SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Stationery Formats > Quotation Format

Quotation Format

You use this program to define the page layout for printing Quotations documents.

You must define a Quotations Document format before you can use the Quotation Batch Printing program.

Quotation Document Format

Field Description

Indicate the format assigned to the document type.

You can define up to 36 different formats (i.e. 0 to 9, A to Z) for each document type. This flexibility allows you to configure and print sales documents according to your own requirements as well as those of your customers.

Format description Enter a description for the document type and format you selected above.
Print method

If you change from a Word document to a Standard document format, you need to define print positions for the custom form fields you want to print on your document.

In a Word document, print positions for these fields are not required, but in the Standard document format they must be defined for the custom fields to print on the document.

Option Description
Standard document Select this to define a document format for quotations using pre-printed stationery.
SRS document

Select this to print your documents using SRS Document Printing.

See SRS Document Printing Overview for additional information.
Word document Select this to print your quotation documents using pre-defined MS Word templates.Refer to Microsoft Word Printing for additional information on printing using MS Word.
Format options

Indicate the section you want to maintain.

You select one of the options and then use the Change function to define the preferences and page layouts for your document (see Format Options).

The options available change depending on the Print method you select to configure.

Change Select this to edit the preferences and print positions for the various sections of each of the sales order document types.
Continuation Message

You use this function to enter a print position for a Continuation message on the order document.

Up to 10 characters can be entered for the continuation message.

Copy Select this to copy the quotation document format from another document format to your current format or to copy the format to another company.
Save Select this to save the details assigned to the document format.

Select this to print a document using test characters to verify that the print positions and fields you defined are correctly aligned on your stationery.

It is advisable to print the alignment to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.

Print Select this to print the stationery format information you defined and saved.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.

Delete Select this to delete the currently selected document format.

Select this to exit the program without saving any changes you made.

If you have made changes to the format, then the program prompts you to save or discard these changes.

Total Section Message

You use the Continuation Message function to enter a print position for a Continuation message on the order document.

Field Description
Continuation message  
Row Enter the vertical position (i.e. top to bottom), at which you want to print the message.
Column You use this field to enter the horizontal position (i.e. left to right) at which you want to print the message.
Message Indicate the actual text that must be printed on the document. Up to 10 characters can be entered for the continuation message.

Select this to close the current window and return to the previous window.

You save the changes you made to the format at the time of exiting the program.


The Copy function enables you to copy a document format to another format.

Document formats can also be copied between companies (i.e. from one company to another).

This is useful if you want to define multiple formats for the same document type, with minor differences in each. Instead of having to re-define the entire document, you can copy the original document to another format and then apply the required changes to the copied format.

Field Description
Company This indicates the company in which you are currently working. This is the company to which the label format will be copied.
Copy from format Select the format of the document type you want to copy.
Change Company Select this to change to a different company from which you want to copy a quotation document.
Copy from company Indicate a valid company from which you want to copy a document format.
OK Select this to accept the company id you entered at the previous prompt.
Cancel Select this to return to the Copy Format screen without changing the company id.

Select this to copy the document format you selected to the new document.


This option does not save the format you copied. To save the new format, you must select Save from the Quotation Document Format screen.

Cancel Select this to exit the program without performing the copy.


You use the Alignment function to print a document using test characters. This enables you to verify that the print positions and fields you defined for the document are correctly aligned.

It is advisable to print the alignment to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.

Field Description
Print test quotation document alignment?  
OK Select this to print the test format alignment for the document.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without printing an alignment.

Format Options

You use the options on this tab to select the preferences and sections for which you want to define the print positions for your document(s).

The following sections are available depending on the Document type you selected to configure and the Print method you selected:

  • SRS Options (see SRS Document Print Setup and Maintain SRS Document Templates)

When you highlight a section for a Standard document format and select the Change function, the fields for which print positions can be defined are displayed.

The following options are used to indicate the print positions for these fields:

Field Description
Clear Row/Column

Select this to set the row and column print positions for the highlighted field to zero, so that the field is not printed.

Text Fields Select this to enter the text to print and its specific position on each document.
Change Select this to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field.

Select this to close the current window and return to the previous window. You save the changes you made when exiting the program.

Text Fields

The Text Fields function enables you to enter 8 lines of text that you want to print at a specific position on each document.

The Row specification for any field cannot exceed 65 and the Column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

The following text fields can be added for Quotation documents:

  • Heading section

    You can enter up to 20 lines of text (15 characters per line) that you want to print at a specific position on each document.

  • Total section

    You can enter up to 10 lines of text (15 characters per line) that you want to print at a specific position on each document.

Field Description
Clear text Select this to clear the text and print positions for the highlighted text field.
Change Select this maintain the highlighted text line.
Text Indicate the actual text that must be printed on the document.

Indicate the vertical position (i.e. Top to bottom) at which you want to print the text entered in the Text field.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. Left to right) at which you want to print the text entered in the Text field.

OK Select this to accept the information you entered for the text field.
Cancel Select this to ignore the information you entered for the text field and to return to the previous screen.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.


You use the Change function from within each section to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field in the section.

The Row specification for any field cannot exceed 65 and the Column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

Field Description

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

For some fields, only the Row or only the Column may be available for you to indicate.

To assist you in positioning the fields correctly, you can use the Print Mask program to print a grid of the required columns and lines. Ensure that the layout mask is output to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.


Indicate the vertical position (i.e. top to bottom) at which you want to print the highlighted field.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. left to right) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

OK Select this to accept the print positions you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore the print position you entered and to return to the previous screen.


These options define the default page layout for a Quotation document.

Field Description
Total number of lines on page

Enter the number of lines you will need for the Quotations document.

The entry made here cannot exceed 99.

First detail line starts on line

Enter the line number (from the beginning of the page) where the first detail line must be printed.

The entry made here cannot exceed 65.

Last detail line ends on line

Enter the line number where the last detail line must be printed.

This must be from the beginning of the page, within the block of detail line information.

The entry made here cannot exceed 65.

Number of spaces between detail lines

Enter the number of blank lines you want to insert between detail lines.

If you do not want any blank lines enter zero (0).

Width of one tax information column Enter the number of characters to be used for the tax information column.
Merchandised items print block size Enter the number of multiple lines (up to five lines is permitted) for each detail line.
Number of decimals in volume to print Enter the maximum number of decimals to be printed on documents.
Override number of decimals to print for quantities

Select this to ignore the maximum number of decimals defined against the stock item when printing quantities on quotation documents.

You use the Minimum no. of decimals to print for quantities field to indicate the minimum number of decimals to print for quantities.

Minimum no. of decimals to print for quantities Indicate the number of decimals to print for all quantities on your quotation documents.
Print date format

Select the format you want to use to print dates on documents. You can use the system date format or a user defined date format (e.g. Short date or long date).

These formats are defined in the System Setup program.

Offer print method

If you are defining a SRS document format, then you need to add a new SRS document print format whenever you change this preference. The reason is that the format of the XSD and XML outputs to support these options differ for single and multiple print offers.

One per document Select this if you only want to print a single offer on each document.
Multiple columns

Select this if you want to print a number of offers on each document.

These offers will be printed in columns.

Multiple lines Select this to print several offers on each document.
Gap from one offer to the next

Enter the number of lines between offers.

This option can only be accessed if you have selected Multiple columns as the Offer print method and only applies to the Standard document Print method.

Number of offers across page

Enter the maximum number of offers which can be printed across one page.

This option can only be accessed if you have selected Multiple columns as the Offer print method and only applies to the Standard document Print method.

Offer print block size

Enter the total number of lines to be used for the offer block.

This option can only be accessed if you have selected Multiple lines as the Offer print method and only applies to the Standard document Print method.

First offer total block starts on line

Enter the position of the first line for the total block.

This option can only be accessed if you have selected Multiple lines as the Offer print method and only applies to the Standard document Print method.

Offer total print block size

Enter the number of lines allowed for the offer total block.

This option can only be accessed if you have selected Multiple lines as the Offer print method and only applies to the Standard document Print method.


Select this to return to the previous screen.

You save the changes you made when you exit the program.

Print Options

Field Description
Print detail freight lines
Print detail miscellaneous lines
Print currency for local quotations
Suppress trailing zeros in unit mass
Use 1000 separator in values and prices

Select this to apply the 1000 separator configured within the Company Maintenance program (Options tab) to all numeric values and prices, including values and prices defined in custom form fields.

Format is 6.1 compatible This applies to stationery formats defined in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software and is enabled by default for stationery formats defined in that version.

When enabled, the document is printed in the format specified in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software providing no presentation lengths are changed against the Keys defined in the Setup Options program.

Close Select this to return to the Preferences screen.

Bitmap Forms

You use the Bitmap Forms function to specify bitmap images that you want to print on your quotation documents when they are faxed and/or printed.

This allows you to create your own pre-printed stationery for your documents.

Field Description
Bitmap for faxing

Enter the name of the bitmap that you want to associate with the faxing of the stationery format.

The file must have a .BMP extension.


Your entry at this field is used only if your Fax settings are configured to use a 3rd party fax application to fax your documents.

Bitmap for printing

Enter the name of the bitmap that you want to associate with the printing of the stationery format.

The file must have a .BMP extension.

Bitmap width

Indicate the width of the bitmap image that you want to print on the document and the measurement factor to use (i.e. inches or millimeters).

The bitmap is scaled automatically according to the specifications entered, retaining the aspect ratio (i.e. width to height).

Millimeters / Inches Indicate whether the Bitmap width is in inches or millimeters.
Close Select this to return to the Preferences screen.

Notepad Options

These options enable you to indicate how you want to print the text defined against the Quotation notes (Quotations - Quotation Header) on the document.

Field Description
Print notepad

The notepad lines printed using this program are output as comment lines and not as a separate XML element.

Not printed Select this if you do not want to print the notepad information on the document.
Before first detail line Select this to print the notepad information before the first detail line on the document.
After last detail line Select this to print the notepad information after the last detail line on the document.
Print on separate page(s) Select this to print the notepad text on a separate page or pages on the document.
Column to start print

Indicate the column number at which you want to start printing the notepad text.

This option is only enabled if your Print method is set to Standard document.

Length of each note line Indicate the length (on the document) of each line of notepad text.
Close Select this to return to the Preferences screen.

Heading Section

The options you select in the Heading section determine where the heading fields will be printed on the document.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the document, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the Heading section of your quotation:


Fields that can be printed as barcodes are denoted with the words (with attribute). Refer to Barcode Printing.

Field Origin/Comment
Company name  
Company address lines 1-3  
Company tax registration number  
Customer (with attribute)  
Customer name  
Customer address lines 1-5  
Customer postal/zip code  
E-mail This prints the email address defined against the quotation header if defined. If not defined, then the email address defined against the customer is printed.
Customer purchase order  
Ship to customer name  
Ship to address lines 1-5  
Ship to address postal/zip code  
Page number  
Salesperson name  
Tender date  
Enquiry date  
Ship date  
Expiry date  
System date  
Time document printed  
Ship via / instructions  
Special instructions  
Special instruct (with attribute)  
Quotation number  
Quotation number (with attribute)  
Quotation issue  
Branch name  
Branch address lines 1-3  
Invoice terms  
Tax exemption number  
Company registration number  
Currency description  
Nationality This prints the Nationality code defined against the quotation (SO Header Maintenance).

This field is only displayed if EC VAT is required (Company Tax Options Setup)

Delivery terms This prints the Delivery Terms defined against the quotation (SO Header Maintenance).

This field is only displayed if EC VAT is required (Company Tax Options Setup)

Nature of transaction This prints the Nature of Transaction code defined against the quotation (SO Header Maintenance).

This field is only displayed if EC VAT is required (Company Tax Options Setup)

Mode of transport This prints the Mode of transport defined against the quotation (SO Header Maintenance).

This field is only displayed if EC VAT is required (Company Tax Options Setup)

Process This prints the Process defined against the quotation (SO Header Maintenance).

This field is only displayed if EC VAT is required (Company Tax Options Setup)

Operator who added/changed quote  
Customer standard comment  
Alternate key  
Offer description  
Quotation description  
Document version This prints the version number on the quotation.

On SRS documents the Version number is named Quotation Issue.

Customer Custom Form Fields

You use this function to define the row and column positions at which you want to print each of up to 10 Customer custom form fields. These are the custom form fields attached to a customer.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the document, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.

In a Word document, print positions for these fields are not required, but in the Standard document format they must be defined for the custom fields to print on the document.

Custom Field Positions

You use the Change function to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field.

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

To assist you in positioning the fields correctly, select the Print Mask to print a grid of the required columns and lines. Ensure that the layout mask is output to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.

Field Description
Field Select the name of the custom form field you want to print.

Indicate the vertical position (i.e. Top to bottom) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

The row specification for any field cannot exceed 65.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. Left to right) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

The column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

OK Select this to accept the print positions you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore the print position you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Quotation Custom Form Fields

You use this function to define the row and column positions at which you want to print each of up to 10 quotation custom form fields. These are the custom form fields attached to a quotation.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the document, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.

In a Word document, print positions for these fields are not required, but in the Standard document format they must be defined for the custom fields to print on the document.

Custom Field Positions

You use the Change function to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field.

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

To assist you in positioning the fields correctly, select the Print Mask to print a grid of the required columns and lines. Ensure that the layout mask is output to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.

Field Description
Field Select the name of the custom form field you want to print.

Indicate the vertical position (i.e. Top to bottom) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

The row specification for any field cannot exceed 65.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. Left to right) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

The column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

OK Select this to accept the print positions you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore the print position you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Merchandise Section

The options you select in the Merchandise section determine where the detail fields will be printed on the document.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the document, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the Merchandise section of your quotation:


Fields that can be printed as barcodes are denoted with the words (with attribute). Refer to Barcode Printing.

Field Origin/Comment
Detail line  
Detail line (with attribute)  
Stock code  
Stock code (with attribute)  
Stock description  
Stock long description  
Warehouse (with attribute)  
Stocking unit of measure  
Other unit of measure  
Sales tax code  
Sales tax percentage  
Line ship date  
Stock unit volume  
Stock unit mass  
Customer/supplier stock code  
Customer unit retail price  
User defined fields 1-5  
Merchandise line user defined This prints the contents of the user defined field against merchandise lines.
Product class This prints the code of the product class attached to the merchandise line.
Offer quantity  
Offer unit of measure  
Unit price  
Price unit of measure  
Line discount percentage(s)  
Sales tax (per line)  
Gross amount  
Line discount amount  
Net amount after discount  
Net amount including tax  
Unit factor  
Line mass  
Line mass (whole integer)  
Line mass (remainder in integers)  
Line volume  
Gross profit percentage  
Pricing quantity  
Net unit price  
Unit price in order u/m  
Customer total retail price  
Pricing contract number  

Stock Code Custom Form Fields

You use this option to define the row and column positions at which you want to print each of up to 10 Stock code custom form fields. These are the custom form fields attached to a stock item.

Stock code custom form information can be printed for stocked order lines only.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the document, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.

In a Word document, print positions for these fields are not required, but in the Standard document format they must be defined for the custom fields to print on the document.

Custom Field Positions

You use the Change function to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field.

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

To assist you in positioning the fields correctly, select the Print Mask to print a grid of the required columns and lines. Ensure that the layout mask is output to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.

Field Description
Field Select the name of the custom form field you want to print.

Indicate the vertical position (i.e. Top to bottom) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

The row specification for any field cannot exceed 65.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. Left to right) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

The column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

OK Select this to accept the print positions you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore the print position you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Comment Section

The options you select in the Comment section determine where the comment fields will be printed on the document.

The column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.

Field Description
Print first comment on stock line  
Clear Column

Select this to delete the column print positions for the highlighted field.

When you select this function, the print positions for the highlighted field are set to zero, which means the field is not printed.

Change Select this to maintain the column print position for the highlighted field.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the Heading section of your quotation:

Field Origin/Comment
Comment line  
Comment description  

Quotation Detail Custom Form Fields

You use this function to define the row and column positions at which you want to print each of up to 9 quotation custom form detail line fields. These are the custom form fields attached to an individual quotation line in the Quotation Lines pane of the Quotations program.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the document, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.

In a Word document, print positions for these fields are not required, but in the Standard document format they must be defined for the custom fields to print on the document.

Custom Field Positions

You use the Change function to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field.

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

To assist you in positioning the fields correctly, select the Print Mask to print a grid of the required columns and lines. Ensure that the layout mask is output to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.

Field Description
Field Select the name of the custom form field you want to print.

Indicate the vertical position (i.e. Top to bottom) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

The row specification for any field cannot exceed 65.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. Left to right) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

The column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

OK Select this to accept the print positions you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore the print position you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Miscellaneous/Freight Charge Section

The options you select in the Miscellaneous/Freight charge section determine where the miscellaneous and freight charge fields will be printed on a document.

The column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the Miscellaneous/Freight Charge section of your quotation:

Field Origin/Comment
Misc/frt charges line  
Misc/frt charges description  
Misc/frt charges amount  
Misc/frt charges tax amount  
Misc/freight net amt (inc tax)  
Misc/freight sales tax code  

Single Level Component Section

You use this screen to define the indentation and column position at which you want to print each component stock item and description on the quotation document.

Field Description
Component stock code  
Component stock code description  
Comprising message  

Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. Left to right) at which you want to print the text entered in the Message field.

The column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

Message Indicate the actual text that must be printed on the document.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

Total Section

The options you select in the Total section determine where each of the total fields will be printed on a document.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the document, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the document.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the Total section of your quotation:

Field Origin/Comment
Ship to customer name  
Ship to address lines 1-5  
Sales tax percentage  
Sales tax code  
Amount on which tax is payable  
Sales tax amount  
Hash quantity total  
Total mass  
Total gross amount  
Total net amount  
Total line discount amount  
Total invoice discount amount  
Total net amount including tax  
Total sales tax  
Total invoice amount  
Total freight amount  
Total misc charges amount  
Total cash discount offered  
Total invoice less cash discount  
Total invoice amount (exc tax)  
Total volume  
Total customer retail price  
Sales tax amount - local currency  
Exchange rate  

MS Word Options

As an alternative to printing your documents on pre-printed stationery, you can configure SYSPRO to allow you to print your stationery documents using Microsoft Word.

Refer to Microsoft Word Printing for additional information about printing using MS Word.

MS Word Options

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Print using MS Word. It enables you to open the applicable Word template and insert the fields that you want to print on your stationery.

Refer to Template design for additional information.

SRS Options

You select the Print method: SRS document if you want to print your quotation documents using SYSPRO Reporting Services.