> Multimedia


You use this program to link objects such as bitmaps, sound clips, videos and OLE2 objects to key fields in SYSPRO (e.g. customers, suppliers, jobs, sales orders, etc).


When you edit multimedia, the objects defined for the key are displayed in a listview.

There are no hard-coded limits for multimedia objects defined against a single key field. The objects are stored in the file (ADMMMA) according to multimedia type, key and ObjectType code (where for example, type is 'STK' and the key is the key field). You can only define as many codes as are possible using the three-character ObjectType code.

Up to 200 categories can be created and each category can be assigned only one multimedia item.

If you select to edit multimedia and no objects are defined for the key, then you must indicate whether you want to configure multimedia objects for the current key field, or configure default multimedia objects.

Field Description
New Select this to configure a new multimedia object for the current SYSPRO key
Properties Select this to view the properties of the highlighted multimedia object.
Delete Select this to delete the highlighted multimedia object.
Web Applications  
GIF/JPEG Image Select this to indicate the name of the image you want to associate with stock items viewed on the Internet using SYSPRO's Web Application software.

Do not specify a path for the image as this is defined on the web server using an INF file.

Defaults Select this to configure defaults for your multimedia objects using reserved words.
Large Icons Select this to view the object details as large icons instead of in a listview.
Small Icons Select this to view the object details as large icons instead of in a listview.
Details Select this to view the object details in a listview.
CategoryThe category to which the multimedia object is assigned.
DefaultThe default for the object, if this was defined.
LocationWhere the multimedia object is stored on your system.
File sizeThe size of the multimedia object file.
Date modifiedThe date on which the multimedia object file was last changed.
Use SYSPRO Viewer for Images This lets you use the SYSPRO Viewer to view multimedia images configured for a company.

If you don't enable this option, then images are displayed using the program associated with the file type (i.e. Windows file associations).


Because this option is stored at company level, all multimedia images defined for a company are affected by this option.

Multimedia Object Maintenance

This screen is displayed when you select the Add option from the File menu, or when you select to edit a multimedia object for a key and no object is defined against the key.

Field Description
Select object category

Select the object category you want to maintain. The following categories are shipped as standard.

  • BMP (bitmap image)
  • CMD (command)
  • OLE (OLE2 object)
  • SND (sound clip)
  • VID (video clip)
Categories Select this to maintain object categories.

Up to 200 categories can be created and each category can be assigned only one multimedia item.

Once created, a category is available for use throughout the system. For example: Although not mandatory, the BMP category is the default for linking bitmap images to key fields. Thus, you would use the BMP category when assigning a bitmap to a supplier, and also when assigning a bitmap to a stock item.

Object categorySelect the category you want to maintain or enter a new category.
Category descriptionMaintain the descriptions for existing categories, or assign a description to a new category.
Icon to be associated with the object categoryAssign an icon to the selected category.
Delete Category

If you delete an object category, then any multimedia objects associated with that category are removed from all key fields to which they were assigned.

Enter the location or URL of the multimedia object Indicate the location of the multimedia object (or specify the URL you want to launch).
Preview Lets you preview the assigned object.
OLE2 object This indicates that you want to use Object Linking and Embedding technology to share information between applications.
Define Object Select this to define the OLE2 object (see OLE).

Defaults using reserved words

To avoid the time-consuming process of linking an object to individual key field items (e.g. stock code, supplier invoice, proof of delivery invoice, etc) you can perform this as a once-off task by using reserved words to configure defaults.

For example: If you used the reserved word %inv as the default for your supplier invoices, then the system uses the invoice number as the filename of the multimedia object to load (i.e. it substitutes %inv with the actual invoice number). When activating the multimedia object for invoice number 100238, the image file 100238.bmp is loaded (providing the file exists).

Field Description
Object category Indicate the object category for which you want to create defaults.
Default location using reserved words Indicate the reserved words you want to use.
Reserved words that can be used This indicates the reserved words that can be used when configuring defaults for your multimedia objects.

Reserved words

The following table indicates the reserved words that can be used to define defaults:

Reserved word Usage Description
%stock Stock default This instructs the system to use the stock code as the filename of the object (i.e. substitute %stock with the actual stock code).

For example: If you assign the reserved words: %stock.bmp as your default for stock codes, then when activating the multimedia object for stock code B100, it loads the image file B100.bmp (providing the file exists).

%drawing Stock default This instructs the system to use the entry made at the stock item's drawing number field as the filename of the multimedia object to load (i.e. substitute %drawing with whatever entry is held against the drawing number field).
%alt1 Stock default This instructs the system to use the entry made at the stock item's alternate key 1 field as the filename of the multimedia object to load (i.e. substitute %alt1 with whatever entry is held against the alternate key 1 field).
%alt2 Stock default This instructs the system to use the entry made at the stock item's alternate key 2 field as the filename of the multimedia object to load (i.e. substitute %alt2 with whatever entry is held against the alternate key 2 field).
%user1 Stock default This instructs the system to use the entry made at the stock item's user defined 1 field as the filename of the multimedia object to load (i.e. substitute %user1 with whatever entry is held against the user defined 1 field).
%inv POD invoice This instructs the system to use the invoice number as the filename of the multimedia object to load (i.e. substitute %inv with the actual customer's POD invoice number).

For example: If you assign the reserved words: %inv.bmp as your default for POD invoices, then when activating the multimedia object for POD invoice number 100235, it loads the image file 100235.bmp (providing the file exists).

%inv Invoice default This instructs the system to use the invoice number as the filename of the multimedia object to load (i.e. substitute %inv with the actual invoice number).

For example: If you assign the reserved words: %inv.bmp as your default for invoices, then when activating the multimedia object for invoice number 100238, it loads the image file 100238.bmp (providing the file exists).

%media Stock default, POD default, Invoice default This instructs the system to use the multimedia directory configured within the System Setup program

In a client/server environment, the IMPACT.INI file of the client is used to determine the multimedia location (i.e. the path defined as IMPMCI= in your IMPACT.INI file)

The trailing slash (\) for the path is automatically inserted.

For example: You create a multimedia object, A100, and set its path to c:\syspro\syspro7\mmedia\A100.bmp. If you want to replace the directory path with the reserved word %media, then you define the path as %mediaA100.bmp (i.e. do not add a '\').

%key Generic variable You use this to define any objects for any key type.

For example: Against customers, you define a default property: c:\media\customer\%key.jpg

When viewing customer 00001, the system displays the image: c:\media\customer\00001.jpg

%urlkey Generic variable You use this to define any objects for any key type.

This is similar to the %key variable, except that all spaces within the key are replaced with %20. This is useful when configuring a path to a web page.


OLE technology (Object Linking and Embedding) relates to a method by which information is shared (or transferred) between different applications. This sharing of information can be done by either linking or embedding objects.

Object linking is used to insert information from a source file (i.e. original) into a target file, while retaining a connection to the source file. You would use this option when you want the information in the target file to be updated dynamically as the data in the source file changes.


Dynamic updating occurs only if both the target and source file are open simultaneously. If they are not both open simultaneously, then you must refresh the target file by activating the object from within SYSPRO's Play Multimedia function.

You can also update the link by maintaining the OLE2 Object from within SYSPRO's Edit Multimedia function.

Object embedding is used to insert information from a source file (i.e. original) into a target file, but without any connection to the source file. You would use this option when you want to edit the information separately from the source file or if you think the source file will not be available.

Field Description
Insert Object  
Create New Select this to create a new object based on your selection at the Object Type field.
Create from File Select this to insert the contents of a file into your document as an object, so that you can activate it using the application that created it.
Link Select this if you want any changes made to the file to be reflected in your document.

OLE2 Preferences

You use this function to indicate any preferences you want to assign to the activation of OLE objects for the current operator.

Field Description
In-place activate  
In-place activate Select this to activate the application within SYSPRO's window.
Merge toolbar Select this to merge the application's toolbar with SYSPRO's window.
Merge menu Select this to merge the application's menu with SYSPRO's window.
Emphasize objects Select this to display OLE objects with a border.


Following is an example of a script that can be used to invoke this program using a VBScript and make it 'play' an object (show an image, play a sound clip or video, etc) configured against a key field for the object category:

Function CustomizedPane_OnToolbarButtonClicked()

dim XmlIn

XmlIn = "xml="

XmlIn = XmlIn & "<Play>"

XmlIn = XmlIn & "<MultimediaFlag>STK</MultimediaFlag>"

XmlIn = XmlIn & "<KeyField>A100</KeyField>"

XmlIn = XmlIn & "<ObjectType>BMP</ObjectType>"

XmlIn = XmlIn & "</Play>"

SystemVariables.CodeObject.SYSPROProgramToRun ="IMPACT " & XmlIn


The key <KeyField> and object category <ObjectType> must exist for the type <MultimediaFlag>.

Notes and warnings

Setup options

  • You specify the default folder in which your multimedia files must be store in the System Setup program.

  • When you use the %key variable in the multimedia object path, enable the option Presentation length for multimedia %key in the Company Maintenance program to instruct the multimedia program to access the objects using the presentation key length in the file path.

    Note that this does not rename the multimedia files. It simply alters the %key value returned for multimedia.

    Depending on the %key, objects may not be accessible when this option is not enabled.

File name

  • Up to 255 characters can be used for the file name (including the path) and cannot include punctionation characters.


  • Once you have assigned an object to a category, that category is no longer available for selection.

    For example: To assign two different images to the same field, you would have to assign one image to the default category BMP and you would have to assign the other image to a different category, perhaps one called BM2.

Reserved words

  • Reserved words can be entered anywhere within the entry field.

    For example: Against stock item B100, the entry: AA%stock will attempt to locate the file name: AAB100.

  • Based on associations that have been made between applications and file extensions, the suffix assigned to a reserved word determines the type of object that the system attempts to load.

    For example: If the stock default reserved word: %stock.avi is configured, then for stock item B100 the system will attempt to load the file B100.AVI.

  • You can prefix reserved words with an executable file to load an application.

    For example: An entry of Write %stock.doc will load the Windows WordPad program and attempt to locate a document named: B100.doc.

  • You can prefix the reserved word entry with a full path if you want to ignore the default multimedia folder.

Sharing multimedia between companies

If multiple companies are sharing the same inventory files, you may want to share inventory multimedia objects for each of each of these shared companies.


If you choose to use the multimedia from the shared inventory company, then you won't be able to view any inventory multimedia that is configured against each of the shared companies.

  1. From the Options tab of the Company Maintenance program, select the option: Use shared inventory company for multimedia.

  2. Indicate the Inventory file company from which the multimedia must be used.

Configuring default objects for stock items

  1. Create bitmap images for your stock items (e.g. B100.bmp for stock code B100, BBMB100.bmp for stock code BBMB100, etc) and ensure that they are stored in the designated multimedia folder (System Setup).

  2. From any program that allows you to edit multimedia for a stock item (e.g. Stock Codes or Inventory Query) highlight the item and select the Edit Multimedia icon.

    1. If no objects are held against the field then the program prompts you to indicate whether you want to define an object For this key only or define a Default for all keys.

      For example: If configuring an object for stock item B100, For this key only would refer specifically to stock item B100, while the Default for all keys would apply to all stock items.

      Once you have made your selection, you are prompted to select an object category.

    2. If you have already assigned an object to the field, then the program displays the objects that have been created.

  3. Select Defaults from the File menu.

  4. At the Object category field, indicate the object category for which you want to create a default.

  5. At the Default location using reserved words field, indicate the reserved word you want to use.

Configuring default objects for customer invoices

  1. Create bitmap images for your customer invoices (e.g. 000002.bmp for invoice 000002; 000003.bmp for invoice 000003, etc) and ensure that they are stored in the designated multimedia folder (System Setup).

  2. From any program that allows you to edit multimedia for customer invoices (e.g. AR Invoices for Customer) highlight the item and select the Edit Multimedia icon.

    1. If no objects are held against the field then the program prompts you to indicate whether you want to define an object For this key only or define a Default for all keys.

      For example: If configuring an object for invoice 000002, For this key only would refer specifically to invoice 000002, while the Default for all keys would apply to all invoices.

      Once you have made your selection, you are prompted to select an object category.

    2. If you have already assigned an object to the field, then the program displays the objects that have been created.

  3. Select Defaults from the File menu.

  4. At the Object category field, indicate the object category for which you want to create a default.

  5. At the Default location using reserved words field, indicate the reserved word you want to use.

Configuring default objects for proof of delivery invoices

The Accounts Receivable Proof of Delivery program records the receipt of goods that have been invoiced to a customer. Assigning multimedia objects to individual POD items can be used, for example, where you have scanned the original signed delivery note as a bitmap image and then linked that image to the relevant POD invoice.

  1. Create bitmap images for your POD invoices (e.g. 000002.bmp for invoice 000002; 000003.bmp for invoice 000003, etc) and ensure that they are stored in the designated multimedia folder (System Setup).

  2. From any program that allows you to edit multimedia for proof of delivery invoices (e.g. Proof of Delivery or Customer Query) highlight an item and select the Edit Multimedia icon.

    1. If no objects are held against the field then the program prompts you to indicate whether you want to define an object For this key only or define a Default for all keys.

      For example: If configuring an object for invoice 000002, For this key only would refer specifically to invoice 000002, while the Default for all keys would apply to all invoices.

      Once you have made your selection, you are prompted to select an object category.

    2. If you have already assigned an object to the field, then the program displays the objects that have been created.

  3. Select Defaults from the File menu.

  4. At the Object category field, indicate the object category for which you want to create a default.

  5. At the Default location using reserved words field, indicate the reserved word you want to use.

Configuring default objects for supplier invoices

  1. Create bitmap images for your supplier invoices (e.g. 0001112.bmp for invoice 0001112; 0001113.bmp for invoice 0001113, etc) and ensure that they are stored in the designated multimedia folder (System Setup).

  2. From any program that allows you to edit multimedia for a supplier invoice (e.g. Supplier Query) highlight an item and select the Edit Multimedia icon.

    1. If no objects are held against the field then the program prompts you to indicate whether you want to define an object For this key only or define a Default for all keys.

      For example: If configuring an object for invoice 0001112, For this key only would refer specifically to invoice 0001112, while the Default for all keys would apply to all invoices.

      Once you have made your selection, you are prompted to select an object category.

    2. If you have already assigned an object to the field, then the program displays the objects that have been created.

  3. Select Defaults from the File menu.

  4. At the Object category field, indicate the object category for which you want to create a default.

  5. At the Default location using reserved words field, indicate the reserved word you want to use.