General Ledger > GL Query Zoom > GL Journal Zoom

GL Journal Zoom

You use this program to view details of the source entries of transactions to the General Ledger module as well as those created from within the General Ledger itself.

The source of the ledger journal can be from a sub-module, such as Accounts Payable, Cash Book, Inventory, etc., or from a General Ledger journal.

Zoom on General Ledger Journal

Field Description
Notes Select this to use the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program to view and maintain free format text for the currently displayed journal.

General Ledger Journal Details

Column Description
Journal date This indicates the date captured on the journal header.
Source code The source code indicates the source of transactions in the General Ledger.
Reference This indicates the reference entered on the journal header.
Ledger period This indicates the ledger period to which the journal details must be posted. This is the period defined against the journal header.
Total entries This indicates the number of entries for the journal. These entries are displayed in the General Ledger Journal Entries listview.

The source code indicates the source of transactions in the General Ledger.

The source code is defined by the system for all normal journals except for User-defined and Recurring journals.


This indicates the current status of the journal and can be one of the following:

  • Posted
  • Not posted
  • On hold
  • Cancelled
Operator This indicates the operator who captured or last changed the journal.

General Ledger Journal Entries

The details of the individual entries which make up the journal are displayed in this listview.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • You can access this program by:

    • left clicking on a line in the Details listview of the GL Query program and selecting the General Ledger Journal option.
    • selecting the Zoom option from the File menu of the GL Browse on Normal Journals program.
    • selecting the View option from the Journal details column of the Authorize Journals listview in the GL Journal Entry program.
    • right clicking on the Bank equivalent amount for a transaction in the Bank Query program.

Information details

Within the GL Query program you can zoom on two types of information:

  • Header and detail information from the General Ledger Journal created to record the detail transaction.
  • Information from modules that are integrated to the General Ledger. These include: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory Control, Cash Book and Work in Progress.


    You cannot zoom on the journals that originated in the sub modules when your modules are linked to the General Ledger in Summary (General Ledger Integration) and the integration method against the individual General Ledger code is not set to Detail transactions (General Ledger Codes or GL Structure Definition).

Regardless of whether you can perform a zoom on an integrated module, you can always zoom on the General Ledger Journal (header and detail information) that was created to record the transaction in General Ledger.