> Browse Programs and Browses

Browse Programs and Browses

Browse programs are fixed length list views which display details of master data and data of a transactional nature.

They can be accessed from the Browses folders within the various SYSPRO modules in the Program List or by selecting the Browse icon from within SYSPRO programs.

There is usually, but not always, a Browse program for each Setup program listed in the Setup sub folders in the Program List. In this case, the corresponding Setup program can be accessed from within the Browse program.

In a few cases, the Browse and Setup programs are combined into a single program.

Browse programs can be secured (see Security Access). If access is set to Browse only against a Browse program and access is not allowed against the corresponding Setup program, then you can view the information in the Browse program, but you cannot maintain it.

You can hide Browse programs in the Program List by right clicking on SYSPRO Programs in the Program List treeview and deselecting the option Include Category 'Browses'. This does not prevent a Browse program from being displayed when you select a Browse icon from within another program.

Throughout SYSPRO, Browse icons are available for key fields. You use the e.net Browse Setup program to customize the information displayed for browses that access SYSPRO's data dictionary tables.

Browse Program Options

The following standard options can be included in the Menu and/or Toolbar of a Browse type program:

  • Not all of these options may be available in each browse program. In addition, other options may be available and these are explained in the browse program itself.

  • View the listview functions available by pressing Ctrl+F1. Refer to Listview functions for details.

Field Value Description
  Select Select this to use the entry currently highlighted in the listview in the corresponding field of another program.
  Start At Select this to navigate to a specific entry in the listview.

This either:

  • displays a separate screen in which you indicate the entry to which you want to navigate (see Start).


  • enables a Start at field in the toolbar of the browse program in which you indicate the entry to which you want to navigate.

  Play Select this to use the Multimedia program to view any multimedia objects assigned to the entry currently highlighted in the listview.
  Notepad Select this to use the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program to assign free format notes to the entry currently highlighted in the listview.
List Select this to generate a report of all the listview entries.
  Exit Select this to exit the program.
  Add Select this to add a new entry.

This typically opens the corresponding Setup program, providing you are allowed access to that program (see Security Access).

  Change Select this to maintain the entry currently highlighted in the listview.

This typically opens the corresponding Setup program, providing you are allowed access to that program (see Security Access).

  Delete Select this to delete the entry currently highlighted in the listview.
  • SYSPRO does not always verify whether the entry you want to delete is defined or used in another program.

    For example, if you delete a currency code (Browse on Currencies) that is used against a supplier, then you cannot process any transactions against that supplier until you add the currency code back to the table.

  • In cases where SYSPRO does verify that the entry can be deleted (e.g. Stock Codes) you cannot delete the entry until the conditions are met.

    These conditions are listed in the Browse programs in which such verification exists.

  Confirm Deletions Enable this if you want the system to prompt you to confirm the deletion of an entry when you select to delete it.

If you do not enable this option, then the entry is deleted without warning.

This option is enabled by default.

Sequence   Indicate the order in which to display the details in the listview by selecting one of the sequences listed.

Changing the default sequence affects what you need to enter at the Start at field (see Start).


If a value is provided in the key field, then the browse automatically starts at that key field, regardless of sequence defined.

To display previous key fields, use the Previous button, or reselect the sequence to refresh the screen.

Print icon   Select this to generate a report of all the listview entries.
Find (Ctrl+F)   Select this to use the Key Search program to locate an item using extensive search facilities.
First Entry (Ctrl+Home)   Select this to navigate to the first page of the listview.
Previous Page (Ctrl+Page Up)   Select this to navigate to the previous page of the listview.
Next Page (Ctrl+Page Down)   Select this to navigate to the next page of the listview.
Last Entry (Ctrl+End)   Select this to navigate to the last page of the listview.
Contacts   Select this to use the Contact Query program to view details of the contact for the entry currently highlighted in the listview.


These options are displayed when you select the Start At option from the File menu.

Field Value Description
Start at   Enter the item to navigate to in the listview.

When the Browse program has a Sequence option which lets you change the default sequence of the browse, you need to enter the item on which you set the sequence.

For example, in the Browse on Suppliers program you can sequence the listview by Supplier, Supplier Name or Short Name. If you selected Short Name, then you need to enter the customer's Short name to which you want to navigate.

When you do not enter the full item or you enter an item which does not exist, the system navigates to the next item closest to your entry.

For example, assume that in Browse on Suppliers you are displaying the information is supplier code sequence. If you enter "AA" and no supplier code begins with the letters "AA", then the system navigates to the supplier code beginning with AB (if there is one).

OK   Select this to navigate to the item you entered in the Start at field.
Cancel   Select this to return to the listview without navigating to a different entry.

Hints and tips

Restoring browse settings

Browses on key fields are available throughout SYSPRO as well as at selection options, such as in SRS report options.

When a browse related error is displayed when browsing on an item, it indicates that the e.net Browse does not exist for the SYSPRO table for the item you are attempting to browse on. The browse may have been deleted or not created, or the Browse.xml file may have been customized.

You need to use the e.net Browse Setup program to add the browse for that specific table (see Adding a browse).

  • To restore all your browse settings you can rename the Browse99_System.xml file in the ..\base\settings folder to Browse99_System.old (for example).

    Note that 99 indicates the operator's language code (Operators) and System refers to a system-wide configuration file.

    Therefore, if the operator's language code is 05 (English) then you need to rename the Browse05_System.xml file in the ..\base\settings folder.

  • To restore a single browse you use the e.net Browse Setup program to add the browse for that specific table (see Adding a browse).

Notes and warnings

Restricted maintenance

  • The maintenance options/buttons are disabled when a browse program is accessed from its setup/maintenance program.