> WIP Co-products for Job

WIP Co-products for Job

You use this program to view and maintain details of the co-products in a job.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Change Select this to maintain the description and cost apportionment details for the co-product currently highlighted in the listview.

This option is only enabled when the WIP Co-Product Maintenance program is accessed from the Browse on Jobs program.

Edit Select this to use the Multimedia program to maintain multimedia objects for the co-product currently highlighted in the listview.

This option is only enabled when the WIP Co-Product Maintenance program is accessed from the Browse on Jobs program.

Detail Costs Select this to maintain the detail cost percentages for the co-product.

This option is only enabled if detail costing was selected for the co-product (BOM Co-Product Maintenance).

Maintain Reserved Lots/Serials Select this to use the WIP Reserve Lots & Serials Maintenance program to reserve lots and/or serials for the co-product.

This option is only enabled if the co-product is defined as traceable or serialized (Stock Codes) and you indicated that you want to reserve lots/serials (Work in Progress Setup).

Maintain Tracked Lots

Select this to use the WIP Track Lots and Serials program to view and maintain the link of lot numbers of component parts to the parent part.

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Component to parent lot tracking (Work in Progress Setup).

Maintain Tracked Serials

Select this to use the WIP Track Lots and Serials program to view and maintain the link of serial numbers of component parts to the parent part.

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Component to parent serial tracking (Work in Progress Setup).

Reserve Lots Query

Select this to use the WIP Reserved Lots Browse for Parent program to view all the reserved lots for the co-product.

This option is only enabled if the co-product is defined as traceable (Stock Codes) and you indicated that you want to reserve lots (Work in Progress Setup).
Reserve Serials Query Select this to use the WIP Reserved Serial Browse for Par Part program to view all the reserved serials for the co-product.

This option is only enabled if the co-product is defined as serialized (Stock Codes) and you indicated that you want to reserve serials (Work in Progress Setup).


Details of the co-products being manufactured by the job are displayed in this listview.

Co-product Maintenance

This screen is displayed when you select the Change option from the Edit menu.

Field Description
Co-product line This indicates the co-product line you are currently maintaining.
Co-product Maintenance  
Stock description This indicates the description for the co-product, but can be changed.
Cost apportionment percentages The total percentages for all co-products must be 100%.

A percentage must be defined against each of the Material, Labor and Subcontract fields, irrespective of whether your Cost apportionment method is set to Detail (Setup Options).

Cost apportionments cannot be maintained for a completed job.

Material You use this field to enter the percentage of the cost of materials that applies to the co-product.
Labor You use this field to enter the percentage of the cost of labor that applies to the co-product.
Sub-contract You use this field to enter the percentage of the cost of subcontract operations that applies to the co-product.
Apportionment percentage totals These fields are displayed for information purposes only and cannot be maintained.
Total material This indicates the current cumulative material cost percentages apportioned to the co-products of the job.
Total labor This indicates the current cumulative labor percentages apportioned to the co-products of the job.
Total subcontract This indicates the current cumulative subcontract percentages apportioned to the co-products of the job.

Detail Cost Apportionment for Job

This screen is displayed when you select the Detail Costs option from the Edit menu.

Field Description
Add Select this to add a cost apportionment to the job.
Change Select this to maintain the currently highlighted cost apportionment for the job.
Delete Select this to delete the currently highlighted cost apportionment from the job.
Confirm Deletions Select this if you want to be prompted to confirm the deletion of a cost apportionment. If you do not select this option, then the cost apportionment is deleted immediately you select to delete it.

Detail Cost Apportionment

This screen is displayed when you select to Add or Change the cost apportionment for a component or operation against a job.

Field Description
Co-product line This indicates the co-product line for which you are maintaining cost the apportionment.
Stock code This indicates the stock code and description of the co-product.
Percentage Enter the cost apportionment percentage for the co-product for the selected operation/component.
Total apportioned This indicates the total apportionment for the components/operations.

If this value is not 100% when you have completed the cost apportionments for the components/operations to the co-products, then the following message is displayed: "The cost apportionment for the selected component/operation is not 100%. Do you want to balance the apportionment?" If you select OK, then the apportionment of the attached co-products is proportionately raised to meet the 100% total required.

For example: If you defined a 20% apportionment to each of four co-products for a specific component or operation, then selecting OK at the message prompt will cause the system to change the apportionment to 25% against each co-product for that operation or component.
Save Select this to save the percentage apportionments allocated to the component/operation.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

Co-product Material and Labor Allocation

When creating a job for a notional part, the material and labor allocations are dependant on the co-product types and quantities included against the notional part.

The material and labor allocations are explained using an example.


The following bill of materials was created:

  • Notional part N (qty per 1) with three co-products (A, B and C) attached.

    • Operation Op 1 (6 hours)
    • Operation Op 2 Subcontract (50.00 each)
    • Component C1 (qty per 30)

    • Component C2 (qty per 60)

    • Component C3 (qty per 10)

    • By product Z (qty per -15)

You use the BOM Co-Product Maintenance program to apportion the percentage of materials associated with each co-product.

In this example, the percentage apportionment of materials associated with each co-product are as follows:

Co-product Qty per of N Material Apportionment % Labor Apportionment % Subcontract Apportionment %
A 10 50 25 0
B 10 0 50 100
C 20 50 25 0

Each apportionment (material, labor and subcontract) must add up to 100% (i.e. total material apportionment percentage for co-product A + B + C = 100%; total labor apportionment percentage for co-product A + B + C = 100% and total subcontract apportionment percentage for co-product A + B + C = 100%).

Applying the percentage apportionments of materials, the quantities associated with each co-product are as follows:

Co-product A:

Component Qty per of N Qty (10 * A) 50% Qty Per - Co-product A
C1 30 15.000 1.500
C2 60 30.000 3.000
C3 10 5.000 .500
Z -15 -7.500 -0.75

Co-product B has no material cost apportionment, so no materials are apportioned to it.

Co-product C:

Component Qty per of N Qty (20 * C) 50% Qty Per - Co-product C
C1 30 15.000 0.750
C2 60 30.000 1.500
C3 10 5.000 0.250
Z -15 -7.500 -0.375

The same logic is applied to the internal and subcontract operations, giving the following apportionments for operations:

Component Qty/Run of N Co-product A (10 of) Co-product B (10 of) Co-product C (20 of)
Op 1 6.00 hours 1.5 hours (25%) 3 hours (50%) 1.5 hours (25%)
Op 2 (subcontract) 50.00 (monetary value) 0 (0%) 50.00 (monetary value) (100%) 0 (0%

Note that co-product B has 100% apportionment for the subcontract operation.

If we selected to enter the co-product quantities to make (Work in Progress Setup) then not only is the notional part quantity to make calculated, but also the material quantity per and the labor run time.

For example:

We create a job and enter the co-product quantities to make as follows:

Quantity Entered Calculated Co-product A Calculated Co-product B Calculated Co-product C Calculated Notional Part N
10 (co-product A) 10 (entered) 10 20 1
20 (co-product B) 20 20 (entered) 40 2
10 (co-product C) 5 5 10 (entered) 0.5

Example 1 - Excluding a co-product from manufacture

If the co-products are defined as optional (BOM Co-Product Maintenance) and we enter the co-products as follows:

  • Co-product A - 0 (excluded)

  • Co-product B - 20 (10 per notional part)

  • Co-product C - 40 (20 per notional part)

The calculated notional quantity is 2 (based on either co-product B or C)

Component Normal Qty per of N Normal Total Adjusted Total (50%) New Qty Per
C1 30 60.000 30.000 15.000
C2 60 120.000 60.000 30.000
C3 10 20.000 10.000 5.000
Z -15 -30.000 -15.000 -7.500

Because co-product A takes 50% of all material apportionment, the quantities are reduced by 50% across the board. If co-product B were excluded, then the quantities would not change, as 0% of the components are apportioned to co-product B.

Using the same example and applying this to the operations, the results are:

Operation Normal Run Normal Total Adjusted Run New Qty Per
Op 1 6 hours 12 hours 9 hours (75%) 4.5 hours
Op 2 50.00 (monetary value) 100.00 (monetary value) 100.00 (monetary value) 50.00 (monetary value)

Note: Co-product A takes 25% of internal operation Op 1, so the run time is reduced by 3 hours, but because 0% of the subcontract operation Op 2 is apportioned to co-product A, the value remains the same, even though co-product A was excluded from the build.

If co-product B were to be excluded from the build, then only one operation Op 1 would be created as Op 2, the subcontract operation, only applies to co-product B which was excluded.

Because co-product A was excluded from the build, the apportionment percentages no longer add up to 100% ans these must now be recalculated.

The new apportionments against the co-products is as follows:

Co-product Qty per of N Material Apportionment % Labor Apportionment % Subcontract Apportionment %
B 10 0 66.667 100
C 20 100 33.333 0

Proportional Co-products

A proportional type of co-product can be used to define the limits of how many of each co-product can be defined against each notional part. In this environment imagine the notional part being a physical constraint such as an anodizing bath or a pottery oven.

Both of these constraints are limited by the volume of items (not necessarily the quantity as each item requires more or less space) that can be processed at any one time.

In this example the co-products are cups and saucers that need glazing in a pottery oven. The notional part is the pottery oven and the co-product quantities and apportionment percentages are as follows:

Co-product Quantity per Proportional Percentage
Cup 50 25%
Saucer 50 75%

In a single normal run (i.e. for each notional part) you can glaze 50 cups and 50 saucers at a time.

The proportional percentage of each co-product means that the 50 cups only take up 25% of the capacity of the oven and the 50 saucers take up 75%.

If you were to do a run of cups only, then the total would be calculated as: (1/0.25) x 50 = 200

If you were to do a run of saucers only, then the total would be calculated as: (1/0.75) x 50 = 66.66667 or 66. The reason for this is that if we rounded the saucers up to 67, then the limit of 100% would be exceeded. The total percentage on proportional items can, however be less than 100%, but not more.

If you exclude the saucers then the proportion of the quantity percentage would only be 25%. What this means is that you could adjust the quantity per of the cups so as to utilize the full capacity of the oven.

In this example to increase the proportional quantity percentage back up to 100% you could glaze 200 cups per oven.

If you were to do a run of cups only, then the total would be calculated as: (1/0.25) x 50 = 200

Likewise were you to do a run of saucers only then you could glaze a total of 66 per oven.

If you were to do a run of saucers only, then the total would be calculated as: (1/0.75) x 50 = 66.66667 or 66. The reason for this is that if we rounded the saucers up to 67, then the limit of 100% would be exceeded.

It is important to note that the total percentage on proportional items cannot exceed 100%, however it can be less than 100%.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by:

    • selecting the Maintain Co-products option from the Edit menu of the Browse on Jobs program.

    • selecting the Co-products link from the Additional Information pane of the WIP Query program.

    • selecting the Maintain Detailed Costing option from the Edit menu of the WIP Material Allocations - Browse program.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
WIP Change co-product for job

Controls access to the maintenance of co-products for a job in the WIP Co-Product Maintenance program.