General Ledger > GL Query

GL Query

You use this program to view data relating to your general ledger account codes. This includes static information captured at the time of take-on, history and budget information and detailed transaction information.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Preferences Enables you to configure the level of detail you want to view within the query.
Ledger code Indicate the ledger code you want to query.

If a password is defined against the ledger code (GL Structure Definition or General Ledger Codes) then you will have to enter the correct password before the account details are displayed.

Currency Indicate the currency in which you want to view details.


Field Description
Graph and variances selection These options enable you to indicate the value type(s) you want to plot on the graph.
First value Indicate the first value type to plot on the graph.
Select second comparing variance

Select this to plot a second value type on the graph.

If you do not select this option, then the graph displays the values for the value type you selected in the First value field.

Second value

Indicate the second value type to plot on the graph.

This field is only enabled when you select the Select second comparing variance option.

Adjustment period

Select this to display information for the adjustment period in the Balances, Movements and Analysis listviews.

The adjustment period is the number of Accounting periods (Company Setup) plus one.

GL analysis

Select this to include all the GL analysis entries against the GL code.

Account Information

Column Description
Ledger code Indicates the ledger code for which you are viewing the information.
Account type

The type of account (i.e. Asset, Capital, Liability, Expense or Revenue) defined when the ledger code was defined.

If the account type is 'C' (Capital), 'L' (Liability) or 'R' (Revenue), then this usually reflects as a credit balance.

Group This displays the general ledger group defined against the ledger code (see Browse on GL Groups).
Transaction The number of transactions processed against the ledger code for the current financial year.
Control account Indicates whether the ledger code is defined as a control account.
On hold Indicates whether the ledger code has been placed on hold to prevent transactions from being processed against it.
Password in use Indicates whether a password has been assigned to the ledger code to prevent the unauthorized usage of the account.
Notes The notes attached to the ledger code. You can view and edit these notes using the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program.
Opening balance The opening balance for the current period, which equals the previous period closing balance.
Debits The total amounts posted to this account during the current period only.
Credits The total amounts posted to this account during the current period only.
Closing balance The opening balance plus the debits and less the credits.
Future This applies if commitment account is in use.

YTD Movement

This displays the net result (total) of all debit and credit amounts posted to the account during each period for the current ledger year.

YTD Closing Balance

This displays the closing balance as at the end of each period for the current ledger year.

Balance Graph

This gives a graphical representation of the balances for the ledger code.

Movement Graph

This gives a graphical representation of the movement for the ledger code.

Custom Form

This displays the custom form information defined against the ledger code, provided you have been granted access to the Groups program.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.


This pane displays the balances defined against the ledger code. Balances are populated for the current year and for each year up to current year minus 14.

The budgets are read from GENBUD (C-ISAM) or GenBudgets (SQL) where BudgetType is C for current year, N for next year and A for alternate.

If alternate currency is in use, data is read from GENALH (C-ISAM) or GenAltCurHst (SQL), otherwise GENHST (C-ISAM) or GenHistory (SQL) is read.

The Period Balances tab displays the period balances for the line currently highlighted in the Balances listview.

Details that can be viewed include:

Column Description
Period The period to which the account balances relate.

The number of periods for which information is displayed depends on the number of accounting periods defined for the company (Company Setup).

Budget this year The balance defined against the ledger code for the current year's budget.
Budget next year The balance defined against the ledger code for the following year's budget.
Alternate Budgets 1 - 8 The balances defined against the ledger code for the alternate budgets.
Actual current year The closing balances for periods in the current year, up to and including current ledger period.
Financial year The closing balances for previous financial years.

Although up to 14 years history can be displayed, values are only available for the number of years you are retaining history (General Ledger Setup).

Variance The difference between the First value and the Second value fields you selected to compare at the Graph and variances selection preference.

If you did not select the preference: Select second comparing variance, then no values are displayed in the Variance column.

Variance percent The variance amount (displayed in the Variance column) divided by the First value, expressed as a percentage.

If you did not select the preference: Select second comparing variance, then no values are displayed in the Variance percent column.


This pane displays the movements defined against the ledger code. Balances are populated for 15 years in total (i.e. the current year and the prior 14 years).

For period 1, movement is calculated as ClosingBalPer1 - BeginYearBalance. For period 2, movement is calculated as ClosingBalPer2 - ClosingBalPer3 and so on.

The budgets are read from GENBUD (C-ISAM) or GenBudgets (SQL) where BudgetType is C for current year, N for next year and A for alternate.

If alternate currency is in use, data is read from GENALH (C-ISAM) or GenAltCurHst (SQL), otherwise GENHST (C-ISAM) or GenHistory (SQL) is read.

The Period Movements listview displays the period values for the line selected in the Movements listview.

Details that can be viewed include:

Column Description
Period Indicates the period to which the account movements relate.

The number of periods for which information is displayed depends on the number of Accounting periods defined for the company (Company Setup).

Budget this year The balance defined against the ledger code for the current year's budget.
Budget next year The balance defined against the ledger code for the following year's budget.
Alternate Budgets 1 - 8 The balances defined against the ledger code for the alternate budgets.
Actual current year The total movements for periods in the current year, up to and including current ledger period.
Previous financial years The movements for periods in the previous financial years.

Although up to 15 years history can be displayed, values are only available for the number of years you are retaining history (General Ledger Setup).

If you used the GL Initial History program to enter balances for previous financial years, then movements are only created for the year immediately prior to the current financial year, irrespective of the number of years history you entered. These movements are referenced as 'HM'.


The difference between the First value and the Second value fields you selected to compare in the Preferences.

If you did not select the preference: Select second comparing variance, then no values are displayed in the Variance column.

Variance percent

The variance amount displayed in the Variance column divided by the First value (see Preferences), expressed as a percentage.

If you did not select the preference: Select second comparing variance, then no values are displayed in the Variance percentage column.


This pane displays the transaction details for the selected ledger code, ledger year and period(s) according to the Detail selections indicated.

Data is read from GENTRN (C-ISAM) or GenTransaction (SQL) for the current period (year and month).

Column Description
Year Indicates the ledger year in which the transaction was posted.
Period Indicates the ledger period in which the transaction was posted.
GL journal source Indicates the module in which the transaction was posted.
GL journal Indicates the General Ledger journal number created for the transaction.

Indicates the date on which the transaction was posted.

For entries posted from the sub-modules, this date indicates the date on which the Journal report was generated in the sub-module and not the date on which the transaction was processed. The date on the Journal report in the relative sub-module indicates the date on which the transaction was processed.

The information displayed in this column changes according to the module in which the entries were created, and the level of integration (i.e. detail or summary) defined for that module.

Reference The information displayed in this column changes according to the module in which the entries were created, and the level of integration (i.e. detail or summary) defined for that module.
Amount Indicates the transaction amount.
Zoom Indicates whether enough information has been passed to the General Ledger to enable you to view the source entries - indicated by 'Yes' for the line.

The information displayed in this column changes according to the module in which the entries were created, and the level of integration (i.e. detail or summary) defined for that module.

The comment is built up in the various integration programs, depending on certain criteria. Not all fields are always shown and in some modules different information is displayed depending on the transaction. The levels of integration also effect what is displayed.

Analysis number

Indicates the unique analysis number assigned to analysis entries when you use the Capture GL Analysis Entries program.

It is only displayed for those ledger codes against which you enabled GL analysis (GL Structure Definition) and for which you captured analysis entries.

Payment reference

This displays the reference text assigned to the payment.

Document date

This displays the document date from the GenTransaction table. This is the date of the sub ledger source document (e.g. the entered AP invoice date, AR invoice date, etc).

This date is useful for reconciliation or auditing purposes when, for example, you need to confirm that all AP invoices with a certain invoice date were posted to a specific GL code.

Detail Selections

This pane enables you to specify the information you want to display in the Details listview.

Field Description
Refresh Details Select this to redisplay the information on the Details tab to reflect changes you made to the options in this pane.

This function is only enabled when you make a change to the selections.

Autoload Values These options enable you to indicate how you want to save the selections made in this pane.

You can choose to set all selections as they were when you last ran the program (i.e. Load Previous Form Values) or save your selections in the pane as your default preferences for all companies, or for the current company only (i.e. Save Form Values as Default or Save Form Values for this Company).

If you have saved form values for the company or as the default, then you can remove these settings and restore them to the form's default preference selections.

Year Indicate the ledger year for which to display transactions. This defaults to the current year.
Period selection Indicate the period(s) for which to display transactions.
GL journal source selection Indicate the journal source(es) for which to display transactions.
Journal date selection Indicate the journal date(s) for which to display transactions.
Transaction date selection Indicate the transaction date(s) for which to display transactions.
Options Select this to filter the transactions displayed according to specific selection criteria.
Amount selection Indicate the amount(s) for which you want to display transactions.


This pane enables you to view committed and uncommitted costs against budget. The Period Commitments tab displays the values for the line selected in the Commitments listview.

Committed costs are incurred when a commitment has been made to purchase a service or non-stocked item but the service or item has not yet been provided.

The Committed amount is the amount committed to a purchase order. When a purchase order requisition is raised, the amount is Uncommitted. When the Purchase Order is created, the amount moves from Uncommitted to Committed. If the Purchase order line is cancelled, then the committed amount is removed. Reversing a Purchase Order receipt has no effect on commitment accounting.

Data is read from GENPCM (C-ISAM) or GenCommitment (SQL).

Details that can be viewed in this listview include:

Column Description
Period The period to which the commitment values relate.
Current uncommitted The value of purchase order requisitions raised against the ledger code for the current year.

Values are only displayed for requisitions which are in a status of Approved.

Current committed The value of purchase orders raised against the ledger code for the current year.

This value is reduced when you either cancel or receipt in a purchase order or order line. This value is only reduced after the inventory journal and distribution report are printed and the receipted value is posted to the ledger account.

Actual The value of purchase orders receipted against the ledger code for the current year.


There are three analysis panes, including:

  • Analysis - This pane displays the GL analysis summary details (Period and Amount) for the selected ledger code, according to the selections made in the Analysis Selection pane.

  • Analysis Detail - This pane displays the analysis transactions making up the amount for the period selected in the Analysis listview.

  • Analysis Selection - You use this pane to specify the information you want to display in the Analysis listview.

Data is read from GENADT (C-ISAM) or GenAnalysisTrn (SQL) for the current year.

Details that can be viewed include:

Field Description
Period The period in which the analysis entries were posted.
Amount The total value of analysis entries posted to this ledger account for the period.
Category The category code to which the analysis entries relate.
Category description The description for the category code in the previous field.
Start date

The transaction start date (if entered) relevant to the analysis entry.

Transaction dates are entered using the Capture GL Analysis Entries program.

End date

The transaction end date relevant to the analysis entry.

Transaction dates are entered using the Capture GL Analysis Entries program.

Comment The comment (if any) attached to the entry for the analysis code.
Analysis number The unique number assigned to the GL analysis entry when you used the Capture GL Analysis Entries program to process the entry.
Amount The amount posted to the analysis code.
Code 1-5

The analysis codes (within the analysis types) to which the analysis amount was posted.

The headings of these columns display the analysis types defined against the category.

Code Description 1 - 5

The descriptions for the analysis codes (within the analysis types) to which the analysis amount was posted.

The headings of these columns display the analysis types.

Notes and warnings

Viewing considerations

  • Adjustment period details on the Balances, Analysis and Movements tabs are only displayed if the Show - Adjustment period preference is enabled.

  • The number of periods displayed on the YTD Movement and YTD Closing Balance tabs depends on the number of Accounting periods per year defined for your company (Company Setup).

  • Commitment values on the Accounts Information and Commitments tabs are only displayed if you enabled commitment accounting (General Ledger Setup) and you selected to record commitments.

  • The wording of the Alternate budget 1, Alternate budget 2, etc., columns on the Balances and Movements tabs defaults to the wording defined using the Budget Descriptions function (General Ledger Setup).

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
Custom form design Controls whether an operator can change the design of a custom form.

Hints and tips

Ledger shortcuts

  • Click on the Ledger code hyperlink to access additional options from a sub menu:

    • Ledger Code Quick View
    • Ledger Codes Setup (see General Ledger Codes)
    • Ledger Codes Browse (see Browse on General Ledger Codes)
    • Multimedia

View source entries

  • Highlight a detail line and use the right mouse button to view the source entries of transactions to the General Ledger module (as well as those created from within the General Ledger itself).

    You will be unable to zoom on the journals originating in the sub modules if your modules are linked to the General Ledger in summary (General Ledger Integration) and the integration method against the individual General Ledger code is not set to Detail transactions (GL Structure Definition).

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.