Work in Progress > WIP Query > Material Allocations

Material Allocations

You use this program to view details of material allocations currently allocated to a job.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Zoom Displays additional information for the allocation, including narrations.

Select this to use the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance program to add a new allocation.

You cannot add an item which is defined as a notional part.

If you add an allocation to a job for a notional part and the costing method is set to Detail (BOM Co-Product Maintenance), then you are prompted to add the cost allocations for the co-products of the notional part (see WIP Co-Product Maintenance).


Select this to use the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance program to maintain the currently highlighted allocation.

You cannot update a material allocation that has already been issued to the job.

If you change the warehouse of an allocation to a job for a notional part and the costing method is set to Detail (BOM Co-Product Maintenance), then you must re-apportion the co-products for the new detailed costing for the new warehouse (see WIP Co-Product Maintenance). If you change other details of an allocation to a job for a notional part and the costing method is set to Detail (BOM Co-Product Maintenance) then you are prompted to maintain the cost allocations for the co-products of the notional part


Select this to delete the currently highlighted allocation.

When you delete an allocation for a confirmed job, any reserved quantity is released (i.e. set to zero).

Job amendment journals are created when deleting material allocations if the Capture job amendment journals option is enabled (Work in Progress Setup).

Copy Select this to use the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance program to copy material allocations to the current job.
Set as Complete Select this to set the currently highlighted allocation to a status of complete.

This reduces the work in progress quantity by the outstanding quantity to be issued to the job.

Job amendment journals are created when a material allocations are set to complete if the Capture job amendment journals option is enabled (Work in Progress Setup).

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Maintain Reserved Lots/Serials

Select this to use the WIP Reserve Lots & Serials Maintenance program to maintain reserved lots and serials for the allocation.

This only applies if you selected to reserve lots/serials for allocations (Work in Progress Setup) and the allocation is defined as lot traceable and/or serialized (Stock Codes).

Maintain Detailed Costing

Select this to use the WIP Co-Product Maintenance program to maintain the cost apportionment of the currently highlighted allocation.

This only applies for co-product allocations that require detailed costing (BOM Co-Product Maintenance).

Complete Select this to set the currently highlighted allocation to complete.
Details Select this to use the WIP Browse on Material Details program to view material issues to the job.
Lots Select this to use the WIP Job Lot Query program to view details of material allocations for lot traceable items.
Bins Select this to use the WIP Job Bin Query program to view material issues from bins to a job.
Serials Select this to use the WIP Job Serial Query program to view details of material allocations for serialized items.
Reserve Lots Query Select this to use the WIP Reserved Lots Browse for Allocations program to view details of reserved lots for the allocations.
Reserve Serials Query Select this to use the WIP Job Reserved Serial Query program to view details of reserved serials for the allocations.

Indicate the order in which you want to view the allocations in the listview.


This screen is displayed when you select the Zoom option from the File menu.

Field Description
General details  
Stock code Indicates the code for the component item.
Unit quantity required Indicates the quantity of the component stock code that is required to make a single parent stock code.
Fixed quantity Indicates whether the quantity of the component required to make a single parent part is fixed.
Parent per fixed quantity Indicates the number of parent parts to which the component quantity per applies.
Narrations Select this to display narrations attached to the stock code. This function has no effect if no narrations are defined against the stock code.

Details for Stock Code

You use the Details option from the Functions menu to view posting details for the currently highlighted material allocation.


Details that can be viewed include the following:

Column Description
Material reference Indicates the material reference entered for the material allocation transaction. This can be used to track the material posting.

Lot Query for Material Issues

You use the Lots option from the Functions menu to view material issues of traceable items to a job.

If you selected the setup options: Require component to parent lot tracking (Work in Progress Setup) then you can typically use your right mouse button on a highlighted line and select the option: View Parent Lots. This displays the listview of the Component to Parent Lot Tracking Query program.

Bin Query for Material Issues

You use the Bins option from the Functions menu to view material issues from bins to a job.

Details that can be viewed include:

Column Description
Quantity Indicates the quantity issued from the bin.
Lot Indicates the lot number to which the quantity was issued from the bin.

Serial Query for Material Issues

You use the Serials option for the Functions menu to view material issues of serialized items to a job.

If you selected the setup options: Require component to parent serial tracking (Work in Progress Setup) then you can typically use your right mouse button on a highlighted line and select the option: View Parent Serials. This displays the listview of the Component to Parent Serial Tracking program.


Column Description
Completed Yes indicates that the allocation is complete. No indicates that the allocation is not complete.
Bin location

Indicates the bin location from which the allocation must be issued.

Line no Indicates the line number for the allocation within the bill of materials.
Sub job This displays the sub job associated with the material allocation.
Net qty req

This is the net quantity required for the job, excluding the scrap quantity.

This is the quantity of the component item required to manufacture the quantity of the parent item in the job.

The following applies when a phantom part is set to use a fixed parent quantity:

  • If the top level phantom is fixed and there is a fixed parent quantity then, provided no other level is fixed, the fixed parent quantity is applied against the component.

  • If the component has a fixed parent quantity then provided none of the higher levels are fixed and there is no factorization (i.e. the quantity per calculated from higher levels = 1) then the component's fixed quantity is used.

  • In all other instances the total quantity required is calculated and the fixed parent quantity is set to zero.

Quantity reserved

Indicates the allocation quantity reserved in the manufacturing unit of measure.

This only applies when Reserve stock for confirmed jobs is enabled (Work in Progress Setup).

Stock quantity reserved

Indicates the allocation quantity reserved in the stocking unit of measure.

This only applies when Reserve stock for confirmed jobs is enabled (Work in Progress Setup).

ECC consumption

The ECC consumption method for an ECC controlled item is displayed.

The Maintain Reserved Lots/Serials and Maintain Detailed Costing options found on the Edit menu are not available if the method is Deplete Oldest, and if reserving lots for components is switched on and the material allocation is lot traceable.

This also applies to reserving serials and the material allocation is serialized.

Reference designator Indicate a reference to identify the component in an electrical schematic (circuit diagram) or on a printed circuit board (PCB).

This free format field usually consists of one or two letters followed by a number. Occasionally that number is then followed by a letter indicating that components are grouped or matched with each other.

Assembly place Indicates any additional sequence or reference for the placement of the component within the assembly.

This free format field is mainly used for importing from CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems.

Item number Indicates a number, description and/or reference of the item on the assembly drawing.

This free format field is mainly used for importing from CAD (Computer Aided Design), EPC (Electronic Parts Catalogue) or EPL (Engineering Parts List) systems.

Job Indicates the job number to which the material allocation is assigned.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Material Allocations option from the Query menu of the WIP Query program.

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this list view if access for this program is set to Browse only but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).
  • You cannot view material allocation lines for warehouses to which you have been denied access (Operators).

Deletion considerations

  • You cannot delete a material allocation already issued to the job.

  • You cannot delete a material allocation that has a sub job attached to it. You need to detach the sub job first.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
WIP Material allocation added

Controls access to the Add function in the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance and WIP Material Allocations - Browse programs.

WIP Material allocation changed

Controls access to the Change function in the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance and WIP Material Allocations - Browse programs.

WIP Material allocation deleted

Controls access to the Delete function in the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance and WIP Material Allocations - Browse programs.

WIP Material allocation copied

Controls access to the Copy function in the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance and WIP Material Allocations - Browse programs.

WIP Material allocation completed

Controls access to the Set as Complete function in the WIP Material Allocations - Browse program.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
WIP Set material allocation as complete Controls whether an operator can select the Set as Complete option from the Edit menu of the WIP Material Allocations - Browse program.

This does not prevent the operator from setting a material allocation to complete at the "Is this allocation complete?" prompt when posting a kit/specific issue.