> Diagnostic Codes

Diagnostic Codes

The General tab of the System Setup program includes a Diagnostics field from which you can select a number of diagnostic codes. You can use these codes to debug problems you may encounter when using SYSPRO. The list of codes available represents a sampling of possible options. Some are reserved for future use and some may have been created by third-party developers (you will need to contact the developer for information relating to those codes).

Once you select a diagnostic code and save your settings, the IMPACT.INI file is updated accordingly. This is reflected at the IMPCOM=xxx entry within the file, where xxx indicates the diagnostics code.


Code Description
Contact Management  
cmsp80 This diagnostic can be used to troubleshoot problems when synchronizing contacts between SYSPRO and Outlook using the Contact Management to Outlook Sync program.

Select this diagnostic, save your changes, exit SYSPRO and rerun the Contact Management to Outlook Sync program. This creates logs in the %temp% folder on the client, with the following structure: CMSSync_OperatorCode_DateTime.txt.

dev02 This enables the Diagnostics option Show Events Window on the SYSPRO ribbon bar.

The events window traces all application events that occur in the normal running of SYSPRO.

The output of the events window is saved in \settings\operator_dev02_debug.txt on the client machine.

This debug file can be sent to SYSPRO for analysis to help troubleshoot problems.

e.net Solutions  
enet01 This creates a enetlog.dat and enetlog.idx file in the \Base\Settings folder on the application server.

Each time a business object is executed, this diagnostic code causes the e.net Encorre.dll application extension to write to these files.

Typical information written to these files includes:

  • Transaction date
  • Transaction time
  • Operator
  • Business object
  • Method name (Post, Logon, Query, Log off, etc)
  • Return status ( a non-zero return status indicates an exception was raised)

  • GUID

  • Error messages

You use the Diagnostics Manager program to view these e.net transactions in a listview. The Diagnostics Manager program also enables you to clear the transaction log.

These log files can grow rapidly in size.

enet03 Reserved for future use.
enet04 Reserved for future use.
enet05 Reserved for future use.
enetxx This outputs a diagnostic log of all XML strings being parsed or generated (both XmlIn and XmlOut). The files are generated in the Base\Settings\Diag_xml folder.
  • Sensitive information (such as licensing information) is not logged.

    For example COMLGN does not log the XML passed.

  • This log file can grow rapidly in size.

enetxi This outputs a diagnostic log of all XML strings parsed (XmlIn only). The files are generated in the Base\Settings\Diag_xml folder.
  • Sensitive information (such as licensing information) is not logged.

    For example COMLGN does not log the XML passed.

  • This log file can grow rapidly in size.

enetxo This outputs a diagnostic log of all XML strings generated (XmlOut only). The files are generated in the Base\Settings\Diag_xml folder.
  • Sensitive information (such as licensing information) is not logged.

    For example COMLGN does not log the XML passed.

  • This log file can grow rapidly in size.

SYSPRO Analytics  
san001 This initiates Analytics client logging.

The server side logging in a live environment is in a sub folder called SYSPROAnalytics in the system temporary folder of the machine on which the SYSPRO Analytics Server components are installed (for example C:\Windows\Temp).

The client side logging is written to a SYSPROAnalytics sub folder in the client side temp folder.

san002 This initiates Analytics server logging that is output to a sub folder (SYSPROAnalytics) in the temporary folder of the machine on which the SYSPRO Analytics Server components are installed.
san003 This is a combination of san001 and san002.
san004 This saves the business object and business layer XML to your temp folder.
san005 This is equivalent of enabling san001 through to SAN004.
SYSPRO Office Integration  
soi001 This causes the SYSPRO Office Integration infrastructure to output a log of the process that follows each time a user makes use of the Office plugins.

The file is generated in the user's temp folder and has the naming convention: SOI_OperatorCode DateTime.txt (e.g. SOI_ADMIN 20xx-xx-xx 08-17-24.txt).

A new file is created each time a new instance of the SOI addin is created.

SQL Servers  
sql01 This causes various programs that have been optimized for SQL to output a trace of the SQL statement being issued. This includes the SQL statements issued by the Report Writer.

Only a trace of the last SQL statement issued is output.

The generated file {oper}.sql is created in the \Base\Settings folder (where {oper} indicates the operator code). For example the ADMIN operator would create a file called: \Base\Settings\ADMIN.SQL.


This causes various programs that have been optimized for SQL to output a trace of the SQL statement being issued. This includes the SQL statements issued by the Report Writer.

This accumulates all SQL statements to the log file.

The generated file {oper}.SQL is created in the \Base\Settings folder (where {oper} is the operator code). For example the ADMIN operator would have a file called: \Base\Settings\ADMIN.SQL.

This log file can grow rapidly in size.

sql03 Reserved for future use.
sql04 Reserved for future use.
sql05 Reserved for future use.
SYSPRO Reporting Services  
srs001 This causes the SYSPRO Reporting Services infrastructure to output a log of the process that follows each time a report is run. It also outputs the xmlin that was passed to the business object.

The file is generated in the user's temp folder and has the naming convention: SRS_OperatorCode DateTime.txt (e.g. SRS_ADMIN 20xx-xx-xx 08-17-24.txt).

A new file is created each time a new instance of SRS is launched.

SYSPRO Document Printing Diagnostics  
srsd01 This initiates server-side logging for all SRS document printing processes, except archiving.

The log file ...\base\settings\{oper}.txt is generated on the application server - where {oper} is the operator code. For example the ADMIN operator would have a file called: ...\base\settings\ADMIN.TXT.

srsd02 This initiates client-side logging for all SRS document printing processes except archiving.

The client side logging is created in the client side temp folder and is called Comp_?_Oper_{oper}_SRSLog.txt where ? is the company code and {oper} is the operator code.

srsd03 This is a combination of SRSD001 and SRSD002 (i.e both server side and client side logging is enabled).
srsd04 This initiates SRS Document client side archive logging only.
srsd05 This saves SRS Document Archiving business object XML to the temp folder.
srsd06 A combination of SRSD04 and SRSD05.

This activates the diagnostic tool for SYSPRO Reporting Services.

This incorporates all logging from printing and archiving and can drastically affect performance. It is equivalent of having all options SRSD01 through to SRSD06 enabled.

The generated file (OperatorName.txt) is output to the \Base\Settings folder of your SYSPRO installation.

The file contains an entry referencing a _T*.DAT temp file in your temporary folder as well as the generated XML. The following files are generated in the temporary folder:

  • *.rpt
  • *.xml
  • *.xsd

Open the *.xml file to see if any errors were generated.

sys01 This creates an ??????.txt file in the \Base\Settings folder on the application server (where ?????? indicates the operator code) containing details of all file transfers between the application server and the client workstation. This is typically used to identify problems with self-healing and error messages relating to screen sets and customization settings.

Files transferred include:

  • Automation settings
  • Customization settings
  • Screen set files
  • User control files
  • Temp files
sys02 This displays a message box before and after each file transfer that occurs between a client and server.

We recommend that you use this option when operators are not using the system as a large volume of message boxes may be invoked.

If this code is enabled and you receive an Error 153 message when you log into SYSPRO, it indicates that the message box program itself may not be available on the client workstation. You will need to edit the IMPACT.INI file and remove the sys02 value for the IMPCOM= entry.

sys03 This displays a message box after each file transfer that occurs between a client and server.

If this code is enabled and you receive an Error 153 message when you log into SYSPRO, it indicates that the message box program itself may not be available on the client workstation. You will need to edit the IMPACT.INI file and remove the sys03 value for the IMPCOM= entry.

sys04 Reserved for future use.
sys05 Reserved for future use.
Word printing If you are requested to send the log files to your support consultant, ensure that you also send the template.dot and template.xml files. These files are saved in the \Base\Template folder on the application server.
WORD01 This stops the program from deleting any of the files created during the print phase:
  • The template file ({operator}-{template}.dot) that was copied to the temporary folder on the client.
  • The temporary file that contains the data extracted to print. This file resides in the temporary folder used by SYSPRO on the application server.
WORD02 This creates a client-side log file (Comp_?_Oper_??????_WordPlog.txt) in the \Temp folder on the client workstation (where ? indicates the company id and ?????? indicates the operator code). This file traces the client-side program execution.

If you are designing a template and this diagnostics code is enabled, then another client-side log file (Comp_?_Oper_??????_WordDlog.txt) is created in the \Temp folder to trace the client-side program execution in design-mode. This can be useful when trying to locate an error during either the print or design phase.

WORD03 This creates a server-side log file (??????.txt) in the \Base\Settings folder on the application server (where ?????? indicates the operator code). This file traces the server-side program execution which can be useful when trying to locate an error during either the design or print phase.
WORD97 This does not perform any logging, but attempts to save the normal.dot file (the default Microsoft Word template file).
WORD98 This performs the function of WORD97 and WORD99 (i.e. outputs the client and server side logs as well as attempts to save the normal.dot file).
WORD99 This combines the functionality of WORD01, WORD02 and WORD03.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • Not all available diagnostic codes are listed in the System Setup program. See the IMPSET.IMP file for the complete list of available pre-defined diagnostic codes.