermark.

The image must exist in the \Base\Samples folder on the application server.

Watermark transparency Indicate the watermark transparency required. The value must be between 0-255, where 0 is totally transparent and 255 is totally visible.
Watermark alignment Indicate the required alignment of the watermark image.
Maximum decimals to show for price/cost Indicate the number of decimals to display in list views for prices and costs. This applies to listview columns that include the words: price, cost, prc or cst in the column heading.

The purpose of this option is to only reduce trailing decimal zeroes to a minimum. Therefore, if the number of decimals of the actual cell value is greater than the minimum number defined here, then the number of actual decimals in the value is displayed.

For example:

If the Maximum decimals to show for price/cost is set to 2, then

5.12 is displayed as 5.12

5.12000 is displayed as 5.12

5.1234 is displayed as 5.1234

5.10 is displayed as 5.10

Default number of rows to return Indicate the default number of rows to display when first loading a limitless listview. This defaults to 100 rows.

The default number of rows is only applied for the initial loading of a listview because thereafter the number of rows can be controlled by listview by operator.

To enforce this default number of rows on initial load for all operators, enable the Always apply default number of rows option.

Always apply default number of rows Enable this to always load the number of rows specified at the Default number of rows to return option in listviews, irrespective of any operator preferences set for displaying the number of listview rows.

Although the operator can change the required number of rows to display during the run of a program, the Default number of rows to return is re-applied when the program is closed.

Threshold limit for returned rows Indicate the maximum number of listview rows to display before the threshold option below applies.

This option can be used to overcome issues when there is a large number of rows to display in a listview (this does not apply to editable datagrids).

Threshold option Indicate what you want the system to do when the threshold limit for returned rows is reached. Options include:
  • Give warning message (the warning is only displayed once)

  • Prompt operator to continue (the question is only displayed once)

  • Do not add more rows

Autosave entries for key fields Enable this to save a history of previously queried entries for key fields. The history is displayed in a drop down when scrolling on the entry field for the key.

When this option is disabled and then re-enabled, the previously saved drop down list is restored.

Calendar The SYSPRO Calendar enables you to manage appointments and schedules.
Calendar data provider
Option Description
Not set by administrator Select this if you do not want to override the individual operators' setting for this option.
Use Outlook Select this to synchronize Outlook's appointments, schedules, events, etc., with your SYSPRO calendar.

Details captured in SYSPRO's calendar are also automatically synchronized to Outlook.


Some details (e.g. body text, attendees, attachments, regarding, result, etc.) are not synchronized to Outlook.

Use local file Select this to capture events, schedules, appointments, etc., without synchronizing to Outlook.

The captured details are stored in the xxxxxx_calendarevents.xml file of the Base\Settings folder (where xxxxxx refers to the operator name).

No calendar Select this if you do not want to use the calendar control.

This does not affect the running of SYSPRO, as the Calendar control is not currently linked to any SYSPRO functionality.

Show non-working days Select this to highlight non-working days within SYSPRO's Date Navigator utility.

You use the Company Calendar program to define the specific working and non-working days on your company calendar.

Number of days in first week of year

Indicate the number of days from the previous year that occur in the first week of the current year.

This only applies if you enabled the option: Show week numbers in date navigator.

This enables you to control the week numbering against SYSPRO's Date Navigator.

If the first week of the current year contains four or more days from the previous year, then the first week of the year is numbered as week 53. If it contains three or less days from the previous year, then it is numbered as week 1.

Check for messages on startup Enable this to automatically check for messages that have not yet been actioned, upon loading the system. Messages are posted to the Inbox from various sources within the system.

You can also check for new messages by launching the Message Inbox window (right-click within the window and select Refresh Inbox).

VBScript Security  
VBScripts are saved on server only

Enable this to prevent the unauthorized access to VBScripts by ensuring that they are only stored on the server.

When this option is initially enabled, all VBScripts are copied to the server and removed from the \base\settings\vbscripts folder on the client.

When an operator logs in, the VBScripts are copied to the client, cached into memory and then immediately removed from the client. When the operator logs out, the cache is cleared.

Disabling this option after it has been enabled, will copy the scripts back to the \base\settings\vbscripts folder on the client.


Regardless of your selection here, VBS Module files (residing in the \vbsmodules folder) are not deleted from the client workstation.

This option works as follows:

When a client machine logs in, SYSPRO copies all the system wide VBScripts to the client machine. They are read into memory and then deleted off the client machine. When SYSPRO needs a script, it uses it from memory. The files always remain on the server.

This is not true for VBScript module files (vbs files) and is not really effective in a terminal server environment because operators can possibly delete each others files with the shared settings directory.

A better option, if security is an issue, may be to use the VBScripts are encrypted on client option. The files are also read into memory, but immediately encrypted on the client machine, so no files are deleted.

VBScripts are encrypted on client Enable this to ensure that all VBScripts are encrypted on all client machines.

When you initially enable this option, save and exit, all VBScripts (system-wide or by role) are copied to all client machines when operators log in and immediately encrypted. This ensures that all scripts are encrypted on all client machines.

The date time-stamp on the ...\work\vbscripts folder is updated to force self-healing to activate.

Thereafter, self-healing of scripts (and encryption) occurs when any scripts are changed on the server.

VBScripts in the ...\work\vbscripts and settings\Role_xxx folders remain as they are (not encrypted), but when these scripts are copied to the client machine, the scripts are encrypted and renamed with a .snk suffix (.snk stands for Strong Name Key).

Key fields  
Prevent special characters being entered Enable this to prevent operators from entering invalid or special characters, including spaces, into a key field (i.e. a field defined in the Set Key Information program).

This doesn't apply to old-style dialog windows (e.g. the stock code entry field in the Configurator Wizard ignores this option).

Special characters Enter the list of special characters you want to restrict operators from entering in key fields.

If no Special characters are entered, then this is taken to mean that the {space} character must be prevented from being entered.

Prevent leading spaces Enable this to strip all leading spaces from key fields in toolbars, entry fields, form fields and data grid cells after entry (e.g. tabbing off the field).

Note that this does not apply to description fields.

SRS Document Printing  
Optimize by pre-loading Crystal runtime

This enables you to improve the performance of documents produced using SRS document printing (by pre-loading the Crystal runtime when SYSPRO loads - see Pre-loading the Crystal Runtime)

Option Description
Set at operator level (Personalize options) Select this to allow individual operators to decide whether to pre-load the Crystal runtime when SYSPRO loads.

Operators can enable this from the Printing tab of the Personalize program.

Optimize for all operators Select this to pre-load the Crystal runtime for all operators when SYSPRO loads. This does consume more system resources.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Do not optimize Select this if you do not want to pre-load the Crystal runtime when SYSPRO loads.
KeepAlive options  
KeepAlive timeout (minutes) Indicate the time interval (not less than 1 minute) within which you require SYSPRO to send a blank message to the server to keep the connection alive.

SYSPRO stops responding if it is idle for longer than the timeout time.

This only applies in a client/server environment where timeouts have been configured.

  • If you are also defining operator timeouts, then you must ensure that the operator Timeout period is less than the KeepAlive timeout (minutes). See Timeout.

  • You typically only use this setting if you are running SYSPRO in a hosted environment.

Communication service  
Client/server open timeout (seconds)

The SYSPRO Communication Service defaults to a 30 second timeout if the connection to the server fails, after which the system allows the operator to Retry or Cancel (to exit gracefully).

This option lets you configure the length of time (in seconds) before the Retry message appears when the Internet connection is lost.


This cannot be set to less than 30 seconds.

If this is set to more than 30 seconds, then when logging into SYSPRO in client/server mode, the SYSPROSCSTimeouts.txt file is created in the Base folder on the client. This file contains the configured open timeout.

If the default timeout is subsequently changed back to 30 seconds, then the SYSPROSCSTimeouts.txt file is deleted from the client when logging in.

System-wide Address Formatting

Field Description
Address field This indicates the list of address line fields available. The default structure is indicated in the table below:
Address fieldDefault wording
Address Line 1Building
Address Line 2Street
Address Line 3City
Address Line 4Locality
Address Line 5State
Address Line 6Country
Address Line 7Zip
GeolocationThis indicates the geographic location of the address in terms of longitude and latitude and includes a hyperlink to the map directions.

An additional hyperlink is available (Resolve GeoLocation from address) to resolve addresses using the long or short name. The Use short names when resolving addresses option (System-wide Personalization) determines which name to use by default. SYSPRO reads the name returned from the map provider in XML. If the short name returned in the XML is the same as the long name, then no short names are available from the map provider.

Default wording This indicates the default wording currently associated with each address line field.
Use default wording Enable this to use the system default wording displayed.
6.1 compatibility Enable this to use the previous unstructured address system that was applicable in SYSPRO 6.1.
User-defined Enable this to override the default wording with your own descriptions.
User-defined wording Enter your own wording for the address line.

This wording is used as the form caption or listview column heading for the Address field throughout SYSPRO. This listview column of the listview cannot be sorted.

Hide on form Enable this to prevent the address line from being displayed on forms.

Notes and warnings

  • Changes made in this program are reflected only once you reload SYSPRO.

    System-wide settings are saved in the FormValues_IMPFRBLV.xml file in the \Settings\Automation\SYSTEM\ folder on the application server. In a client/server environment, the file is copied to the client machine automatically when SYSPRO is launched.

  • The options defined here override the equivalent options defined within the Personalize program.

SRS Document Printing considerations

  • The system does not pre-load the SRS runtime if you are running a second instance of SYSPRO, or are running SYSPRO in automation mode (i.e. using the /PROG=TASK command line option).

  • SRS Runtime checks (e.g. SRSRuntimeFix.exe in the \Base folder) are only applied to SRS document printing when the Optimize by pre-loading Crystal runtime option is enabled on the Reporting tab of the Personalize program.

    SRSRuntimeFix.exe ensures that the CrConfig.xml file is correct so that Crystal can find the Java installation on the machine. The process checks the registry and then updates the CrConfig.xml.

System Wide Address Formatting

  • Only document formats defined using SRS Document Printing cater for all the address fields available. These fields have not been added to the Standard and Word document formats.

Key fields

  • Care must be taken when a 'space' is included in the Special characters field as this can cause the cursor to lose focus in programs.

    For example: Assume you have multiple stock codes beginning with Garden Gate (e.g. Garden Gate lock, Garden Gate paint, Garden Gate steel tube, etc). When you enter Garden in the Stock code field of a program and press space (intending to enter Gate) the cursor will jump to the front of the word Garden. This means you cannot enter Garden Gate followed by F9 to launch the search.

Customizing presentation length of a key field

This makes it easier to read key field entries by restricting the number of leading zeroes displayed.

  1. Open the Set Key information program (SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > General Setup > Set Key Information).

  2. Locate the key field you want to change.

  3. At the Presentation length field, enter the number of characters you want to assign to the field for display purposes.

  4. Save your changes

Hiding address fields on a form

This prevents an address line type from appearing on forms.

  1. Open the System-wide Personalization program (SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration > System-wide Personalization).

  2. From the System-wide Address Formatting pane, enable the Hide on form option against the address line field you want to hide.

  3. Save your changes.

Preventing special characters in a key field

This prevents operators from entering invalid characters in a key field.

  1. Open the System-wide Personalization program (SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration > System-wide Personalization).

  2. At the Key fields section, enable the Prevent special characters being entered option.

  3. At the Special characters field, enter the characters (without spaces) that you want to treat as invalid entries.


    If you enter a space here, it is treated as a special character (i.e. you will prevent you from entering any spaces in a key field).

  4. Save your changes.

Changing the default wording of an address field

This customizes the description assigned to each address line type that appears on a form.

  1. Open the System-wide Personalization program (SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration > System-wide Personalization).

  2. From the System-wide Address Formatting pane, enable the User-defined option against the field you want to maintain.

  3. At the User-defined wording field, enter the wording you want to use for the field.

  4. Save your changes.