Accounts Receivable > Transaction Processing > AR Bank Deposit Slip

AR Bank Deposit Slip

You use this program to post payments directly into the Cash Book, or generate source documents to manually post payments into the Cash Book.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Processing Generates the bank deposit slips according to your selections.
Print Generates a report of the contents of the Deposit Slip and Deposit Slip Details panes.
Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.


Field Description
Bank options  
Bank selection

Indicate the bank(s) for which to generate bank deposit slips. Deposit slips are generated in alphabetical order based on the bank code.

The Bank account number need only be entered when you hold more than one account with the bank selected.

List of banks

Indicate a list of banks for which to generate bank deposit slips.

Select the List option at the Bank selection field to enable the hyperlink from which you can select a list of banks.

Currency options  
Currency selection Indicate the currencies for which to generate deposit slips.
Operator options  
Operator selection Indicate the operators for whom to generate bank deposit slips.
Journal options  
Reprint Reprint deposit slips previously printed.
Journal selection

Indicate the cash journal numbers (created by the AR Payments GL Integration program) for which to reprint the bank deposit slip.

Period options  
Period Indicate the period for which to reprint a bank deposit slip.
Year options  
Year Select the year for which to reprint a bank deposit slip.

Deposit Slip

The bank deposit slip is displayed in this pane.

Field Description
Reference The reference entered in the Reference field in the AR Payments and Adjustments program.
Drawers name The name of the drawer of the payment.
Bank The bank into which the payment was received.
Branch The bank branch from which the payment was made.
Amount The payment amount.

Payment transactions made for Payment type: Other (see Browse on Payment Codes) are not printed on the Deposit Slip, as it is assumed that these payment types are non-monetary and are therefore not deposited into the bank. The transactions are, however, printed in the Deposit Slip - Details section to enable you to balance back to the AR Cash Journal.

Deposit Slip - Details

This displays the details of the bank deposit slip, including details for Payment type: Other (see Browse on Payment Codes).

Cash Book Integration

If the Accounts Receivable module is linked to the Cash Book (Accounts Receivable Setup) then the method of integration determines how payments are accumulated for generating the bank deposit slip:

  • If integration is Posted in detail or Posted by bank, then payments for a single bank, currency, posting period and year are accumulated and printed on a single deposit slip.
  • If integration is Posted by cash journal, then a new bank deposit slip is created for each cash journal generated when processing Accounts Receivable payments.


    The transaction date indicates the date when the journal was processed.

Transactions created in the Cash Book

Payment entries are posted to Cash Book according to the payment type processed and how Accounts Receivable is linked to Cash Book (Accounts Receivable Setup). AR Payments are created as deposits in the Cash Book, but AR Bank charges are created as withdrawals. This table indicates how the transactions are created.

Integration method Local currency payment to local bank Foreign currency payment to foreign or local bank
Posted in detail Check transactions - a separate deposit transaction is created for each check payment Same as for local.
  Cash transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for the total of the cash payments Same as for local.
  Other transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for the total of the other payments Other transactions - a separate deposit transaction is created for each other payment
  Bank charges - a separate withdrawal is created for each bank charge Same as for local.
Posted by bank Check transactions and Cash transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for the total of check + cash payments Same as for local.
  Other transactions - a separate deposit transaction is created for each other payment Same as for local.
  Bank charges - a separate withdrawal is created for each bank charge Same as for local.
Posted by cash jnl (operator Allow overwrite branch not selected in AR Payments and Adjustments) Check transactions and Cash transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for the total of check + cash payments Same as for local.
  Other transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for other payments Same as for local.
  Bank charges - a separate withdrawal is created for each bank charge Same as for local.
Posted by cash jnl (operator Allow overwrite branch selected in AR Payments and Adjustments) Check transactions - a separate deposit transaction is created for each check payment Same as for local.
  Cash transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for the total of the cash payments Same as for local.
  Other transactions - a single deposit transaction is created for the total of the other payments Other transactions - a separate deposit transaction is created for each other payment
  Bank charges - a separate withdrawal is created for each bank charge Same as for local.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • The Bank deposit slip required option must be enabled to be able to use this program (Accounts Receivable Setup).

Foreign currency

  • To use a foreign currency bank, the Foreign currency cash book required option must be enabled (Cash Book Setup).

Posting payments to Cash Book

  • If you require payments to be posted to Cash Book automatically, then you must indicate that Accounts Receivable payments are linked to Cash Book (Accounts Receivable Setup).

    Payments must be posted to the Cash Book manually when Accounts Receivable payments are not linked to Cash Book.

Restrictions and limits

  • Deposit slips are only generated for those banks to which you have access (Operators).