Accounts Payable > Payment Processing > AP Check and Remittance Print

AP Check and Remittance Print

You use this program to print checks and/or remittance advices for invoices that have been paid using the Execute AP Payment Run program.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Print/Send Select this to generate/transmit the documents according to the Report Options you indicated.

For local and foreign currency system checks, the wording for amounts greater than nine hundred and ninety nine million (999 999 999.00) is 'thousand million' and not 'billion.'

The reason for this is that a billion in the USA represents a different value to a billion in the UK. Therefore, the amount in words for a value such as 1 200 000 000.00 is 'One thousand two hundred million.'

If you are printing checks and remittances and the Check print requirement option is set to Separate check & remittance (Accounts Payable Setup) then once the checks have been printed, you are prompted to load the remittance stationery. From the prompt, you select OK and then you can select either the Print/Send or the Alignment function to initiate the printing of remittances.

If you are not running the AP Check and Remittance Print program in Automate mode, then the Send Email program is displayed when you select the Print/Send function if you selected to Send email for remittances. This enables you to enter text and to enter CC and Subject information which will apply to each email produced.


The ability to automatically run the AP Check and Remittance Print program without operator intervention enables you to print, or reprint, checks and remittances for a single payment run without operator intervention (e.g. to run the print overnight).

Automation enables you to define a set of default values that are re-used each time the program is run. This does not apply to the AP Check and Remittance Print program as you would typically not re-process the same batch of checks/remittances. The primary reason for automating the AP Check and Remittance Print program would be to do a specific print run without operator interaction.

Alignment Select this to print test remittance advice(s) or checks as per your selection in the Alignment Pages field.

This provides a simple but effective method of testing the layout and form feed of your continuous stationery before printing the first remittance/check.

The alignment documents are printed using test characters.
Alignment Pages Indicate the number of remittance advices (1 to 5) for which you want to print a test alignment.
Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.

Preferences Configure default settings to use for this program.


Field Description
Fax/email preferences Indicate your preferences for faxing and emailing remittance advices.
Send fax Enable this to set the Send fax option in the Report Options pane to enabled by default.
Send email Enable this to set the Send email option in the Report Options pane to enabled by default.
Save Preferences Save these preferences against your operator code and use them for future runs of the program until next you change them.
Close Save the preferences for the current run of the program only.

Report Options

The options on this pane enable you to indicate what to print/send.

Field Description
Payment run Indicate the payment run for which you want to print the checks/remittances.

This field is only enabled when you access the AP Check and Remittance Print program from the SYSPRO Main menu. When the program is accessed from the Payment Cycle Maintenance program, the payment run is automatically entered for you.

If entered, the payment run must exist and cannot be a Void check payment run. The payment run entered must have been executed in the Payment Cycle Maintenance program before checks/remittance can be generated.

Document type This indicates the type of document to print and is based on the payment type defined against the payment run (see Payment Cycle Maintenance).

These include:

  • EFT remittances
  • Local currency checks
  • Manual check remittances
  • Foreign currency checks
  • Foreign currency remittances
The message: "Cannot use Word or SRS printing when printing to a non-Windows printer." is displayed if you defined the document format for checks and/or for remittances as SRS document or Word document (AP Check Format) and you did not select the Windows Printing option from the SYSPRO Desktop (SYSPRO Ribbon bar->Setup).
Reprint This is displayed for information purposes only.

The status of the payment run is used to determine the setting of this option as follows:

  • If the payment run is in a status of Paid, then this option is deselected.
  • If the payment run is in a status of Printed, or Complete, then this option is selected.
System check/EFT numbering These options are disabled when running the program in Design mode (see Automation Design). The actual check numbers are assigned when the program is run.
First number from box When printing local or foreign currency checks:
  • This indicates the next check number to use as defined in the Next check number field against the bank (Banks).
  • The next check number held against each bank is updated when system checks are printed from within the Accounts Payable module (AP Check and Remittance Print) or on-line checks are printed from within the Cash Book system (Cash Book Deposits & Withdrawals).

This field is displayed for information purposes only, in an endeavour to prevent duplicate check numbers occurring in the system.

The check number in this field can only be changed using the Banks program. This also applies when you want to reprint checks/remittances.

When printing EFT remittances:
  • This indicates the next EFT number to use as defined against the bank (Banks).
  • This is displayed for information purposes only and cannot be changed.
  • EFT reference numbers are allocated according to the Cash Book integration options set against the bank (Banks).

    If the integration option Detail posting is selected, then a different EFT reference number is allocated to each EFT payment made to each supplier.

    If the integration option Total posting is selected, then one EFT reference number is allocated for all EFT payments per currency for all suppliers in the batch.

First number to print When printing local or foreign currency checks:
  • Enter the next check number which is ready to print in the printer.

    Although this defaults to the number in the First number from box field, it can be changed. This need not be the same check number as indicated in the First number from box field, as you may have used the first check from the box to line the checks up on your printer.

    This number cannot be less than the number in the First number from boxfield (i.e. this number cannot be less than the next check number to use as defined in the Next check number field against the bank (Banks).

    It is important that this check number is correct as this is the check number that is allocated to the payment on the supplier's account. If this check number is incorrect, then your audit trail for supplier payments will be incorrect.

    This field is enabled when:

    • the payment run status is Paid and you are printing Checks and remittances.
    • the payment run status is Printed and you are re-printing Checks and remittances.
    • the payment run status is Paid or Printed, the check format for the bank is set to Remittance only (AP Check Format) and the option: Allocate check numbers below is selected.

    This field is disabled and set to zero when:

    • the payment run status is Complete
    • AP checks are not required (Accounts Payable Setup)

    • the payment run status is Printed, the check format for the bank is set to Checks and remittances (AP Check Format) and you are re-printing Remittances.
    • the payment run status is Printed, the check format for the bank is set to Remittance only (AP Check Format) and the option: Allocate check numbers below is not selected.
    • the payment run status is Paid, or Printed, the check format for the bank is set to Remittance only (AP Check Format) and the option: Allocate check numbers is not selected against the Remittance preferences for the check format for the bank.

When printing EFT remittances:

  • This indicates the first EFT number allocated to the payment run.
  • This is displayed for information purposes only and cannot be changed.
  • EFT reference numbers are allocated according to the Cash Book integration options set against the bank (Banks).

    If the integration option Detail posting is selected, then a different EFT reference number is allocated to each EFT payment made to each supplier.

    If the integration option Total posting is selected, then one EFT reference number is allocated for all EFT payments per currency for all suppliers in the batch.

Reprint options  
Reprint document type Indicate the type of documents to reprint.

This option is enabled when the payment run status is Printed and the check format for the bank is set to Both remittance & check (AP Check Format).

Checks and remittances Select this to reprint checks and remittances. New check numbers are assigned according to the number entered in the First number to print field above.

When using SRS Document printing to generate checks and remittances, then the following must be defined in the Remittance Preferences:

  • Number of lines on a remittance

  • First invoice line starts on row

  • Last invoice line ends on row

The values entered against the First invoice line starts on row and Last invoice line ends on row determine the number of invoice detail lines on the document. Note that the system does not use these numbers to identify where the first invoice line prints. The only use of these numbers is to determine the number of invoice lines to print.

This, in turn, determines when a new check number is generated. If these options are not correctly defined, the check numbering may not be correct.

In addition, the number of detail lines defined in the Remittance preferences must correspond to the number of detail lines defined on the SRS document template for the template and the check numbering to work correctly.

Remittances Select this to reprint remittances only.

Each remittance is allocated the check number assigned at the time that the original check and remittance were printed.

Remittances can be reprinted regardless of the payment run status.

If you are using SRS Document printing to print remittances only and you selected the option Both remittance & check in the AP Check Format program, then the First invoice line starts on row and Last invoice line ends on row options in the Remittance Preferences have no effect on the number of invoice lines printed on the remittance. You must customize the SRS document template to achieve the correct number of lines.

Allocate new check numbers

Select this to allocate the new check numbers when the remittances are reprinted. You typically select this option when you had to reprint checks.

If you do not select this option, then you can reprint the remittance with the original check number assigned to the remittance when it was first printed.

This option is enabled when all of the following apply:

  • the payment run is for System checks and is in a status is Printed
  • the check format for the bank is set to Remittance only (AP Check Format)
  • Allocate check numbers is selected against the check format for the bank (AP Check Format).
  • Reprint document type is set to Checks and Remittances
From supplier Enter the code of the supplier from which you want to reprint the checks/remittances. The supplier must exist on the selected payment run.

If you leave this blank, then re-printing begins at the first supplier on the payment run (i.e. remittances are reprinted for the entire payment run).

To supplier Indicate the code of the supplier to which you want to reprint the checks/remittances.

The To supplier code cannot be before the From supplier code.

If the From supplier code is entered here, then the check/remittance is reprinted for that supplier code only.

If this field is left blank, then checks/remittances are reprinted from the From supplier code to the end of the payment run.

This enables you to reprint checks/remittances for a range of suppliers or for a single supplier.

This is only enabled when the Allocate new check numbers option is deselected.

Fax/email transmission See also Preferences.
Send fax Select this to fax remittances to suppliers whose Remittance transmission method is set to Fax (Suppliers).

If you want to produce a printed remittance at the same time, then also select the Print remittance for fax suppliers option.

If you do not select this option, then remittances for suppliers whose Remittance transmission method is set to Fax will only be printed and not sent.

This option is only available if the option Fax/mail integration required is selected against your operator code (Operators - Options).

Send email

Select this email remittances to suppliers whose Remittance transmission method is set to Email (Suppliers).

If you want to produce a printed remittance at the same time, then also select the Print remittance for email suppliers option.

If you do not select this option, then remittances for suppliers whose Remittance transmission method is set to Email will only be printed and not mailed.

This option is only available if:

  • the document format for the bank (AP Check Format) is set to use SRS or Word printing. You cannot email remittances when using standard printing.
  • the option Fax/mail integration required is selected against your operator code (Operators - Options).
Print remittance selection  
Print remittance for print suppliers This option is selected by default and cannot be changed.

It indicates that remittances for all suppliers whose Remittance transmission method is set to Print (Suppliers) will be printed.

Print remittance for fax suppliers Select this to print remittances for suppliers whose Remittance transmission method is set to Fax (Suppliers).

If you select this option together with the Send fax option, then the remittances are printed at the time they are faxed to the suppliers. If you did not select the Send fax option, then the remittances are only printed for these suppliers.

This option is selected by default and cannot be changed:

  • if the option Fax/mail integration required is not selected against your operator code (Operators - Options).
  • when the Send fax option is deselected.
Print remittance for email suppliers Select this to print remittances for suppliers whose Remittance transmission method is set to Email (Suppliers).

If you select this option together with the Send email option, then the remittances are printed at the time they are emailed to the suppliers. If you did not select the Send email option, then this option is selected by default and cannot be changed. Remittances are then only printed for these suppliers.

This option is selected by default and cannot be changed if the option Fax/mail integration required is not selected against your operator code (Operators - Options tab).

This option is selected by default and cannot be changed:

  • if the option Fax/mail integration required is not selected against your operator code (Operators - Options).
  • when the Send email option is deselected.
  • the document format for the bank (AP Check Format) is set to use standard printing for remittances.
After processing completed

These options are displayed within programs that can be automated. They enable you to indicate the action you want to perform once processing is complete (see Automation Design).

Payment Run Information

The following information is included in this pane:

Column Description
Payment run This indicates the payment run number.
Payment type This indicates the payment run type.
Payment status This indicates the current status of the payment run.
Currency This indicates the currency for the payment run and the currency in which the checks will be issued.
Bank This indicates the bank defined against the payment run and the bank from which the checks/EFTs will be issued.
Bank name This indicates the name of the bank defined against the payment run.
Payment date This indicates the date allocated to this payment run.
Local currency value of invoices This indicates the total amount of the invoices for which checks or remittances will be printed. This is displayed in the local currency.
Check register number This indicates the check register number created against the payment run.
Number of invoices This indicates the total number of invoices for which checks or remittances will be printed.
Number of suppliers This indicates the number of suppliers included in the payment run and for whom the checks/remittances will be printed.

AP Check and Remittance Summary

The results of print process are displayed in this report output pane once the checks/remittance are printed/sent, providing you did not select the option: After processing completed > Close this application. You use the After processing completed options to print or email this information.

The following totals are included:

Column Description
Total number of documents This indicates the total number of checks/remittances generated.
Total gross value This indicates the gross value of the checks/remittances generated.
Total discount value This indicates the total value of discount for the checks/remittances generated.
Total net value This indicates the net value (gross less discount value) of the checks/remittances generated.

Automate Mode

When running the program in Automate mode (see Automation Design) the values that were saved during the in Design mode are applied as if the operator had keyed them in and the program runs automatically.

This can be done by selecting the Run a Program function from the SYSPRO Desktop (SYSPRO Button->Run a Program) and entering APSP99 RUN or by defining a Task and running the task (see Tasks). Using a task may be preferable as all error messages are displayed in the Task messages pane.

At the time of running the program, the selections saved in Design more are validated. If discrepancies are found the following message is displayed: "The saved form values are no longer valid as the status of this payment run has changed. Please reselect and save."

The "Request print dialog" and "Print preview" options are ignored during automate mode. The reason is that you may have several programs queued to run in automate mode. If the current program halts to request the print dialog or to preview the document on screen, then the rest of the programs waiting in the queue will not be executed until the operator selects the appropriate option(s). The purpose of automate mode is to allow the program to run without operator intervention.

Notes and warnings


The following are prerequisites to successfully print checks and remittances:

  • The check and remittance format for the selected bank must be defined (AP Check Format). Each bank from which checks will be printed must have a separate check format defined against it.

  • You must indicate that you require checks to be printed (Accounts Payable Setup).

  • You must ensure that you enabled the option: Both remittance & check (AP Check Format).

  • If you require remittance details to be faxed to the supplier, ensure that the Office Automation & Messaging module is installed and that against the operator you have enabled the option: Fax/mail integration required (Operators).

    In addition, against the supplier you must enable the option: Fax remittance at the Remittance transmission method field and assign a fax number to be used (Suppliers).

  • You can print checks and remittance on separate printers providing:

    • both printers are Window printers or both printers are non-Windows printers and
    • you enabled the option: Separate check & remittance (Accounts Payable Setup) and
    • you enable the Request Print Dialog option from the SYSPRO Desktop (SYSPRO Ribbon bar->Setup).

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Print Checks/Remittances option from the Payment Cycle menu of the Payment Cycle Maintenance program and from the Accounts Payable > Payment Processing sub folder of the SYSPRO Main menu.

Processing considerations

  • Manual checks

    If your payment run is for Manual checks, then you do not need to run the AP Check and Remittance Print program (before running the AP Payment Register program) unless you want to produce remittance advices for the manual checks.

  • System check dates

    System checks are dated according to the Default check day of month option defined against the supplier (Suppliers).

  • Printing

    Checks and remittance advices can be printed separately or combined into a single document using SYSPRO Stationery Formats (see AP Check Format). Remittance advices can be printed using MS Word templates (see Microsoft Word Printing).

    When you print a check and a remittance in a combined run, the remittance advice is printed first, followed by the check. If a remittance advice runs over more than one page, then the word 'DUMMY CHECK' is printed on all checks except the last one. This ensures that these checks cannot be fraudulently used.

  • Payment run status

    Once the AP Check and Remittance Print program is successfully run, the payment run is set to a status of Printed.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
AP Print checks/remittances

Controls access to the Print Checks/Remittances function of the Payment Cycle Maintenance and AP Check and Remittance Print programs.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.