Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing > AR Payment Run

AR Payment Run

You use this program to capture payments for multiple customers in one payment run.

Payment runs can be created by:

  • AR invoice release

  • Collector run

  • Post dated check

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Posting Period

Use the Change Posting Period program to indicate the month into which to post the transactions.

See Password considerations in Notes and warnings.

New Add a new transaction.
Transaction by  
AR invoice release

Post payments against customers' outstanding invoices.

Collector run

Post payments against customer invoices collected by a collector.

These are payments captured in the AR Collector Run Maintenance program.

Post dated checks

Allocate post dated checks to a payment in the payment run.

Use the AR Post Dated Checks program to create and maintain post dated check information for the customer.

Payment run

You are prompted for the payment run number if your payment run numbering method is set to Manual (Set Key Information). The payment run number is allocated automatically when payment run numbering is set to Automatic (Set Key Information).

Save Save any changes made to the payment run.

See Messages in Notes and warnings.


Indicate the filters according to which a new payment run must be created.

The window relevant to the transaction type is displayed:

  • AR Invoice Release - indicate the customers, salespersons, geographic areas and invoice due dates required.

  • Collector Run - indicate the collector run number and foreign payment options required.

  • Post Dated Checks - indicate the customers for whom post dated checks need to be processed. Only checks with a check date that is on or before the payment run date are displayed.


Authorize payments before posting.

Ensure that the Authorization required setup option Accounts Receivable Setup is selected.


Cancel the payment run and release the invoices.

The payment run status is set to Cancelled.


Post the transaction based on the Transaction by option.

This option is only available when the undistributed amount is zero and the Total receipts amount is not zero. Use the Recalc total or Recalc amount options to recalculate the distributed amount.

If you partially pay an invoice with terms and automatically generate the Post Dated Check payment run from the AR Post Dated Check Status program, then the payment run will generate, but you will have to distribute the full amount in this program (AR Payment Run) before posting.

Payment Options

Field Description
Transaction options  
Post to Cash Book in detail

Create payment transactions in the cash book.

See Cash Book transactions.

This option is enabled under the following conditions:

  • The Cash Book module is installed
  • Integration to Cash Book is defined as Posted by cash journal (General Ledger Integration)
  • The operator is allowed to override the integration level (i.e. from Posted by cash journal to Posted in detail) at the time of capturing payments.
Reset credit status Reset the customer's credit status once you post the current payment.
Create discount notes

Create a discount credit or debit note for the settlement discount processed as part of the payment transaction.


When you process a negative payment, a discount debit note is created.

This applies when the Accounts Receivable Setup option: Print credit or debit notes is set to As required.

You cannot access this option if the operator activity: AR Option to write settlement discount notes is denied against your operator code.

Collector run details The collector run details are displayed in these fields when processing a Transaction by - Collector run.
Payment run details Enter the relevant details when processing a Transaction by - AR Invoice release or Post dated checks.

Indicate the bank into which the payment was received or will be deposited.

You can only enter a foreign currency bank if you selected the Foreign currency sales required option is enabled (Accounts Receivable Setup).

You can only enter a foreign currency when the Foreign currency sales required option is enabled (Accounts Receivable Setup).

The customer's currency must match the bank's currency for any documents to be displayed in the Documents to Pay pane.

Total receipts The total payment amount received from the multiple customers.
Payment date Defaults to current system date but can be changed.
Reference This reference is printed on the AR Cash Journal and is used against the Cash book Transaction when integration is set to detail and Payment type is Check or Line level.
Payment narration Optionally enter a payment narration to print on the AR Cash journal.
Journal notation Optionally enter a narration to print on the AR Cash journal.
Exchange rate details  
Exchange rate method

This only applies when processing a payment for a foreign currency customer.

The exchange rate against a currency can only be changed if it is not set to Fixed.

Option Description
Default rate for entire run

Select this to define a default exchange rate for the entire payment.

You enter the exchange rate to use in the Exchange rate field below.


When you select this option, you can still change the rate for individual invoices in the Documents to Pay pane if you are processing the payment manually.

When you apply an unapplied payment to an invoice, the system calculates the exchange variance between the invoice(s) and the payment and posts the variance gain/loss to the exchange variance account.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Original invoice rate

Select this to process the payment at the same exchange rate that was used when the invoice was raised.

You typically select this option when there is no difference in the invoice and payment exchange rate (i.e. you do not expect an exchange rate gain/loss to occur).

When you apply an unapplied payment to an invoice and there is a variance between the invoice and payment exchange rates, the difference is posted to the bank control account. This is because the system is not expecting an exchange variance. You therefore need to transfer the amount to the appropriate ledger account manually.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Exchange rate

Enter the exchange rate to use for this payment.

This defaults to the rate defined for the currency in the currency table.

Although the rate can be defined here, it can also be defined when you process the payment manually against each invoice.

If you do not change the rate against the invoice in the Transactions to Pay listview when processing the payment, then the rate entered in this field is used for the entire payment.

This field only applies when you select Default rate for entire run.
Exchange rate variance Enter the General Ledger code to which exchange variances must be posted for the payment.

This defaults to the Exchange rate variance account defined in the General Ledger Integration program. If this is not defined, then the Realized variance account defined in the AR Currency Variance GL Interface program for the customer's branch is displayed (General Ledger Integration - Variance interfaces).

The payment rate is either the rate defined on the Payment Options pane or the rate defined against the individual invoice selected for payment in the Transactions to Pay listview. The Original invoice rate is the rate used when the invoice was originally raised and is displayed in the Invoice Details pane.

This field only applies when processing a payment for a foreign currency customer.

Cash Book transactions

This applies to the Post to Cashbook in detail option in the Payment Options pane.

Payment entries are posted to Cash Book according to the payment type processed and how Accounts Receivable is linked to Cash Book (Accounts Receivable Setup). AR Payments are created as deposits in the Cash Book, but AR Bank charges are created as withdrawals. This table indicates how the transactions are created.

Integration method Local currency payment to local bank Foreign currency payment to foreign or local bank
Posted in detail Check transactions - a separate deposit transaction is created for each check payment Same as for local.
  Cash transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for the total of the cash payments Same as for local.
  Other transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for the total of the other payments Other transactions - a separate deposit transaction is created for each other payment
  Bank charges - a separate withdrawal is created for each bank charge Same as for local.
Posted by bank Check transactions and Cash transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for the total of check + cash payments Same as for local.
  Other transactions - a separate deposit transaction is created for each other payment Same as for local.
  Bank charges - a separate withdrawal is created for each bank charge Same as for local.
Posted by cash jnl (operator Allow overwrite branch not selected in AR Payments and Adjustments) Check transactions and Cash transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for the total of check + cash payments Same as for local.
  Other transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for other payments Same as for local.
  Bank charges - a separate withdrawal is created for each bank charge Same as for local.
Posted by cash jnl (operator Allow overwrite branch selected in AR Payments and Adjustments) Check transactions - a separate deposit transaction is created for each check payment Same as for local.
  Cash transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for the total of the cash payments Same as for local.
  Other transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for the total of the other payments Other transactions - a separate deposit transaction is created for each other payment
  Bank charges - a separate withdrawal is created for each bank charge Same as for local.

Bank Deposit Details

This pane enables you to enter the details that will be printed on the bank deposit slip for customer payments.

These details only apply if you indicated that a bank deposit slip is required in the Accounts Receivable Setup program.

Field Description
Bank deposit slip details  

Indicate the bank into which the payment was received.

This defaults to the bank selected against the payment run details in the Payment Options pane and is not editable.

Account description This indicates the description of the Bank entered.
Account number This indicates the account number defined against the Bank entered.
Payment type

Indicate the payment method used.

Check Indicate that the payment was made by check.

If you select this option then you can enter details of the drawer's name, bank and branch.

Cash Indicate that the payment was received in cash.

Indicate that the payment was made by a means other than cash or check (e.g. Bank draft).


Payment transactions made for Payment type: Other are not printed on the Bank deposit section of the AR Bank Deposit Slip.

This is because it is assumed that these payment types are non-monetary and are therefore not deposited into the bank. The transactions are, however, printed on the Office copy section of the AR Bank Deposit Slip to enable you to balance back to the AR Cash Journal.

Line level

Allocate different payment types at invoice level in the Transactions to Pay listview.

This is the default payment type when creating a transaction type by Collector run.

Drawer's name

Enter the name of the drawer on the check.

This field only applies when the Payment type is Check.

Drawer's bank

Enter the bank on which the check was drawn.

This field only applies when the Payment type is Check.

Drawer's branch

Enter the bank branch on which the check was drawn.

This field only applies when the Payment type is Check.

Bank currency The currency code of the Bank entered.
Bank charges amount

The amount of bank charges associated with the deposit.


This amount can only be entered in the currency of the Bank.

This field is only enabled if the Banks option: Enter bank charges in AR payments is enabled against the selected Bank.

Bank exchange rate

The exchange rate to use for the bank charges.

This only applies when entering a Payment for a foreign currency customer and the rate for the currency is not set to fixed in the Currencies program.


Payment information

This pane displays information relating to the transactions processed.

Field Description
Payment run information  

Displays the payment run status.

The statuses include:

  • 0 - New - a new collector run was created and saved.

  • 1 - Open

  • 2 - Authorized - the collector run was authorised.

  • 3 - Posted

    When posting payments by Collector run, the status of the run is set to closed once the payment is processed, providing no unbaked post dated checks are allocated against the collector run. The collector run will remain In process until all post dated checks are banked.

  • 4 - Cancelled - the collector run was cancelled.

Sum credits Displays the accumulated credit invoice balance on the customer's account. This is added to the total received amount and distributed amount.
PD Checks amount

Sum of all the available PD checks allocated against the Payment run. This amount is added to the Total Received amount and Undistributed amount.

The Post button will only be available once the undistributed amount is zero and the distributed amount equals the total receipts.

Customer Information

This pane displays information relating to the customer being processed.

This pane will dynamically change when selecting a customer in the Customer to Pay pane.

Field Description
Customer details  
Balance The current balance.
Currency Multiple currencies are not allowed against a payment run as this program is limited to a single exchange variance.
TPM This indicates whether the customer is a Trade Promotions customer. If so, then the outstanding invoice balance is displayed in the Gross amount field, irrespective of the payment amount entered.

Invoice Filter

These options enable you to indicate which invoices you want to display in the Transactions to Pay listview.

This pane is only editable when creating a payment run. You can include a customer invoice when in the payment run is in a status of open by using the Include function in the Transactions to Pay listview.

By default, all invoices excepting zero balance retained invoices are displayed in the Transactions to Pay listview. You can use the Filter Rows (CTRL+F) listview functionality to reduce the number of invoices displayed in the Transactions to Pay listview.

Field Description
Include options  
Include invoices Indicate the invoices to display in the listview.
All invoices Display all invoices, irrespective of ages or balances.

When you select this option, you can use the Filter Rows (CTRL+F) listview functionality to further reduce the number of invoices loaded in the Transactions to Pay listview.

Selected invoices Select this to indicate the invoices you want to display in the listview, based on age or balance.
Invoice age selection

Indicate the invoices you want to display based on their ages.

This applies when you select the Selected invoices option.

Invoice balance selection  
Zero balance invoices Display invoices that became zero in or before the posting month.
Zero balance retained Display retained invoices that have been zero for more than one month.

Transactions to Pay

Customers to Pay

The customers selected against the AR Invoice Release filter are displayed in this pane.

Field Description
Recalc Total Recalculate the Total receipts amount to match the total Payment amount in the Customers to Pay pane. This function is not available when the payment run is generated from the AR Collector Run Maintenance or AR Post Dated Check Status program.
Payment amount

Enter the payment amount received from the customer.

Distributed amount

This amount dynamically changes when selecting invoices in the Transactions to Pay listview.

The Post function is enabled when the payment amount against all customers is equal to the distributed amount and balances back to the Total receipts.

Documents to Pay

This pane enables you to allocate the payment to the appropriate invoices. You can do this manually by selecting the checkbox for the invoice and entering the gross amount, or you can select Automatic to pay all outstanding invoices for the customer automatically.

Only the invoices you selected to display in the Invoice Filter pane are displayed in the listview.

The same invoice may be included in two different payment runs providing no payments are allocated it. When allocating payments in one payment run, once the invoice is selected for payment, it is not available in the second payment run. If the invoice is deselected for payment in the first payment run, then it becomes available for selection in the second payment run.

Only documents for customers whose currency is the same as the currency for the Bank are displayed.

Field Description


Pay all outstanding invoices for the customer automatically (in the displayed sequence), until the Undistributed amount in the Information pane falls to zero.

Credit balance invoices are ignored.

This option is not available when processing payments for a Trade Promotions customer. When applying a payment for a Trade Promotions customer, the total value of invoices selected for payment will generally exceed the total payment amount received. The difference is then applied to the trade promotion. To do this, the invoices must be selected manually. Applying the payment automatically would cause too few invoices to be paid.

See Tax GL integration.

Sum Credits Accumulate all credit invoice balances on the customer's account and add them to the total payment amount to be distributed.
Re-establish Re-enter details of an invoice that is no longer held on file. The necessary payments can then be entered against the invoice.
Unapplied Payment

Post a payment to the customer's account without allocating it to any invoices.

You would use this option if a customer has made a payment without indicating the invoices being paid, but you want to reflect the payment on the customer's account.

Unapplied payments can be manually allocated to invoices at a later stage.

Unapplied invoice numbers are prefixed with an _TP during a payment run. An _CR number is generated after the payment run has been posted, and can be viewed in the Customer Query program to query the payment run or journal number and trace the number back to the payment run.

Post Dated Check

Allocate a post dated check to the payment amount.

This function is not available when the payment run is generated from the AR Collector Run Maintenance or AR Post Dated Check Status program.

Undo Payments Clear all invoices selected and payment information entered in the Transactions to Pay listview. This enables you to unapply all payments simultaneously. This function does not undo any re-established invoices or unapplied payments processed.
Recalc Amount

Recalculate the total net amount paid on invoices processed in the Transactions to Pay listview and automatically enter this amount in the Payment amount field on the Customers to Pay pane.

This function is not available when the payment run is generated from the AR Collector Run Maintenance or AR Post Dated Check Status program.

Include Add invoices that were not included on the Transactions to Pay listview.
Column 1 You use the checkbox in this column to select the invoice to which you want to apply a payment amount.

This enables the relevant input fields for the line so you can manually enter the payment details for the invoice.

Removing the tick in this checkbox, undoes any information you entered for the line (i.e. it unapplies the payment).

Invoice This indicates the invoice against which the payment must be processed.
Current balance This indicates the current balance of the invoice. The Current balance and the original invoice value cannot both be zero.
Outstanding This indicates the outstanding balance of the invoice. This is the difference between the Current balance and any settlement discount which applies to the invoice.
Gross amount

Enter the gross amount of the payment you want to apply to this invoice.

This amount must include settlement discount, trade promotions and withholding tax.

When you change the Gross amount, the Discount amount and the Tax amount (if applicable) are automatically recalculated.

For TPM customers, the gross amount defaults to the outstanding invoice balance, as it is assumed that the customer wants to pay the outstanding balance in full to get the full benefit of the promotion.

Discount amount

This indicates the settlement discount amount applicable to the invoice.

This calculated automatically when paying the full invoice amount and the payment falls within the terms discount. No discount is calculated if the payment amount falls outside of the terms discount. In this case, the discount must be manually entered.

For non-TPM customers, the discount is only calculated if the total Payment amount/undistributed amount is greater than the Outstanding balance of the invoice.

For TPM customers, the Outstanding balance of the invoice is distributed regardless of the entered Payment amount/undistributed amount and the discount is therefore always calculated.

The Discount amount is calculated according to the AR Invoice Terms code in the AR Invoice Terms program defined against the transaction and the options selected against the Calculation of terms discount option in the Accounts Receivable Setup program.

The discount is based on the Gross payment amount, providing this is not greater than the Current balance (i.e. the customer is not overpaying the invoice). If the Gross payment is greater than the Current balance, then the discount is based on the Current balance amount.

When processing a partial payment, you must enter the discount amount manually and use the Calculate button at the Discount amount field to recalculate the Tax amount.


When you change the Discount amount, the Tax amount is automatically recalculated if tax is applicable.

The discount amount is posted to the Discounts ledger account ( see AR Payments Ledger Interface).

Tax amount

This is the tax portion of the settlement discount or the withholding tax amount. Use the tool tip to see what the tax amount column refers to.

  • Tax portion of discount

    This only applies if the Request tax portion for invoice adjustments/discounts option is enabled (Accounts Receivable Setup) and there is a value in the Discount amount field.

    If the Request tax portion for invoice option is not selected, then no tax on settlement discount can be apportioned.

    The tax portion of the discount is calculated from the Default tax code if this is not set to {none}.

    • When processing a full payment, the Tax amount is automatically recalculated when you change the Gross amount or the Discount amount.

    • No other fields are recalculated when you change the Tax amount.

    • Withholding tax is not recalculated automatically.

    If you set the Default tax code to {none} then you need to manually enter the tax on settlement discount if required.

    The Tax amount cannot be greater than the Discount amount.

  • Withholding tax

    If you are using Withholding tax, you can enter the amount of withholding tax deducted by the customer.

    If there is settlement discount on the invoice, then the program automatically calculates the discount amount for you. However, the system assumes that you will enter the withholding tax amount from the customer's remittance advice, so if you want to check the tax withheld by your customer, you need to calculate it manually.

    The payment amount that you enter against the invoice must be equal to the invoice balance if the customer pays the invoice in full, otherwise it must be equal to the payment made against the invoice plus the withholding tax portion on that amount.

Reference/Notation Optionally enter a reference or notation for the payment.
Exchange rate This indicates the exchange rate to apply for the payment of the invoice and only applies to foreign currency customers.

You can change this rate if you selected the option: Default rate for entire run in the Payment Options pane and the rate is not fixed against the currency.

The exchange rate for each invoice is not displayed by default. It is only displayed once you select the invoice for payment. To display the exchange rate automatically, the program would have to calculate and reload each entry in the listview depending on the Exchange rate method you selected. This would affect performance when a large number of entries exist on file.

The exchange rates for an invoice are displayed in the Invoice Details pane.

Customer PO This is the customer's purchase order number.
Invoice date This is the date on which the invoice became due for payment.
Net amount This is the net payment amount allocated to the invoice. This is the Gross amount less the Discount amount.
Balance amount This indicates what the new invoice balance will be when the payment is posted.
Type This indicates the invoice type.

Tax GL integration

  • If the Request tax portion for invoice setup option (Accounts Receivable Setup) is selected, and discount applies to a taxable invoice, then the tax portion of the discount is calculated according to the default tax code.

  • If the setup option: Request tax portion for invoice adjustments/discounts is selected and Sales tax integration to general ledger is set to Branch level, then the tax portion of the discount is posted to the Adjustment value (tax) code.

  • If the Request tax portion for invoice setup option is enabled (Accounts Receivable Setup) and Sales tax integration to general ledger is set to Tax code level in the Company Tax Options Setup program, then:

    • if the Sales tax ledger code against the tax code is not defined in the Tax Code Setup program, then the tax portion of the discount is posted to the Adjustment value (tax) code.

    • if the Sales tax ledger code against the tax code is defined but you did not select the Disburse tax portion to G/L code against tax code setup option ( Accounts Receivable Setup) then for adjustments, tax is posted to the Adjustment value (tax) code and for discounts, tax is posted to the GL account defined for Sales tax against the tax code.

    • if the Sales tax ledger code against the tax code is defined and you selected the setup option: Disburse tax portion to G/L code against tax code, then for both adjustments and discounts, tax is posted to the GL account defined for Sales tax against the tax code.

Invoice Details

This displays details of the line currently highlighted in the Transactions to Pay listview.

Field Description
Invoice The original invoice number.
Original amount

The original amount of the invoice.

Date The original date of the invoice.
Original terms The original terms of the invoice.
Original discount

The original discount given for the invoice.

Customer PO The customer's purchase order number.
Original invoice rate

The exchange rate at which the invoice was originally processed. This only applies to foreign currency customers.

Current currency rate The currency rate being used against the company currency table.

Available Post Dated Checks

The post dated checks available for payment are displayed.

Once you have selected the check, the check amount is added to the post dated checks amount. The post dated check is then moved to the Reserved Post Dated Checks pane within the Review pane and will no longer be available in the Available Post Dated Checks pane.

If the Allocate invoices to PD checks option is enabled (Accounts Receivable Setup) then the invoices selected at the time of adding the post dated check in the AR Post Dated Checks program will be selected for payment.

If the PD check status required option is enabled (Accounts Receivable Setup) then only post dated checks with a status of Cleared are available for selection and payment.

If you partially pay an invoice with terms and automatically generate the Post dated check payment run from the AR Post Dated Check Status program, then the payment run is generated but posting will fail as there will be an undistributed amount which cannot be posted. You have to use the AR Payment Run program to manually distribute the full amount before posting.


A review of the transactions processed during the current run of the program is displayed and may be printed.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • An invoice can only be allocated to different payment runs when no payments are allocated to it.

    For example: An invoice has a payment allocated to it in Payment run 001. This invoice is not available for selection in Payment run 002, until it is deselected against Payment run 001.


  • Discard Unselected Lines

    This message is displayed when you save a payment run for AR invoice release transaction types and not all lines in the Documents for Customer listview are selected.

    You are prompted to remove all invoices not selected (i.e. lines not ticked) in the Documents for Customer listview, irrespective of whether you distributed the full payment amount.

    • If you select Yes, then only invoices with a tick in the first column of the listview are saved against the payment run. You will not be able to add additional invoices to pay to the payment run, but saved lines can be amended.

      Note that if a Reserved Post Dated Check is included in the payment run, then no invoices for that customer are removed.

    • If you select No, then all lines displayed in the Documents for Customer listview are saved against the payment run. Any invoice displayed can be added to the payment run for the payment before the run is posted.

  • This collector run has a status of Payment in process. Do you want to continue?

    When an AR Collector Run has a combination of Cash, Checks, Other and Post dated check payments for customer invoices, then paying the Post dated checks using the AR Post Dated Check Status program changes the status of the collector run to In Process. The AR Payment Run program will allow you to process the remainder of the payment run, but displays this warning message. Select Yes to generate a new payment run for the Cash, Checks and Other payments portion of the collector run.

Currency exchange variance considerations

  • Exchange rate variances arising from payments processed in this program are posted to the Realized variance account defined in the AR Currency Variance GL Interface program (General Ledger Integration - Variance interfaces). If the Realized variance account is not defined, then the variances are posted to the account specified in the Exchange rate variance field of the (General Ledger Integration).

    If the invoice being paid was revalued using the AR Exchange Rate Revaluation program, then a reversing entry to remove the unrealized loss/gain amount is also created, and the entry for the new unrealized loss/gain is also recorded.

  • To ensure that the unrealized variance can be reversed, the program checks the ArInvoice table for zero entries in the 'OrigInvRate' column. If any revaluations were performed against the invoice, then the Exchange Rate from the ‘BefPostConvRate’ is used to populate the 'OrigInvRate' column in the ArInvoice table. If no revaluations were performed on the invoice, then the 'ConvRate' from the ArInvoice table is used to populate the 'OrigInvRate' column.

    The following message is displayed when duplicate invoice, debit and/or credit note numbers exist:

    The original invoice rate cannot be determined. Please contact your SYSPRO support consultant.

    In addition, a warning message is displayed when the Unrealized variance account is not defined in the AR Currency Variance GL Interface program (General Ledger Integration - Variance interfaces). The journal will be created with the missing ledger codes and placed on hold.

  • The exchange rate variance is calculated as: (Payment amount x Payment rate) - (Payment amount x Original Invoice rate)

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
AR Payment posted

Controls access for posting customer payments in the AR Payments and Adjustments, AR Payments Import and AR Payment Run programs.

AR Adjustment posted

Controls access for adding adjustments in the AR Payments and Adjustments and AR Payment Run programs.

AR Miscellaneous receipt posted

Controls access for adding miscellaneous receipts in the AR Payments and Adjustments and AR Payment Run programs.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
AR Allow posting of Payment Run Controls whether an operator can post a payment run using the AR Payment Run program. When denied, the Post function is disabled.
AR Allow authorization of Payment Run Controls whether an operator can approve/unapprove a payment run using the AR Payment Run program. When denied, the Authorize function is disabled.
AR Allow closing of Payment Run Controls whether an operator can close a payment run using the Cancel function of the AR Payment Run program.

Password considerations

Password access to the following functions in this program may be defined in the Password Definition program. When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.

Field Description
AR Posting to a previous month This password restricts access to posting Accounts Receivable transactions to a previous period (see Multi-period accounting).