The IMPACT.INI file is a text file containing system settings relevant to SYSPRO. The file is located in your Work folder and can be maintained using the System Setup program, or edited using any standard text editor application.


Parameter Sample value Description
[System Settings]    
IMPDAT MMDDYY Date format.
IMPNAT USA Nationality code.
IMPLNG EN Language code.
IMPDBC 0 or blank Single byte character set is required.
  1 Double byte character set is required (only applicable to Chinese-based systems).
IMPUSR 001 Number of licensed users.
IMPCMO   Number of CMS only users.
IMPPOS   Number of SYSPRO POS users.
IMPODB   Number of ODBC seats.
IMPUSQ   Number of U/SQL Manager seats.
IMPDSG   Number of Dialog System seats.
IMPCAL   Number of Client Access Licenses (i.e. SQL Server seats).
IMPSVS   Number of Analytics Viewer seats.
IMPRSD   Number of Report Designer seats.
IMPMAX   Number of concurrent companies.
IMPESP   Number of Espresso seats.
IMPSIT   Site id (used by support personnel).
IMPSDT   Short date format.
IMPLDT   Long date format.
IMPRDT   Report date format.
IMPLOG 1,2,1,1,1,1,1 Each of the values represents a radio button selection made at each of the fields in the Login Dialog pane of the System Setup program.

This indicates the status of the custom form data format.

Table+ format indicates that custom form data is stored in the '+' tables format of SYSPRO 7. Custom form '+' tables exist only in SQL.

AdmFormData indicates that custom form data is stored in the format prior to conversion to (or installation of) SYSPRO 7.

You can also use the Convert Standard Form Data option in the Custom Form Design program to convert all tables to '+' table format.

[Standard Directories]    
IMPPRG   Programs folder.
IMPGUI   Screens folder.
IMPTMP   Temporary folder.
IMPMCI   Multimedia folder.
IMPSTP   APS data folder.
[Custom Directories]    
CUSPRG   Custom program folder.
CUSGUI   Custom screens folder
[Data Directories]    
IMPDT1   Data folder 1.
IMPDT2   Data folder 2.
IMPDT3   Data folder 3.
IMPDT4   Data folder 4.
IMPDT5   Data folder 5.
IMPDT6   Data folder 6.
IMPDT7   Data folder 7.
IMPDT8   Data folder 8.
IMPDT9   Data folder 9.
IMPSNP   Snapshot directory (for MRP).
[Database Settings]    
SQLSYS   SQL or ISAM-based company.
SQLLGN   SQL or Windows Authentication.
SQLDSN SysproServer ODBC Data source name.
SQLDBN Sysprodb Database of SYSPRO's configuration tables.
SQLTBN SysproAdmin Table within the configuration database used to cross-reference each company to its relevant database and the collation name of that database.

Notes and warnings

Environment space

  • Variables defined within IMPACT.INI do not consume environment space.

Client/Server considerations

  • In a Client/Server environment, the IMPACT.INI file is located on both the server and client and is used to configure both systems (e.g. The IMPACT.INI file on the client defines the screenset directory, while the IMPACT.INI file on the server defines the data directory).