SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration > Customization Tools > Hyperlinks and Exceptions

Hyperlinks and Exceptions

This program lets you configure the behavior of listview-type windows in SYSPRO (also referred to as property controls).

These can be viewed from within SYSPRO query programs and are designed to optimize the amount of information that can be displayed on the screen. They are designed to be completely flexible, allowing you to indicate which fields are visible and the sequence in which these fields must be displayed.

You can also associate SYSPRO and third-party application programs with any field displayed within the property control.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
System-wide This lets you apply customized hyperlinks, exceptions and smart links to all operators in all companies.
By Role This lets you apply smart links to a specific operator role. Exceptions and hyperlinks cannot be defined by role.

Customized Hyperlinks

Field Description
Caption to match This indicates the caption of the field displayed on the property control against which you want to associate a program. Your entry here is not case-sensitive, but it must match the caption of the property control.

You can establish the caption by right-clicking the field and selecting Customize Hyperlinks from the shortcut menu. The caption assigned to the field is displayed automatically.

Description for hyperlink This describes the hyperlink - useful to identify the purpose of the hyperlink if you associate more than one program to a caption.
Type of program to launch
Option Description
Run a SYSPRO program This opens a SYSPRO program from the hyperlink that is associated with the field.

Any program written to SYSPRO standards by third-party developers can also be opened, providing the program name does not exceed 6 characters.

Run an application from the workstation This opens an executable (residing on the workstation) from the hyperlink that is associated with the field.
Run a application from the server This opens an executable (residing on the server) from the hyperlink that is associated with the field.
Program to launch Enter up to 10 programs you want to associate with the field and launch from the hyperlink. The Browse-style program option lets you indicate that the SYSPRO program is a browse-style program (i.e. programs typically associated with the setup programs used to define static data such as stock codes, customer, currencies etc).
Program parameters Enter parameter(s) you want to use when launching a SYSPRO program.

For example: If you want the hyperlink to launch the Inventory Query program for a specific stock code, then enter that stock code here. Similarly, if you want to run a specific Report Writer report, you can pass the report name as the program parameter.

You can also use reserved words as program parameters (e.g. %key, %oper and %coid).

Reserved wordDescription
%keyTypically, this passes the value of the current key field.

Although in most cases using the %key reserved word returns the value of the current key field, the interpretation of the %key field may vary according to the program being launched. For example: Creating a smart link in the SO Browse on Sales Invoices program against the Customerimp invoice field, passes both the customer number and the invoice number.

In addition, you can only add one key field using %key (e.g. if you pass Stock Code as the key field, then you won't be able to pass Stock Code and Supplier in programs where this is required).

%operThe current operator code.
%coidThe current company id.

Customized Exceptions

This pane highlights information of an exceptional nature whenever it is displayed on a custom forms property control.

Field Description
Caption to match This indicates the caption of the field on the custom forms property control you want to highlight.

Because you can configure more than one exception for a given caption, the first match exception is applied.

Value Description
Contains The exception applies only if the custom form value contains the entry defined at the Comparison value field.
Equals The exception applies only if the custom form value is the same as the entry defined at the Comparison value field.
Greater than The exception applies only if the custom form value is greater than the entry defined at the Comparison value field.
Greater than or equal to The exception applies only if the custom form value is greater than or equal to the entry defined at the Comparison value field.
Less than The exception applies only if the custom form value is less than the entry defined at the Comparison value field.
Less than or equal to The exception applies only if the custom form value matches or is less than the entry defined at the Comparison value field.
Not equal to The exception applies only if the custom form value does not match the entry defined at the Comparison value field.
Starts with The exception applies only if the custom form value starts with the entry defined at the Comparison value field.
Comparison value This is the value that must be matched to the custom form field after applying the operand. The Match case option lets you specify that the exception must apply only if the case of the comparison value matches the case of the custom form field.
Color to apply Select the color you want to assign to exception. The Sample field lets you preview selections as you make them.
Apply to This lets you apply the selected color to the Background or Foreground.
Tooltip for exception Indicate the text that must be displayed as the tooltip when the mouse pointer hovers over the custom form field.

Smart Links

This pane displays all standard Smart Links available in the system. By default, these are displayed for all operators.

Field Description
Caption This indicates the caption to which the Smart Link is attached.
Description This indicates where the caption is displayed.
In use This indicates whether the Smart Link is displayed against the caption in forms and listviews.

Deselect this to remove the Smart Link from all forms and listviews for all operators across all companies (if configured System-wide) or only for operators belonging to a specific role (if configured by Role).

Changes to Smart Links are applied as soon as you select the Save and Exit toolbar function.

Notes and warnings


  • Before you can configure custom form exceptions, you must define a Custom program folder (System Setup).

Restrictions and limits

  • Hyperlinks and Smart Links are applied to both forms and listviews. Exceptions are only applied to listviews.

  • You cannot configure hyperlinks for group heading fields.

  • Date fields launch the Company Calendar program automatically, regardless of the program associated to these fields.

  • Property controls support the facility for 'program exceptions'. These exceptions originate from business logic that dictates whether a given caption's value should be highlighted (e.g. in red).

    These exceptions take precedence over any user-defined exception rule.

Storage folder considerations

  • Changes to Hyperlinks, Exceptions and Smart Links are saved in the CUSLNK.IMP, CUSEXC.IMP and CUSREM.IMP files of the CUSPROGS folder.

    If they are applied to a role, then these files are stored in the Role_xxx folder.