General Ledger > Setup > GL Initial History

GL Initial History

You use this program to take on a history of balances for selected ledger codes over a number of previous ledger years.

You usually run this program after taking on your Chart of Accounts, when you require the historical information for reporting and query purposes.

GL History

Field Description

Select this to save the information you entered.


You need to enter an amount (which can be zero) in at least one value field to enable the Save function.

If, when you have completed the take-on of history for all your ledger accounts, there is a net change to your current year's control totals, this is displayed.

In the event of an out-of-balance condition:

  • check the accounts you updated

  • run the Balance function of the GL Period End program

  • reverse any amount posted to the forced balance account

Ledger code Enter the ledger code for which to capture a history of balances.

This ledger code cannot be a Template account type (see General Ledger Codes).

Number of years If you are retaining your summary history of balances for less than 10 years (General Ledger Setup) then this defaults to one year less than the number of years for which you are retaining these balances.

If you are retaining your summary history of balances for more than 10 years, then you can only maintain history for the last 10 years.

Currency This applies if you defined one or more alternate currency ledgers (GL Alternative Currency Setup).
All Select this to update all alternate currency ledgers with the history values entered.
Single Select this to update a single alternate currency ledger with the history values entered.
Currency code Indicate the single alternate currency code for which you want to update the alternate currency ledger.

Account Password

If a password is defined against the ledger code (Browse on General Ledger Codes) you will be requested to enter the password before you can continue.

Field Description
Enter password Enter the password defined against the ledger code you selected.
OK Select this to accept the password and proceed to the next screen.

GL Initial History Details

You use this listview to enter the history of balances for the ledger code selected, starting from the oldest year.

Field Description
Year This indicates the year for which you are maintaining the history.

The last line of the listview represents the immediate prior year to the year you are currently in.

As you enter history for each year, the closing balance from the previous year is used as the opening balance for the following year.

When you maintain the history for your immediate previous ledger year (the last line in the listview), then detail transactions are output to reflect the net change you make to each period in the year. Each detail has a source code of HM. These detail lines can be viewed in the Details tab of the GL Query program. Detail lines are only created for the ledger year immediately prior to the current ledger year and not for years prior to that. A journal is not created.

Opening balance

This is the opening balance for the year for which you are capturing history balances.

You can only change the opening balance if you are maintaining the oldest history record on file.

If there is history on file prior to the first ledger year that you selected to maintain, then a warning message is displayed indicating that the final balance from the prior year is used as the opening balance for that year.

If you are maintaining a revenue or expense account, then the opening balance should be zero. This is because year end balances in revenue and expense accounts are transferred to the Retained Earnings account at year end. The opening balance in a revenue or expense account should, therefore, always be zero at the beginning of the year.

As you enter history for each year, the closing balance from the previous year is used as the opening balance for the following year.

When you maintain the immediate prior year's closing balance for an asset, capital, or liability account, the current year's Opening balance and all balances forward are updated with the net change to the closing balance.

Period end balance 1 - 13 Enter the period end balance for each period.

You need to manually enter the Closing balance as the program does not calculate this.

The number of periods displayed depends on the Accounting periods defined (Company Setup).

Year end period This indicates the year end balance for the year for the ledger code.
Closing balance

If you are maintaining a revenue or expense account, then the final Closing balance for the year must be zero.

As you enter history for each year, the Closing balance from the previous year is used as the Opening balance for the following year.

Notes and warnings

Data integrity

  • This program is intended for use as part of a new SYSPRO implementation only.

  • Although this program is intended for new ledger codes that have no detail or historical information, you can change existing information. However, extreme caution should be exercised if existing information is being manipulated because no audit trail or journal of changes is maintained.


  • You can only use this program if you are retaining your summary history of balances for more than one year (General Ledger Setup).

GL Analysis considerations

  • If the GL analysis required option is enabled for a ledger account used in this program (General Ledger Codes or GL Structure Definition) then the Capture GL Analysis Entries program is displayed when you post the transaction, so that you can enter the analysis details. For a sub module transaction, the sub module must also be linked to the General Ledger in Detail at company level (General Ledger Integration) or at ledger account code level (General Ledger Codes or GL Structure Definition). GL analysis entries cannot be entered from sub modules if the sub module is linked to the General Ledger in Summary at company level or at ledger account code level.

    Note that the GL analysis required option is ignored for all GL codes which are defined in General Ledger Integration. This applies even when the GL code is manually entered in a posting program. Although GL integration programs may be entered manually, they may also be called automatically by other programs or may be automated, which means that they can never be stopped to allow GL analysis entries to be captured.

    If the GL analysis code used does not exist in the GenAnalysisCat table, then a message to this effect is displayed and the program will not prompt for analysis again. The GL journal will be created but not posted until the GL code, GL analysis code and GL journal are corrected.

    The Ask Me Later function is only available when the option: Force GL Analysis - GL journal posting is enabled for the sub-module (General Ledger Integration).

    General Ledger analysis entries are always distributed in the local currency, regardless of the currency in which the original transaction is processed.