SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Stationery Formats > AP Check Format

AP Check Format

You use this program to define your page layout for printing checks and remittances for payments made in the Accounts Payable module. In addition, this program is used for defining the page layout for remittances for payments made using the EFT module.

You must define a check format for each bank from which checks are to be issued in the Accounts Payable module.

AP Check Format

Field Description

Indicate the code of the bank for which you want to maintain the check and/or remittance format(s).

Bank codes are maintained using the Banks program.

Check remittance

Specify which documents to maintain. You can define only the remittance format or you can define both the check and remittance formats at the same time.

See Coding considerations in Notes and warnings

Option Description
Remittance only

Select this to maintain the print format for remittances only.

The Check preferences and Check detail section options are not displayed under the General tab when you select this option.

This is the only option available to you if you selected not to print checks (Accounts Payable Setup).

Both remittance & check

Select this to maintain the print formats for both checks and remittances.

You can only select this if checks are required to be printed (Accounts Payable Setup).

See Coding considerations in Notes and warnings


Select the method to use to print remittances for the selected bank.

Only the available methods are displayed. For example SRS document printing is only available if SRS installed.

Option Description
Standard document Select this to print AP remittances for this bank using pre-printed stationery.
Word document

Select this to print AP remittances for this bank using MS Word.

Refer to Microsoft Word Printing for additional information about printing using MS Word.

You cannot define a format for combined checks and remittances using MS Word (i.e. if you selected the option: Both remittance & check above and you selected the setup option: Combined check & remittance (Accounts Payable Setup)).

SRS document

Select this to print your A/P remittances for this bank using SYSPRO Document Printing.

See SRS Document Printing Overview for additional information.

EFT Remittance The following options are only enabled if the bank for which you are defining the format is enabled for EFT payments (Banks).
Same as check remittance

Select this to use the same remittance format for EFT payments as you use for the check payments.

If you select this option, then the format options for EFT remittance advices are not displayed.

Separate remittance for EFTSelect this to define a different remittance format for EFT payments. (i.e. you do not want to use the same remittance format for EFT payments as you use for checks).
Print EFT remittance using MS WordSelect this to define a separate remittance format for EFT payments using MS Word (see Microsoft Word Printing).
Print EFT remittance using SRSSelect this to define a separate remittance format for EFT payments using SRS Document Printing.

Select the method by which you want to print checks for the selected bank.

These options are only enabled if you selected the option: Both remittance & check above and you did not select the setup option: Combined check & remittance (Accounts Payable Setup).

Option Description
Standard document Select this to print A/P checks for this bank using pre-printed stationery.
SRS document

Select this to print AP check documents for this bank using SYSPRO Document Printing.


Indicate the preferences and sections for which you want to define the print positions for your document(s).

Only the options for the document(s) you selected to define at the Check remittance option are displayed.

Change Select this to define the preferences and print positions for the option currently highlighted in the General tab (see General).
Copy Format Select this to copy the check format from another company to your current company.
Save Select this to save the information you entered.

Select this to print a document using test characters to verify that the print positions and fields you defined are correctly aligned on your stationery.

It is advisable to print the alignment to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.

Print Select this to print the stationery format information you defined and saved.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.

Close Select this to exit the program.

Copy Format

The Copy Format function enables you to copy the check format from another company to your current company.

Field Description
Company This indicates the company in which you are currently working.
Copy from bank

Indicate the check format of the bank from which you want to copy field row and column settings.

The check format for the bank you enter here is copied to the bank you selected at the Bank field.

Change company Select this to change to a different company from which you want to copy an A/P check format.
Copy from company Indicate a valid company from which you want to copy an A/P check format.
OK Select this to accept the company Id you entered at the previous prompt.
Cancel Select this to ignore any change you made and to return to the previous screen.

Select this to copy the check format you selected to the check format for the current bank.


This option does not save the format you copied for the current bank. To save the format you must select Save from the Edit Format screen which is displayed.

Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without performing the copy.


The Alignment function enables you to print a test check or remittance to verify that the fields you have defined are correctly aligned.

It is advisable to print the alignment to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.

Field Description
Check Select this to print a test alignment for a check format.
Remittance Select this to print a test alignment for a remittance advice format.
EFT Select this to print a test alignment for an EFT remittance advice format.
Number of pages to print Indicate the number of test documents for which you want to print a test alignment.

This enables you to check whether the information on each document is aligned correctly not only on the first document, but also on each subsequent document.

Print test alignment?  
OK Select this to print the test format alignment for the selected document.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without printing an alignment.


You use the options on this tab to select the preferences and sections for which you want to define the print positions for your document(s).

The following options are available depending on the document(s) you selected to define at the Check remittance option and the print format you selected:

  • MS Word Remittance details
  • SRS Check details (see SRS Document Print Setup and Maintain SRS Document Templates)
  • SRS Remittance details (see SRS Document Print Setup and Maintain SRS Document Templates)
  • SRS EFT Remittance details (see SRS Document Print Setup and Maintain SRS Document Templates)

When you highlight a section for a Standard document format and select the Change function, the fields for which print positions can be defined are displayed.

The following options are used to indicate the print positions for these fields:

Field Description
Clear Row/Column

Select this to set the row and column print positions for the highlighted field to zero, so that the field is not printed.

Text Fields Select this to enter the text to print and its specific position on each document.
Change Select this to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field.

Select this to close the current window and return to the previous window. You save the changes you made when exiting the program.

Text Fields

The Text Fields function enables you to enter the text that you want to print at a specific position on certain documents.

The Row specification for any field cannot exceed 65 and the Column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

Text fields can be defined against the following:

  • Check detail section

    Up to 3 lines of text (15 characters per line) printed at a specific position on the check.

    These text fields can be used to print guidance characters below the date. For example, if the date format is 12/22/2006, then you could use one of these text fields to print MM/DD/YYYY under this date.

  • Remittance heading section

    Up to ten lines of text (30 characters per line) printed at a specific position on each remittance.

  • EFT Remittance heading section

    Up to ten lines of text (30 characters per line) printed at a specific position on each EFT remittance.

Field Description
Clear text Select this to clear the text and print positions for the highlighted text field.
Change Select this maintain the highlighted text line.
Text Indicate the actual text that must be printed on the document.

Indicate the vertical position (i.e. Top to bottom) at which you want to print the text entered in the Text field.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. Left to right) at which you want to print the text entered in the Text field.

OK Select this to accept the information you entered for the text field.
Cancel Select this to ignore the information you entered for the text field and to return to the previous screen.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.


You use the Change function from within each section to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field in the section.

The Row specification for any field cannot exceed 65 and the Column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

Field Description

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

For some fields, only the Row or only the Column may be available for you to indicate.

To assist you in positioning the fields correctly, you can use the Print Mask program to print a grid of the required columns and lines. Ensure that the layout mask is output to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.


Indicate the vertical position (i.e. top to bottom) at which you want to print the highlighted field.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. left to right) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

OK Select this to accept the print positions you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore the print position you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Check Preferences

This screen is displayed when you select the Change function for the Check preferences option.

Field Description
Number of lines on a check

Enter the total number of lines on each check.

A maximum of 99 lines can be entered for a check.

See also Preference restrictions.

Highest start column across page Indicate the maximum column number that can be specified when defining the column print positions for fields on the document.

This must be in the range 1-150.

See also Preference restrictions.

Check amount wording style

The wording style you select depends on the layout of the pre-printed check. For example, some checks have blocks into which the amount in words is printed or written, while others have lines on which the amount in words is printed or written.


The wording for check amounts greater than nine hundred and ninety nine million (999 999 999.00) is 'thousand million' and not 'billion.' The reason for this is that a billion in the USA represents a different value to a billion in the UK. Therefore, the amount in words for a value such as 1 200 000 000.00 is 'One thousand two hundred million.'

Words in boxes Select this to print the check amount in words in the blocks on the check.
Digits in boxes Select this to print the check amount in digits in the blocks on the check.
Full wording Select this to print the full wording of the check amount before the decimal in words and amounts after the decimal in digits. For example: $90.11 will print as Ninety Dollars 11 Cents.
Full wording with decimals Select this to print the full wording of the check amount, including the currency denomination and decimal denomination. For example: $90.11 will print as Ninety Dollars Eleven Cents.
Print date format Indicate the format in which you want to print dates on your stationery.

This can be based on your system date format or a user defined date format (i.e. Short date or long date). These formats are defined within the System Setup program.

Distance between digits/words

This field is displayed if you selected either Words in boxes or Digits in boxes at the Check amount wording style field.

This field indicates the length of each block (beginning of this block to the beginning of the next block) across the check.

Length of full wording per line

This field is displayed if you selected Full wording or Full wording with decimals at the Check amount wording style field.

You use this field to indicate the number of characters to allocate for the wording of the amount on the check.

You can allocate a maximum of 99 characters for the wording of the check amount.


You must ensure that this field is wide enough to contain the full wording (i.e. that you have allocated enough characters in this field to print the full wording).

Number of digits to left of decimal

Indicate the maximum number of decimals places allowed for the check amount, or the number of blocks to be printed to the left of the decimal character on the check.


If the actual check amount exceeds the number of digits you have catered for, then the full amount of the check is printed (up to a maximum of 12 digits to the left of the decimal). The check is printed with either the number of digits specified here or the full amount of the check, whichever is greater.

Denomination symbol

A maximum of three characters can be entered here to represent the denomination symbol of the bank.

For foreign suppliers paid in a foreign currency, the entry made here is overwritten by the currency of the payment.

Denomination (English) If you are printing the Full wording or the Full wording with decimals of the check amount, then you can enter up to 10 characters representing the currency denomination for the bank (e.g. Pounds, dollars).
Decimal denomination (English) If you are printing the Full wording or the Full wording with decimals of the check amount, then you can enter up to 10 characters representing the decimal denomination for the bank (e.g. Pence, cents).
Other Languages

Select this to set up different languages in which you want to print checks for this bank.

When printing system checks from within the Payment Cycle Maintenance program, the denomination wording associated with the language linked to the supplier is used to determine the language to use when printing the check.


The field Full check wording language must be defined against the supplier (Suppliers).

You only need to define the denominations for other languages once per bank as these settings are used for all SYSPRO companies.


This function is available only if your Check amount wording style is defined as Full wording or Full wording with decimals.

Option Description

Select a language for which you want to configure the denomination and decimal denomination wording to use.

Available languages include: French, Spanish, Portuguese and German.


Enter the denomination wording you want to assign to the selected language for this bank.

When printing system checks from within the Payment Cycle Maintenance program, the denomination wording associated with the language linked to the supplier is used to determine the language to use when printing the check.

Decimal denomination Enter the decimal denomination wording you want to assign to the selected language for this bank.

When printing system checks using the Payment Cycle Maintenance program, the denomination wording associated with the language linked to the supplier is used to determine the language that must be used to print the check.

Save Select this to save the Other language details you entered.
Close Select this to close this window without saving your selections for the other language.
Address to print on check

Indicate whether you want to print the supplier's address or the remittance address on checks.

These addresses are defined against the supplier (Payment Cycle Maintenance).

Supplier Select this to print the supplier's address on the check or remittance.
Remittance Select this to print the supplier's remittance address on the check or remittance.
Pad payee name on check Select this option if you want to be able to assign a specific character to fill the blank spaces after the supplier's name when printing your checks.
Padding character to be used

Indicate the specific character you want to use to fill the blank spaces after the supplier's name.

Wingding characters can be used by selecting the Alt key together with a number above 128.

Comma separator for check amount Select this to print check amounts using a 1000 comma separator, where applicable.
Format is 6.1 compatible This applies to stationery formats defined in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software and is enabled by default for stationery formats defined in that version.

When enabled, the document is printed in the format specified in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software providing no presentation lengths are changed against the Keys defined in the Setup Options program.

Date Format Select this to define the separator (e.g. None, Spaces, /, \ , - or .) to use when printing the date on your supplier checks.

The date remains in the presentation format defined against the system (or the company), but the separator character within the format changes.


Select this to return to the A/P Check Format screen.


To save the preferences you entered, you must select Save from the A/P Check Format screen.

Check Date Format

You use the Date Format function to define the separators (e.g. / , -) to use when printing the date on your supplier checks.


The order in which the day, month and year are printed is defined either at system level (System Setup) or at company level (Company Maintenance).

Field Description
Date presentation format  
Overwrite date formats

Select this to define the separators for the check dates.

If you do not select this option, then the separators defined in the date formats you selected at company level (Company Maintenance) are used. If these are not defined at company level, then the separators defined at system level (System Setup) are used.

Date separator

Select the separator you require between the day, month and year of the date.

Once you have selected a separator and you press the Tab key, the dates are displayed in the fields below, using the separator you selected. This enables you to confirm that you have correctly configured your check date.

The following separators are available:

  • None
  • Space
  • /
  • \
  • -
  • .
No of spaces

Indicate the number of spaces you want to use as the date separator.

This field is only enabled if you selected the Date separator: Space in the previous field.

Date normal This field displays how the check date will be printed when using the short version of the date for the separator you selected.
Date short This indicates how the check date will be printed when using the short version of the date for the separator you selected.
Date long This indicates how the check date will be printed when using the long version of the date for the separator you selected.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

Check Detail Section

In this section, you define the row and column at which you want to print each of the fields on the check.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the check, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the check.


The following table indicates the fields that can be printed in the check detail section:

Field Origin/Remarks
Company name Company Maintenance - Address tab
Company address line 1 - 3 Company Maintenance - Address tab
Supplier name

This is the name printed on the check.

If the Check print name field is defined against the supplier, then that name is used on the check, else the name in the Supplier name field is used (Suppliers).

Supplier address line 1 - 5 Suppliers - Contact Details
Supplier postal/zip code Suppliers - Contact Details
Check number Six digits are printed when the Format is 6.1 compatible option is enabled; otherwise 15 digits are used for the check number.
Payment date System checks are dated according to the Default check day of month option defined against the supplier (Suppliers).
Full check amount  
Full check amount wording This field is only displayed if you selected Full wording at the Check amount wording style option in the Check preferences function. The length of this field is determined by your entry at the Length of full wording per line field.
Full check amount wording with This field is only displayed if you selected Full wordingwith decimals at the Check amount wording style option in the Check preferences function.
Digits to left of decimal This field can only be defined if you selected Words in boxes or Digits in boxes at the Check amount wording style option in the Check Preferences function.
Digits to right of decimal  
Currency denomination symbol  
Remittance name  
Tax registration number  
Company registration number Company Maintenance

Remittance Preferences

This screen is displayed when you select the Change function for the Remittance preferences option.


The preferences that can be applied/are available depend on the whether you are defining the print format for a Standard document, Word document or SRS document.

Field Description
Number of lines on a remittance

This indicates the number of lines available for printing on the remittance advice and depends on the physical size of the remittance advice.

A maximum of 99 lines can be entered for a remittance.

See also Preference restrictions.

Highest start column across page Indicate the maximum column number that can be specified when defining the column print positions for fields on the document.

This must be in the range 1-150.

See also Preference restrictions.

First invoice line starts on row

The entry made here indicates where the first invoice detail line must be printed on the remittance.

This cannot be greater than the number of lines on the remittance and cannot exceed 65.

The values entered against the First invoice line starts on row and Last invoice line ends on row determine the number of invoice detail lines on the document. Note that the system does not use these numbers to identify where the first invoice line prints. The only use of these numbers is to determine the number of invoice lines to print.

This, in turn, determines when a new check number is generated. If these options are not correctly defined, the check numbering may not be correct.

See also Preference restrictions.

Last invoice line ends on row

The entry made here indicates where the last invoice detail line must be printed on the remittance.

This cannot be greater than the number of lines on the remittance and cannot exceed 65. In addition, this cannot be less than the row for the first invoice line.

See also Preference restrictions.

Print date format Indicate the format in which you want to print dates on your stationery. This can be based on your system date format or a user defined date format (i.e. Short date or long date). These formats are defined within the System Setup program.
Allocate check numbers

Select this to allocate check numbers automatically when running the Payment Cycle Maintenance program.

You can only access this field if you selected the Remittance only option at the Check remittance field and you indicated that you require either Combined checks and remittances or Separate checks and remittances (Accounts Payable Setup).

Duplicate remittance required

Select this to print each remittance advice twice.

This enables you to keep one copy for your files and to send the other copy to the supplier together with your check.

You can only access this field if you selected the Both remittance & check option at the Check remittance field and you selected Combined checks and remittances (Accounts Payable Setup).
Use 1000 separator in values

Select this to apply the 1000 separator configured within the Company Maintenance program (Options tab) to all numeric values, including values defined in custom form fields.

Format is 6.1 compatible This applies to stationery formats defined in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software and is enabled by default for stationery formats defined in that version.

When enabled, the document is printed in the format specified in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software providing no presentation lengths are changed against the Keys defined in the Setup Options program.

Bitmap Forms Select this to specify bitmap images that you want to print on your remittance advices when they are faxed and/or printed.

You cannot associate a bitmap form to the printing of your remittances if you selected to print your checks and remittances combined (Accounts Payable Setup).


Select this to close the current window and return to the previous window.

You save the changes you made to the format at the time of exiting the program.

Bitmap Forms

You use the Bitmap Forms function to specify bitmap images that you want to print on your remittance advices when they are faxed and/or printed.


You will be unable to associate a bitmap form to the printing of your remittances if you selected to print your checks and remittances combined (Accounts Payable Setup).

Field Description
Bitmap for faxing Enter the name of the bitmap to associate with the faxing of the remittance. The file must have a .BMP extension.

Your entry at the Bitmap for faxing field is used only if your Fax settings are configured to use a 3rd party fax application to fax your documents

Bitmap for printing Enter the name of the bitmap to associate with the printing the remittance. The file must have a .BMP extension.
Bitmap width Indicate the width of the bitmap image that you want to print on the document

The bitmap is scaled automatically according to the specifications entered, retaining the aspect ratio (i.e. width to height).

Inches Select this if the Bitmap width specified is in inches.
Millimeters Select this if the Bitmap width specified is in millimeters.

Select this to close the current window and return to the previous window.

You save the changes you made to the format at the time of exiting the program.

Remittance Heading Section

In this section, you define the row and column at which you want to print each of the supplier fields on the remittance.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the remittance, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the remittance.


The following table indicates the fields that can be printed in the heading section of a remittance advice:

Field Origin/Remarks
Supplier name This is the supplier name printed on the remittance advice.

If the Check print name field is defined against the supplier, then that name is used here, else the name in the Supplier name field is used (Suppliers).

Supplier address lines 1-5 Suppliers - Contact Details
Supplier postal/zip code Suppliers - Contact Details
Supplier This prints the supplier code (Suppliers)
Supplier VAT registration no Suppliers - General Details
Payment date System checks are dated according to the Default check day of month option defined against the supplier (Suppliers)
Page number Page number for remittance advices. This is useful if remittance advices run to more than one page for a supplier.
Bank name Banks
Company name Company Maintenance - Address tab
Company address lines 1-3 Company Maintenance - Address tab
Foreign currency description Currencies
Company registration number Company Maintenance - General tab
Tax registration number Company Maintenance - General tab (Company tax registration number)
Remittance name Suppliers - Contact Details
Remittance address lines 1-5 Suppliers - Contact Details
Remittance postal/zip code Suppliers - Contact Details
Telephone number Suppliers - Contact Details
Fax number Suppliers - Contact Details
Contact name Suppliers - Contact Details
Email address Suppliers - Contact Details
Remittance fax number Suppliers - Contact Details
Remittance contact name This is the remittance name printed on the remittance advice.

If the Remittance name field is defined against the supplier, then that name is used here. If the Remittance name (Suppliers - Contact Details) is not defined, then nothing is printed in this field.

Remittance email address Suppliers - General Details
User-defined field 1 Suppliers - Supplier Details
User-defined field 2 Suppliers - Supplier Details
Withholding tax id number Suppliers - Supplier Details

This field is only applicable if you enabled the option: Withholding tax required (Company Tax Options Setup).

Remittance Detail Section

In this section, you define the column at which you want to print each of the invoice fields on the remittance.

The column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the remittance.


There are no row specifications as the row is taken from your entry at the First invoice line starts on row field as indicated on the Remittance preferences screen.


The following table indicates the fields that can be printed in the detail section of a remittance advice:

Field Origin/ Remarks
Invoice Invoice number entered using AP Invoice Posting
Invoice reference Invoice reference defined using AP Invoice Posting. If you re-established an invoice and left the Reference field blank, then the reference: "RESTAB" is entered by the system.
Invoice date Invoice date entered using AP Invoice Posting
Invoice gross amount Invoice amount entered using AP Invoice Posting
Invoice discount amount Discount amount entered using AP Invoice Posting
Invoice net amount Invoice net amount calculated. This is the invoice payment amount.
Withholding tax amount

This prints the withholding tax amount relevant to the invoice being paid.

This field is only displayed if you enabled the option: Withholding tax required (Company Tax Options Setup).
Branch Branch code against which the invoice was processed using AP Invoice Posting
Withholding tax code

This prints the withholding tax code associated with the invoice being paid.

This field is only displayed if you enabled the option: Withholding tax required (Company Tax Options Setup).

Remittance Total Section

In this section, you define the row and column at which you want to print each of the supplier totals on the remittance.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the remittance, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the remittance.


The following table indicates the fields that can be printed in the Total section of a remittance advice:

Field Origin/Remarks
Supplier name This is the supplier name printed on the remittance advice.

If the Check print name field is defined against the supplier, then that name is used here, else the name in the Supplier name field is used (Suppliers - Supplier Details).

Supplier Suppliers - Supplier Details
Check number Check number allocated using the Payment Cycle Maintenance program
Bank The bank ID of the bank on which the check was drawn
Remittance gross amount Gross total amount of invoices paid
Remittance discount amount Total discount amount of invoices paid
Remittance net amount Total net amount of invoices paid
Remittance withhold tax amount Total net withholding tax amount relevant to the payment.

This field is only displayed if you enabled the option: Withholding tax required (Company Tax Options Setup).

Remittance name This is the remittance name printed on the remittance advice.

If the Remittance name field is defined against the supplier, then that name is used here. If the Remittance name (Suppliers - Contact Details) is not defined, then nothing is printed in this field.

EFT Remittance Preferences

This screen is displayed when you select the Change function for the EFT Remittance preferences option.

Field Description
Number of lines on a remittance

This indicates the number of lines available for printing on the remittance advice and depends on the physical size of the remittance advice.

A maximum of 99 lines can be entered for a remittance.

See also Preference restrictions.

Highest start column across page Indicate the maximum column number that can be specified when defining the column print positions for fields on the document.

This must be in the range 1-150.

See also Preference restrictions.

First invoice line starts on row

The entry made here indicates where the first invoice detail line must be printed on the remittance.

This cannot be greater than the number of lines on the remittance and cannot exceed 65.

See also Preference restrictions.

Last invoice line ends on row

The entry made here indicates where the last invoice detail line must be printed on the remittance.

This cannot be greater than the number of lines on the remittance and cannot exceed 65. In addition, this cannot be less than the row for the first invoice line.

See also Preference restrictions.

Print date format Indicate the format in which you want to print dates on your stationery. This can be based on your system date format or a user defined date format (i.e. Short date or long date). These formats are defined within the System Setup program.
Allocate check numbers This option is not available for EFT remittance formats.
Duplicate remittance required This option is not available for EFT remittance formats.
Use 1000 separator in values

Select this to print remittance values with 1000 separators, where applicable.

The separator character used is the one defined against your Company Maintenance.

Format is 6.1 compatible This applies to stationery formats defined in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software and is enabled by default for stationery formats defined in that version.

When enabled, the document is printed in the format specified in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software providing no presentation lengths are changed against the Keys defined in the Setup Options program.

Bitmap Forms You use the Bitmap Forms function to specify bitmap images that you want to print on your EFT remittance advices when they are faxed and/or printed.

You will be unable to associate a bitmap form to the printing of your EFT remittances if you selected to print your checks and remittances combined (Accounts Payable Setup).


Select this to close the current window and return to the previous window.

You save the changes you made to the format at the time of exiting the program.

Bitmap Forms

You use the Bitmap Forms function to specify bitmap images that you want to print on your EFT remittance advices when they are faxed and/or printed.

Field Description
Bitmap for faxing Enter the name of the bitmap that you want to associate with the faxing of the EFT remittance. The file must have a .BMP extension.

Your entry at the Bitmap for faxing field is used only if your Fax settings are configured to use a 3rd party fax application to fax your documents

Bitmap for printing Enter the name of the bitmap that you want to associate with the printing the EFT remittance. The file must have a .BMP extension.
Bitmap width Indicate the width of the bitmap image that you want to print on the document

The bitmap is scaled automatically according to the specifications entered, retaining the aspect ratio (i.e. width to height).

Inches Select this if the Bitmap width specified is in inches.
Millimeters Select this if the Bitmap width specified is in millimeters.

Select this to close the current window and return to the previous window.

You save the changes you made to the format at the time of exiting the program.

EFT Remittance Heading Section

In this section, you define the row and column at which you want to print each of the supplier fields on the remittance.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the remittance, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the remittance.


The same fields that can be printed in the heading section of a remittance advice can also be printed in the heading section of an EFT remittance advice (see Fields).

EFT Remittance Detail Section

In this section, you define the column at which you want to print each of the invoice fields on the remittance.

The column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the remittance.


There are no row specifications as the row is taken from your entry at the First invoice line starts on row field as indicated on the Remittance preferences screen.


The same fields that can be printed in the detail section of a remittance advice can also be printed in the detail section of an EFT remittance advice (see Fields).

EFT Remittance Total Section

In this section, you define the row and column at which you want to print each of the supplier totals on the remittance.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the remittance, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the remittance.


The same fields that can be printed in the total section of a remittance advice can also be printed in the total section of an EFT remittance advice (see Fields).

MS Word Options

As an alternative to printing your documents on pre-printed stationery, you can configure SYSPRO to allow you to print your stationery documents using Microsoft Word.

Refer to Microsoft Word Printing for additional information about printing using MS Word.

MS Word Options

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Print using MS Word. It enables you to open the applicable Word template and insert the fields that you want to print on your stationery.

Refer to Template design for additional information.

Notes and warnings

Preference restrictions

  • You cannot have different settings for the Highest start column across page and Format is 6.1 compatible preferences against Check formats, Remittance formats and EFT formats. There is only one field for each of these options, so changing them on one Preference screen changes them on all the other Preference screens.

  • The Remittance Preferences and the EFT Remittance Preferences share the same screen, so whatever you save in the Remittance Preferences screen is set on the EFT Remittance Preferences screen.

Coding considerations

  • You can print checks and remittance on separate printers providing:

    • both printers are Window printers or both printers are non-Windows printers and
    • you enabled the option: Separate check & remittance (Accounts Payable Setup) and
    • you enable the Request Print Dialog option from the SYSPRO Desktop (SYSPRO Ribbon bar->Setup).
  • When using SRS Document printing to generate combined checks and remittances, the following must be defined in the Remittance Preferences:

    • Number of lines on a remittance

    • First invoice line starts on row

    • Last invoice line ends on row

    The values entered against the First invoice line starts on row and Last invoice line ends on row determine the number of invoice detail lines on the document. Note that the system does not use these numbers to identify where the first invoice line prints. The only use of these numbers is to determine the number of invoice lines to print.

    This, in turn, determines when a new check number is generated. If these options are not correctly defined, the check numbering may not be correct.

    In addition, the number of detail lines defined in the Remittance preferences must correspond to the number of detail lines defined on the SRS document template for the template and the check numbering to work correctly.

    If the option Both remittance & check is selected, but you select to print Remittances only in the AP Check and Remittance Print program, then the First invoice line starts on row and Last invoice line ends on row options have no effect on the number of invoice lines printed on the remittance. You must customize the SRS document template to achieve the correct number of lines.

  • You must define a check format before you can print checks using the Payment Cycle Maintenance program. This is regardless of whether you selected to print combined or separate checks and remittances (Accounts Payable Setup).