Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing > AR Collector Run Maintenance

AR Collector Run Maintenance

You use this program to generate a list of outstanding customer invoices for which payments must be collected and to record the amounts collected from customers against these invoices. Payment types collected can be cash, checks, EFT payments and Post Dated checks.

After payment collections are captured, you use the AR Payment Run program to post the payments to customers' accounts.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Load Invoices

Load the invoices to be collected, based on the criteria selected from the AR Invoice Release Filter pane, into the Collector Run Invoice Details pane.


Add a new collector run.


Cancel the collector run.

A collector run must be in a status of Captured before is can be cancelled.


Save the collector run.

You can view the saved collector run in the Browse on AR Collector Run program.

Collector run Enter the collector run number, or browse to select it from the Browse on AR Collector Run program.
Print report

Print the AR Collector Run report for the current collector run.

The report can be used by the collector as a 'trip sheet' to record the monies collected from customers.

See also: Hints and tips.

Collector Run Header

Field Description
Collector run details  
Collector run This displays the collector run number.

This indicates the collector run status, which can be one of the following:

  • New - a new collector run was created and saved

  • Captured - collection amounts were captured against the collector run

  • Cancelled - the collector run was cancelled

  • Verified - the collector run is verified

  • Closed - the collector run is closed

  • Payment in progress - payments are currently being processed in the AR Payment Run program for the collector run.

Collector details  
Collector Indicate the collector responsible for the collection of this run.
Collector salesperson This displays the name of the Collector.
Salesperson Indicate the salesperson for the collector run. This only applies when the Payments by salesperson option is enabled (Accounts Receivable Setup).
Area Indicate the geographic area for the collector run. This only applies when the Payments by geographic area option is enabled (Accounts Receivable Setup).
Collection date

Enter the scheduled date for a new collector run.

Invoice ageing is calculated by comparing this date to the invoice date.

Receipt date

Indicate the date on which the payment was received by the collector.

Banking details  
Bank Indicate the bank into which the payment was received or will be deposited.
Currency This displays the currency code of the Bank entered.

AR Invoice Release Filter

Indicate the invoices to include in the Collector Run Invoice Details listview.

Field Description

Indicate the customers to include in the collector run.


Indicate the salespersons for which to include invoices in the collector run.


Indicate the geographic areas for which to include invoices in the collector run.

Invoice selection

Exclude credit and debit notes

Enable this to exclude debit and credit notes from the collector run.

Invoice age selection

Indicate the invoices to include in the collector run based on their ages.

Due date selection Indicate the invoices to include in the collector run based on their due dates.

Summary Totals

Field Description

Verify the collector run when all totals balance and the Undistributed amount is 0.

This option ensures that:

  • Total collected = Total distributed

  • Total undistributed is = zero

  • PD checks are fully distributed

This option is only enabled when the collection is in a status of Captured.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.


Close the collector run when it is complete.

You typically use this option when the AR payment run was not closed automatically, for example if a stop payment was issued against a check.

This option is only enabled when the collection is in a status of Verified or Payment in progress.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Generate Payment Run

Select this to create a payment run to post the payments for this collector run using the AR Payment Run program. The cash collected in the collector run is automatically applied and allocated to the outstanding invoice amounts.

This option is enabled when the collector run is verified and the PD collected amount for the collector run is zero.

Once the payment run is posted, the payment run status is set to posted and the collector run details are updated.

Totals collected

Cash This reflects the total amounts entered in the Cash collected column in the listview.
Checks This reflects the total amounts entered in the Checks collected column in the listview.
Other This reflects the total amounts entered in the Other collected column in the listview and includes EFT payments.
PD checks  
PD collected This reflects the amount of post dated checks captured.
Distribute PD checks

Allocate the post dated checks that make up the PD collected amount using the AR Post Dated Checks program.

PD distributed

This displays the distributed post dated checks amount.

If the full amount is applied in the AR Post Dated Checks program, then it is displayed here.

PD undistributed This displays the undistributed post dated check amount.
Collected This indicates the total amount collected and captured, including cash, checks, other and post dated checks.
Distributed This indicates the total cash, checks, other and post dated check distributed amount.
Undistributed This indicates the total undistributed amount.

Collector Run Invoice Details

This enables you to allocate the payments received from the collector run to customer invoices.

This grid is populated when you select the Load Invoice function, according to the invoices you selected to display in the AR Invoice Release Filter pane.

Field Description
Add line

Select this to manually add an invoice to the listview after you indicated the relevant filter options. The invoice added cannot already exist in this or another the collector run.

This is typically used to add an invoice to the collector run after the run is saved.


Automatically apply and allocate cash collected to the outstanding invoice amounts in this collector run. The Cash collected column is automatically populated with the collected values, excluding EFT or check amounts.

This is only enabled when the PD collected amount is zero, and the (Total) Collected equals the (Total) Net collect amount (displayed in the footer of the grid).

Customer Indicates the customer from whom the money was collected.
Document type Indicates the document type to which the money collected applies.
Customer invoice Indicates the customer invoice number to which the money collected applies.
Reference Optionally enter a reference for the money collected.
Cash collected Enter the total amount of cash received from the customer for the invoice.

This column can be automatically populated using the Automatic function.

Checks collected (PDC excluded) Enter the total check amount received from the customer for the invoice. Do not include post dated checks.
Other collected Enter the total amount received from the customer for the invoice, not paid in either cash or by check (e.g. paid by EFT).
Delete line

Use this check box to remove the invoice from the collector run invoices.

You cannot delete lines that have post dated checks, cash, or other amounts allocated to them.

This option is only enabled after you Save the collector run.


The discount on the invoice amount is displayed if the Receipt date falls within terms discount defined for the customer.

Discount is calculated on the invoice amount when the grid is initially loaded.

Net collect amount

The net collect amount is the amount the customer must pay. This is the Invoice amount less the Discount amount (where applicable).

Distributed Post Dated Checks

This pane displays the post dated checks distributed for the collection run. It is populated when the collection run is complete or is being maintained.

Notes and warnings


  • The Collector required option (Accounts Receivable Setup) must be enabled to use this program.

  • The Operator must have access to the bank into which payments will be received or deposited (Operators).

Coding considerations

  • If the Customer and Invoice columns are blank, then these lines are not verified or added to the collector run. When no collection amounts are captured, you are prompted to discard zero collections.

Restrictions and limits

  • Collector run invoices are only available for banks to which you have access (Operators).

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
AR Collection Run Close Controls whether an operator can close a collector run using the AR Collector Run Maintenance program.
AR Collection Run Verification Controls whether an operator can use the AR Collector Run Maintenance program to verify a collector run after the collected payment information is entered.

Hints and tips

  • Create a collector list

    Once you have entered the required information in the Collector Run Header pane and selected the Load Invoices function, you can right click in a column heading in the Collector Run Invoice Details listview to Export/print the list of invoices for which payment must be collected.

    The list can be used by the collector to record the payments received from the customers.

    Alternatively you can generate a Collector report using the Print report option on the toolbar.

  • As the salesperson is captured on the payment and the payment files are updated, statistics can be drawn from the payment files so that commission is only paid once payment is received for the sale.