> Command Line Parameters

Command Line Parameters

As part of the installation, an icon is created that can be used to launch SYSPRO from the desktop. This icon is configured to run SYSPRO's executable program (SYSPRO.EXE) from a specific location.

You can optionally append a range of parameters to a command line statement. Some of these parameters relate to setting the login procedure to suit specific operator needs, while others help to automate the login procedure and launch specific programs or functions.

You can also launch SYSPRO from a third party application (e.g. as an attachment within an e-mail message).

Login parameters

Parameter Description
/oper= Indicates the operator code to use.
/pass= Indicates the operator password.
/comp= Indicates the company that must be loaded.
/cpas= Indicates the company password.
/serv= Indicates the name for the initial connection.

This parameter is specific to client/server environments.

/host= Indicates the computer name or IP address of the host computer.

This parameter is specific to client/server environments.

/time= Indicates the initial connection timeout in seconds.
/instance= Indicates the SYSPRO installation to use.

This applies when you have more than one version of SYSPRO installed on a client, server, or standalone machine.

You can find the required entry in the BaseDir of the applicable machine (i.e. the client, the server or the standalone machine).

/log Creates a communication log file (LOG.TXT) for debugging purposes.

The file is created in the Base folder of your SYSPRO installation and records the client/server communications dialog each time the operator tries to connect to the server.

/wrk= Indicates the location of the IMPWRK.INI file, which contains the path to your SYSPRO working directory.

This parameter is mainly used by developers.


/ini= Indicates the path to the IMPACT.INI file.
/f or /F Suppresses the warning message that is displayed when you log in and the system detects you are already logged in.

This parameter is ignored if concurrent use of the operator code is enabled.

If a minor database upgrade is in progress, a dialog box is displayed to reflect the upgrade progress.

/htm= Indicates the location of an HTML page (i.e. URL) that must be loaded for the operator in the SYSPRO browser.


\SYSPRO.EXE /oper=SALES /comp=A /htm=x:\HtmlMenu\SALES.HTM 
\SYSPRO.EXE /oper=SALES /comp=A /htm=www.Syspro.com
/t or /T In a Terminal Server/Citrix environment, this can improve the startup time by indicating that a smaller splash screen image must be displayed when loading SYSPRO.

This parameter is more commonly used with legacy versions of SYSPRO.


\SYSPROClient.EXE /host=SysproServer /T 
/exe= Indicates that you want to override the assumed executable (i.e. SYSPROClient.EXE in a client/server environment or SYSPRO.EXE in a mapped drive/standalone environment).

For example:

If you invoke SYSPROAuto as SYSPROAuto /exe=TEST, then SYSPROAuto invokes the executable TEST.EXE from the SYSPRO \Base directory.

SYSPROAuto then changes to the base directory and invokes the SYSPRO executable, applying the same command line arguments that may have been associated with launching SYSPROAuto.

/lang= Indicates the language code.

The language code can be entered in uppercase or lowercase.



Indicates that you want to use WCF to communicate with SYSPRO.

The system automatically determines that this is a client-server environment and automatically sets the executable to SYSPROClient.exe.

If your server instance is not 0, then you will need to specify a /BaseDir= for the server instance. If your client instance is not 0, then you will need to specify a /BaseDir= for the client instance.


\SYSPROAuto.EXE /WCF=localhost:1978 /INSTANCE=2 

Program and Function parameters

Parameter Description
/h Indicates that you want to hide the main SYSPRO login and menu screens.

The named program is then automatically launched and will exit when the program has completed.


This parameter is available only if the Office Automation & Messaging module is installed as part of your company's registration license.

If this parameter is used to run SYSPRO from a locked computer, the process will stop at the logon screen and the called program will not run.

/s Indicates that you want to run in silent mode, with no user interface.

This should only be used for programs that have no user interface, otherwise a Runtime 173 error message is displayed.

Details of this error message are written to a log file (RTS_ERROR.TXT) located in the \Settings folder on the server.

/prog=X Indicates the name of the SYSPRO program you want to launch from the SYSPRO menu.

The program code must be entered in uppercase.

/link= Indicates the linkage to be passed to the called program.

Linkage parameters

Summary list of parameters by program

Programs Parameters available
BOMP40 (Cost Implosion)
  • /link={Base: Update: Route: Log:}

IMP01B (Job Receipts)
  • /link=import-auto

  • /link=import-auto-file=XXXXXX

IMP041 (Document Print)
  • /link=KEY

IMP040 (Sales Order Entry)
  • /link=CUS:xxxxxx

  • /link=QIK:xxxxxx

  • /link=nnnnnnn

IMPNDX (Reindex Files)
  • /link-xfilename.edi

MRPP40 (Requirements Calculation)
  • /link=Function:NEW

  • /link=Function:DEL

  • /link=Function:REC

  • /link=Function:RECJ

MRPPE1 (Requirements Planning Query)
  • /link=KEY

PORP10 (Purchase Order Entry)
  • link=SUP:xxxxxx

REPP80 (Report Writer)
  • /link=xxxxxxxxxxY

QOTP1A (Quotations)
  • /link=CUS:xxxxxx

  • /link=nnnnnnn

  • /link=QOT:xxxxxx

  • /link=CRM:

SORPIQ (Sales Invoice Query)
  • /link=KEY

WIPP05 (Job Entry)
  • /link=JOB:nnnnnnnn

WIPP60 (WIP Labor Import)
  • /link=import-auto

Programs displayed in the Automation Design listview.
  • /link=Run

  • /link=Group

Parameter details

Parameter Description
/link=KEY Indicated after the /prog=SORPIQ parameter, the specific entry at the /link= parameter enables you to query a customer's invoice.

Entry positions:

  • Position 1 to 15 is reserved for the customer number
  • Position 16 to 35 is reserved for the invoice number

Insert leading zeros if the key type is numeric. Append spaces if the key is alphanumeric.

Example (where 1 indicates the customer number and 100301 indicates the invoice number):

/prog=SORPIQ /Link=000000000000001100301 /h
/link=KEY Indicated after the /prog=MRPPE1 parameter, the specific string entry at the /link= parameter enables you to query a stock item in a specific warehouse.

Entry positions:

  • Position 1 to 30 is reserved for the stock code.
  • Position 31 to 35 is reserved for the revision.
  • Position 36 to 40 is reserved for the release.
  • Position 41 to 50 is reserved for the warehouse.

Insert leading zeros if the key type is numeric. Append spaces if the key is alphanumeric.

Example (where B100 indicates the stock code and FG indicates the warehouse):

/prog=MRPPE1 /Link=B100                                    FG /h
/link=KEY Indicated after the /prog=IMP041 parameter, the specific entry at the /link= parameter enables you to print an order document.

The program assumes that a single document must be processed and uses the key information supplied to determine the type of document that must be processed.

DocumentKey for PrintKey for Reprint
Delivery noteOrder noOrder no
Order acknowledgementOrder noOrder no
Dispatch noteDispatch note noDispatch note no
Consolidated dispatch invoiceN/AInvoice no
Dispatch invoiceDispatch note noInvoice no
Dispatch SCT transferDispatch note noTransfer no
SCT transferOrder noTransfer no
InvoiceOrder noInvoice no
Credit noteOrder noInvoice no
Debit noteOrder noInvoice no

To run without operator intervention, you need to ensure that a number of options are configured appropriately:

  • The Request Print Dialog option must be disabled.
  • The Print Preview option must be disabled.
  • The Invoice sales recap option must be disabled.


/prog=IMP041 /link=KEY000001 /h
/link=Run Indicates a program to run automatically without operator intervention.

A list of valid programs are displayed in the Automation Design listview.

Against each of these programs you pre-define the form values required, otherwise the default system form values for the program are used.


You cannot run SYSPRO in automated mode if the monitor is locked.


/link=Group Indicates a group of programs to run automatically without operator intervention, where Group denotes the name of the group created using the Automation Design program.

A list of valid programs are displayed in the Automation Design listview.

Against each of the programs you pre-define the form values required, otherwise the default system form values for the programs are used.


You cannot run SYSPRO in automated mode if the monitor is locked.

Example (where Daily indicates the name of the group of programs):

/prog=TASK /link=Daily
/link=import-auto Automatically runs an import function without operator intervention.

Ensure that your operator login parameter has an extension of .EDI and that the import file resides in the \Base folder of your SYSPRO installation.


Operator intervention is still required if the system cannot locate the import file.

Details of any error messages are written out to a log file (FILENAME.ERR).


/prog=IMP01B /link=import-auto 
/prog=WIPP60 /link=import-auto 

Using command line parameters to import information has been largely superseded by the use of Business Objects (i.e. you can generate XML and pass this to a business object to add items), which is more flexible and can be used by third party systems and different languages.

/link=import-auto-file=XXXXXX Automatically imports a specific file (where XXXXXX indicates the name of the file).

With this link, the operator login parameter does not require an .EDI extension and the import file does not have to reside in the Base folder of your SYSPRO installation.

  • The path and filename cannot exceed 150 characters.

  • Any errors detected are reported in a file of the same name as the import file specified, but with an extension of .err.


/prog=IMP01B /link=import-auto-file=JOB.EDI 
/link=CUS:xxxxxx Indicated after the /prog=IMP040 parameter, this begins the capture of a Sales Order for the customer indicated by xxxxxx.

Indicated after the /prog=QOTP1a parameter, this begins the capture of a quotation for the customer indicated by xxxxxx.


You do not need to insert leading zeros if the customer key type is numeric.

/link=SUP:xxxxxx Indicated after the /prog=PORP10 parameter, this begins the capture of a Purchase Order for the supplier indicated by xxxxxx.

You do not need to insert leading zeros if the supplier key type is numeric.

/link=nnnnnnn Indicated after the /prog=IMP040 or /prog=PORP10 parameter, this maintains Sales Order lines for the order number indicated by nnnnnnn.
/link=QIK:xxxxxx Indicated after the /prog=IMP040 parameter, this begins the capture of a Quick Entry order for the customer indicated by xxxxxx.
/link=QOT:xxxxxx Indicated after the /prog=QOTP1a parameter, this begins the maintenance of an existing Quotation indicated by xxxxxx.

You do not need to insert leading zeros if the quotation key type is numeric.

/link=xxxxxxxxxxY Enables you to run a Report Writer report without operator intervention.

The first 10 characters (passed with spaces, if required) indicate the name of the report you want to run.

The 11th character must be a Y (in uppercase) to run the report without operator interaction.

Prerequisites for this linkage:

  • The Request Print Dialog option must be disabled for the report.

  • The Print Preview option must be disabled for the report.
  • The report being run must not contain any run-time prompts.


/prog=REPP80 /link=REP-001 Y /h
/link=CRM: Captures a Quotation against a prospect's number (first 12 characters) and name (following 30 characters).

The prospect's number is saved at the Description field as: CRM A/C# 123456789012 and the prospect's name is saved into the Customer name field in the QOTP1A (Quotations) program.

/link=Function:NEW Indicated after the /prog=MRPP40 parameter, this runs the Requirements Calculation program and takes a new snapshot.

The system date is used as the date of the calculation.

To output a log file containing details of the phases processed, as well as any errors that may have occurred, a Log: entry needs to be added to the command line. A single space must exist between the Function: entry and the Log: entry, otherwise the Log: entry is ignored.


If you specify a filename that exists, it is overwritten.

If you exclude the pathing to the log file, then the file is created in the Base folder of your SYSPRO installation.

If Job Logging is enabled (Company Setup), then the same information is output to the job logging details.


/prog=MRPP40 /link=Function:NEW Log:C:\Mylog.txt /h 
/link=Function:DEL Indicated after the /prog=MRPP40 parameter, this runs the Requirements Calculation program and deletes the current snapshot.

The system date is used as the date of the calculation.

To output a log file containing details of the phases processed, as well as any errors that may have occurred, a Log: entry needs to be added to the command line. A single space must exist between the Function: entry and the Log: entry, otherwise the Log: entry is ignored.


If you specify a filename that exists, it is overwritten.

If you exclude the pathing to the log file, then the file is created in the Base folder of your SYSPRO installation.

If Job Logging is enabled (Company Setup), then the same information is output to the job logging details.


/prog=MRPP40 /link=Function:DEL Log:C:\Mylog.txt /h 
/link=Function:REC Indicated after the /prog=MRPP40 parameter, this runs the Requirements Calculation program, retains the snapshot, recalculates, and then recreates the suggested jobs.

The system date is used as the date of the calculation.

To output a log file containing details of the phases processed, as well as any errors that may have occurred, a Log: entry needs to be added to the command line. A single space must exist between the Function: entry and the Log: entry, otherwise the Log: entry is ignored.


If you specify a filename that exists, it is overwritten.

If you exclude the pathing to the log file, then the file is created in the Base folder of your SYSPRO installation.

If Job Logging is enabled (Company Setup), then the same information is output to the job logging details.


/prog=MRPP40 /link=Function:REC Log:C:\Mylog.txt /h 
/link=Function:RECJ Indicated after the /prog=MRPP40 parameter, this runs the Requirements Calculation program, retains the snapshot, recalculates, and retains the current suggested jobs.

The system date is used as the date of the calculation.

To output a log file containing details of the phases processed, as well as any errors that may have occurred, a Log: entry needs to be added to the command line. A single space must exist between the Function: entry and the Log: entry, otherwise the Log: entry is ignored.


If you specify a filename that exists, it is overwritten.

If you exclude the pathing to the log file, then the file is created in the Base folder of your SYSPRO installation.

If Job Logging is enabled (Company Setup), then the same information is output to the job logging details.


/prog=MRPP40 /link=Function:RECJ Log:C:\Mylog.txt /h 
/link=JOB:nnnnnnnn Indicated after the /prog=WIPP05 parameter, this runs the Job Entry program and enables you to update the job number indicated by nnnnnnnn.


/prog=WIPP05 /link=JOB:590 /h 
/link-xfilename.edi Indicated after the /prog=IMPNDX parameter, this uses the file selections created for the Export Selections function, where xfilename.edi is the name of the file exported.

The /h parameter enables you to reindex files in background mode.


/prog=IMPNDX /link=xfilename.edi /h 

Refer to Hints and tips in for additional information.

/link={Base: Update: Route: Log:} Indicated after the /prog=BOMP40 parameter, this uses the following link parameters:
Link parameterDescription and options
BASEThe cost basis:
  • B - BOM Costs
  • I - Inventory costs
  • L - Last cost
  • W - What if costs
UPDATEThe costs you want to update:
  • B - BOM Costs
  • W - What if costs
  • X - Both BOM and what-if costs
ROUTEThe route you want to use when rolling up costs.
  • Enter - if costing is defined by warehouse; you are storing costs against the stock/warehouse record and you want to apply the routes and component warehouses held against the parent warehouse's control record.

This is ignored unless you are only updating what-if costs and alternate routings are in use.


If ignored and alternative routings are in use then the program will use route 0 or, if costs are retained by warehouse, the route (and component warehouse) defined against each parent warehouse's control record.

LOGYou can define a log file to which the processing details are written.

You would use this instead of printing a log.

If Job Logging is in use, then the processing details can be viewed using the Zoom function of the Job Logging Query program.


/prog=BOMP40 /link={Base:B,Update:W,Route:0,Log:.\BOMP40.LOG} /h 

End process parameters

See also: Notes and warnings.

Parameter Description
/link=KILL Indicated after the /prog=IMPPID parameter, this terminates all unknown processes on the server.

An unknown process is one where a Windows SYSPRO process on the server is found with no corresponding entry in SYSPRO's user file.

Terminating these processes typically does no harm as the user is not actually using SYSPRO, but there is a process still running on the server.


/prog=IMPPID /link=KILL
/link=KILL-EXIT Indicated after the /prog=IMPPID parameter, this terminates all unknown processes and then exits SYSPRO gracefully when completed.


/prog=IMPPID /link=KILL-EXIT
/link=KILL-ALL Indicated after the /prog=IMPPID parameter, this terminates all SYSPRO processes on the server, excluding any process initiated by the current operator code.

If you use this option when logged in as ADMIN, then SYSPRO processes for all operators are terminated, with the exception of processes for operator ADMIN.


/prog=IMPPID /link=KILL-ALL
/link=KILL-COMP Indicated after the /prog=IMPPID parameter, this terminates all SYSPRO processes on the server for users logged into the same company as the current user.

It excludes any process initiated by the current operator code.

If you use this option when logged in as ADMIN, then SYSPRO processes for all operators in the selected company are terminated with the exception of processes for operator ADMIN.


This parameter works the same way as KILL-ALL, but applies only to operators logged into the same company as the current operator.


/prog=IMPPID /link=KILL-COMP
/link=KILL-ALL-EXIT Indicated after the /prog=IMPPID parameter, this terminates all SYSPRO processes on the server (same as KILL-ALL) but then exits SYSPRO gracefully when completed.

This parameter is typically used when run from the command line.


/link=KILL-ALL-COMP-EXIT Indicated after the /prog=IMPPID parameter, this terminates all SYSPRO processes on the server for users logged into the same company as the current user and then exits SYSPRO gracefully when completed.

This parameter is typically used when run from the command line.

This parameter works the same way as KILL-ALL-EXIT, but applies only to operators logged into the same company as the current operator.


/link=REM-ORPHAN-EXIT Indicated after the /prog=IMPPID parameter, this removes client connections from the AdmCurrentUsers table in the system-wide database if those connections are not linked to a currently valid process. This ensures that all invalid entries are removed prior to running nightly balances or other automated tasks This function doesn't target unknown processes, as this is already handled by the KILL-EXIT function.



Financial Report parameters

Parameter Description
GENP81 \path\to\file.xml This runs the GL XML Report Viewer program and loads the relevant financial report.

Notes and warnings

Coding considerations

  • If you use spacey file names then you must surround the command line with quotes so that Windows can determine the end of the application executable.

    "c:\program files\syspro7\base\SYSPROAuto.exe" /oper=xxxx /comp=x
  • The minimum parameters required for SYSPRO to run and a program to be called are:

    • Operator (/oper)

    • Operator password, if required (/pass)

    • Company (/comp)

    • Company password, if required (/cpas)

    • Program (/prog)

  • A maximum of 200 characters can be entered on the command line.

    The number of characters to pass on the command line can (in some cases) be reduced by:

    • using the Automation Design program to create a form for the program you are calling on the command line

    • saving all the values that never change on the form

    • adding only the parameters that change to the command line

  • You can enter login parameters in lowercase or uppercase.

    When entering parameter links, ensure that the correct/applicable case is used (e.g. program names must be entered in uppercase).

End process

  • When you end processes that relate to client/server sessions, these may have to be ended by running a SYSPRO client connected through the same communications service (e.g. CCI or SYSPROCOMMS).

  • The following occurs when you terminate processes using either the End functions of the Windows Task Manager program, or one of the KILL command line parameters:

    • All run away process on the server are killed.

    • Active processes are killed according to the End option or Kill command line parameter used.

    • The Admin Users Currently Using SYSPRO(ADMUSR) file is updated.

    • The Update Admin System Audit file is updated.