SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Home


You use the Home function on the ribbon bar to access shortcuts to a number of key functions within SYSPRO.


Field Icon Description
Program List

Select this to navigate and run SYSPRO programs from a tree view menu.

Select this to manage your appointments, events and schedules from within SYSPRO.

You can configure and customize calendar settings. This can be at operator level (Home->Personalize) or system-wide (Administration->System-wide Personalization).

You can indicate that the data provider is a local file (stored in settings\operator_calendarevents.XML) or integrated to Outlook.

If you are using the Contact Management System, then you can synchronize appointment and meeting type activities (Post Activity) to the calendar.


Select this to receive notification messages when tasks need to be actioned.

Functions in SYSPRO that write to an operator's Inbox include:

  • Trigger Programs

    You can optionally assign a program to be launched when the message is opened (e.g. assign a trigger that writes a message to the Stock Controller's Inbox whenever details for a stock code are changed, and launches the Query program automatically once the Stock Controller opens the message).

  • ECC routings
  • Orders processed using the B2B Trading import facility.

You can use this facility within your own applications by calling the program COMMSQ with the appropriate parameters defined (see linkage file COMMSQ.LNK).

Because this program can be invoked as a COM object, you should be able to use any COM-aware application to post messages to SYSPRO.


Select this to enter free format text that will be saved in the operator.RTF file, where operator indicates the operator name.

Select this to view HTML pages from within SYSPRO without having to load an external browser program. You can enter a URL in the address bar providing you have access to the activity: SYSPRO Browser - Manual URL address entry (Operators).

Select this to create a checklist of tasks you want to schedule for a particular period which you can optionally complete in a set sequence.

You can automate the launching of programs (tasks) within a task group. If the program is not listed in the Automation Design listview (and you did not define the Automation form values) then the operator will be prompted to make the necessary screen selections.

Tasks can be defined as system-wide or company-specific.


Select this to view reminders for tasks that are due.

Select this to construct your own listing of frequently used progams for quick access to applications within SYSPRO.

You can launch the Add New Shortcut Wizard to lead you through the process of adding SYSPRO programs to the Favorites pane, or you can drag-and-drop programs from the Program List pane.

You can construct an unlimited number of categories to which you can assign links to programs. These program links are represented as dynamic tiles against which you can apply a variety of visual themes and styles.

You can drag items such as applications, documents or pictures from Windows Explorer directly into the category of your choice.

You can also drag-and-drop tiles from one category to another and re-position categories. Each tile can launch an application and the contents of the tile can be dynamically changed using VBScript.

Flow Graph

Select this to easily construct a flow graph that describes, for example, a business process in your organization. Sample templates are provided that you can use as a starting point to construct new flow graphs.

Flow graphs consist of shapes and tables (containing table items) that can be connected together. Shapes can be defined so that when you click on them they can run any type of application, transition to a new page or open a different flow graph.

You can describe the properties of a Flow Graph in the Properties pane. In addition, you can restrict which operators are allowed to edit the flow graph.
Executive View

Select this to add your own customized panes containing a number of graphical components. These include:
  • Graph
  • Listview
  • Web browser
  • SRS/Crystal report
  • PDF Viewer
  • Rich text notepad
  • .NET User Control
  • Form
  • Search Window
  • Executive Dashboard

To import customized panes you will need to have access to the activity: Main menu -Allow to import customized panes (Operators).

See: Docking panes

System-wide View  

Add or import customized panes and display them on the main menu for everyone.

  • Show System-wide View

    Display the System-wide View pane in the main menu.

  • Design System-wide View

    Begin designing the customized pane.

    The Design UI Layouts program must be open before you can do this.

Role View  

Add or import customized panes and display them on the main menu for the specified role.

  • Show Role View

    Display the Role View pane in the main menu.

  • Design Role View

    Begin designing the customized pane.

    The Design UI Layouts program must be open before you can do this.

Navigation Pane

Select this to create menus added as task panels or tree views that can either manage applications and documents or act as menu navigation aids.

If you use a task panel to construct a menu, then menu items (i.e. tiles) can be used to launch an application, navigate to a group of menu items, or open a Flow Graph.

You control the behaviour of a tile (i.e. navigate to a menu or open a Flow Graph) using action settings. Right-click on a tile in a menu and select Actions from the Properties shortcut menu. You can export and import menus.


Field Icon Description

Select this to access key query programs within the Financial suite of programs.

Select this to access key query programs within the Distribution suite of programs.

Select this to access key query programs within the Manufacturing suite of programs.
Report Queue

If you are using SRS server-side printing, then this enables you to view completed reports or reports that are in the reporting queue.


Field Icon Description

Select this to customize the various elements of the SYSPRO desktop to assist you in locating information and navigating the product.
Switch Role

Select this to choose a different role that has been pre-assigned to the operator. Roles control the look of docking panes, display and entry forms and listviews. When initially assigning roles to an operator, you need to login afresh to be able to select his option.

Customize and control this application

Icon Description

This icon appears on the primary toolbar of all applications and allows you to customize and control the application.
PanesThis lets you choose from a list of panes in the current docking layout.

The panes displayed in grey are available for selection.


This lets you select a Key Card or Insight Card to be displayed as a floating pane.

Design Web View

This opens the Application Designer to customize web views.

Customization Profiler

This opens the Customization Profiler program to view and analyze customizations that have been applied to the application or main menu.

Reset LayoutThis restores forms to their default position, including those that were previously closed. Customized or associated panes remain in their current location and the content and sequencing of forms or listviews is not affected.
Hide/Show Web ViewThis hides or shows the web view for the program, if one exists (F11 toggles these captions).
Hide/Show Pane TitlesThis hides or shows the docking pane captions (F12 toggles these captions).
Hide/Show Pin ButtonsThis hides or shows the pin button on all docking panes.

This is only available in the SYSPRO Main Menu (not in individual programs) when the minimalist user interface is enabled, and operator is logged in using a role and is not allowed to save docking layouts.

Show List View ToolbarYou can choose to Always show the built-in toolbar for listviews, Never to show them, or selectively to show the listview toolbar by right clicking in the header row of any listview and selecting Customize > Show Listview Toolbar.

Changing the Show built-in toolbar option in the System-wide Personalization program does not affect the operator's preference and setting to Always show the listview toolbar.

Auto Close Floating Panes in Web ViewsThis option is only available from the main menu.

Select this if you want to close floating panes automatically when you click anywhere in a web view, or when you exit from an application.