SYSPRO Espresso > Espresso User License Allocation

Espresso User License Allocation

You use this program to assign Espresso licenses to SYSPRO operators.


Field Description
User Displays all SYSPRO operators.
Logged on Indicates the Espresso user is currently using Espresso.
Last login date Indicates the device used to login to Espresso as well as the date of access. Click on the device to view the operating system applicable to the device that was used to access SYSPRO Espresso.
License type
Full This indicates that each operator wanting to use SYSPRO Espresso requires an Espresso license on a per-seat (named user) basis (e.g. if you require 100 people to use Espresso in your organization, then you require a license for 100 Espresso seats).
Linked This indicates a SYSPRO concurrent user who also has access to SYSPRO Espresso.

Sample scenario: If a site is licensed for 80 concurrent users (80 SYSPRO concurrent user licenses) then enabling the Espresso Linked users option allows up to 80 selected operators to use Espresso. The cost of this licensing method is significantly lower than if each of the 80 operators required a full use (Espresso seats) license. If you required additional operators to use Espresso (e.g. 100) then the additional users (i.e. 20, in this example) will require a full use Espresso license.


If a company uses Espresso Linked users, then the operator must be active on both SYSPRO Espresso and the core (i.e. desktop) version of SYSPRO at least once within 21 days. An operator who does not access SYSPRO at least once within 21 days will receive a warning message to login to SYSPRO. A grace period of 3 days is extended after which the operator will not be able to access SYSPRO Espresso.

External This indicates a customer to whom you have given limited access to queries and transaction posting applications.

When defined as an Espresso external user, you must select 02 - Customer at the Functional Role dropdown field on the tab of the Operators program and assign a single customer code to the operator code.

This can also be defined against the operator in the Operators program.

Customer Assign a customer to the operator, if the operator is defined as an external user.
Clear device data Clear cached and offline data on the Espresso user's device.
Total Users

The totals on the footer of the listview indicate:

  • The total number of SYSPRO operators

  • The total number of linked users allowed, including the number of linked users that have already been allocated

  • The total number of full users allowed, including the number of full users that have already been allocated

  • The total number of external users allowed, including the number of external users already allocated

The number of Espresso users are defined in the license.xml file.