Work in Progress > Browses > Browse on Jobs

Browse on Jobs

You use this program to view details of live jobs (defined in the Work in Progress module) or snapshot jobs (from the Requirements Planning module).

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Notepad Loads the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program to add rich format text to the job highlighted in the list view.

This text can be printed on your factory documentation (see the Notepad option from Preferences).

Copy Creates a new job by copying the job currently highlighted in the list view. See Copy Job.
Hold When enabled, the hold suspends processing for the currently highlighted job.

You cannot place a hold on a job that is already complete.

This option is not available when the Browse on Jobs program is accessed from the Job Entry program, as the Hold functionality is available within the Job Entry program.

See eSignature considerations in Notes and warnings.

Material Loads the WIP Material Allocations - Browse program to maintain material allocations for the currently highlighted job.
Operations Loads the WIP Browse on Labor Allocations program to maintain operation allocations for the currently highlighted job.
Notes Loads the WIP Job Notes program to view and/or edit any text notations held against the currently highlighted job.
Maintain Reserved Lots/ Serials Loads the WIP Reserve Lots & Serials Maintenance program to maintain the lots/serials reserved for a job.
Maintain Tracked Lots

Loads the WIP Track Lots and Serials program to view and maintain the link of lot numbers of component parts to the parent part.

This option is only enabled if you enabled the Component to parent lot tracking option (Work in Progress Setup).

Maintain Tracked Serials

Loads the WIP Track Lots and Serials program to view and maintain the link of serial numbers of component parts to the parent part.

This option is only enabled if you enabled the Component to parent serial tracking option (Work in Progress Setup).

Maintain Co-products

Loads the WIP Co-Product Maintenance program to view and maintain the details of co-products in a job.

This option is only enabled if the job is for a Notional part (Stock Codes).

Documentation Maintenance Indicate the format (1 to 4) to use when printing your factory documents once a job has been added successfully to the system.
Configurator Loads the Configurator Wizard program to create a job for a configured product.
Option Description
Change Contract Changes the contract number assigned to a job. You cannot change the contract if any schedules, deposits or retentions exist for the contract or if the job is linked to a sales order.
Hierarchy Maintenance Loads the P&C Maintenance of Job Hierarchies program to change the hierarchy of heads and sections assigned to a job.
Option Description
Job Query Loads the WIP Query program to view detailed information for the highlighted job.
Multi-level Query Loads the WIP Multi-level Job Query program to view all jobs and sub jobs within a job structure. This query is only valid for jobs with sub jobs (i.e. multi-level jobs).
Include Indicate the sales order and job selections that must be used to include jobs in the list view.

Only jobs for warehouses to which have access can be included.

Jobs This option is only enabled when you access the program from the Requirements Planning module.
Suggested Jobs

Includes suggested jobs in the list view. This option is only enabled when you access the program from the Requirements Planning module.

Copy Job

Field Description
Copy Creates a new job according to the selections made.

The Job Trial Loading screen is displayed (refer to Job Details - Dates section).

From job Indicate the source job that will be copied.
Archive job Select this to copy from an archived job.

Only material allocations, labor allocations and narrations can be copied to the target job.

Archive job Indicates whether the job you are copying from is an archived job.
From job Indicates the job you are copying.
Description Indicates the description of the job you are copying.
Unit of measure Indicates the unit of measure for the job you are copying.
To job Enter the new job that must be created.

You can only access this field if your job numbering method is set to Manual (Set Key Information).

If Automatic job numbering is enabled, then the next available job number is assigned by the system when the job is created.

New description Enter the description you want to assign to the new job.
Job confirmed Sets the new the job to confirmed (if you enabled the Jobs confirmed by default setup option).
Copy option
Field Description
As planned Copies the allocations as they were originally added to the job
As built Bases the material allocation requirement on the quantity issued against the source job and the labor allocation requirement on the time issued against the source job.

You cannot select this option when copying an incomplete job.

Material Allocations Includes material allocations from the source job to the new job.
Labor Allocations Includes labor allocations from the source job to the new job.
Notepad Includes any notepad details from the source job to the new job.
Custom forms Includes custom form details from the source job to the new job.
Narrations Includes job notes, narrations for material allocations and operation narrations from the source job to the new job.
Multimedia Includes multimedia defined against the job, material allocations and labor allocations.
WIP Reserving  
Automatically reserve allocations

Enable this to automatically reserve stock for allocations when confirming the job subject to the following:

  • The option: Reserve stock for confirmed jobs (Work in Progress Setup) is enabled.

  • The job is set to Confirmed.

  • If an allocation is linked to a Sub job or a Purchase order, then the Sub job or Purchase order quantity is used first to satisfy the quantity required for the allocation.

    Thereafter, any remaining quantity still to be reserved must be reserved manually using the WIP Reservations Review program.

  • Reservations are recalculated when you change the Quantity to make for a confirmed job.

    However, allocations linked to Sub jobs and Purchase orders are not recalculated. These must be adjusted using the WIP Reservations Review or WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance programs.

  • If an allocation is ECC controlled at revision or release stock level and the item is not lot traceable but multiple bins are installed, then the reservation takes place based on the quantity available in the default bin against the stock code warehouse.

  • The total quantity required is reserved for each allocation unless the stock quantity available is not enough. In this case, the total available quantity is reserved.

  • Stock for the following items must be manually reserved using the Reserved lots and serials column of the WIP Reservations Review program:

    • serialized items

    • lot traceable items

    • ECC controlled items which are lot traceable and stock control is at revision or release level

  • Stock cannot be reserved for:

    • Bulk issue items - unless these are added as normal allocations to the job

    • Floorstock items

    • Non stocked items

    • Allocations with a negative quantity required

You need to manually create reservations using the WIP Reservations Review program when this option is not enabled.

Load WIP reservations review Enable this to load the WIP Reservations Review program after copying the job providing the created job is confirmed.

If the Job confirmed option is not enabled, then no allocations are reserved, irrespective of whether the Load WIP reservations review option is enabled.

Listview columns

Field Description
On hold Indicates whether the job is on hold.
Stock code Indicates the finished item required to be made by the job.
Tender date This is set against the job and is used for documentation purposes when printing your factory documentation.
Hierarchy Indicates whether the job is an hierarchical job.
Contract no This displays the contract number against which the job was created if the job is linked to a contract.
Contract description This displays the description defined against the contract (Browse on Contracts).
Notional job This indicates whether or not the job is for a Notional part. If the job is for a notional part, then you can select the Maintain Co-products option from the Edit menu to use the WIP Co-Product Maintenance program to view and maintain the details of the co-products attached to the notional part.
Current Labor/Unit Indicates the current expected labor costs for the job. Expected costs can be updated using the Expected Job Cost Recalculation program.
Current Material/Unit This indicates the current expected material costs for the job. Expected costs can be updated using the Expected Job Cost Recalculation program.

Notes and warnings

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this listview if access to the program is set to Browse only, but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).

Deletion considerations

  • You cannot delete a job if:

    • the accumulated costs for the job are not zero in the current period or previous period 1 or previous period 2.
    • sub jobs are attached.
    • the job is on hold.
    • the job is attached to a capex line
    • the parent item for the job is on hold
    • there are any issues or receipts against components which have not been entirely reversed (regardless of whether the cost is zero). This includes Bulk issue items automatically issued when the job was confirmed.
  • If you reserved lots and/or serials for the job (WIP Reserve Lots & Serials Maintenance) then these reservations are deleted for the parent item and all its components.

  • If a password is defined against the WIP Deleting a job function (Password Definition) then you are required to enter the correct password before the job is deleted.

  • All reserved quantities for material allocations for the job are released. This applies when Reserve stock for confirmed jobs is enabled (Work in Progress Setup).

  • A warning is displayed when you attempt to delete a job linked to a purchase order. If you select to continue, then the job is deleted and the link to the Purchase order PORDET file is removed.

Job numbering

  • If you are using Manual job numbering, then you can re-use a deleted job's number for a new job.

    Manual job numbering lets you assign a unique code to identify a new job added, but does not record the last Job number used in the Wip Control table; it only creates and records the Job number used in the WipMaster table. If you try and create a new Job using the same number, SYSPRO checks the WipMaster table and if you have already used this particular number, it does not allow you to use it again.

    However, when you delete a Job, all records of the job are deleted from the WIP tables. If you now re-use the same number, when SYSPRO checks the WipMaster table, it finds no record of it in the SQL Wip Tables and allows you to use the same number again.

    To avoid this situation, you should use Automatic job numbering.

Copying considerations

  • You cannot copy hierarchical jobs.

  • When copying an archived job, only material allocations, labor allocations and narrations can be copied to the target job.

  • Regardless of whether you enabled the option to confirm a new job on copying, the job is not set to confirmed if:

    • the parent item (or any component of the parent item) requires lots and/or serials to be reserved; or
    • a component of the job is defined as a floorstock item.
  • Sub-jobs associated with the source job are not copied to the new job.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
WIP Manually set job on hold status

Controls access to enabling the Hold option in the Browse on Jobs and Job Entry programs to set a job on hold.

WIP Manually clear job on hold status

Controls access to disabling the Hold option in the Browse on Jobs program and the Release Hold option in the Job Entry program.

Password considerations

Password access to the following functions in this program may be defined in the Password Definition program. When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.

Field Description
WIP Deleting a job This password restricts access to deleting a job using the Job Review, Browse on Jobs or WIP Query programs.

A job cannot be deleted using the Job Entry program, as you cannot delete the job you are currently maintaining.

This is a transactional based password, which means the password is requested for each job you try to delete.

Hints and tips

View additional functions

  • Press Ctrl+F1 within a listview or form to view a full list of functions available.

  • Right-click on a tile or a category header within either the Navigation Pane or Favorites to view a full list of functions available.