Data Conversion
The Data Conversion program is a wizard that guides you through the process of converting your data from SYSPRO 7 Update 1 to SYSPRO 8.

The following is included:
Data conversion:
Data that previously resided in ISAM files (\Work and \Data folders) is loaded into the appropriate SQL tables.
Tables and columns:
New tables and new or changed columns in existing tables are added for SYSPRO 8 functionality.
Obsolete and unused tables:
Obsolete and unused tables are removed from the database.
SQL connection and authentication:
The information required to access SQL was previously stored in various ISAM files (e.g. ADMSYS). In SYSPRO 8, these have been relocated to the IMPACT.INI file which includes the following four new mandatory entries:
Entry Description SQLADM
This encrypted entry contains the admin SQL Server login information.
This encrypted entry contains the standard SQL Server login information.
This is the folder used by Bulk Insert operations.
This must be accessible by both SYSPRO and SQL.SQLCPG
This is the code page applied during Bulk Insert operations.
SQL Connection String:
SYSPRO 8 simplifies and optimizes the system to only use a SQL Connection String - defined by the SQL Server name entry in the IMPACT.INI file.
Entry Description SQLSSN This entry contains the SQL Server Name (i.e. the name of the SQL Server instance).

- Before running the conversion, ensure that all SYSPRO 7 Update 1 services are stopped.
- Ensure that your custom form formats are using + tables (verified by the IMPCFM= entry in the IMPACT.INI file).
- Your version of Microsoft SQL Server cannot be prior to 2008 R2.
- The system database must be case-sensitive.
- The database compatibility level cannot be less than 100 (i.e. not before SQL 2008).

The conversion program stops processing and returns to the login screen if any of the following are found to be true:
The custom form format is not using + tables.
Your version of Microsoft SQL Server is prior to 2008 R2.
The system database is case-insensitive.
The compatibility level of the database is less than 100 (i.e. prior to SQL 2008).

The custom form format is not using the + tables. This is verified in the IMPACT.INI file by the following blank entry: IMPCFM=.

Your version of SQL is prior to 2008 R2.
The message is displayed in the Database Connection program. The reason for not exiting here is that you may have connected to an invalid instance of SQL (e.g. old test server).

The system database is case-insensitive.

The compatibility level of the database is less than 100 (i.e. prior to SQL 2008).

When entering information on the SQL Connection Information screen, the server name mustn't contain any spaces.

If using SQL Server authentication, the standard user name cannot contain any spaces.

If using SQL Server authentication, the admin user name cannot contain any spaces.

This message is displayed in the Data Conversion program if the SQL connection using the admin user or windows authentication fails.
You are returned to the SQL Connection Information screen to capture the correct information.

This message is displayed if you don't have sufficient SQL login permissions. You are returned to the SQL Connection Information screen.

This message is displayed in the Data Conversion program if none of the company databases have an AdmVersion table, then it is assumed they are prior to SYSPRO 7 Update 1.
Because the conversion only works on databases from SYSPRO 7 Update 1, this error is displayed and the conversion exits.

For security reasons, if default values exist in either password field on the SQL Connection Information screen of the Data Conversion wizard, selecting the Show passwords button will remove the password mask as well as the actual password.
However, if you have entered the password manually in this screen then the Show passwords button will remove the password mask and reveal the password you have just entered.

During the Data Conversion process (on the SQL Connection Information screen) you are required to enter your SQL login details.
By default, the passwords on this screen are hidden/masked (i.e. shown as asterisks). Unfortunately, there is a limitation that if the password is masked, it does not correctly accept a pasted entry.
Therefore, if you want to paste an entry you must first show the password by enabling the Show passwords option (located at the bottom of the screen).

You can use any characters from the ASCII character set within your SYSPRO password.

Phase | Process |
System database |
Company database |
Conversion completion |
The system notifies you once all databases which can be converted are converted. An audit of the conversion file (SYSPRO8_Conversion_Log.txt) is created in the \Base\Settings folder and details the tables converted, as well as any warnings and errors which may have occurred. Once completed, the system is ready for you to login to SYSPRO 8. |

- Once you have installed SYSPRO 8 and migrated your data, the next step is to review and action the post installation checks.

The SQL Connection Information screen displays your SQL connection information. This defaults to the entries indicated below, but can be modified if required:
Field | Default values |
Server name |
If your SYSPRO 7 Update 1 configuration was based on a SQL connection string, then this entry defaults to the previous SQL Server name |
Authentication Method |
Defaults are derived from the SYSPRO 7 Update 1IMPACT.INI file |
Administration SQL user |
Login information defaults to the entries held against the AdmSystemControl table (derived from the SQL Server administrative information entry against the Database tab of the System Setup program). |
Standard SQL user |
Login information defaults to the entries defined against the ADMIN operator in SYSPRO 7 Update 1 |
Bulk Insert Information |
The Code page and Temp folder fields default to the entries held against the AdmSystemControltable (derived from the SQL Server administrative information entry against the Database tab of the System Setup program). |

Once all fields have been entered and you select the Next button.
A connection to SQL is attempted and the entries are validated using the admin user or windows authentication. If this fails, then the relevant message is displayed and you are taken back to this screen to capture the correct information.
Field Description Server name
- The Server name must be the name of the SQL Server Instance
- This name cannot contain any spaces
Authentication Method
If you select to use SQL Server authentication, the following rules apply:
User type Rules Administration SQL user
The user entered here must have the following SQL permissions assigned:
SQL Server Roles
This is used to create and drop entities, such as databases, tables, columns, etc.
This is used to issue BULK INSERT statements.
This is used to give database-level permissions as and when needed.
This is used to end SQL processes running on the server using the View Users program.
Database Mapping
This needs to be set for both system-wide and company databases.
The user cannot be the same account as the Standard SQL user and the User name cannot contain any spaces.
Standard SQL user
The user entered here must have the following SQL permissions enabled for both system-wide and company databases:
- db_datareader
- db_datawriter
The user cannot be the same account as the Administrative SQL user and the User name cannot contain any spaces.
- Once the connection is successful, the information captured here is encrypted and written back to the IMPACT.INI file and the process continues to the next phase.

After connecting to SQL, the conversion cycles through the SYSPRO system database, as well as all company-specific databases defined in the SysproAdmin table, to verify what requires converting.
Field | Description |
System database |
Company database |
Database statuses
Once the verification is complete, a list of all the databases is shown (including those which have been converted or cannot be converted). The list will show the company id, name, database, database version and status.
Possible statuses include:
Status | Description |
The database has been converted to SYSPRO 8. |
The database is in SYSPRO 7 Update 1 format and requires conversion. |
The database is a version prior to SYSPRO 7 Update 1 and will be ignored as this conversion will only convert from Update 1 upwards. |
This status indicates that the conversion failed and will restart at this point. |
This status indicates that the conversion failed and will restart at this point. |
This status indicates that the conversion failed and will restart at this point. |
The database defined in the SysproAdmin table does not exist in the SQL instance. |
Multiple entries in the SysproAdmin table (system-wide database) point to the same database. In this case, the database will be converted against the first company ID. |
is the company ID The conversion could not find the SYSPRO 7 Update 1 ISAM control file (DAT/IDX) in the \Work folder and therefore cannot convert to SYSPRO 8. The control file must reside in the \Work folder. |
Conversion Options
From the Conversion of Databases to SYSPRO 8 Format screen, you have the option to convert Audit and Archive data.
To do this, select the Conversion Options button.
If you want to convert your Audit data, ensure that you enable this option during this stage of the conversion process, as you cannot convert this data at a later stage.
Archive data will not be available in SYSPRO 8 until it has been converted, however you can choose to convert this data at a later stage in SYSPRO 8 using the Archiving Migration program.
Data Retention Options |
Archive Conversion Options |

The following is a list of all the ISAM files which are converted into the system database.
The Comment column may contain any of the following:
These files are only archived.
The conversion process loads the contents of these files into SQL as a single string (blob) and not individual columns.
You can optionally choose to convert the data for these files.
These files don't contain an index and can be maintained manually without becoming corrupt.
File Code |
Table Name |
Description |
Comment |
AdmBusObjStatus |
Admin Business Object Status |
Archived |
AdmOperGroupProg |
Admin Group Program Security |
AdmAppUsers |
Admin App Store Named User Allocation |
AdmAppStore |
Admin App Store Applications |
AdmCurrLang |
Admin Currency Language Cross-reference |
AdmDfmMaster |
Admin Doc Flow Manager Master Header |
ADMDFM is not taken across to SYSPRO 8 |
AdmDfmEmailConfirm |
Admin Doc Flow Manager Email Confirm |
AdmDfmControl |
Admin Doc Flow Manager Control |
Written as an entry into AdmSystemControl |
AdmEmail |
Admin Email Polling Configuration |
AdmOperGroupMult |
Admin Operator Multiple Security Groups |
AdmOperGroup |
Admin Operator Groups |
AdmSystemAuditLog |
Admin System Audit Log |
Optional |
AdmResourceLock |
Admin Resource Lock |
Archived |
AdmLicenseMaster |
Admin License Configuration Master |
AdmLicenseImport |
Admin License Imported XML File |
AdmOperatorMsg |
Admin Operator Messages From Sales Order |
AdmOperatorQueue |
Admin Operator Message Queue |
AdmNationalities |
Admin Nationalities |
AdmNotepad |
Admin Generic Notepad |
AdmOperatorCompany |
Admin Companies Allowed Per Operator |
AdmOperAmendJnl |
Admin Operator Amendment Journal |
Optional |
AdmOperator |
Admin Operator |
String |
AdmOperatorSec |
Admin Operator Security |
String |
AdmOperatorOpt |
Admin Operator Message Box Preferences |
AdmOperEnetSetup |
Admin Operator Internet Setup |
String |
AdmPassControl |
Admin Password Control |
AdmPassHistory |
Admin Password History |
AdmPass |
Admin Password |
AdmSpidHistory |
Admin SQL Server SPID History |
Archived |
AdmPrinterAtt |
Admin SYSPRO Printer Attributes |
AdmPrjPreferences |
Admin Projects And Contracts Preferences |
String |
AdmPrinter |
Admin SYSPRO Printer Master |
AdmRoleAccess |
Admin Role Access Control |
String |
AdmRole |
Admin Role |
AdmRoleOrganogram |
Admin Role Organogram |
Sequential |
AdmRoleProgram |
Admin Role Program Access |
AdmSignatureCon |
Admin Electronic Signature Condition |
AdmSignatureCtl |
Admin Electronic Signature Control |
AdmSignatureSetup |
Admin Electronic Signature Configuration |
AdmSignatureTrig |
Admin Electronic Signature Triggers |
AdmSignatureVar |
Admin Electronic Signature Detail Log |
AdmWorkflowDetail |
Admin Workflow Detail |
AdmSignatureDetail |
Admin Electronic Signature Detail |
AdmClientServerId |
Admin Client/Server Next Client Id |
AdmSystemControl |
Admin System Control |
String |
AdmTaskGroup |
Admin Task Group (System Wide) |
AdmTaskItem |
Admin Task Item (System Wide) |
AdmUserProduct |
Admin User Product |
AdmCurrentUsers |
Admin Users Currently Using SYSPRO |
Archived |
EspOperatorStatus |
Espresso Operator Logon Status |
Archived |
RepColumn |
RW Data Dictionary Columns |
RepKeys |
RW Data Dictionary Keys |
RepLink |
RW Data Dictionary Linkages |
RepReportMaster |
RW Report Master |
String |
RepTable |
RW Data Dictionary Tables |

The following list details all of the ISAM files which are converted for each company database:
The conversion process loads the contents of these files into SQL as a single string (blob) and not individual columns.
You can optionally choose to convert the data for these files.
These files do not contain an index, and can be maintained manually without becoming corrupt.
This refers to multiple files that make up the conversion process for that specific function.
The CrmActivityDesc table (i.e. CRMDES) is a consolidation of 6 sequential files:
File Code |
Table Name |
Description |
Comment |
AdmB2BPaths |
Admin Default XML/EDI Directory Paths |
AdmB2BFailedCtl |
Admin B2B Failed Document Control |
AdmB2BFailed |
Admin B2B Failed Document Details |
AdmB2BHistory |
Admin XML History Details |
Optional |
AdmCompanyControl |
Admin Company Control |
String |
AdmDefaults |
Admin Defaults |
String |
AdmAlternateCur |
Admin Alternate Report Currency For GL |
Sequential |
AdmSetupAmendJnl |
Admin Setup Amendment Journal |
Optional |
AdmJobLogging |
Admin Job Logging |
Optional |
AdmJobLoggingDet |
Admin Job Logging Detail |
Optional |
AdmPrinterOper |
Admin Printer For Operator And Program |
AdmPrintOperEx |
Admin Printer, Oper, Program Extra Info |
AdmPrintFunct |
Admin Printer Per Operator And Function |
AdmPrintFunctEx |
Admin Printer, Oper, Function Extra Info |
AdmArchivePending |
Admin Archive Pending Control |
AdmSrsDocFolders |
Admin SRS Document Temporary Folders |
AdmTaskGroupComp |
Admin Task Group (Per Company) |
AdmTaskItemComp |
Admin Task Item (Per Company) |
AdmTrigger |
Admin Trigger |
AdmTaxReturnPeriod |
Admin Tax Return Periods Definition |
AdmDocFormat |
Admin MS Word Report Format |
String |
ApCheckFormat |
AP Supplier Check Format |
String From ADMCTL |
Ap1099Format |
AP Supplier 1099 Format |
String |
ApSupLabelFormat |
AP Supplier Label Format |
ArCustLabelFormat |
AR Customer Label Format |
ArDiscountFormat |
AR Discount Cr/Dr Notes Format Setup |
String |
ArDocumentFormat |
AR Document Formats |
String |
ArPermEntryFormat |
AR Perm Entry Invoice Format |
AssetSuspenseAdd |
Asset Capex Asset In Suspense Additional |
AssetCapexDefAdd |
Asset Capex Defaults Detail Additional |
ASSFMT | AssetLabelFormat |
Asset Label Format Setup |
String |
BOMICO | BomIcons |
BOM Structure And Routing Icons |
CFGCTL | CfgControl |
Prod Config Control |
CRMDES | CrmActivityDesc |
Contact Activity Descriptions |
Multiple Sequential |
CRMOPR | CrmOperatorContact |
Contact Operator/Contact Cross Reference |
CSHCHF | CshCheckFormat |
Cash Book On-line Check Format |
String |
EFTCHF | EftRemitFormat |
EFT Supplier EFT Remittance Format |
String |
GENRWS | GenReportMaster |
GL Report Writer |
String |
GENSEP | GenSectionPassword |
GL section Password |
GTRSCH | GtrSupplyChain |
Goods In Transit Supply Chain |
INVFMT | InvDocumentFormat |
Inventory Document Format |
String |
INVLFT | InvLabelFormat |
Inventory Label Formats |
String |
INVSFT | InvStkTicketFormat |
Inventory Stock Take Ticket Formats |
String |
MRPGTS | MrpGtrSupplyChain |
MRP Snapshot Goods In Transit Sup Chain |
PORFMT | PorDocumentFormat |
PO Purchase Order Document Format |
String |
PORIFT | PorInspectFormat |
Inspection Formats |
String |
QOTFMT | QotQuotationFormat |
Quotation Format Setup |
String |
RMAFMT | RmaDocumentFormat |
RMA Document Formats |
String |
SORFMT | SorDocumentFormat |
Sales Order Documents Formats |
String |
SORLFT | SorLabelFormat |
Sales Order Label Formats |
String |
WIPDOI | WipInspectDoc |
WIP Inspection Document |
String |
WIPDOS | WipInspectDocSer |
WIP Inspection Document Serials |
WIPFMT | WipDocumentFormat |
WIP Factory Documentation Format |
String |
WIPJNC | WipLabJnlCtl |
WIP Labor Journal Control |
WIPPRI | WipInspectFormat |
WIP Inspection Print |
String |

Company database
ISAM tables and files
The following list details all ISAM tables and files which have been deemed obsolete and subsequently removed from the Company database:
File Code |
Table Name |
Description |
Comment |
AdmPathExceptions |
Admin Data File Path Exceptions |
AdmDocOptions |
Admin MS Word Report Options |
Replaced by AdmDocFormat |
AssetCountStatus |
Asset Count Temporary File |
Replaced by temporary ISAM file |
CfgLockControl |
Prod Config Lock Control |
Replaced by standard locking routine |
GenLockControl |
GL Entries Lock Control |
Replaced by standard locking routine |
GtrTakeOn |
Goods In Transit Quantity Take On |
Replaced by temporary ISAM file |
LotArchive |
Lot Traceability Archive |
Multiple archive tables for lots (see new tables) |
WipLockNotes |
WIP Lock Job Notes |
Replaced by standard locking routine |
SQL tables and files
The following list details all SQL tables and files which have been deemed obsolete and subsequently removed from the Company database:
File Code |
Table Name |
Description |
Comment |
WmsBinContainer |
WMS Bin Container |
Never used |
WmsBinContainerTyp |
WMS Bin Container Type |
Never used |
WmsBinType |
WMS Bin Type |
Never used |
WmsBinStock |
WMS Bin Stock |
Never used |
WmsBinZone |
WMS Bin Zone |
Never used |
WmsOperation |
WMS Operation |
Never used |
WmsOperationType |
WMS Operation Types |
Never used |
WmsPickCarrier |
WMS Pick Carrier |
Never used |
WmsTechnology |
WMS Technology Code |
Never used |
WmsVehicle |
WMS Vehicle |
Never used |
WmsVehicleLog |
WMS Vehicle Log |
Never used |
WmsVehicleType |
WMS Vehicle Type |
Never used |
WmsVehicleOperType |
WMS Vehicle Operation Type |
Never used |
WmsVehicleTech |
WMS Vehicle Technology |
Never used |
WmsVehicleUom |
WMS Vehicle Unit Of Measure |
Never used |
WmsWhAreaVehicle |
WMS Warehouse Area Vehicle |
Never used |
WmsZoneCarrier |
WMS Zone Carrier |
Never used |
WmsZoneLink |
WMS Zone Link |
Never used |
WmsZoneLinkOper |
WMS Zone Link Operation |
Never used |
WmsZoneLinkUom |
WMS Zone Link Unit Of Measure |
Never used |
WmsZoneLinkVehicle |
WMS Zone Link Vehicle |
Never used |
WmsZoneMatFlow |
WMS Zone Material Flow |
Never used |
WmsZoneOperation |
WMS Zone Operation |
Never used |
WMSZNU | WmsZoneTypeUom |
WMS Zone Type Unit Of Measure |
Never used |
WmsZoneVehicle |
WMS Zone Vehicle |
Never used |
WmsZone |
WMS Zone |
Never used |
WmsZoneType |
WMS Zone Type |
Never used |
WmsZoneTypeTech |
WMS Zone Type Technologies |
Never used |
WmsZoneUom |
WMS Zone Unit Of Measure |
Never used |
System database
ISAM tables and files
The following list details all ISAM tables and files which have been deemed as obsolete and subsequently removed from the System database:
File Code |
Table Name |
Description |
Comment |
AdmLicenseClass |
Admin License Class Master |
No longer required |
AdmInternetLog |
Admin Internet Application Log |
Never used |

The following have been added to the relevant databases in each release of SYSPRO 8:
SYSPRO 8 2023

Table Name | Description | MAX Table | Database |
AdmLicenseDetail |
Admin Consumption Based License Detail |
X |
System |
AdmDataApiAmendJnl |
Admin Data API Amendment Journal |
X |
Company |
AdmSsoAttributes |
Admin SSO Identity Provider Attributes |
X |
System |
AdmSsoProviders |
Admin SSO Identity Providers |
X |
System |
AdmSsoUserXref |
Admin SSO User Cross Reference |
X |
System |
ApInvoiceDocument |
AP Supplier Invoice Document |
X |
Company |
CshNextKeyAudit |
Cashbook Next Key Audit |
X |
Company |
CshNextKeys |
Cashbook Next Keys |
X |
Company |
DdsApiAccess |
Data Dictionary Data Access Security |
X |
System |
DdsUserColumns |
Data Dictionary User Columns |
System |
DdsUserForeignKey |
Data Dictionary User Foreign Key Links |
System |
DdsUserIndexes |
Data Dictionary User Defined Indexes |
System |
DdsUserTables |
Data Dictionary User Tables |
System |
EamAmendmentJnl |
EAM Structure Amendment Journal |
Company |
EamEquipReg |
EAM Equipment Code |
Company |
EamEquipType |
EAM Equipment Type |
Company |
EamOperations |
EAM Maintenance Operations |
Company |
EamOpsAmendJnl |
EAM Operations Amendment Journal |
Company |
EamSchedule |
EAM Schedule |
Company |
EamServiceGl |
EAM Service Ledger Codes |
Company |
EamServiceType |
EAM Service Type Master |
Company |
EamStructure |
EAM Maintenance Structure |
Company |
GenDimensionExtCat |
GL Dimension Extracted Categories |
Company |
EamOperations |
Sales Order Next Key Audit |
Company |
SorNextKeys |
Sales Order Next Keys |
Company |
SorPriceCatDetail |
SO Pricing Engine Catalog Details |
Company |
SorPriceCatHeader |
SO Pricing Engine Catalog |
Company |
SorPriceCatSel |
Sales Order Pricing Catalog Selection |
X |
Company |
WhmOuterDetail |
WMS Packing Outer Detail |
Company |
WhmOuterHeader |
WMS Packing Outer Header |
Company |
WipAllMatBin |
WIP Booked Bins For Allocations |
Company |

Table Name | Column Name | Description | Data Type | Database |
AdmCompanyDetails |
CustomerId |
Customer id |
varchar(20) |
Company |
AdmCompanyDetails |
SrsClientServer |
SRS Client or Server flag |
char(1) |
Company |
AdmOperator |
OperatorSsoStatus |
SSO with provider status: |
char(1) |
System |
AdmPrograms |
SetupFileCode |
File code being maintained |
varchar(6) |
System |
AdmCurrentUsers |
AuthType |
Authentication type |
char(1) |
System |
AdmCurrentUsers |
SsoProviderDesc |
SSO Identity provider desc |
varchar(100) |
System |
AdmCurrentUsers |
SsoProviderName |
SSO Identity provider name |
varchar(50) |
System |
ArCustomer |
PickMarshalling |
Pick marshalling |
char(1) |
Company |
BomArcOperations |
ProductionBin |
Production bin |
varchar(20) |
Inventory |
BomOperations |
ProductionBin |
Production bin |
varchar(20) |
Inventory |
DdsForeignKeys |
FkeyName |
Name if user defined |
varchar(128) |
System |
DdsIndexes |
Direction |
Ascending or descending |
char(1) |
System |
DdsIndexes |
IncludeColumn |
Column is part of INCLUDE |
char(1) |
System |
EccOperations |
ProductionBin |
Production bin |
varchar(20) |
Inventory |
GenDimensionEnt |
GlIntYear |
GL year |
decimal(4,0) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionEnt |
GlIntPeriod |
GL period number |
decimal(2,0) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionEnt |
GlJournal |
Journal number |
decimal(10,0) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionDet |
ExtractOperator |
Last extracted by operator |
varchar(20) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionDet |
ExtractDateTime |
Last extract run date and time |
datetime |
Ledger |
GenDimensionDet |
ExtractStatus |
Extract Status |
char(1) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionCat |
CategoryKey |
Category key |
decimal(10,0) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess11 |
Type of business process 11 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess12 |
Type of business process 12 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess13 |
Type of business process 13 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess14 |
Type of business process 14 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess15 |
Type of business process 15 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess16 |
Type of business process 16 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess17 |
Type of business process 17 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess18 |
Type of business process 18 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess19 |
Type of business process 19 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess20 |
Type of business process 20 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess21 |
Type of business process 21 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess22 |
Type of business process 22 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess23 |
Type of business process 23 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess24 |
Type of business process 24 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess25 |
Type of business process 25 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess26 |
Type of business process 26 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess27 |
Type of business process 27 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess28 |
Type of business process 28 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess29 |
Type of business process 29 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess30 |
Type of business process 30 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess31 |
Type of business process 31 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess32 |
Type of business process 32 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess33 |
Type of business process 33 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess34 |
Type of business process 34 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess35 |
Type of business process 35 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess36 |
Type of business process 36 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess37 |
Type of business process 37 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess38 |
Type of business process 38 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess39 |
Type of business process 39 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
BusinessProcess40 |
Type of business process 40 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule11 |
Module name 11 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule12 |
Module name 12 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule13 |
Module name 13 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule14 |
Module name 14 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule15 |
Module name 15 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule16 |
Module name 16 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule17 |
Module name 17 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule18 |
Module name 18 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule19 |
Module name 19 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule20 |
Module name 20 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule21 |
Module name 21 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule22 |
Module name 22 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule23 |
Module name 23 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule24 |
Module name 24 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule25 |
Module name 25 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule26 |
Module name 26 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule27 |
Module name 27 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule28 |
Module name 28 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule29 |
Module name 29 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule30 |
Module name 30 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule31 |
Module name 31 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule32 |
Module name 32 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule33 |
Module name 33 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule34 |
Module name 34 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule35 |
Module name 35 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule36 |
Module name 36 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule37 |
Module name 37 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule38 |
Module name 38 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule39 |
Module name 39 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule40 |
Module name 40 |
char(3) |
Ledger |
InvSerialTrn |
SalesOrderLine |
Sales order line number |
decimal(4,0) |
Inventory |
InvSerialTrn |
DispatchNoteLine |
Dispatch note line number |
decimal(4,0) |
Inventory |
InvWhControl |
UseWipPicking |
Use WIP picking in wh |
char(1) |
Inventory |
InvWhControl |
AutoIssuePick |
Issue material to job after pick |
char(1) |
Inventory |
InvWhControl |
MaintWarehouse |
Maintenance warehouse |
char(1) |
Inventory |
InvWhControl |
PickConfirmation |
Pick confirmation |
char(1) |
Inventory |
InvWhControl |
PickMarshalling |
Pick marshalling |
char(1) |
Inventory |
InvWarehouse |
ProductionBin |
Production bin |
varchar(20) |
Inventory |
MrpJobMaster |
MaintJob |
Maintenance job |
char(1) |
Company |
MrpJobMaster |
MaintJobType |
Maintenance job type |
char(1) |
Company |
MrpJobMaster |
EquipmentCode |
Equipment code |
varchar(30) |
Company |
MrpJobMaster |
MaintServiceType |
Maintenance service type |
varchar(30) |
Company |
MrpJobMaster |
EquipmentType |
Equipment type |
varchar(30) |
Company |
MrpJobMaster |
TypeOfService |
Type of service |
char(3) |
Company |
MrpJobAllLab |
ProductionBin |
Production bin |
varchar(20) |
Company |
MrpJobAllMat |
PickQuantity |
Pick quantity |
decimal(18,6) |
Company |
MrpJobAllMat |
ReservedBinQty |
Reserved bin quantity |
decimal(18,6) |
Company |
MrpSugJobMaster |
MaintJob |
Maintenance job |
char(1) |
Company |
MrpSugJobMaster |
MaintJobType |
Maintenance job type |
char(1) |
Company |
MrpSugJobMaster |
EquipmentCode |
Equipment code |
varchar(30) |
Company |
MrpSugJobMaster |
MaintServiceType |
Maintenance service type |
varchar(30) |
Company |
MrpSugJobMaster |
EquipmentType |
Equipment type |
varchar(30) |
Company |
MrpSugJobMaster |
TypeOfService |
Type of service |
char(3) |
Company |
MrpSugJobAlLab |
ProductionBin |
Production bin |
varchar(20) |
Company |
MrpSugJobAlMat |
PickQuantity |
Pick quantity |
decimal(18,6) |
Company |
MrpSugJobAlMat |
ReservedBinQty |
Reserved bin quantity |
decimal(18,6) |
Company |
MrpWarehouse |
ProductionBin |
Production bin |
varchar(20) |
Company |
SalBranch |
ExcludeFromAvalara |
Exclude from Avalara tax calcs |
char(1) |
Company |
WhmPickDetail |
Job |
Job |
varchar(20) |
Company |
WhmPickDetail |
AllocWh |
Job allocation warehouse |
varchar(10) |
Company |
WhmPickDetail |
AllocLine |
Line number |
char(2) |
Company |
WhmPickDetail |
Warehouse |
Warehouse |
varchar(10) |
Company |
WhmPickDetail |
Customer |
Customer |
varchar(15) |
Company |
WhmPickDetail |
ConfirmDate |
Pick line confirm date |
datetime |
Company |
WhmPickDetail |
ConfirmBy |
Operator assigned to Confirm |
varchar(20) |
Company |
WhmPickDetail |
PickOuter |
Outer number |
varchar(20) |
Company |
WhmPickDetail |
ConfirmedQty |
Pick confirmed quantity |
decimal(18,6) |
Company |
WhmPickDetail |
PackedQty |
Marshalling packed quantity |
decimal(18,6) |
Company |
WhmPickDetail |
ReasonChange |
Short pick reason |
varchar(30) |
Company |
WhmPickMaster |
PickedForWip |
Pick is for WIP |
char(1) |
Company |
WhmOuterHeader |
Customer |
Customer |
varchar(15) |
Company |
WipArcMaster |
MaintJob |
Maintenance job |
char(1) |
Company |
WipArcMaster |
MaintJobType |
Maintenance job type |
char(1) |
Company |
WipArcMaster |
EquipmentCode |
Equipment code |
varchar(30) |
Company |
WipArcMaster |
MaintServiceType |
Maintenance service type |
varchar(30) |
Company |
WipArcMaster |
EquipmentType |
Equipment type |
varchar(30) |
Company |
WipArcMaster |
TypeOfService |
Type of service |
char(3) |
Company |
WipArcJobAllLab |
ProductionBin |
Production bin |
varchar(20) |
Company |
WipArcJobAllMat |
PickQuantity |
Pick quantity |
decimal(18,6) |
Company |
WipArcJobAllMat |
ReservedBinQty |
Reserved bin quantity |
decimal(18,6) |
Company |
WipJobAllLab |
ProductionBin |
Production bin |
varchar(20) |
Company |
WipJobAllMat |
PickQuantity |
Pick quantity |
decimal(18,6) |
Company |
WipJobAllMat |
ReservedBinQty |
Reserved bin quantity |
decimal(18,6) |
Company |
WipJobAmendJnl |
PickNumber |
Pick |
varchar(20) |
Company |
WipJobAmendJnl |
PickLine |
Pick line number |
decimal(5,0) |
Company |
WipMaster |
MaintJob |
Maintenance job |
char(1) |
Company |
WipMaster |
MaintJobType |
Maintenance job type |
char(1) |
Company |
WipMaster |
EquipmentCode |
Equipment code |
varchar(30) |
Company |
WipMaster |
MaintServiceType |
Maintenance service type |
varchar(30) |
Company |
WipMaster |
EquipmentType |
Equipment type |
varchar(30) |
Company |
WipMaster |
TypeOfService |
Type of service |
char(3) |
Company |
WipDistrMat |
ServiceGlDesc |
Ledger description for EAM |
varchar(50) |
Company |
WipDistrMat |
EquipmentCode |
Equipment code |
varchar(30) |
Company |

Table Name | Index Name | Columns | Database |
WhmPickMaster |
WhmPickMasterIdxWip |
PickedForWip PickNumber |
Company |

Table Name |
Column |
Change |
SorPriceCatDetail |
LineNumber |
Size changed from decimal(12,0) to decimal(4,0). |

Table Name |
Change |
PrjOperatorNotice |
This table is now obsolete and has therefore been removed. |
SYSPRO 8 2022

Table Name | Description | MAX Table | Database |
AdmInterCoCurXref |
Inter Company Payment Currency Xref |
System |
AdmInterPayCo |
Intercompany Payment Companies |
System |
AdmOperCompPortal |
Admin Portal User Per Company |
SystemDb |
AdmOperCompSecFlag |
Admin Operator Security Per Company Flag |
System |
AdmOperCompSecList |
Admin Operator Security List Per Company |
System |
AdmPorAppProperty |
Admin Portal Role ApplicationPropertie |
X |
SystemDb |
AdmPortalPage |
Admin Portal Landing Page |
X |
SystemDb |
AdmPorUserPage |
Admin Portal User Landing Page |
X |
SystemDb |
AdmRoleCompSecFlag |
Admin Role Security Per Company Flags |
System |
AdmRoleCompSecList |
Admin Role Security List Per Company |
System |
AdmSyncControl |
Admin Cluster Sync Control |
X |
SystemDb |
AdmSyncFileHistory |
Admin Cluster Sync File History |
X |
SystemDb |
AdmSyncFiles |
Admin Cluster Sync Files |
X |
SystemDb |
AdmSyncServer |
Admin Cluster Sync Server |
X |
SystemDb |
AdmSyncServerFiles |
Admin Cluster Sync Server Files |
X |
SystemDb |
ApInterCoChkReg |
AP Intercompany Check Registers |
Company |
ApInterCoPayGl |
AP Intercompany Payment GL Accounts |
Company |
ArInterCoPayGl |
AR Intercompany Payment GL Accounts |
Company |
ArNextKeyAudit |
AR Next Key Audit |
X |
Company |
ArNextKeys |
AR Next Keys |
X |
Company |
GenDimensionDet |
GL Dimension Details |
X |
Company |
GenDimensionEnt |
GL Dimension Entries |
X |
Company |
GenDimensionPri |
GL Dimension Priorities |
Company |
SorPickAmendJnl |
SO Pick Allocation Amendment Journal |
Company |
SorPrcListHdrHist |
SO Pricing Engine Price List History |
Company |
SorPriceListHist |
SO Price List Detail History |
Company |
SqmAqLimit |
QMS Acceptable Quality Limits |
Company |
SqmArcIndTest |
QMS Archived Individual Tests |
Company |
SqmArcInspect |
QMS Archived Inspection Control |
Company |
SqmArcInspectDoc |
QMS Archived Inspection Document |
X |
Company |
SqmArcMulTest |
QMS Archived Management Multiple |
Company |
SqmArcSerial |
QMS Archived Serials |
Company |
SqmArcTestData |
QMS Archived Test Data |
Company |
SqmArcTestDesign |
QMS Archived Test Design |
Company |
SqmArcTestHeader |
QMS Archived Test Design Header |
X |
Company |
SqmArcTestStatus |
QMS Archived Test Status |
Company |
SqmArcTransaction |
QMS Archived Transaction |
Company |
SqmBasis |
QMS Sample Basis |
Company |
SqmHierLevel |
QMS Hierarchy Level |
Company |
SqmHierTest |
QMS Hierarchy Tests |
Company |
SqmIndTest |
QMS Individual Test |
Company |
SqmInspect |
QMS Inspection Control |
Company |
SqmInspectDoc |
QMS Inspection Document |
X |
Company |
SqmInspectLvl |
QMS Inspection Levels |
Company |
SqmMulTest |
QMS Multiple |
Company |
SqmPlan |
QMS Sample Plan |
Company |
SqmReasons |
QMS Reason Code |
Company |
SqmSample |
QMS Sample Code Letter |
Company |
SqmSerial |
QMS Inspection Serials |
Company |
SqmTestData |
QMS Test Data |
Company |
SqmTestDesign |
QMS Test Design |
Company |
SqmTestHeader |
QMS Test Design Header |
X |
Company |
SqmTestStatus |
QMS Test Status |
Company |
SqmTransaction |
QMS Transaction |
Company |
WipCopBalFix |
Wip Co-product Balances Fix |
X |
Company |
WipInspectBalFix |
Wip Inpsect Balances Fix |
X |
Company |
WipLabBalFix |
Wip Labor Balances Fix |
X |
Company |
WipMasBalFix |
Wip Master Balances Fix |
X |
Company |
WipMatBalFix |
WIP Material Balances Fix |
X |
Company |
WipNextKeyAudit |
WIP Next Key Audit |
X |
Company |
WipNextKeys |
WIP Next Keys |
X |
Company |
WipResLotBalFix |
WIP Reserved Lot Balances Fix |
X |
Company |

Table Name | Column Name | Description | Data Type |
AdmCompanyDetails |
InstalledSqm |
SYSPRO quality management installed |
char(1) |
AdmCompanyDetails |
InstalledEam |
Enterprise asset management installed |
char(1) |
AdmCompanyDetails |
InstalledSea |
SYSPRO embedded analytics |
char(1) |
AdmCurrentUsers |
ServerComputerName |
Server computer name |
varchar(32) |
AdmCurrentUsers |
ServerMachineId |
Server machine id |
varchar(50) |
AdmOperator |
DynamicLandPage |
Dynamic portal landing flag |
char(1) |
AdmOperator |
SeaDesigner |
Embedded Analytics designer |
char(1) |
AdmPidHistory |
ServerComputerName |
Server computer name |
varchar(32) |
AdmRole |
InterCompanyAp |
AP Intercompany payments |
char(1) |
AdmRole |
InterCompanyAr |
AR Intercompany payments |
char(1) |
AdmRole |
FinacialDimensions |
Financial dimensions secured |
char(1) |
AdmSysVersion |
BaqVersion |
Published BAQ version |
varchar(20) |
AdmSysVersionHist |
BaqVersion |
Published BAQ version |
varchar(20) |
AdmTax |
PriceList |
Price list |
varchar(20) |
AdmTaxAuditLog |
SubmitEntryNumber |
Submission entry number |
decimal(4,0) |
AdmTaxAuditLog |
Customer |
Customer |
varchar(15) |
AdmTaxReturn |
TaxBasedInv |
AP Settlement disc tax |
char(1) |
AdmVersion |
BaqVersion |
Imported BAQ version |
varchar(20) |
AdmVersionHistory |
BaqVersion |
Imported BAQ versions |
varchar(20) |
AdmViewColumns |
CustomAlpNumDate |
Field type if a custom column |
char(1) |
AdmViewColumnsPub |
CustomAlpNumDate |
Field type if a custom column |
char(1) |
AdmViewMaster |
SysproStdBaq |
Standard SYSPRO BAQ |
char(1) |
AdmViewMasterPub |
SysproStdBaq |
Standard SYSPRO BAQ |
char(1) |
ApCheckIss |
GroupInterCompany |
Intercompany group payment |
char(1) |
ApCheckIss |
CheckValueLocal |
Net check value in local |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGlDisburse |
GroupInterCompany |
Intercompany Group payment |
char(1) |
ApGlDisburse |
PrimarySupplier |
Primary supplier (Int pay) |
varchar(15) |
ApGlDisburse |
PrimaryCompany |
Company id of primary |
char(4) |
ApGlDisburse |
SecondaryCompany |
Company id of secondary |
char(4) |
ApGlDisburse |
XrefCheckRegister |
Check register xref. |
decimal(10,0) |
ApGlDisburse |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
ApGlDisburse |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
PrimarySupplier |
Primary supplier |
varchar(15) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
SecondSupplierName |
Secondary Supplier name |
varchar(50) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
GrossValuePrimary |
Values in the local currency |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
NetValuePrimary |
Net payment value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
WtaxPrimary |
Withholding tax value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
DiscValuePrimary |
Discount value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
TaxDiscPrimary |
Tax portion of discount |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
QstDiscPrimary |
Qst portion of discount |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
WithTaxablePrimary |
Taxable value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
CurrencyPrimary |
Local currency in primary |
char(3) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
GrossValueSecond |
Values in the local currency |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
NetValueSecond |
Net payment value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
WtaxSecond |
Withholding tax value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
DiscValueSecond |
Discount value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
TaxDiscSecond |
Tax portion of discount |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
QstDiscSecond |
Qst portion of discount |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
WithTaxableSecond |
Taxable value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
CurrencySecond |
Local currency in secondary |
char(3) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
CnvRateSecPrimary |
Account conversion rate of |
decimal(12,6) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
MulDivSecPrimary |
Account multiply or divide |
char(1) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
XrefSupCurrency |
Xref currency of supplier |
char(3) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
XrefCurDescription |
Description of Xref currency |
varchar(50) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
ChRegisterSecond |
Check register on |
decimal(10,0) |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
XrefLocCurrency |
Secondary company local |
char(3) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
GrossValuePrimary |
Values in the local currency |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
NetValuePrimary |
Net payment value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
WtaxPrimary |
Withholding tax value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
DiscValuePrimary |
Discount value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
TaxDiscPrimary |
Tax portion of discount |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
QstDiscPrimary |
Qst portion of discount |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
WithTaxablePrimary |
Taxable value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
CurrencyPrimary |
Local currency in primary |
char(3) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
GrossValueSecond |
Values in the local currency |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
NetValueSecond |
Net payment value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
WtaxSecond |
Withholding tax value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
DiscValueSecond |
Discount value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
TaxDiscSecond |
Tax portion of discount |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
QstDiscSecond |
Qst portion of discount |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
WithTaxableSecond |
Taxable value |
decimal(14,2) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
CurrencySecond |
Local currency in secondary |
char(3) |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
XrefSupCurrency |
Xref currency of supplier |
char(3) |
ApInvoice |
WitholdTaxAccBasis |
Withholding tax accounting basis |
char(1) |
ApInvoice |
PrimarySupplier |
Primary supplier |
varchar(15) |
ApInvoice |
PrimaryCompany |
Primary company id |
char(4) |
ApInvoicePay |
PrimarySupName |
Primary Supplier name |
varchar(50) |
ApInvoicePay |
GroupInterCompany |
Intercompany Group payment |
char(1) |
ApInvoicePay |
PrimaryCompany |
Primary company id (Int |
char(4) |
ApInvoicePay |
XrefSupCurrency |
Xref currency of supplier |
char(3) |
ApInvoicePay |
XrefCurDescription |
Xref currency description |
varchar(50) |
ApInvoicePay |
PrimaryChRegister |
Check register on primary |
decimal(10,0) |
ApInvoicePay |
LocalValuePrime |
Payment amount in local |
decimal(14,2) |
ApInvoicePay |
LocalCurPrimary |
Local currency of primary co |
char(3) |
ApInvoicePay |
LocalValueSecond |
Payment amount in local |
decimal(14,2) |
ApInvoicePay |
LocalCurSecond |
Local currency secondary co |
char(3) |
ApInvoicePay |
XrefLocCurrency |
Secondary co local currency |
char(3) |
ApInvoicePay |
ConvRateSecPrime |
Account conversion rate of |
decimal(12,6) |
ApInvoicePay |
MulDivSecPrime |
Account multiply or divide |
char(1) |
ApJnlDistrib |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
ApJnlDistrib |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
ApJnlSummary |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
ApJnlSummary |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
ApJnlSummary |
TaxBasedInv |
Typ=FlagYes |
char(1) |
ApJnlSummary |
GroupInterCompany |
Intercompany Group payment |
char(1) |
ApJnlSummary |
XrefChRegister |
Check register xref. |
decimal(10,0) |
ApPayRunHdr |
GroupInterCompany |
Intercompany Group payment |
char(1) |
ApPermEntries |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
ApPermEntries |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
ApWithholdTax |
PrimarySupplier |
Primary supplier (Int pay) |
varchar(15) |
ApWithholdTax |
PrimarySupName |
Primary Supplier name |
varchar(50) |
ApWithholdTax |
GroupInterCompany |
Intercompany Group payment |
char(1) |
ApWithholdTax |
PrimaryCompany |
Primary company id (Int Pay) |
char(4) |
ApWithholdTax |
BankDescription |
Bank name(Int Pay) |
varchar(50) |
ApWithholdTax |
XrefChRegister |
Check register xref. |
decimal(10,0) |
ApWithholdTax |
PrimaryPayNumber |
Payment run number (IntPay) |
varchar(15) |
ApWithholdTax |
PaymentBank |
Payment bank (Int Pay) |
varchar(15) |
ArCshJnlDet |
InterCompanyTrx |
Intercompany transaction |
char(1) |
ArCshJnlDet |
PrimaryCompany |
Intercompany primary company |
char(4) |
ArCshJnlDet |
SecondaryCompany |
Intercompany secondary company |
char(4) |
ArCshJnlDet |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
ArCshJnlDet |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
ArCshJnlPay |
InterCompanyTrx |
Intercompany transaction |
char(1) |
ArCshJnlPay |
PrimaryCompany |
Intercompany primary company |
char(4) |
ArCshJnlPay |
SecondaryCompany |
Intercompany secondary company |
char(4) |
ArCustomer |
ThirdPartyTaxInteg |
Third Party tax integration to |
char(1) |
ArInvoicePay |
InterCompanyTrx |
Intercompany transaction |
char(1) |
ArInvoicePay |
PrimaryCompany |
Intercompany primary company |
char(4) |
ArInvoicePay |
SecondaryCompany |
Intercompany secondary company |
char(4) |
ArPayRunDet |
Company |
Company |
char(4) |
ArTrnDetail |
PriceGroup |
Price Group |
varchar(20) |
ArTrnDetail |
PriceGroupRule |
Price Group Rule |
decimal(4,0) |
ArTrnDetail |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
ArTrnDetail |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
AssetDistReg |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
AssetDistReg |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
CshApPayments |
GroupInterCompany |
Intercompany Group payment |
char(1) |
CshApPayments |
SecondarySupName |
Secondary Supplier name |
varchar(50) |
CshApPayments |
SecondaryCompany |
Secondary company id |
char(4) |
CshArPayments |
InterCompanyTrx |
Intercompany transaction |
char(1) |
CshArPayments |
PrimaryCompany |
The company id where the |
char(4) |
CshArPayments |
SecondaryCompany |
The company id where the |
char(4) |
CshJnlGl |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
CshJnlGl |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
CshPermEntries |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
CshPermEntries |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
CshTransactions |
GroupInterCompany |
Intercompany group payment |
char(1) |
DdsColumns |
IsamFieldName |
Field name in MAC layouts |
varchar(21) |
DdsColumns |
OccursCount |
Occurs pointer |
decimal(3,0) |
DdsColumns |
BrowseName |
Browse column heading |
varchar(30) |
DdsColumns |
BrowseRetKey |
Browse return key flag |
char(1) |
DdsColumns |
UserDefined |
User defined column |
char(1) |
DdsIndexes |
UserDefined |
User defined index |
char(1) |
DdsTables |
BrowseTitle |
Generic browse title |
varchar(30) |
DdsTables |
TableType |
Table type |
char(1) |
DdsTables |
MasterTable |
Table if copied definition |
varchar(18) |
DdsTables |
ModuleName |
Module |
char(3) |
GenDimensionDef |
EntityKey1 |
Entity backed key1 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDef |
EntityKey2 |
Entity backed key2 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDef |
EntityKey3 |
Entity backed key3 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDef |
EntityKey4 |
Entity backed key4 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
SubModuleKey |
Sub module key |
varchar(100) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityNumber |
Entity key (e.g. Customer) |
varchar(30) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
JournalNumber |
Sub module journal |
decimal(10,0) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
DocumentNum |
Document number |
varchar(20) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
GlCode |
Ledger code |
vachar(35) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
Reference |
Reference |
varchar(30) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
Source |
Source code |
char(2) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
ControlAccFlag |
Control account |
char(1) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityType1 |
Entity type 1 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityType2 |
Entity type 2 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityType3 |
Entity type 3 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityType4 |
Entity type 4 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityType5 |
Entity type 5 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityType6 |
Entity type 6 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityType7 |
Entity type 7 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityType8 |
Entity type 8 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityType9 |
Entity type 9 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityType10 |
Entity type 10 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityCode1 |
Entity code 1 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityCode2 |
Entity code 2 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityCode3 |
Entity code 3 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityCode4 |
Entity code 4 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityCode5 |
Entity code 5 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityCode6 |
Entity code 6 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityCode7 |
Entity code 7 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityCode8 |
Entity code 8 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityCode9 |
Entity code 9 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionDet This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
EntityCode10 |
Entity code 10 |
varchar(50) |
GenDimensionEnt This table is only available for use from SYSPRO 8 2023. |
SubModuleKey |
Sub module key |
varchar(100) |
GenDimensionSrc |
SourceModule# |
Module code |
char(3) |
GenDimensionSrc |
LastChangedBy |
Operator who unlinked source |
varchar(20) |
GenJournalDetail |
GroupPayment |
Group payment |
char(1) |
GenJournalDetail |
GrpPayValue |
Group payment amount |
decimal(14,2) |
GenJournalDetail |
GrpPayCurrency |
Group payment currency |
char(3) |
GenJournalDetail |
GrpPayConvRate |
Group payment rate |
decimal(12,6) |
GenJournalDetail |
GrpPayPostMulDiv |
Grp payment factor |
char(1) |
GenJournalDetail |
GroupInterCompany |
AP Intercompany Group |
char(1) |
GenJournalDetail |
InterCompanyTrx |
AR Intercompany transaction |
char(1) |
GenJournalDetail |
PrimarySupplier |
Primary supplier (Int pay) |
varchar(15) |
GenJournalDetail |
PrimaryCompany |
Company id of primary |
char(4) |
GenJournalDetail |
SecondaryCompany |
Company id of secondary |
char(4) |
GenJournalDetail |
XrefChRegister |
Check register xref. |
decimal(10,0) |
GenJournalDetail |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
GenJournalDetail |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
GenJournalDetail |
PaymentNumberAr |
AR Payment run number |
varchar(15) |
GenJournalDetail |
PrimaryCustomer |
Primary customer (Int pay) |
varchar(15) |
GenJournalDetail |
PaymentNumberAp |
AP Payment run number |
varchar(15) |
GenTransaction |
GroupPayment |
Group payment |
char(1) |
GenTransaction |
GrpPayValue |
Group payment amount |
decimal(14,2) |
GenTransaction |
GrpPayCurrency |
Group payment currency |
char(3) |
GenTransaction |
GrpPayConvRate |
Group payment rate |
decimal(12,6) |
GenTransaction |
GrpPayPostMulDiv |
Grp payment factor |
char(1) |
GenTransaction |
GroupInterCompany |
AP Intercompany Group |
char(1) |
GenTransaction |
InterCompanyTrx |
AR Intercompany transaction |
char(1) |
GenTransaction |
PrimarySupplier |
Primary supplier (Int pay) |
varchar(15) |
GenTransaction |
PrimaryCompany |
Company id of primary |
char(4) |
GenTransaction |
SecondaryCompany |
Company id of secondary |
char(4) |
GenTransaction |
XrefChRegister |
Check register xref. |
decimal(10,0) |
GenTransaction |
PaymentNumber |
AR Payment run number |
varchar(15) |
GenTransaction |
PrimaryCustomer |
Primary customer (Int pay) |
varchar(15) |
GenTransaction |
PaymentNumberAp |
AP Payment run number |
varchar(15) |
GrnJournal |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
GrnJournal |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
InvInspect |
SqmInspection |
Quality management required |
char(1) |
InvInspect |
SampleBasis |
Sample Basis |
char(1) |
InvInspect |
QtyToAccept |
Qty to accept for inspection |
decimal(18,6) |
InvInspect |
QtyToReject |
Qty to reject for inspection |
decimal(18,6) |
InvInspect |
QtyInQuarant |
Qty still in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
InvInspectDet |
AcceptQty |
Qty to accept |
decimal(18,6) |
InvInspectDet |
RejectQty |
Qty to reject |
decimal(18,6) |
InvInspectDet |
QtyInQuarant |
Qty still in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
InvJournalCtl |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
InvJournalCtl |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
InvJournalDet |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
InvJournalDet |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
InvMaster |
QmInspectionReq |
QM inspection required |
char(1) |
InvMultBin |
KanbanActive |
Kanban active flag |
char(1) |
InvMultBin |
KanbanPullLevel |
Kanban pull level |
decimal(18,6) |
InvMultBin |
KanbanPullQty |
Kanban pull quantity |
decimal(18,6) |
InvMultBin |
KanbanFullCont |
Use Kanban Full Containers |
char(1) |
InvMultBin |
KanbanReplenFlag |
Kanban Replenish Flag |
char(1) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanReplenish |
Automated Kanban Replenish |
char(1) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanUseRecBin |
Replenish using receiving bin |
char(1) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanUseDispBin |
Replenish using dispatch bin |
char(1) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanReceivingBin |
Bin to use for Receiving |
varchar(20) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanDispBin |
Bin to use for Dispatch |
varchar(20) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence1 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 1 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence2 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 2 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence3 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 3 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence4 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 4 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence5 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 5 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence6 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 6 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence7 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 7 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence8 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 8 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence9 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 9 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence10 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 10 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence11 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 11 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence12 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 12 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence13 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 13 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence14 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 14 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence15 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 15 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence16 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 16 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence17 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 17 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence18 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 18 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence19 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 19 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWhSequence20 |
Kanban replenishment sequence 20 |
decimal(2,0) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse1 |
Replenishment warehouse 1 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse2 |
Replenishment warehouse 2 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse3 |
Replenishment warehouse 3 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse4 |
Replenishment warehouse 4 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse5 |
Replenishment warehouse 5 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse6 |
Replenishment warehouse 6 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse7 |
Replenishment warehouse 7 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse8 |
Replenishment warehouse 8 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse9 |
Replenishment warehouse 9 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse10 |
Replenishment warehouse 10 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse11 |
Replenishment warehouse 11 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse12 |
Replenishment warehouse 12 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse13 |
Replenishment warehouse 13 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse14 |
Replenishment warehouse 14 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse15 |
Replenishment warehouse 15 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse16 |
Replenishment warehouse 16 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse17 |
Replenishment warehouse 17 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse18 |
Replenishment warehouse 18 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse19 |
Replenishment warehouse 19 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
KanbanWarehouse20 |
Replenishment warehouse 20 |
varchar(10) |
InvWhControl |
PickAllocationOvr |
Pick allocation override |
char(1) |
IopProxies |
UseWarehouseFlag |
Use entered warehouse |
char(1) |
IopProxies |
UseProxyWhFlag |
Use proxy warehouse |
char(1) |
IopSalesAdjust |
FromStock |
Copy from stock code |
varchar(30) |
IopSalesAdjust |
FromVersion |
Copy from revision |
char(5) |
IopSalesAdjust |
FromRelease |
Copy from release |
char(5) |
IopSalesAdjust |
FromWarehouse |
Copy from warehouse |
varchar(10) |
LotArcInvInsp |
SqmInspection |
Quality management required |
char(1) |
LotArcInvInsp |
SampleBasis |
Sample Basis |
char(1) |
LotArcInvInsp |
QtyToAccept |
Qty to accept for inspection |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcInvInsp |
QtyToReject |
Qty to reject for inspection |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcInvInsp |
QtyInQuarant |
Qty still in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcInvInspDet |
AcceptQty |
Qty to accept |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcInvInspDet |
RejectQty |
Qty to reject |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcInvInspDet |
QtyInQuarant |
Qty still in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInsp |
SqmInspection |
Quality management required |
char(1) |
LotArcWipInsp |
SampleBasis |
Sample basis |
char(1) |
LotArcWipInsp |
QtyCounted |
Quantity counted to date |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInsp |
CountCompleted |
Qty counted complete flag |
char(1) |
LotArcWipInsp |
Certificate |
Certificate number |
varchar(10) |
LotArcWipInsp |
QtyToAccept |
Qty to accept for inspection |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInsp |
QtyToReject |
Qty to reject for inspection |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInsp |
QtyInQuarant |
Qty still in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInsp |
QtyCountedEnt |
Entered qty counted |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInsp |
QtyToAcceptEnt |
Entered qty to accept |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInsp |
QtyToRejectEnt |
Entered qty to reject |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInsp |
QtyInQuarantEnt |
Entered qty in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInspDet |
AcceptQty |
Qty to accept |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInspDet |
RejectQty |
Qty to reject |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInspDet |
QtyInQuarant |
Qty still in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInspDet |
AcceptQtyEnt |
Entered qty to accept |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInspDet |
RejectQtyEnt |
Entered qty to reject |
decimal(18,6) |
LotArcWipInspDet |
QtyInQuarantEnt |
Entered qty in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
MrpInvInspect |
SqmInspection |
Quality management required |
char(1) |
MrpInvInspect |
SampleBasis |
Sample Basis |
char(1) |
MrpInvInspect |
QtyToAccept |
Qty to accept for inspection |
decimal(18,6) |
MrpInvInspect |
QtyToReject |
Qty to reject for inspection |
decimal(18,6) |
MrpInvInspect |
QtyInQuarant |
Qty still in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
MrpWipInspect |
SqmInspection |
Quality management required |
char(1) |
MrpWipInspect |
SampleBasis |
Sample basis |
char(1) |
MrpWipInspect |
QtyCounted |
Quantity counted to date |
decimal(18,6) |
MrpWipInspect |
CountCompleted |
Qty counted complete flag |
char(1) |
MrpWipInspect |
Certificate |
Certificate number |
varchar(10) |
MrpWipInspect |
QtyToAccept |
Qty to accept for inspection |
decimal(18,6) |
MrpWipInspect |
QtyToReject |
Qty to reject for inspection |
decimal(18,6) |
MrpWipInspect |
QtyInQuarant |
Qty still in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
MrpWipInspect |
QtyCountedEnt |
Entered qty counted |
decimal(18,6) |
MrpWipInspect |
QtyToAcceptEnt |
Entered qty to accept |
decimal(18,6) |
MrpWipInspect |
QtyToRejectEnt |
Entered qty to reject |
decimal(18,6) |
MrpWipInspect |
QtyInQuarantEnt |
Entered qty in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
RmaDetail |
WipBranch |
WIP branch |
varchar(10) |
SalHistorySource |
PriceGroup |
Price Group |
varchar(20) |
SalHistorySource |
PriceGroupRule |
Price Group Rule |
decimal(4,0) |
SorConQtyDiscBrk |
PriceList |
Price list |
varchar(20) |
SorContractPrice |
PriceList |
Price list |
varchar(20) |
SorPrcListHdrHist |
PriceListStatusNew |
Price list status |
char(1) |
SorPrcListHdrHist |
PriceListStatusOld |
Price list status |
char(1) |
SorPrcListHdrHist |
DescriptionNew |
Price List Description |
varchar(50) |
SorPrcListHdrHist |
DescriptionOld |
Price List Description |
varchar(50) |
SorPrcListHdrHist |
ChangeFlag |
Change flag |
char(1) |
SorPrcListHdrHist |
Currency |
Price list currency |
char(3) |
SorPrcListHdrHist |
PriceMethod |
Pricing Method |
char(1) |
SorPrcListHdrHist |
StockSelection |
Stock Selection |
char(1) |
SorPriceGroupRules |
PriceBasis |
Price Basis |
char(1) |
SorPriceGroupRules |
PriceIndicator |
Price Indicator |
char(1) |
SorPriceListDetail |
PriceBasis |
Price Basis |
char(1) |
SorPriceListHeader |
PriceListStatus |
Price list status |
char(1) |
SorPriceListHist |
NewPriceBasis |
Price basis |
char(1) |
SorPriceListHist |
OldPriceBasis |
Price basis |
char(1) |
SorPriceListHist |
ChangeFlag |
Change flag |
char(1) |
TblSoDiscount |
PriceList |
Price list |
varchar(20) |
TpmPromotion |
PriceList |
Price list |
varchar(20) |
TpmPromotion |
PriceListCusPrc |
Price list of customer price free goods |
varchar(20) |
TpmPromotionTrans |
PriceList |
Price list |
varchar(20) |
TpmPromotionTrans |
PriceListCusPrc |
Price list of customer price free goods |
varchar(20) |
TpmTrnWork |
PriceList |
Price list |
varchar(20) |
TpmTrnWork |
PriceListCusPrc |
Price list of customer price free goods |
varchar(20) |
WhmBinArea |
WhAreaType |
Warehouse area type |
char(1) |
WipDistrMat |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
WipDistrMat |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
WipInspect |
SqmInspection |
Quality management required |
char(1) |
WipInspect |
SampleBasis |
Sample basis |
char(1) |
WipInspect |
QtyCounted |
Quantity counted to date |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspect |
CountCompleted |
Qty counted complete flag |
char(1) |
WipInspect |
Certificate |
Certificate number |
varchar(10) |
WipInspect |
QtyToAccept |
Qty to accept for inspection |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspect |
QtyToReject |
Qty to reject for inspection |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspect |
QtyInQuarant |
Qty still in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspect |
QtyCountedEnt |
Entered qty counted |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspect |
QtyToAcceptEnt |
Entered qty to accept |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspect |
QtyToRejectEnt |
Entered qty to reject |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspect |
QtyInQuarantEnt |
Entered qty in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspectDet |
AcceptQty |
Qty to accept |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspectDet |
RejectQty |
Qty to reject |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspectDet |
QtyInQuarant |
Qty still in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspectDet |
AcceptQtyEnt |
Entered qty to accept |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspectDet |
RejectQtyEnt |
Entered qty to reject |
decimal(18,6) |
WipInspectDet |
QtyInQuarantEnt |
Entered qty in quarantine |
decimal(18,6) |
WipLabJnl |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
WipLabJnl |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |
WipPartBill |
DimensionEntry |
Dimension Entry Number |
decimal(10,0) |
WipPartBill |
DimensionLine |
Dimension line number 1 up |
decimal(10,0) |

Table Name | Index Name | Columns |
AdmInterCoCurXref |
AdmInterCoCurXrefIdxCompany2 |
Company2 |
AdmInterCoCurXref |
XrefCurrency2 |
AdmInterCoCurXref |
Company1 |
AdmInterCoCurXref |
XrefCurrency1 |
AdmPidHistory |
AdmPidHistoryKey |
ServerComputerName |
AdmPidHistory |
ProcessId |
AdmPidHistory |
AdmPidHistoryIdxDate |
DateSaved |
AdmPidHistory |
ServerComputerName |
AdmPidHistory |
ProcessId |
ArCshJnlCtl |
ArCshJnlCtlIdxPayno |
PaymentNumber |
ArCshJnlCtl |
TrnYear |
ArCshJnlCtl |
TrnMonth |
ArCshJnlCtl |
Journal |
ArPayRunCus |
Primary Key |
Company |
ArPayRunDet |
Primary Key |
Company |
DdsColumns |
DdsColumnsIdxDesc |
TableName |
DdsColumns |
Description |
DdsColumns |
ColumnName |
DdsColumns |
DdsColumnsIdxSeq |
TableName |
DdsColumns |
Sequence |
DdsColumns |
ColumnName |
DdsColumns |
DdsColumnsIdxColUpp |
TableName |
DdsColumns |
ColumnNameUpper |
DdsColumns |
ColumnName |
DdsTables |
DdsTablesIdxDesc |
Description |
DdsTables |
TableName |
DdsTables |
DdsTablesIdxTabUpp |
TableNameUpper |
DdsTables |
TableName |
DdsTables |
DdsTablesIdxTblType |
TableType |
DdsTables |
TableName |
DdsTables |
DdsTablesIdxTblMod |
Module |
DdsTables |
TableName |
DdsTables |
DdsTablesIdxTblDataId |
DataId |
DdsTables |
TableName |
GenDimensionCode |
{PrimaryKey} |
Company |
GenDimensionCode |
DimensionCategory |
GenDimensionCode |
DimensionCode |
GenJournalDetail |
GenJournalDetailIdxArPayNo |
PaymentNumberAr |
GenJournalDetail |
GlYear |
GenJournalDetail |
GlPeriod |
GenJournalDetail |
Journal |
GenJournalDetail |
EntryNumber |
GenTransaction |
GenTransactionIdxArPayno |
Company |
GenTransaction |
PaymentNumber |
GenTransaction |
LedgerCode |
GenTransaction |
GlYear |
GenTransaction |
GlPeriod |
GenTransaction |
GlLine |
GenTransaction |
Line |
InvMultBin |
InvMultBinIdxWh |
Warehouse |
InvMultBin |
Bin |
InvMultBin |
StockCode |
InvSerialHead |
InvSerialHeadIdxWh |
Warehouse |
InvSerialHead |
Bin |
InvSerialHead |
StockCode |
InvSerialHead |
Serial |
InvSerialHead |
InvSerialHeadIdxWhLot |
Warehouse |
InvSerialHead |
Bin |
InvSerialHead |
StockCode |
InvSerialHead |
Lot |
InvSerialHead |
Serial |
LotDetail |
LotDetailIdxWh |
Warehouse |
LotDetail |
Bin |
LotDetail |
StockCode |
LotDetail |
Lot |
MrpLotDetail |
MrpLotDetailIdxWh |
Warehouse |
MrpLotDetail |
Bin |
MrpLotDetail |
StockCode |
MrpLotDetail |
Lot |

Table Name |
Column |
Description |
Change |
AdmCompanyDetails |
CompanyTaxNumber |
Company tax number |
Tax registration number increase |
ApPermEntries |
TaxRegnNum |
Tax registration number |
Tax registration number increase |
ApSupplier |
WithTaxId |
Withholding tax id number |
Tax registration number increase |
ApSupplier |
TaxRegnNum |
Tax registration number |
Tax registration number increase |
ArCustomer |
CompanyTaxNumber |
Company tax registration |
Tax registration number increase |
ArMultAddress |
TaxRegnNum |
Tax registration number |
Tax registration number increase |
ArPermEntries |
TaxRegnNum |
Tax registration number |
Tax registration number increase |
CrmAccount |
CompanyTaxNumber |
Company tax registration no |
Tax registration number increase |
EftCshSupplier |
TaxRegnNum |
Tax registration number |
Tax registration number increase |
IntEdiInvExtra |
CompanyRegNo |
Company Registration/GST no |
Tax registration number increase |
MdnMaster |
CompanyTaxNo |
Company tax reg no |
Tax registration number increase |
MdnMasterCons |
CompanyTaxNo |
Company tax reg no |
Tax registration number increase |
MdnMasterRep |
CompanyTaxNo |
Company tax reg no |
Tax registration number increase |
MdnMasterRepCon |
CompanyTaxNo |
Company tax reg no |
Tax registration number increase |
MrpQotSoMasterHdr |
CompanyTaxNo |
Company tax reg no |
Tax registration number increase |
MrpSoMasterHdr |
CompanyTaxNo |
Company tax reg no |
Tax registration number increase |
QotSoMasterHdr |
CompanyTaxNo |
Company tax reg no |
Tax registration number increase |
SorArcMaster |
CompanyTaxNo |
Company tax reg no |
Tax registration number increase |
SorMaster |
CompanyTaxNo |
Company tax reg no |
Tax registration number increase |
SorMasterRep |
CompanyTaxNo |
Company tax reg no |
Tax registration number increase |
WhmBinArea |
DispatchArea |
Dispatch area |
Removed |
WhmBinArea |
LostFoundArea |
Lost and found area |
Removed |
SYSPRO 8 2021 R2

Table Name | Description | Database |
N/A This sequential file is retained on the file system and not in SQL. The data file for this is IMPGEB.IMP. |
Admin GL Entity Backed (IMPGEB.IMP) |
{Sequential} |
AdminUsageData |
Admin Usage Data |
System |
AdmPorUserRole |
Admin Portal User Role Definition |
System |
AdmTileAudit |
Admin Insight Tile Definition Audit |
System |
AdmTileDefinition |
Admin Insight Tile Definition |
System |
AdmViewAudit |
Admin Business View Audit |
System |
AdmViewColumns |
Admin Business View Columns |
System |
AdmViewColumnsPub |
Admin Published Business View Columns |
System |
AdmViewMaster |
Admin Business View Master |
System |
AdmViewMasterPub |
Admin Published Business View Master |
System |
AdmViewTables |
Admin Business View Tables |
System |
AdmViewTablesPub |
Admin Published Business View Tables |
System |
BomProdLine |
BOM Production Line |
Company |
BomShiftAll |
BOM Shift Allocation |
Company |
BomShiftDet |
BOM Shift Detail |
Company |
BomShiftEmp |
BOM Shift Employee |
Company |
BomShiftHdr |
BOM Shift Header |
Company |
BomShiftTeam |
BOM Shift Team |
Company |
BomSiteCode |
BOM Site Code |
Company |
GenDimensionCat |
GL Dimension Categories |
Company |
GenDimensionCode |
GL Dimension code |
Company |
GenDimensionDef |
GL Default dimension |
Company |
GenDimensionSrc |
GL Dimension Source |
Company |
GenNextKeyAudit |
GL Next Key Audit |
Company |
GenNextKeys |
GL Next Keys |
Company |
InvNextKeyAudit |
Inventory Next Key Audit |
Company |
InvNextKeys |
Inventory Next Keys |
Company |
SrsDocPrinterExc |
SRS Document Printer Exceptions |
System |
SwsMessagesExt |
Workflow Messages Extended |
Company |
SysMenu |
SYSPRO Menu Settings |
System |
SysRoles |
SYSPRO Role Settings |
System |
WipInspectBal |
Wip Inspection Balances |
Company |

Table Name | Column Name | Description |
AdmCompanyDetails |
InstalledOdata |
OData connected service |
AdmOperator |
Employee |
Employee |
AdmOperator |
OdataAccount |
OData account flag |
ApPayRunHdr |
IntByBo |
AP to CB Integration performed by APSTCI |
ApPayRunHdr |
RegPrinted |
Check register printed |
BomMachine |
ProdLine |
Production Line |
BomMachine |
ShiftCode |
Shift code |
BomWorkCentre |
SiteCode |
Site code |
BomWorkCentre |
ShiftCode |
Shift code |
InvCycleCountBin |
ConfirmedFlag |
Bin has been confirmed |
InvCycleCountLot |
ConfirmedFlag |
Lot has been confirmed |
InvCycleCountSer |
ConfirmedFlag |
Serial has been confirmed |
InvWhControl |
SiteCode |
Site code |
InvWhControl |
ShiftCode |
Shift code |
MdnDetailCons |
PriceGroupRule |
Price Group Rule |
MdnDetail |
PriceGroupRule |
Price Group Rule |
MdnDetailRepCon |
PriceGroupRule |
Price Group Rule |
MdnDetailRep |
PriceGroupRule |
Price Group Rule |
SorDetailRep |
PriceGroupRule |
Price Group Rule |
WhmMissionTasks |
ToWarehouse |
To warehouse |
WhmMissionTasks |
ToBin |
To bin |
WhmMissionTasks |
PutAwayQty |
Put-away quantity |
WhmMissionTasks |
QtyUnitOfMeasure |
Quantity unit of measure |
WhmMissionTasks |
XmlIn |
Put-away XML in |
WhmMissionTasks |
Lot |
Lot |
WhmMissionTasks |
Serial |
Serial |

Table Name | Index Name | Columns |
ApGlDisburse |
ApGlDisburseIdxSta |
ChequeRegister |
ApGlDisburse |
DistrEntry |
ApGlDisburse |
EntryStatus |
ApGlDisburse |
GlCode |
ApGlDisburse |
GlPeriod |
ApGlDisburse |
GlYear |
ApGlDisburse |
Supplier |
ApJnlControl |
ApJnlControlIdxSta |
FinMonth |
ApJnlControl |
FinYear |
ApJnlControl |
Journal |
ApJnlControl |
JournalStatus |
ApJnlSummary |
ApJnlSummaryIdxGiUpd |
EntryNumber |
ApJnlSummary |
GlIntPeriod |
ApJnlSummary |
GlIntUpdated |
ApJnlSummary |
GlIntYear |
ApJnlSummary |
GlJournal |
ApJnlSummary |
Journal |
ApJnlSummary |
TrnMonth |
ApJnlSummary |
TrnYear |
ArCshJnlCtl |
ArCshJnlCtlIdxRdep |
BankDepositPrt |
ArCshJnlCtl |
Journal |
ArCshJnlCtl |
TrnMonth |
ArCshJnlCtl |
TrnYear |
ArCshJnlCtl |
ArCshJnlCtlIdxStat |
Journal |
ArCshJnlCtl |
Status |
ArCshJnlCtl |
TrnMonth |
ArCshJnlCtl |
TrnYear |
ArCshJnlDet |
ArCshJnlDetIdxGiUpd |
EntryNumber |
ArCshJnlDet |
GlIntUpdated |
ArCshJnlDet |
Journal |
ArCshJnlDet |
TrnMonth |
ArCshJnlDet |
TrnYear |
ArTrnDetail |
ArTrnDetailIdxGiUpd |
DetailLine |
ArTrnDetail |
GlIntPeriod |
ArTrnDetail |
GlIntUpdated |
ArTrnDetail |
GlIntYear |
ArTrnDetail |
GlJournal |
ArTrnDetail |
Invoice |
ArTrnDetail |
Register |
ArTrnDetail |
SummaryLine |
ArTrnDetail |
TrnMonth |
ArTrnDetail |
TrnYear |
ArTrnDetail |
ArTrnDetailIdxHst |
DetailLine |
ArTrnDetail |
HistoryReqd |
ArTrnDetail |
Invoice |
ArTrnDetail |
Register |
ArTrnDetail |
SummaryLine |
ArTrnDetail |
TrnMonth |
ArTrnDetail |
TrnYear |
CshJnlCtl |
CshJnlCtlIdxPrt |
CbTrnMonth |
CshJnlCtl |
CbTrnYear |
CshJnlCtl |
Journal |
CshJnlCtl |
PrintedFlag |
CshJnlGl |
CshJnlGlIdxGlupd |
CbTrnMonth |
CshJnlGl |
CbTrnYear |
CshJnlGl |
EntryNumber |
CshJnlGl |
GlUpdated |
CshJnlGl |
Journal |
CshJnlGl |
Line |
GrnJournal |
GrnJournalIdxGiUpd |
GlIntUpdated |
GrnJournal |
GrnJournal |
GrnJournal |
JournalEntry |
GrnJournal |
JournalMonth |
GrnJournal |
JournalYear |
InvJournalCtl |
InvJournalCtlIdxGiUpd |
GlIntUpdated |
InvJournalCtl |
Journal |
InvJournalCtl |
MonthPost |
InvJournalCtl |
YearPost |
InvJournalCtl |
InvJournalCtlIdxStat |
Journal |
InvJournalCtl |
MonthPost |
InvJournalCtl |
TrnType |
InvJournalCtl |
YearPost |
WipLabJnl |
WipLabJnlIdxGiUpd |
EntryNumber |
WipLabJnl |
GlIntUpdated |
WipLabJnl |
Journal |
WipLabJnl |
TrnMonth |
WipLabJnl |
TrnYear |
WipPartBill |
WipPartBillIdxPrt |
EntryNumber |
WipPartBill |
Job |
WipPartBill |
Journal |
WipPartBill |
JournalPrinted |
WipPartBill |
TrnMonth |
WipPartBill |
TrnYear |
SYSPRO 8 2021 R1

Table Name | Description |
AdmDiagBlackBox |
Admin System Diagnostic Black Box Info |
AdmDiagDetail |
Admin System Diagnostic Detail |
AdmDiagSummary |
Admin System Diagnostic Summary |
AdmProControl |
Admin List View and Form Captions |
AdmTaxCertXref |
Certcapture Cross Reference (Third Party |
AdmTaxFltrCountry |
Tax Country Filter (Third Party Tax) |
AdmTaxFltrPcls |
Tax Product Class Filter (Third Party) |
AdmTaxFltrUsState |
Tax Us State Filter (Third Party Tax) |
AdmTaxAuditLog |
Tax Submission Audit (Third Party Tax) |
AdmTaxNetGross |
Tax Base Net/Gross (Third Party Tax) |
AdmTaxZipRange |
Range Of Zip Codes (Third Party Tax) |
AdmUsaZipCodes |
USA Zip Codes |
ApGrpPayRunDet |
AP Group Payment Run Detail |
ApGrpPayRunSup |
AP Group Payment Run Supplier To Pay |
AssetHealthBal |
Asset Health Check Balances Check |
AssetHealthFix |
Asset Health Check Balances Fix |
SalPortAirport |
Port/Airport For Intrastat |
RegimeCode |
Regime Code For Intrastat |
SorPriceListDetail |
SO Pricing Engine Price List Detail |
SorPriceListHeader |
SO Pricing Engine Price List |
SorPriceDisc |
Sales Order Discounts By Group/Class |
SorPriceGroup |
SO Pricing Engine Price Group |
SorPriceGroupRules |
SO Pricing Engine Price Group Rules |
WhmMission |
WMS Missions |
WhmTeamEmployees |
WMS Team Employees |
WhmTeam |
WMS Team |
WhmMissionTasks |
Mission Tasks |
WipCopBal |
Wip Co-product Balances |
WipLabBal |
Wip Labor Balances |
WipMasBal |
Wip Master Balances |
WipMatBal |
Wip Material Balances |
WipResLotBal |
Wip Reserved Lot Balances |

Table Name | Column Name | Description |
AdmCompanyDetails | InstalledTaxAva | Avalara tax connector |
AdmCompanyDetails | InstalledTaxVer | Vertex tax connector |
AdmDiagDetail |
EnetSource | source |
AdmDiagDetail | SysproRelease | SYSPRO release |
AdmDiagDetail | SysproCallStack | SYSPRO Call stack |
AdmDiagDetail | RtsCallStack | RTS Call stack |
AdmDigitalTaxTemp |
Operator | Operator code |
AdmNotepad |
FileInSql | File is in the database |
AdmOperator |
ServiceAccount | Service account flag |
ApCheckIss |
GroupPayment | Group payment |
ApCheckIss | GroupConvRate | Group exchange rate |
ApCheckIss | GroupPostMulDiv | Multiply or divide |
ApSupplier |
PrimarySupplier | Primary supplier indicator |
ApInvoicePay |
GrpPayValue | Group payment amount |
ApInvoicePay | GrpPayCurrency | Group payment currency |
ApInvoicePay | GrpPayConvRate | Group payment rate |
ApInvoicePay | GrpPayPostMulDiv | Grp payment factor |
ApInvoicePay | PrimarySupplier | Primary supplier (Grp pay) |
ApPayRunHdr |
GroupPayCurrency | Group Payment currency |
ApPayRunHdr | GroupConvRate | Group exchange rate |
ApPayRunHdr | GroupPostMulDiv | Multiply or divide |
ApPayRunHdr | GroupCheck | Group payment check no |
ApPayRunHdr | GrpCheckDate | Group payment check date |
ApPayRunHdr | XrefPaymentNumber | Void run number |
ArCshJnlCtl |
GroupTotalAmount | Group payment total amount |
ArCustomer |
PrimaryCustomer | Primary customer indicator |
ArCustomer | PriceGroup | Price Group |
CrmActivity |
FilesInSql | Body rtf and all |
AssetHealthBal |
SelfHealingFlag | Self healing flag |
AssetHealthFix |
SelfHealingFlag | Self healing flag |
CshApPayments |
GroupPayment | Group payment |
CshApPayments | GrpGrsValue | Gross payment value |
CshApPayments | GrpNetValue | Net payment value |
CshApPayments | GrpWithValue | Withholding tax value |
CshApPayments | GrpDscValue | Discount value |
CshApPayments | GrpCurrency | Payment currency |
CshApPayments | GrpConvRate | Conversion rate of payment |
CshApPayments | GrpPostMulDiv | Multiply or divide |
InvMaster |
SuppUnitFactor | Supplementary units factor |
InvMaster | SuppUnitsMulDiv | Supplementary units method |
MdnDetailCons |
CommentSalesOrder | Sales order from which the dispatch comment is created |
MdnMasterCons |
RegimeCode | Regime code |
MdnMasterCons | PortDispatch | Port/Airport of dispatch |
MdnMasterCons | PriceGroup | Price group |
MdnMasterCons | PriceGroupLevel | Price group level |
MdnDetail |
CommentSalesOrder | Sales order from which the dispatch comment is created |
MdnMaster |
RegimeCode | Regime code |
MdnMaster | PortDispatch | Port/Airport of dispatch |
MdnMaster | PriceGroup | Price group |
MdnMaster | PriceGroupLevel | Price group level |
MdnDetailRepCon |
CommentSalesOrder | Sales order from which the dispatch comment is created |
MdnMasterRepCon |
RegimeCode | Regime code |
MdnMasterRepCon | PortDispatch | Port/Airport of dispatch |
MdnMasterRepCon | PriceGroup | Price group |
MdnMasterRepCon | PriceGroupLevel | Price group level |
MdnDetailRep |
CommentSalesOrder | Sales order from which the dispatch comment is created |
MdnMasterRep |
RegimeCode | Regime code |
MdnMasterRep | PortDispatch | Port/Airport of dispatch |
MdnMasterRep | PriceGroup | Price group |
MdnMasterRep | PriceGroupLevel | Price group level |
MrpJobMaster |
DifWipBranch | Different WIP Branch for Ops |
MrpPoMasterDet |
ServFlag | N - Not applicable |
MrpPoMasterHdr |
RegimeCode | Regime code |
MrpPoMasterHdr | PortArrival | Port/Airport of arrival |
MrpQotOffer |
PriceGroupRule | Price Group Rule |
MrpQotSoDetail |
PriceGroupRule | Price Group Rule |
MrpQotSoMasterHdr |
RegimeCode | Regime code |
MrpQotSoMasterHdr | PortDispatch | Port/Airport of dispatch |
MrpQotSoMasterHdr | PriceGroup | Price group |
MrpQotSoMasterHdr | PriceGroupLevel | Price group level |
MrpSugJobMaster |
DifWipBranch | Different WIP Branch for Ops |
MrpSoDetail |
PriceGroupRule | Price Group Rule |
MrpSoMasterHdr |
RegimeCode | Regime code |
MrpSoMasterHdr | PortDispatch | Port/Airport of dispatch |
MrpSoMasterHdr | PriceGroup | Price group |
MrpSoMasterHdr | PriceGroupLevel | Price group level |
QotOffer |
PriceGroupRule | Price Group Rule |
QotSoMasterHdr |
PriceGroup | Price group |
QotSoMasterHdr | PriceGroupLevel | Price group level |
PorMasterDetail |
ServFlag | N - Not applicable |
PorEcReceipts |
TrnType | Transaction type |
PorEcReceipts | SupConvMulDiv | Supplementary unit factor |
PorEcReceipts | SourceWarehouse | Source Warehouse code for SCT |
PorEcReceipts | TargetWarehouse | Target Warehouse code for SCT |
PorEcReceipts | Supplier | Supplier |
PorMasterHdr |
RegimeCode | Regime code |
PorMasterHdr | PortArrival | Port/Airport of arrival |
QotSoMasterHdr |
RegimeCode | Regime code |
QotSoMasterHdr | PortDispatch | Port/Airport of dispatch |
SalEcSales |
IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
SalEcSales | RegimeCode | Regime code |
SalEcSales | PortDispatch | Port/Airport of dispatch |
SalEcSales | FrtMiscCost | Frt/Misc costs allocated to line |
SalEcSales | IntrastatTranType | Intrastat transaction type |
SalEcSales | SuppUnitFactor | Supplementary units factor |
SalEcSales | SuppUnitsMulDiv | Supplementary units method |
SalEcSales | SalesOrderLine | Originating sales order line |
SalEcSales | DispatchNote | Originating dispatch note |
SalEcSales | DispatchNoteLine | Originating DN line |
SorArcDetail |
PriceGroupRule | Price Group Rule |
SorArcMaster |
RegimeCode | Regime code |
SorArcMaster | PortDispatch | Port/Airport of dispatch |
SorArcMaster | PriceGroup | Price group |
SorArcMaster | PriceGroupLevel | Price group level |
SorDetail |
PriceGroupRule | Price Group Rule |
SorMaster |
RegimeCode | Regime code |
SorMaster | PortDispatch | Port/Airport of dispatch |
SorMaster | PriceGroup | Price group |
SorMaster | PriceGroupLevel | Price group level |
SorQuoteDet |
PriceGroupRule | Price Group Rule |
SorQuote |
PriceGroup | Price group |
SorQuote | PriceGroupLevel | Price group level |
SorMasterRep |
RegimeCode | Regime code |
SorMasterRep | PortDispatch | Port/Airport of dispatch |
SorMasterRep | PriceGroup | Price group |
SorMasterRep | PriceGroupLevel | Price group level |
WipArcMaster |
DifWipBranch | Different WIP Branch for Ops |
WipMaster |
DifWipBranch | Different WIP Branch for Ops |
WhmPickDetail |
DestinationWhs | Destination warehouse |
WhmPickDetail | UnitOfMeasure | Unit of measure |
WhmPickDetail | Version | Version |
WhmPickDetail | Release | Release |

Table Name | Index Name | Columns |
SalEcSales |
SalEcSalesIdxInv | Invoice |
SalEcSales | Nationality | |
SalEcSales | CustVatRegnNum | |
SalEcSales | TrnYear | |
SalEcSales | InvoiceRegister | |
SalEcSales | SummaryLine | |
SalEcSales | InvoiceRegLine | |
SalEcSales | SalEcSalesIdxDat | TrnDate |
SalEcSales | Nationality | |
SalEcSales | CustVatRegnNum | |
SalEcSales | TrnYear | |
SalEcSales | InvoiceRegister | |
SalEcSales | SummaryLine | |
SalEcSales | InvoiceRegLine | |
SalEcSales | SalEcSalesIdxCus | Customer |
SalEcSales | Nationality | |
SalEcSales | CustVatRegnNum | |
SalEcSales | TrnYear | |
SalEcSales | InvoiceRegister | |
SalEcSales | SummaryLine | |
SalEcSales | InvoiceRegLine | |
SalEcSales | SalEcSalesIdxTariff | TariffCode |
SalEcSales | Nationality | |
SalEcSales | CustVatRegnNum | |
SalEcSales | TrnYear | |
SalEcSales | InvoiceRegister | |
SalEcSales | SummaryLine | |
SalEcSales | InvoiceRegLine |
SYSPRO 8 2020 R2

Table Name | Description |
AdmRtpProductAreas | Admin Run Time Product Functional Areas |
AdmRtpProduct | Admin Run Time Products |
AdmSamsCtl | Admin Sams Control |
AdmSamsDetail | Admin Sams Extract Details |
AdmSamsLog | Admin Sams Extract Log |
AdmSamsSchedule | Admin Sams Extract Schedule |
AdmNotepadData | Admin Generic Notepad Data |
CrmActAttachData | Contact Activity Attachment Data |
CrmActBodyData | Contact Activity Body RTF Document |
CrmOrgListDefn | Organization List Definitions |
MrpWipBranch | MRP Snapshot WIP Branch |
SrsReportArchive | Syspro Reporting Service Archive |
SrsDocuments | SRS Documents |
SrsDocHistory | SRS Document History |
SrsDocPrinters | SRS Document Printers |
SrsDocArchiveSel | SRS Document Archive Selected Fields |
SrsDocumentType | SRS Document Type |
SrsReporting | Syspro Reporting Service Files |
SrsRptSchedule | SRS System Report Schedule |
SrsSettings | Syspro Reporting Service Settings |
SysSettings | SYSPRO Settings |
WipBranch | WIP Branch |
WipBranchTransfer | WIP Branch Transfer Transaction |

Table Name | Column Name | Description |
AdmCompanyDetails | InstalledSams | SYSPRO Application |
AdmCompanyDetails | SaaS | License is for SaaS |
AdmCompanyDetails | BundleDistr | Distribution bundle flag |
AdmCompanyDetails | BundleManuf | Manufacturing bundle flag |
AdmCompanyDetails | SubscriptionMonths | Subscription period (months) |
AdmCompanyDetails | StartDate | Subscription start date |
AdmCompanyDetails | ExpiryDate | Subscription expiry date |
AdmCompanyDetails | WarningDays | Subscription warning days |
AdmCompanyDetails | DfmUsers | DFM users (SaaS only) |
AdmCompanyDetails | BundleFoundAdv | Foundation+ bundle flag |
AdmCompanyDetails | BundleFinanAdv | Financial+ bundle flag |
AdmCompanyDetails | BundleDistrAdv | Distribution+ bundle flag |
AdmCompanyDetails | BundleManufAdv | Manufacturing+ bundle flag |
AdmCompanyDetails | SysproApiFinQry | Financial queries |
AdmCompanyDetails | SysproApiDisQry | Distribution queries |
AdmCompanyDetails | SysproApiOpeQry | Operation queries |
AdmCompanyDetails | SysproApiMstMan | Master data management |
AdmCompanyDetails | SysproApiProMan | Procurement management |
AdmCompanyDetails | SysproApiSalMan | Sales management |
AdmCompanyDetails | SysproApiOpeMan | Operations management |
AdmCompanyDetails | SysproApiInvMan | Inventory management |
AdmSystemLicense | SaaS | Y - SYSPRO SaaS ERP license |
AdmSystemLicense | SubscriptionPeriod | Subscription period (months) |
AdmSystemLicense | LicenseWarningDays | License expiry warning days |
AdmSystemLicense | ExcessUserFlag | Excess users detected |
AdmSystemLicense | ExcessUserExpiry | Excess users expiry date |
AdmOperator | DefaultWipBranch | Default WIP branch |
AdmOperator | WipBranchFilter | Only include WIP Branches |
AdmOperator | NamedUserFlag | Named User flag |
AdmOperator | LastWarningDate | Last license expiry warning |
AdmTax | RevChgCurTaxRate | Reverse charges current tax rate |
AdmTax | RevChgPrvTaxRate | Reverse charges previous tax rate |
AdmTax | RevChgTaxEffDate | Reverse charges tax rate |
ApSupplier | DefRevChgTaxCode | Default reverse charge tax code |
BomEmployee | WipBranch | WIP branch |
BomMachine | WipBranch | WIP branch |
BomRoute | WipBranch | WIP branch |
BomWorkCentre | WipBranch | WIP branch |
BpoDetail | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
BpoDetail | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
BpoDetail | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
BpoDetail | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
BpoDetail | OrigCountry | Country of Origin |
GenJournalDetail | SubModWipBranch | Sub module WIP branch |
GenTransaction | SubModWipBranch | Sub module WIP branch |
GrnDetails | TariffCode | Tariff code |
InvMovements | WipBranch | WIP branch |
InvStockTake | DefaultBin | Warehouse default bin |
LotArcWipInsp | WipBranch | WIP branch |
LotArcWipInspDet | WipBranch | WIP branch |
MdnDetail | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
MdnDetail | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
MdnDetail | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
MdnDetail | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
MdnDetail | OrigCountry | Country of origin |
MdnDetailCons | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
MdnDetailCons | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
MdnDetailCons | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
MdnDetailCons | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
MdnDetailCons | OrigCountry | Country of origin |
MdnDetailRep | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
MdnDetailRep | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
MdnDetailRep | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
MdnDetailRep | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
MdnDetailRep | OrigCountry | Country of origin |
MdnDetailRepCon | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
MdnDetailRepCon | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
MdnDetailRepCon | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
MdnDetailRepCon | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
MdnDetailRepCon | OrigCountry | Country of origin |
MrpCoProducts | WipBranch | WIP branch |
MrpCoProducts | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
MrpJobAllLab | WipBranch | WIP branch |
MrpJobAllLab | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
MrpJobAllMat | WipBranch | WIP branch |
MrpJobAllMat | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
MrpJobClass | WipBranch | WIP branch |
MrpJobMaster | WipBranch | WIP branch |
MrpJobMaster | WipCurBranch | Current WIP branch |
MrpJobMaster | WipCtlCurGlCode | Current WIP control account |
MrpPoMasterDet | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
MrpPoMasterDet | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
MrpPoMasterDet | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
MrpPoMasterDet | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
MrpPoMasterDet | OrigCountry | Country of Origin |
MrpQotSoDetail | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
MrpQotSoDetail | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
MrpQotSoDetail | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
MrpQotSoDetail | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
MrpQotSoDetail | OrigCountry | Country of origin |
MrpReqDetail | IntrastatExempt | Exempt from Intrastat |
MrpReqDetail | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
MrpReqDetail | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
MrpReqDetail | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
MrpReqDetail | OrigCountry | Country of Origin |
MrpSoDetail | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
MrpSoDetail | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
MrpSoDetail | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
MrpSoDetail | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
MrpSoDetail | OrigCountry | Country of origin |
MrpSugCoProducts | WipBranch | WIP branch |
MrpSugCoProducts | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
MrpSugJobAlLab | WipBranch | WIP branch |
MrpSugJobAlLab | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
MrpSugJobAlMat | WipBranch | WIP branch |
MrpSugJobAlMat | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
MrpSugJobMaster | WipBranch | WIP branch |
MrpSugJobMaster | WipCurBranch | Current WIP branch |
MrpSugJobMaster | WipCtlCurGlCode | Current WIP control account |
MrpSugReqDetail | IntrastatExempt | Exempt from Intrastat |
MrpSugReqDetail | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
MrpSugReqDetail | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
MrpSugReqDetail | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
MrpSugReqDetail | OrigCountry | Country of Origin |
MrpWipInspect | WipBranch | WIP branch |
PorEcReceipts | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
PorEcReceipts | OrigCountry | Country of Origin |
PorEcReceipts | InvValue | Invoice value |
PorMasterDetail | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
PorMasterDetail | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
PorMasterDetail | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
PorMasterDetail | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
PorMasterDetail | OrigCountry | Country of Origin |
ReqDetail | IntrastatExempt | Exempt from Intrastat |
ReqDetail | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
ReqDetail | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
ReqDetail | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
ReqDetail | OrigCountry | Country of Origin |
RmaCrossShipment | LineDiscPct1 | 1st Line Discount % |
RmaCrossShipment | LineDiscPct2 | 2nd Line Discount % |
RmaCrossShipment | LineDiscPct3 | 3rd Line Discount % |
RmaCrossShipment | LineDiscValFlag | Discount flag |
RmaCrossShipment | LineDiscValue | Line discount value |
RmaCrossShipment | OrdDiscPct1 | 1st Order Discount % |
RmaCrossShipment | OrdDiscPct2 | 2nd Order Discount % |
RmaCrossShipment | OrdDiscPct3 | 3rd Order Discount % |
SalEcSales | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
SalEcSales | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
SalEcSales | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
SorArcDetail | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
SorArcDetail | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
SorArcDetail | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
SorArcDetail | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
SorArcDetail | OrigCountry | Country of origin |
SorDetail | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
SorDetail | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
SorDetail | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
SorDetail | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
SorDetail | OrigCountry | Country of origin |
SorQuoteDet | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
SorQuoteDet | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
SorQuoteDet | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
SorQuoteDet | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
SorQuoteDet | OrigCountry | Country of origin |
SorDetailRep | IntrastatExempt | Intrastat exempt |
SorDetailRep | TriangulationRole | Triangulation role |
SorDetailRep | TriangDispState | Triangulation dispatch EU state |
SorDetailRep | TriangDestState | Triangulation destination EU state |
SorDetailRep | OrigCountry | Country of origin |
SrsDocHistory | ChangeDate | Date and time created |
SrsDocPrinters | ClientServer | Client or Server printer |
SrsDocPrinters | PrinterNumber | Printer number |
SrsDocuments | EncryptPassword | Password for PDF encryption |
SrsDocumentType | CusXsdName | Schema file name |
SrsDocumentType | InCycleCount | Bin is in cycle count |
SrsDocumentType | InStockTake | Bin is in stock take |
WipArcCoProducts | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipArcCoProducts | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
WipArcJobAllLab | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipArcJobAllLab | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
WipArcJobAllMat | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipArcJobAllMat | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
WipArcJobPost | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipArcJobPost | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
WipArcMaster | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipArcMaster | WipCurBranch | Current WIP branch |
WipArcMaster | WipCtlCurGlCode | Current WIP control account |
WipCoProducts | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipCoProducts | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
WipDistrMat | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipInspect | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipInspectDet | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipJobAllLab | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipJobAllLab | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
WipJobAllMat | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipJobAllMat | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
WipJobClass | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipJobPost | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipJobPost | WipCtlGlCode | WIP control account |
WipLabJnl | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipMaster | WipBranch | WIP branch |
WipMaster | WipCurBranch | Current WIP branch |
WipMaster | WipCtlCurGlCode | Current WIP control account |

SYSPRO 8 2020 R1

Table Name | Description |
AdmDigitalTaxTemp | Digital Tax Template |
AdmOfficeTenants | Admin Office Tenants |
AdmPidHistory | Admin Windows Process Id History |
AdmSystemLicense | Admin System License |
ApSupplierGroup | AP Supplier Groups |
ArCustomerGroup | Ar Customer Groups |
SorQuoteControl | Quick Quote Control |

Table Name | Column Name | Description |
AdmOperator | PortalSupplier | Portal supplier |
AdmOperator | PortalCustomer | Portal customer |
AdmOperator | TenantName | Office 365 tenant name |
AdmTax | CbDepTaxGlCode | CB Deposit Gl code |
AdmTax | CbWthTaxGlCode | CB withdrawal GL control |
AdmTax | Reverse charge | Reverse charge |
AdmTax | GlRevChgGlCode | Reverse charge sales GL tax account |
AdmTax | ApRevChgGlCode | Reverse charge AP GL tax account |
AdmTaxReturn | DttStatus | Digital tax tool status |
AdmTaxReturn | DttSubmitted | Digital tax tool submitted |
AdmTaxReturn | DttSubmittedDate | Digital tax tool submitted date |
AdmTaxReturn | DttYearSubmitted | Year digital tax tool submitted |
AdmTaxReturn | DttMthSubmitted | Month digital tax tool submitted |
AdmTaxReturn | RevChargeFlag | Reverse charge flag |
AdmTaxReturn | RevChargeTaxRate | Reverse charge tax rate |
AdmTaxReturn | RevChargeTaxValue | Reverse charge tax value |
ApGlDisburse | GroupPayment | Group payment |
ApGlDisburse | GrpPayConvRate | Group payment rate |
ApGlDisburse | GrpPayCurrency | Group payment currency |
ApGlDisburse | GrpPayPostMulDiv | Grp payment factor |
ApGlDisburse | GrpPayValue | Group payment amount |
ApInvoice | RevChargeFlag | Reverse charge flag |
ApJnlControl | TaxPortionDisc | Tax portion of discount |
ApJnlDistrib | RevChargeFlag | Reverse charge flag |
ApJnlDistrib | RevChargeTaxCode | Reverse charge tax code |
ApJnlDistrib | RevChargeTaxValue | Reverse charge tax value |
ApJnlSummary | TaxPortionDisc | Tax portion of settle disc |
ApInvoicePay | GroupPayment | Group payment |
ApPayRunDet | Journal | Jnl number of tax on settlement discount |
ApPayRunDet | EntryNumber | Entry number of tax on settlement discount |
ApPayRunDet | SubEntry | Subentry number (1 up) of tax on settlement discount |
ApPayRunDet | TaxBasedInv | Settlement disc tax based on invoice paid. |
ApPayRunDet | TrnYear | Posting year of tax on settlement discount |
ApPayRunDet | TrnMonth | Posting month of tax on settlement discount |
ApPayRunHdr | GroupPayment | Group payment |
ApPayRunHdr | GroupSupplier | Group Supplier |
ApPayRunHdr | GroupValue | Group value |
ApTaxDistDet | RevChargeFlag | Reverse charge flag |
ApTaxDistDet | RevChargeTaxCode | Reverse charge tax code |
ApTaxDistDet | RevChargeTaxValue | Reverse charge tax value |
ApTaxDistSum | RevChargeFlag | Reverse charge flag |
ApTaxCodeDistDet | RevChargeFlag | Reverse charge flag |
ApTaxCodeDistDet | RevChargeTaxCode | Reverse charge tax code |
ApTaxCodeDistDet | RevChargeTaxValue | Reverse charge tax value |
ApTaxCodeDistSum | RevChargeFlag | Reverse charge flag |
ArCshJnlCtl | GroupPay | Group payment |
ArCshJnlCtl | PaymentNumber | Payment run number |
ArCshJnlDet | GroupPay | Group payment |
ArPayHistory | GroupPay | Group payment |
ArPayRunCus | Company | Company ID |
ArPayRunCus | Currency | Currency |
ArPayRunCus | PaymentRate | Account conversion rate |
ArPayRunCus | PaymentMulDiv | Account conversion rate MD |
ArPayRunCus | GlExchVarCode | Exchange variance ledger code |
ArPayRunCus | MultiPayFlag | Primary currency different |
ArPayRunCus | MultiPayAmount | Allocated payment amount in primary customer currency |
ArPayRunHdr | Customer | Group payment customer |
ArPayRunHdr | PaymentMulDiv | Account conversion rate MD |
ArInvoicePay | GroupPay | Group payment |
CshArPayments | PaymentNumber | Payment run number |
CshArPayments | GroupPay | Group payment type |
CshGlEntries | TaxEntry | Tax entry flag |
CshJnlGl | TaxGlCode | Tax Gl Code |
CshTransactions | GroupPay | Group payment type |
InvInspect | UseByDate | Use by date |
InvInspect | SellByDate | Sell by date for retail |
InvInspect | InternalExpiryDate | Expiry date for wholesale |
InvInspect | ManufactureDate | Manufacture date |
InvInspect | DispatchDate | Dispatch date |
InvInspect | BestBeforeDate | Best before date |
InvMaster | SpecificGravity6 | Specific gravity with six decimals |
IopSelSetAmendJnl | OldIncPlanBill | Include Planning bill part type |
IopSelSetAmendJnl | NewIncPlanBill | Include Planning bill part type |
MrpQotNonStock | SpecificGravity6 | Specific gravity with six decimals |
MrpQotSoMasterHdr | QuickQuote | Quick Quote number |
MrpSoMasterHdr | QuickQuote | Quick Quote number |
QotNonStock | SpecificGravity6 | Specific gravity with six decimals |
QotSoMasterHdr | QuickQuote | Quick Quote number |
SalBranch | NextQuickQuote | Next Quick Quote number |
SalBranch | QuickQuotePrefix | Quick Quote prefix |
SalBranch | VatRegistrationNo | Vat Registration number |
SalBranch | UserTaxReference | User defined tax reference |
SorArcMaster | QuickQuote | Quick Quote number |
SorDetailLot | UseByDate | Use by date |
SorDetailLot | SellByDate | Sell by date for retail |
SorDetailLot | InternalExpiryDate | Expiry date for wholesale |
SorDetailLot | ManufactureDate | Manufacture date |
SorDetailLot | DispatchDate | Dispatch date |
SorDetailLot | BestBeforeDate | Best before date |
SorMaster | QuickQuote | Quick Quote number |
SorMasterRep | QuickQuote | Quick Quote number |
SorQuote | QuickQuote | Quick Quote number |
WipInspect | UseByDate | Use by date |
WipInspect | SellByDate | Sell by date for retail |
WipInspect | InternalExpiryDate | Expiry date for wholesale |
WipInspect | ManufactureDate | Manufacture date |
WipInspect | DispatchDate | Dispatch date |
WipInspect | BestBeforeDate | Best before date |
WipReservedLots | UseByDate | Use by date |
WipReservedLots | SellByDate | Sell by date for retail |
WipReservedLots | InternalExpiryDate | Expiry date for wholesale |
WipReservedLots | ManufactureDate | Manufacture date |
WipReservedLots | DispatchDate | Dispatch date |
WipReservedLots | BestBeforeDate | Best before date |

Table Name | Index Name | Columns |
SorQuote | SorQuoteIdxQkQuote |
QuickQuote |
SorQuote | Customer | |
SorQuote | TrnDate | |
SorQuote | TrnTime |
SYSPRO 8 2019 R2

Table Name | Description |
AdmMfaAuthConfig | Admin Authentication Configured |
AdmMfaAuthEnabled | Admin Authentication Enabled |
AdmMfaAuthHistory | Admin Authentication History |
AdmSchDetail | Admin SYSPRO Scheduler Detail |
AdmSchHeader | Admin SYSPRO Scheduler Header |
AdmSsoUserSyncLog | Admin Single Sign On AD User Sync Log |
AdmSsoUsers | Admin Single Sign On AD Users |
AdmSchPrefs | Admin SYSPRO Scheduler Preferences |
CrmCompActivities | Complaint Activities |
CrmCompGroups | Complaints Groups |
CrmCompMaster | Customer Complaints |
CrmCompOwners | Complaints Owners |
CrmCompRouting | Complaints Routing |
CrmCompSeverity | Complaints Severity |
CrmCompUsers | Complaints Users |
GenHealthBal | General Ledger Balances |
GenHealthFix | General Ledger Balances Fix |
InvCycCntControl | Inventory Cycle Count Control |
InvCycleCountBin | Inventory Cycle Count Bin |
InvCycleCount | Inventory Cycle Count |
InvCycleCountLot | Inventory Cycle Count Lots |
InvCycleCountCapt | Inventory Cycle Count Capture |
InvCycleCountSer | Inventory Cycle Count Serials |
RtsControl | RTS Control |
RtsDocumentFormat | Rts Document Format |
RtsJournal | RTS Journal |
RtsLastPrice | RTS Last Price Paid |
RtsMaster | RTS Master |
RtsNotes | RTS Notes |

Table Name | Column Name | Description |
AdmCompanyDetails | InstalledRts | Return to Supplier Installed |
AdmJobLogging | OperatorType | Operator type |
AdmOperator | SqlGenOperLogin | Generate SQL login for operator |
AdmOperator | OperatorStatus | Operator status |
AdmOperator | OperatorReason | Reason for current status |
AdmOperator | OperatorType | Operator type |
AdmOperator | AuthenticationType | Authentication type |
AdmOperator | DateOperatorAdded | Date operator added |
AdmOperator | DateStatusChanged | Date status changed |
AdmPassControl | MaxLength | Max length of password |
AdmPassControl | MinSpecial | Min number of special characters |
ArInvoice | OrigTaxableDisc | Taxable discount amount |
ArInvoice | DrCrTaxDiscPortion | Settlement disc Dr/Cr tax portion |
ArPayRunDet | DrCrDiscValue | Accumulated Dr/Cr disc amount |
ArPayRunDet | DrCrInvoiceValue | Accumulated Dr/Cr amount |
ArPayRunDet | DrCrTaxPortion | Accumulated Dr/Cr tax portion |
ArPayRunDet | OrigTaxOnDisc | Original tax on discount |
ArPayRunDet | OrigTaxableAmt | Taxable invoice amount |
ArPayRunDet | OrigTaxableDisc | Taxable discount amount |
ArPayRunDet | DrCrTaxDiscPortion | Settlement disc Dr/Cr tax portion |
ArPayRunDet | OrigTaxPortion | Tax portion of current balance |
CrmControl | NextComplaint | Next Complaint number |
EspDevice | Source | Product component source |
EspSearch | DeviceId | Device id |
GenHealthFix | Type | Type of account out of balance |
GenHealthBal | Type | Type of account out of balance |
IopSelectionSet | IncPlanBill | Include Byproduct part type |
WhmBin | CycleCountVariance | Percentage cycle count variance |

Table Name | Index Name | Columns |
ArDiscDrCrDet | ArDiscDrCrDetIdxJnl | PostYear |
ArDiscDrCrDet | PostPeriod | |
ArDiscDrCrDet | CashJournal | |
ArDiscDrCrDet | Customer | |
ArDiscDrCrDet | DiscDrCr | |
ArDiscDrCrDet | Sequence | |
ArDiscDrCrDet | DocumentType | |
ArDiscDrCrDet | Invoice | |
ArDiscDrCrHdr | ArDiscDrCrHdrIdxJnl | PostYear |
ArDiscDrCrHdr | PostPeriod | |
ArDiscDrCrHdr | CashJournal | |
ArDiscDrCrHdr | Customer | |
ArDiscDrCrHdr | DiscDrCr | |
ArDiscDrCrHdr | DocumentType |
SYSPRO 8 2019 R1

Table Name | Description |
AdmPrograms | Admin Programs |
AdmSecActFields | Admin Security Access Lists |
DefnSignature | Electronic Signatures (IMPTRN.TXT) |
DefnSignatureVar | Electronic Signature Variables (IMPTRN) |
SrqDetail | RFQ Detail |
SrqMaster | RFQ Master |
SrqSupplier | RFQ Suppliers For RFQ/REQ Line |
SrqSupplierTrans | RFQ Transaction Changes By Supplier |

Table Name | Column Name | Description |
InvWhControl | ShortagesMethod | Method for dealing with shortages, only for a WMS wh |
InvWhControl | LostFoundWarehouse | Lost and found wh, only available if processing to L&F wh |
LotArcRecallAudit | Journal | Journal number |
LotArcRecallAudit | JournalLine | Journal Line |
LotArcRecallAudit | JnlYear | Journal posting year |
LotArcRecallAudit | JnlMonth | Journal posting month |
LotArcRecallAudit | Version | Version |
LotArcRecallAudit | Release | Release |
LotRecallAudit | Journal | Journal number |
LotRecallAudit | JournalLine | Journal Line |
LotRecallAudit | JnlYear | Journal posting year |
LotRecallAudit | JnlMonth | Journal posting month |
LotRecallAudit | Version | Version |
LotRecallAudit | Release | Release |
WhmBin | ReceivingBin | Can be a receiving bin |
WhmBin | CycleCountVariance | Percentage cycle count variance |

SYSPRO 8 2018 R2 & SYSPRO 8 2018 R1

Database |
File Code |
Table Name |
Description |
Company |
AdmCompanyDetails |
Admin Company Details |
System |
ADMSTT | AdmState |
Admin Enet State |
Company |
APSBFC | ApCtlHealthFix |
AP Control Health Check Fix |
Company |
APSBFI | ApInvHealthFix |
AP Invoice Health Check Fix |
Company |
APSBFS | ApSuppHealthFix |
AP Supplier Health Check Fix |
Company |
APSHCC | ApCtlHealthBal |
AP Control Health Check Balance |
Company |
APSHCI | ApInvHealthBal |
AP Invoice Health Check Balance |
Company |
APSHCS | ApSuppHealthBal |
AP Supplier Health Check Balance |
Company |
ARSCHB | ArCustHealthBal |
AR Customer Health Balance |
Company |
ARSCHF | ArCustHealthFix |
AR Customer Health Fix |
Company |
ARSDGR | ArDunningGroup |
Dunning Group |
Company |
ARSDIN | ArDunningInvoices |
Dunning Invoices |
Company |
ARSDLF | ArDunningFormat |
Dunning Letter Format |
Company |
ARSDST | ArDunningStatus |
Dunning Status |
Company |
ARSHCB | ArCtlHealthBal |
AR Control Health Check |
Company |
ARSHCX | ArCtlHealthFix |
AR Control Health Check Fix |
Company |
ARSIHB | ArInvHealthBal |
AR Invoice Health Balance |
Company |
ARSIHF | ArInvHealthFix |
AR Invoice Health Fix |
Company |
BOMANA | BomArcNarration |
BOM Archived Narrations |
Company |
BOMAOP | BomArcOperations |
BOM Arhived Operations |
Company |
BOMAPR | BomArcParentInfo |
BOM Archived Parent Information |
Company |
BOMAST | BomArcStructure |
BOM Archived Structures |
Company |
CSHBBF | CshHealthFix |
Cash Book Bank Balances Fix |
Company |
CSHBBL | CshHealthBal |
Cash Book Bank Balances |
System |
DDSCVL | DdsColumnValues |
Data Dictionary Column Values |
System |
DFMQDP | DfmQueueDep |
Admin Doc Flow Manager Dependant Queue |
System |
DFMQDT | DfmQueueDetail |
Admin Doc Flow Manager Queue Detail |
System |
DFMQND | DfmQueueNonDep |
Admin Doc Flow Manager Non Dependant Que |
System |
DFMSVC | DfmServices |
Admin Doc Flow Manager Poller Services |
Company |
INVSPD | InvStkPolicyDetail |
Inv Stock Policy Detail |
Company |
INVSPM | InvStkPolicyMaster |
Inv Stock Policy Master |
Company |
LOTAIC | LotArcInvInsp |
Lot Archive Inventory Inspection Ctl |
Company |
LOTAID | LotArcInvInspDet |
Lot Archive Inventory Inspection Detail |
Company |
LOTAIS | LotArcInvInspSer |
Lot Archive Inventory Inspection Serials |
Company |
LOTASD | LotArcSerDet |
Lot Archive Serial Detail |
Company |
LOTATK | LotArcTracking |
Lot Archive Traceablility Tracking |
Company |
LOTATR | LotArcTransact |
Archived Lot Traceability Transactions |
Company |
LOTAWC | LotArcWipInsp |
Lot Archive WIP Inspection control |
Company |
LOTAWD | LotArcWipInspDet |
Lot Archive WIP Inspection details |
Company |
LOTAWS | LotArcWipInspSer |
Lot Archive WIP Inspection Serials |
Company |
PRJADT | PrjArcJobHierDet |
P&C Archive Job Hierarchy Detail |
Company |
SORADT | SorArcDetail |
SOR Archived Sales Order Detail |
Company |
SORAOH | SorArcMaster |
SOR Archived Sales Order Master |
Company |
WIPACL | WipArcCoPrdOpCost |
WIP Archive Co-product Labor Cost Apport |
Company |
WIPACM | WipArcCoPrdMatCst |
WIP Archive Co-product Mat Cost Apport |
Company |
WIPACO | WipArcCoProducts |
WIP Archive Job Co-products |
Company |
WIPAJB | WipArcJobPostBin |
WIP Archive Job Detail Line Bins |
Company |
WIPAJH | WipArcMaster |
WIP Archived Job Master |
Company |
WIPAJL | WipArcJobAllLab |
WIP Archive Labor Allocations |
Company |
WIPAJM | WipArcJobAllMat |
WIP Archive Material Allocations |
Company |
WIPAJP | WipArcJobPost |
WIP Archive Job Detail Posting |
Company |
WIPAJS | WipArcJobPostSer |
WIP Archive Job Detail Line Serials |
Company |
WIPAPB | WipArcPartBook |
WIP Archive Part Booking |

Database |
Table name |
Column Name |
Description |
Company |
ApBank |
CheckPrint |
Check print flag |
Company |
ApPayRunHdr | EftRemitPrint |
Eft remittance print flag |
Company |
ArcJobRef | Contract |
P&C Contract number |
Company |
ArInvoice | DunningDate |
Dunning date |
Company | ArInvoice | DunningGroup |
Dunning group |
Company | ArInvoice | DunningStatus |
Dunning status number |
Company |
ArCustomer | DunningEmail |
Dunning e-mail address |
Company |
ArCustomer | DunningFax |
Dunning Fax number |
Company | ArCustomer | DunningGroup |
Dunning group |
Company |
ArInvoiceReval | DocumentType |
Document type |
Company |
CrmActivityAttach | AttachmentUrl |
Attachment url |
Company |
GtrSerialDetail | SourceBin |
Source bin |
Company |
GtrSerial | SourceBin |
Source bin |
Company |
InvMaster | UsesPrefSupplier |
Use preferred supplier |
Company |
InvOnHandBal | SerOnHand |
Quantity on hand in serials |
Company |
InvSerialTrack | Bin |
Bin location |
Company | InvSerialTrack | ParentBin |
Parent bin location |
Company |
InvSerialTrn | Bin |
Bin location |
Company | InvSerialTrn | PrvBin |
Previous BIN from BIN |
Company | InvSerialTrn | TrnBin |
Bin location |
Company |
InvStockTakeSerial | Bin |
Bin location |
Company |
InvSerialHead | Bin |
Bin location |
Company | InvSerialHead | OnHoldReason |
Reason for hold |
Company | InvSerialHead | PrvBin |
Previous Bin from Bin |
Company | InvSerialHead | SerialOnHold |
Serial on hold flag |
Company |
InvWarehouse | UsesPrefSupplier |
Uses preferred supplier for demand |
Company |
MdnDetailSerCons | Bin |
Bin location |
Company |
MdnDetailSer | Bin |
Bin location |
Company |
MdnDetailSerRepCon | Bin |
Bin location |
Company |
MdnDetailSerRep | Bin |
Bin location |
Company |
MrpPoMasterDet | SourcingPolicy |
Sourcing Policy used |
Company |
MrpPoMasterDet | SourcingPolicyType |
Sourcing policy type |
Company |
MrpAllMatSer | Bin |
Bin location |
Company |
MrpReqDetail | PolicyAvailable |
Sourcing policy available |
Company | MrpReqDetail | SourcingPolicy |
Sourcing Policy used |
Company | MrpReqDetail | SourcingPolicyType |
Type of sourcing policy used |
Company |
MrpSugReqDetail | PolicyAvailable |
Sourcing policy available |
Company | MrpSugReqDetail | SourcingPolicy |
Sourcing Policy used |
Company | MrpSugReqDetail | SourcingPolicyType |
Type of sourcing policy used |
Company |
MrpWarehouse | UsesPrefSupplier |
Uses preferred supplier for demand |
Company |
PorMasterDetail | SourcingPolicy |
Sourcing Policy used |
Company | PorMasterDetail | SourcingPolicyType |
Sourcing policy type |
Company |
ReqDetail | PolicyAvailable |
Sourcing policy available |
Company | ReqDetail | SourcingPolicy |
Sourcing Policy used |
Company | ReqDetail | SourcingPolicyType |
Type of sourcing policy used |
Company |
RmaDetailSer | Bin |
Bin location |
Company |
SorDetailSer | Bin |
Bin location |
Company |
SorDetailSerRep | Bin |
Bin location |
Company |
WipAllMatSer | Bin |
Bin location |
Company |
WipJobPostSer | Bin |
Bin location |

The following columns have changed for Company databases in SYSPRO 8:
Table Name |
Column Name |
Description |
Comment |
AdmSignatureLogDet |
VarNumericValue |
Numeric value of variable |
Old size = decimal (18,6) New size = decimal (26,6) |
ApBank | BankAccount |
Bank account number |
Old size = varchar (20) New size = varchar (50) |
ApSupplier | BankAccount |
Bank account of supplier |
Old size = varchar (20) New size = varchar (50) |
EftCshSupplier | BankAccount |
Bank account of supplier |
Old size = varchar (20) New size = varchar (50) |
GenAltCurDet | Reference |
Reference |
Old size = varchar (30) New size = varchar (50) |
GenControl | CurBalAsset |
Current balance, Asset |
Old size = decimal (14,2) New size = decimal (17,2) |
GenControl | CurBalCapital |
Current balance, Capital |
Old size = decimal (14,2) New size = decimal (17,2) |
GenControl |
CurBalExpense |
Current balance, Expense |
Old size = decimal (14,2) New size = decimal (17,2) |
GenControl |
CurBalLiability |
Current balance, Liability |
Old size = decimal (14,2) New size = decimal (17,2) |
GenControl |
CurBalRevenue |
Current balance, Revenue |
Old size = decimal (14,2) New size = decimal (17,2) |
LotArcLibrary |
Archive |
Archive number |
Old size = decimal (3,0) New size = decimal (10,0) |
LotControl |
NextArchiveNum |
Next archive number |
Old size = decimal (3,0) New size = decimal (10,0) |

Field | Description |
Root folder for SYSPRO's executable files |
SYSPRO\Base\Avanti |
Root folder for Avanti files |
SYSPRO\Base\Avanti\Scripts |
SQL Scripts for creating/updating the Avanti tables |
SYSPRO\Base\Bin |
Program files to support screen handling |
SYSPRO\Base\Controls |
Third party OCX / DLL control files |
Data dictionary files |
Image files |
SYSPRO\Base\Espresso |
Root folder for Espresso files |
SYSPRO\Base\Espresso\Components |
Espresso assemblies/components that will be self-healed to the Espresso Server |
SYSPRO\Base\Espresso\Scripts |
SQL Scripts for creating/updating the Espresso tables |
SYSPRO\Base\Espresso\Standard |
Metadata required for Espresso, Menu's App's, etc. |
SYSPRO\Base\ExecDashboards |
Resources required for the Executive Dashboards |
32-bit file handlers |
SYSPRO\Base\FH64 |
64-bit file handlers |
SYSPRO\Base\Harmony |
Root folder for Harmony files |
SYSPRO\Base\Harmony\Scripts |
SQL scripts for updating Harmony database |
SYSPRO\Base\Harmony\Standard |
Harmony components, component layouts and linguistics |
SYSPRO\Base\htmlhelp |
Root folder for F1 Help files |
Hotfix synopsis XML files |
SYSPRO\Base\ManagedAssemblies |
.NET user controls and managed assemblies |
Root folder for SYSPRO Point of Sale files |
SYSPRO\Base\POS\Scripts |
Point of Sale scripts |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingCustomized |
Root folder for Customized Reporting - created by users |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingCustomized\DocumentControl |
SRS Document printing control files |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingCustomized\DocumentTemplate |
SRS Document printing templates |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingCustomized\Preferences |
SRS report preferences |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingCustomized\ReportControl |
SRS report control files |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingCustomized\ReportForm |
SRS report form control files |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingCustomized\ReportListDefinition |
SRS report list definition for COMGRW reports |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingCustomized\ReportMenu |
SRS report menu and SRS Document Type control files |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingCustomized\ReportSamples |
SRS report sample reports - used for preview |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingCustomized\ReportTemplate |
SRS report templates |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingCustomized\ReportThemes |
SRS report themes |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingServices |
Root folder for Reporting Services - shipped by SYSPRO |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingServices\DocumentControl |
SRS Document printing control files |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingServices\DocumentSamples |
SRS Document printing sample templates |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingServices\ReportControl |
SRS report control files |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingServices\ReportForm |
SRS report form control files |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingServices\ReportListDefinition |
SRS report list definition for COMGRW reports |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingServices\ReportMenu |
SRS report menu and SRS Document Type control files |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingServices\ReportSamples |
SRS report sample reports - used for preview |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingServices\ReportTemplate |
SRS report templates |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingServices\ReportThemes |
SRS report themes |
SYSPRO\Base\ReportingServices\Scripts |
SQL scripts for updating SRS database |
SYSPRO\Base\RulesEngine |
Root folder for Rules Engine |
SYSPRO\Base\RulesEngine\Scripts |
SQL Scripts for creating / updating the Rules Engine tables |
SYSPRO\Base\RulesEngine\Standard |
Metadata required for the Rules Engine |
SYSPRO\Base\Samples |
Sample documents |
SYSPRO\Base\Schemas |
SYSPRO schema's and XML examples for business objects |
SYSPRO\Base\Scripts |
SYSPRO SQL scripts |
SYSPRO\Base\Services |
Files required to manage service updates |
SYSPRO\Base\Settings |
User defined settings |
SYSPRO\Base\SkinFramework |
Root folder of skin framework folders and files |
SYSPRO\Base\SkinFramework\iTunes |
Manages skin framework |
SYSPRO\Base\SkinFramework\iTunes\Itunes |
Manages skin framework |
SYSPRO\Base\SkinFramework\Le5 |
Manages skin framework |
SYSPRO\Base\SkinFramework\Le5\Blue |
Manages skin framework |
SYSPRO\Base\Store |
SYSPRO .IMP files |
SYSPRO\Base\SysproAnalytics |
SYSPRO Analytics client application |
SYSPRO\Base\SysproAnalyticsData |
Root folder for SYSPRO Analytics Data |
SYSPRO\Base\SysproAnalyticsData\PluginTemplates |
Word and Powershell templates for exporting from viewer |
SYSPRO\Base\SysproAnalyticsData\Scripts |
Scripts for creating and updating the Analytics databases |
SYSPRO\Base\SysproAnalyticsData\Settings |
Stores the encrypted connection string to the Analytics Master Database |
SYSPRO\Base\SYSPROWorkflow |
Root folder for SYSPRO Workflow files |
SYSPRO\Base\SYSPROWorkflow\Scripts |
SQL Scripts for creating / updating the Workflow tables |
SYSPRO\Base\SYSPROWorkflow\Standard |
Resources for the supplied Workflow Samples |
SYSPRO\Base\SYSPROWorkflow\Standard\Activities |
Resources for the supplied Workflow Activities |
SYSPRO\Base\SYSPROWorkflow\Standard\Activities\SA_Espresso |
Resources for the supplied Workflow Activities |
SYSPRO\Base\SYSPROWorkflow\Standard\Activities\SA_SYSPRO |
Resources for the supplied Workflow Activities |
XML files to manage screensets |
SYSPRO\Plugin |
Root folder for third party developers |
SYSPRO\Plugin\CustomPrograms |
Third party developer 32-bit programs |
SYSPRO\Plugin\CustomPrograms64 |
Third party developer 64-bit programs |
SYSPRO\Plugin\CustomScreens |
Third party developer screen sets |
SYSPRO\Plugin\CustomStore |
Third party developer .IMP files |
SYSPRO\Programs |
32-bit program files |
SYSPRO\Programs64 |
64-bit program files |
SYSPRO\Screens |
Screensets |
Copyright © 2025 SYSPRO PTY Ltd.