SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration > Automation Design

Automation Design

You use this program to configure settings for SYSPRO programs that you want to run automatically without operator intervention.

You typically use this facility to automate month-end tasks and reporting.

Automation Entries

Column Description
Program This indicates the name of the program that can be automated.
Description This indicates the description assigned to the program.
Group name This indicates the name of the group(s) to which you have assigned the program (a program can belong to more than one group).

Groups enable you to organize your automated programs into collections (e.g. you could define the form values against each of your period end programs to run a Balance function, and then add these programs to a group called Balance).

A folder is created for each group name in the \Base\Settings\Automation folder on the application server. Each program linked to a group is listed within this folder as: FormValues_ProgramName-LV.xml where ProgramName refers to the code of the program automated.

Remove This indicates that the program has been added to a group for automation. Selecting the remove option removes the program from the group and deletes the xml file that was created.
Add Select this to add the program to a group or multiple groups for automation.

Design mode

You activate Design mode using the Automation Design program or the Run a program function from within SYSPRO.

Run from the Automation Design program

From within the Automation Design program, Design mode is activated once you select the add option and assign a program to a Group name. The program is loaded and you can indicate the default form values you want to apply to the program when it is run automatically as part of the assigned group. The Save Form Values function is enabled when you are in Design mode so that you can save your program settings for automation.

Run from the Run a program function

From the Run a program function (SYSPRO button->Run a program or Ctrl+R) Design mode is activated once you enter the program name at the Program to run field, followed by a space and the word DESIGN.

To run automation using the Run a program function, replace the word DESIGN with RUN. The program will run with the default settings you defined in Design mode for your operator code. To run automation for a group of programs, append the group name to the RUN parameter (e.g. RUN=GroupName (where GroupName indicates the Group name you configured using the Automation Design program). You cannot design a form for a task if the group name is blank (Tasks).

Notes and warnings

Printing considerations

  • The Request Print Dialog option is ignored when running a SYSPRO program in automated mode. All printing is diverted to the default printer and all runtime prompts and messages are suppressed.

Balance function considerations

  • An Include balance function option is available in SYSPRO's period end programs which lets you choose whether you want to run the Balance function whenever you run a Month end or Year end.

    The option is ticked automatically if the Last date balance was run field does not reflect today's date. This could have implications when using the Automation Design program where, for example, you don't want to run a Balance function before running a Month or Year end.

Client/server considerations

  • When running a task automatically using the Windows Task Scheduler (taskschd.msc), the automation must be run on the machine that designed the automation (either the client or the server).

    When run from a client machine, the parameters must be passed to SYSPROClient.exe.

    When run from the server, the parameters must be passed to SYSPRO.exe.

  • When you design a form on the server and run an automated program on a client machine, the program self-heals to the client so that the designed form values from the server are used (i.e. the BASE\SETTINGS\Automation folder on the client is updated).

Automation of SRS reports

  • You cannot use automation for SRS reports because the Process prompt cannot be automated. You need to use the SRS scheduler which allows you to indicate the form values to use to process the report (see SRS Report Scheduler).

Hints and tips

Setting an operator preference

Key to automation is the capability of configuring editable SYSPRO forms to retain previous form values. For example: If multiple people in your organization run the Backorder Release program (each with their own selections for branch, warehouse and geographic area) then their individual selections can be retained and used the next time they run the program.

You can set your selections for these options as an operator preference by right-clicking the pane containing the After processing completed options and selecting Options->Save Form Values as Default option. This option is operator-specific and is not configured by group or role.

Defining form values for applications

You would typically use this procedure to configure programs that you want to run automatically without operator intervention.

  1. Open the Automation Design program (Ribbon bar > Administration > Automation Design).

    The Automation Design window is displayed.

  2. Select the add option against the program you want to automate.

  3. Enter a group name for the program.

    The group name can be used to organize your automated applications as a collection. This is achieved by appending a group name to the DESIGN or RUN parameters so that the application will locate and apply the default values from an XML file located on the application server. The group name is used as the name of the folder to be located under the \Base\Settings\Automation folder on the application server. The file name is formname.xml (e.g. ARSP01LV.xml).

  4. Define the default values you want to apply to the form when the application is launched.

  5. Save the form values.

Automating applications using SYSPRO Tasks

  1. Open the SYSPRO Tasks program.

  2. Right-click anywhere in the Task Groups pane and select New Task Group from the shortcut menu.

  3. Define the Task Group options as required.

  4. Highlight the task group you want to maintain.

  5. Right-click anywhere in the Task Details pane and select New Task from the shortcut menu.

  6. Define the Task options as required.

    1. Enter the name of the program you want to link to the task.

    2. Enter the group name details.

      The group name is used to organize your automated applications as a collection. This is achieved by appending a group name to the DESIGN or RUN parameters so that the application will locate and apply the default values from an XML file located on the application server.

    3. Select Run this task using automation.

      The parameter and value RUN = GroupName is added to the program name.

  7. Select OK to accept your entries.

    When you double-click the first task in the task group, the tasks run sequentially according to the task options you defined.

Automating applications from the command line

  1. Open the Windows Command Prompt.

  2. Enter the path to the SYSPROAuto program (usually located in the Base folder of your SYSPRO installation) followed by any command line arguments you want to pass to SYSPRO.

    For example: /prog=task /link=xxx, where:

    • /prog=task loads the Tasks program

    • /link=xxx runs the task group (xxx indicates the name of the task group).

  3. Press Enter to execute the command.

    The application referenced in the command line is executed without user intervention. Once completed, the SYSPRO session is closed.

Automating applications using a batch text file

  1. Open your preferred text editor program (e.g. Notepad).

  2. Within the text file, enter the path to the SYSPROAuto program (usually located in the Base folder of your SYSPRO installation) together with any command line arguments you want to pass to SYSPRO.

    For example: /prog=task /link=xxx, where:

    • /prog=task loads the Tasks program

    • /link=xxx runs the task group (xxx indicates the name of the task group).

  3. Run the batch file.

    The application referenced in the batch file is executed without user intervention. Once completed, the SYSPRO session is closed.

Automating applications using a text file

  1. Open your preferred text editor program (e.g. Notepad).

  2. Within the text file, enter the command line arguments you want to pass to SYSPRO.

    For example: /prog=task /link=xxx, where:

    • /prog=task loads the Tasks program

    • /link=xxx runs the task group (xxx indicates the name of the task group).

  3. Save the text file with a .AUT extension.

  4. Associate the .AUT file extension with the SYSPROAuto.EXE executable.

    By associating .AUT files with the SYSPROAuto.EXE executable you do not have to specify the path to the program within the text file.

    1. Right-click the text file.

    2. Select (Open with > Choose Default Program) from the shortcut menu.

    3. Select the SYSPRO Auto Run Executable program.

      If the program does not appear on the list, use the Browse function to locate the SYSPROAuto.EXE file in the base folder of your SYSPRO installation.

    4. Enable the option: Always use the selected program to open this kind of file.

  5. Run the text file.

    The application referenced in the text file is executed without user intervention. Once completed, the SYSPRO session is closed.

Automating applications using the Windows Task Scheduler

  • Ensure that you have created a batch text file that references the SYSPROAuto.EXE executable file and the application you want to run, or a plain text file that has a file association with .AUT and which references the application you want to run.

  1. Open the Windows Task Scheduler program (Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools).

  2. Select Create Basic Task to create a task using a wizard.

  3. Follow the instructions presented by the wizard.

    • Assign a name and description to the task.

    • Indicate when you want the task to start as well as the frequency.

    • Indicate the batch text/text file that you want the task to run.

    The task is added to the Active Tasks pane and will run according to the parameters you have defined.