Quotations > Quotations Processing > Quotation Document Print

Quotation Document Print

You use this program to print quotations in batch mode.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Print/Send Print the quotations according to the selection criteria you indicated.
Alignment This prints the relevant document using test characters to verify that your stationery is correctly aligned in your printer. This typically applies when using pre-printed continuous stationery.
Preferences Personalize your use of this program by assigning default settings to fields.
Preview Display the quotation document on screen before you print it.

This applies to Word and SRS document formats.

Email Email the document(s) to your customers once they are printed.

This applies to Word document formats when printing a single quotation or a quote for a single customer.

Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.

Format Select the format code of the quotation format you want to print.
Define Format Edit the page layout and print positions of your quotation document formats using the Quotation Document Format program.
Reprint Produce quotation documents that have been printed/faxed before.
Print translated text If you enabled the Multi-language for document printing option (System Setup) then you can indicate whether to print the stock description, long description and notes in the required language (see Multi-language capability).

If you print documents and do not select the option to Print translated text, all Global narrations will print as a default.

Offers to print  
Default offer Use the currently highlighted offer as the default offer to print.
Offer 1 - Offer 5 Indicate whether to include details of offers on the quotations.
Select all Print all offers on the quotations you selected. You can only print multiple offers on a single quotation if you set the Offer print method to Multiple columns or Multiple lines against the document format (Quotation Document Format).
Deselect all Exclude all offers from the quotations you selected.
Quotation selection Indicate a selective range of quotations you want to select for printing.
Date type
Option Description
None Print all quotations irrespective of their dates.
Tender Print quotations for a selection of tender dates.
Expiry Print quotations for a selection of expiry dates.
Ship Print quotations for a selection of ship dates.
Last Print

Reprint quotations for a selection of dates according to which the quotations were last printed.

This only applies when reprinting quotations.
Date selection

Indicate the date(s) for which quotations must be included for printing.

The fields: All, Range, Single, From and To relate to either the Tender, Expiry, Ship or Last print date depending on which Date type you selected.
Customer selection Select quotations for printing based on the customer for whom the quote was prepared.
Fax and Emails

These options allow you to fax or email quotations to your customers when they are printed. You need to define the Fax/Email options in the Customers program.

Documents to be faxed/emailed
Option Description
Include Include documents that are to be faxed/emailed.
Exclude Exclude documents that are to be faxed/emailed.
Only Only include documents that are to be faxed/emailed.
Include document
Option Description
Fax documents Fax quotation documents to customers.
Email documents

Email quotation documents to customers.

This option is only available if you selected to print a single quotation or to print a quote for a single customer and you select a format that prints using MS Word.
Sending details
Option Description
Print and send document Print quotations matching your selection criteria as well as fax/email quotation documents to customers.
Print document Print quotations matching your selection criteria.
Send document Send quotations matching your selection criteria by fax/email to customers.
After processing completed

These options are displayed within programs that can be automated. They enable you to indicate the action you want to perform once processing is complete (see Automation Design).

Quotation Totals

The report is displayed in this pane, showing the quotation details.

In the Total recap by offer printed section of the report, the selected offer is totalled when printing a Single line quotation. When printing a Multi line or Multi column quotation, each offer is totaled across the selected quotes printed.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • You must define a quotations document format (Quotation Document Format) before you can use this program.

  • You cannot print quotations that are on hold.

Print date

  • The print date against the Quotation Header is not only updated when you Print the quotation, but also when you Preview the quotation from the Quotation Batch Printing program without printing it.

    When only previewing the quotation, the quotation status remains 1 - Ready for printing.

Fax and email considerations

  • the Office Automation & Messaging module must be installed

  • the Fax/mail integration required option must be selected against the operator (Operators)

  • the document transmission method must be defined against the customer as fax or email (Customers)

    • When you print a single quotation, the email address defined against the quotation (Quotations) is presented as the default address.

    • When you print a quotation for a single customer, the email address defined against the customer is presented as the default address.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
QOT Batch print

Controls access to the batch printing of Quotations in the Quotation Batch Printing program.

QOT Document print

Controls access to the printing of Quotation documents in the Quotation Batch Printing program.

QOT Batch reprint

Controls access to the reprinting of batch Quotations in the Quotation Batch Printing program.

QOT Document reprint

Controls access to the reprinting of Quotation documents in the Quotation Batch Printing program.