> Material Allocation Maintenance

Material Allocation Maintenance

You use this program to maintain material allocations for a job.


Field Description

Add a new allocation.

This option is disabled when accessed from the Purchase Order module. You cannot allocate material to a job that is already linked to a purchase order.


Delete the currently displayed allocation.

When you delete an allocation, any reserved lots and serials for the allocation are also deleted.

Save Save the information you entered.

Job amendment journals are created when adding, changing or deleting material allocations if the Capture job amendment journals option is enabled (Work in Progress Setup).

Phantom Part

This screen is displayed when you select the Save icon and the material allocation you selected to add is defined as a phantom part (Stock Codes).

The options enable you to indicate whether to add the phantom part as an allocation, or the components of the phantom part as allocations.

Field Description
Add phantom part Add the phantom part as an allocation.
Add component parts Add the components of a phantom part as allocations.

The following applies when a phantom part is set to use a fixed parent quantity:

  • If the top level phantom is fixed and there is a fixed parent quantity then, provided no other level is fixed, the fixed parent quantity is applied against the component.

  • If the component has a fixed parent quantity then provided none of the higher levels are fixed and there is no factorization (i.e. the quantity per calculated from higher levels = 1) then the component's fixed quantity is used.

  • In all other instances the total quantity required is calculated and the fixed parent quantity is set to zero.

Use component's warehouse to use Use the warehouse specified at the Warehouse to use field for the components.
Allow maintenance of narrations per component

Maintain the narrations against a single component of the phantom part.

OK Add the phantom part or its components.

Material Allocation Maintenance

Field Description
Non-stocked Select Yes to indicate that the material allocation is a non-stocked item.

Non-stocked items can be allocated to a job at zero cost.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Stock code Indicate the component item that must be used in the manufacture of the parent item.

This cannot be the same stock code as the parent part, as this would cause a looping structure. You can only add a material allocation for the parent part as a Specific Issue in the Job Issues program or via WIPTJM (allocation maintenance business object) providing the quantity required is zero.

A warning message is displayed when this item is defined as a phantom part (Stock Codes) or if the item is on partial hold (Stock Code On Hold Maintenance).

You cannot add a stock item which is on full hold (Stock Code On Hold Maintenance).

If you selected to add a stocked item, then you can browse to select the code from the Stock Codes program.

If you selected to add a non-stocked item, and the Quotations module is installed, then you can browse to select the code from the Browse on Non-Stocked Codes program.

Description This indicates the description assigned to the stock code.

For a non-stocked item you can enter a description for the item.

ECC consumption
  • Specified

    Enter a valid revision-release for the ECC controlled component.

  • Use current

    Use the current revision-release of the ECC controlled component.

  • Deplete oldest

    Use the oldest revision-release of the ECC controlled component first.

    This option is only available if you enable the option Deplete oldest rev/rel first (Component) (Bill of Materials Setup)

Revision Indicate the specific revision of the material allocation (see ECC Revision Release).

You can enter a revision number if the material allocation is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes) and the option Job Creation - Assume current rev/rel at time of adding job option is not enabled (Bill of Materials Setup). In that case, the current release is displayed and cannot be changed.

The wording for this field defaults to Revision, but is replaced by whatever wording you have assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup).

Release Indicate the specific release of the material allocation (see ECC Revision Release).

You can enter a release number if the material allocation is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes) and the option Job Creation - Assume current rev/rel at time of adding job option is not enabled (Bill of Materials Setup). In that case, the current release is displayed and cannot be changed.

The wording for this field defaults to Release, but is replaced by whatever wording you have assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup).

Warehouse Indicate the default location from which the stocked material allocation must be issued.

For a non-stocked component, this defaults to asterisks (**) and cannot be changed.

When you maintain an allocation and change the warehouse, lots and serials previously reserved are released and you are prompted to reserve lots and serials for the new warehouse. This is only applicable for incomplete allocations and quantities which have not yet been issued.

Existing reserved quantities for allocations for a confirmed job are transferred to the new warehouse.

You cannot change the warehouse if a quantity has already been issued against the allocation.

Component type Indicate the type of component. This can be used to describe the component and can also be used as a selection criterion for reporting purposes.

This field cannot be accessed when adding a phantom or soft phantom component.

Reference designator Indicate a reference to identify the component in an electrical schematic (circuit diagram) or on a printed circuit board (PCB).

This free format field usually consists of one or two letters followed by a number. Occasionally that number is then followed by a letter indicating that components are grouped or matched with each other.

Assembly place Indicates any additional sequence or reference for the placement of the component within the assembly.

This free format field is mainly used for importing from CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems.

Item number Indicates a number, description and/or reference of the item on the assembly drawing.

This free format field is mainly used for importing from CAD (Computer Aided Design), EPC (Electronic Parts Catalogue) or EPL (Engineering Parts List) systems.

Unit of measure This indicates the stocking unit of measure of a stocked item.

If you are using Manufacturing units of measure (Work in Progress Setup) then you can change this to the manufacturing unit of measure for a stocked item.

For a non-stocked component you can enter the unit of measure for the component.

Unit quantity required Indicate the quantity of the component that is required to make one of the finished stock code for the job. This cannot be zero.
Unit cost This indicates the cost of a single unit of the component

For a non-stocked component you can enter the unit cost of the component.

Override total quantity required Set this to manually specify the Total quantity required.
Total quantity required This defaults to the total quantity of the component required for the job and is calculated from the quantity to make of the finished item multiplied by the unit quantity required of the component item.

Although you can enter a value in this field, the value is not stored against the material allocation. It is always calculated.

Only the unit quantity is stored as the unit quantity is what is required to enable you to change the quantity to make of the job itself.

Parent unit of measure This indicates the unit of measure of the parent item.
Fixed quantity

Select this to indicate that the component quantity per (i.e. the number of components parts required to make one parent) is affected by the number of parent parts being made.

For example: If you specify a parent per fixed quantity of 100 (where the component quantity per is 2) then for each 100 parent parts made, a component quantity of 2 is required. Similarly, for each 200 parent parts made a component quantity of 4 is required and for each 1000 parent parts made a component quantity of 20 is required, etc.

Alternatively, if you specify a parent per fixed quantity of zero (where the component quantity per is 2) then the system will use the component quantity per regardless of the number of parent parts that are being made (e.g. if the component quantity per is 2, then regardless of whether you make 100, 200 or 1000 of the finished part, only 2 components are required in each case).

The method whereby a phantom parent generates a component requirement is as follows:

  • If a fixed quantity is set against the parent, then the components inherit this setting.

  • If the phantom structure is multi level (i.e. a phantom is attached to a phantom and so on), then the end component is fixed if any phantom parts in the structure are fixed.

  • Note that if the fixed parent quantity is set against either the phantom part OR the end component, then this is used to calculate the initial fixed quantity of the component, but it is not taken through to the material allocation. So, if the job quantity is subsequently changed, then the component quantity required does not change.

Parent per fixed quantity Indicate the number of parent parts to which the component quantity per applies.

Indicate the sequence number for the component in relation to the parent stock code.

For example:

When assembling an item the same size screw must be used to secure the lid, as well as the base, to another component. You then have the choice of indicating that you require a total of eight screws, or that you need four screws on two separate occasions. Another use of the sequence number would be on a flow line where you want to specify which station must receive which components (i.e. the station number would be entered as the sequence number).

This applies only when the Structure sequencing required option is enabled (Structures and Routings).

Offset: Operation/Days

This enables you to indicate whether the offset is defined at an operation or as a number of days.

Option Description
Operation Select this to indicate the operation number at which the component is required.
Days Select this to indicate the number of days prior to the end of the job that the component is required.
Include in kit issues Select this to indicate that the component must be used during kit issues.
Quantity to reserve Indicate the quantity to reserve for the allocation.

This only applies when Reserve stock for allocations is enabled (Work in Progress Setup) and you increase the Unit quantity required or you added a new allocation to the job.

The quantity cannot exceed the quantity available against the warehouse or the total quantity required for the allocation.

Negative allocations and non-stocked allocations cannot be reserved.


Indicate the hierarchy to which the allocation must be assigned.

You can use the P&C Maintenance of Job Hierarchies program to assign the allocation to a position in the job's hierarchy. You can also use this option to add, update, or cancel the expected (uncommitted) costs of a hierarchical job.

If you are copying material allocations to a hierarchical job, then you must allocate all materials to one or more hierarchies before you can finalize the job creation process.

This function applies only to hierarchical jobs.

  • You cannot change the hierarchical details if a quantity has already been issued against the allocation.
  • A warning is displayed if you change the hierarchy of an allocation linked to a purchase order. The hierarchy is not automatically rematched on the purchase order. This must be manually done.

Use the Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program to assign user-defined text to the material allocation. Note that there is a limit of 60 lines for Factory documents, and 100 lines for narrations.

If you enabled the Allow maintenance of narrations per component option, this comment will be saved against the component you are currently maintaining.

Job no This indicates the job against which you are currently maintaining the material allocation.

Copy Material Allocations

You use the Copy option from the Edit menu of the WIP Material Allocations - Browse program to copy material allocations to the current job.

For a non-stocked job, you can also copy material allocations to the job using the Copy material and labor allocations option from the Browse on Jobs program.

Field Description
Copy Copy the material allocations to the current job.

The structure on and off dates against the components are checked. Only components whose structure on and off dates fall within the job start date are copied.

Irrespective of whether you selected to Delete existing allocations before copy, if the job is already confirmed, then bulk issue items are not deleted. The result of the copy is therefore a duplication of bulk issue items against the job.

Non-stocked Copy material allocations from a non-stocked parent item (Browse on Non-Stocked Codes).

This is useful if you have a job for a non-stocked item which is similar to a standard made-in item for which an Estimate already exists. The material allocations can be copied rather than entering them manually.

From stock code Enter the code of the stocked item from which you want to copy the material allocations.

If you selected Non-stocked, then you can enter a non-stocked item code in this field.

Description This indicates the description of the From stock code.

Enter the revision number of the stocked item from which you want to copy the material allocations.

This only applies to ECC controlled items (Stock Codes).

The wording for this field defaults to Revision, but is replaced by whatever wording you have assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup).


Enter the release number of the stocked item from which you want to copy the material allocations.

This only applies to ECC controlled items (Stock Codes).

The wording for this field defaults to Release, but is replaced by whatever wording you have assigned to these user-defined fields (Bill of Materials Setup).

Route Indicate the From Stock code's routing number from which you want to copy allocations. This only applies if the option: Alternate routings is enabled (Bill of Materials Setup).
Copy options  
Delete existing allocations before copy

Delete the existing material allocations against the current job and copy the material allocations from the From stock code.

This has the effect of replacing the current material allocations against the job with the material allocations from the From stock code.


The following material allocations are not deleted and the result of the copy function will be a duplication of these allocations against the job:

  • Bulk issue items for confirmed jobs, because bulk issues are allocated on job confirmation.

  • Allocations already issued to the job.

  • An allocation that has a sub job attached to it. If you want to delete the allocation you need to detach the sub job first.

Insert only new allocations

Add material allocations from the From stock code that do not already exist against the current job.

For example:

The current job has material allocations comprising components A and B.

The From stock code has components A, B and C in its bill of materials.

If you select this option, then component C is added as a material allocation to the current job.


The sequence number (if used) is included as part of the check to establish whether the component already exists.

Therefore, the same components with different sequence numbers are considered different components and are copied to the job.

Merge new with existing allocations

Add material allocations from the From stock code, irrespective of whether they already exist against the current job.

If you select the Accumulate quantities option, then duplicate items are merged and added as one line to an existing item line.

If you do not select the Accumulate quantities option, then the allocations are not consolidated.

For example:

Assume all allocations come from the same warehouse.

The current job has material allocations comprising one each of components A and B.

The From stock code has material allocations comprising one each of components A, B and C in its bill of materials.

If you select this option, then the current job will have two each of component A, two each of component B and one of component C.

If you select the Accumulate quantities option, then the job will have a total of three lines of allocations.

If you do not select the Accumulate quantities option, then the job will have a total of five lines of allocations. A new line is created for each allocation, even if the stock codes and warehouses match.

Accumulate quantities

Accumulate allocation quantities with the same stock code and warehouse and consolidate them into one line.

This option can be selected together with any of the Copy options. In addition, it can be selected regardless of whether there are existing allocations.

Automatically reserve allocations

Enable this to automatically reserve stock for allocations when copying the material allocations to the current job, subject to the following:

  • The option: Reserve stock for confirmed jobs (Work in Progress Setup) is enabled.

  • The job is set to Confirmed.

  • If an allocation is linked to a Sub job or a Purchase order, then the Sub job or Purchase order quantity is used first to satisfy the quantity required for the allocation.

    Thereafter, any remaining quantity still to be reserved must be reserved manually using the WIP Reservations Review program.

  • Reservations are recalculated when you change the Quantity to make for a confirmed job.

    However, allocations linked to Sub jobs and Purchase orders are not recalculated. These must be adjusted using the WIP Reservations Review or WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance programs.

  • If an allocation is ECC controlled at revision or release stock level and the item is not lot traceable but multiple bins are installed, then the reservation takes place based on the quantity available in the default bin against the stock code warehouse.

  • The total quantity required is reserved for each allocation unless the stock quantity available is not enough. In this case, the total available quantity is reserved.

You need to manually create reservations when this option is not enabled.

See Restrictions and limits in Notes and warnings

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Add or Change option from the WIP Material Allocations - Browse program.

Restrictions and limits

  • Stock for the following items must be manually reserved using the Reserved lots and serials column of the WIP Reservations Review program:

    • serialized items

    • lot traceable items

    • ECC controlled items which are lot traceable and stock control is at revision or release level

  • Stock cannot be reserved for:

    • Bulk issue items - unless these are added as normal allocations to the job

    • Floorstock items

    • Non stocked items

    • Allocations with a negative quantity required

Deletion considerations

  • You cannot delete a material allocation already issued to the job.

  • You cannot delete a material allocation that has a sub job attached to it. You need to detach the sub job first.

Costs calculated using BOM costs

  • Costs are calculated using the BOM costs defined against the warehouse (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) and not the BOM costs defined against the stock item (Stock Codes) when the option: Apply warehouse BOM costs is enabled (Inventory Setup).

Adding stock items on hold

  • You cannot add a stock item which is on full hold (Stock Code On Hold Maintenance) as a WIP material allocation to a job. You can, however, add a stock item that is on partial hold.

Access control

  • You can only maintain material allocations for items in warehouses to which you have access (Operators).

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
WIP Material allocation added

Controls access to the Add function in the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance and WIP Material Allocations - Browse programs.

WIP Material allocation changed

Controls access to the Change function in the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance and WIP Material Allocations - Browse programs.

WIP Material allocation deleted

Controls access to the Delete function in the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance and WIP Material Allocations - Browse programs.

WIP Material allocation copied

Controls access to the Copy function in the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance and WIP Material Allocations - Browse programs.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
WIP Non-stock allocation allow zero cost Controls whether an operator can allocate non-stocked materials to a job at zero cost in the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance program.