Sales Orders > Dispatch Notes > Dispatch Note Review

Dispatch Note Review

You use this program to enter review options according to which to dispatch sales order lines.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Review

Select this to view the orders/SCTs matching the review criteria you indicated.

You can amend these criteria using the Change Criteria option.

By default, the Dispatch Note Review program only displays sales order lines with an outstanding quantity.

To view order lines with no outstanding quantity and order lines with a negative quantity, select the Dispatch Note function from the Sales Order Entry program and ensure you have access to negative quantities in MDN.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Change Criteria Select this to change the review criteria.
Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.

Dispatch Note Review Criteria

These options enable you to indicate the sales orders to include in the review.

Field Description
Sequence 1

Your selection here determines the primary order in which sales order information is displayed on the Dispatch Notes listview.

The Ship date sequence is the order line ship date.

Sequence 2

Your selection here determines the secondary order in which sales order information is displayed on the Dispatch Notes listview.

The Ship date sequence is the order line ship date.

The Sequence 2 options which are available depend on your selection at the Sequence 1 option.

Limit of selected orders

Indicate how many orders to display from the total orders you selected to review.

The default is 9999, which indicates that all the orders you selected for review must be displayed.

You typically reduce this value if you have a large number of orders for review and you want to process these in batches. The review display process is quicker if fewer orders are displayed at a time.

Dispatch defaults  
Retain special instructions

Select this to repeat the special instructions entered for the first dispatch note created when a batch of sales orders is dispatched. The first dispatch note with a non-blank instruction is used.

If you do not select this option, then the original shipping instructions held against the order header is used for the relevant dispatch note.

Special instructions are entered against the Shipping Instructions tab of the Order Header function (see Sales Order Entry).

Retain ship via

Select this to repeat the ship via comment entered for the first dispatch note created when a batch of sales orders is dispatched. The first dispatch note with a non-blank ship via comment is used.

If you do not select this option, then the original ship via comment held against the order header is used for the relevant dispatch note.

The ship via comment is entered against the Shipping Instructions tab of the Order Header function (see Sales Order Entry or Dispatch Note Maintenance).

Copy custom form from sales order

Select this to copy the custom form data held against the sales order to the custom form for the Dispatch note.

You must select this option to print custom form information attached to a sales order (header) or a sales order detail line on the dispatch note and the dispatch invoice.

The custom form data is only copied for the fields where the field names on the dispatch note custom form match the field names on the sales order custom form. This applies at both the header and detail line levels.


To copy custom forms from sales orders when dispatching online (i.e. by selecting End Order from the Sales Order Entry program) you must enable this option, right click in the form, select Options and select Save Form Values as Default before you use the Sales Order Entry program. Otherwise this option cannot be accessed when dispatching online.

Use order format for new dispatches

Select this to use the document format defined against the sales order (End Order) as the default format to print the dispatch note.

If you do not select this option, then the default document format defined against the customer (Customers) is used as the default format to print the dispatch note. If no default format is defined against the customer, then this preference is ignored and the format defined against the sales order is used as the default format to print the dispatch note.

Include/Exclude options  
Include lines with zero to dispatch

Select this to include sales order lines where there is no quantity to ship in the review.

By default, the Release Maintenance program only displays sales order lines that have an outstanding quantity.

To view order lines with no outstanding quantity and order lines with a negative quantity, select the Dispatch Note function from the Sales Order Entry program and ensure you have access to negative quantities in MDN.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Sales orders Indicate the range of sales orders to include in the dispatch note review.
Customers Indicate the customer(s) for whom to review dispatch notes.
Stock codes Indicate the stock code(s) for which to include orders in the review.
Warehouses Indicate the warehouse(s) for which to include orders in the review.
Geographic areas Indicate the geographic area(s) for which to include orders in the review.
Ship dates Indicate the ship date(s) for which to include orders in the review.
Dispatch creation  
Create dispatch without prompts Select this if you do not want to load the Dispatch Note Header program when dispatch notes are created. The default settings on the Dispatch Note Header program are used.

If you run the Dispatch Note Review program with automation, or you select Create dispatch without prompts, then a dispatch that requires a prompt is rejected and reported as such.

List new dispatches in report Select this to list all dispatch notes created in the report produced according to your selections in the After processing Completed section.
List any exclusions in report Select this to list all dispatch notes not created in the report produced according to your selections in the After processing Completed section.
Print dispatch notes
Option Description
Online Select this to print the dispatch notes online. Each dispatch note is printed as it is created.
Batch Select this to print the dispatch notes in batch mode. All dispatch notes are printed when you exit the program.
No printing Select this if you do not want to print dispatch notes.
Format Indicate the document format to use to print the dispatch notes. This only applies when printing dispatch notes in batch.
Format name This indicates the description of the document format to use to print the dispatch notes.
Delivery route

Indicate the delivery route for which to display orders in the review.

This option is only enabled if Load Planning is required and the Basis of calculating load capacity is set to Dispatch note quantity (Sales Orders Setup).

Supply chain transfers Select this to only display dispatch notes for supply chain transfer type orders in the review.
Dispatch by address code Select this to dispatch by ship address line.

This applies if you are using multiple addresses per line in the Sales Order Entry program.

When you select this option, the address code is added to the sequencing criteria after the order number and before the line number (i.e. the order lines are displayed by order number - address code - line number). This means that a separate dispatch note is produced for each address code on the order.

The address defined by the address code of the order line is placed in the dispatch note header.

Associated comments and miscellaneous lines are included on the dispatch note with merchandise lines.

Free standing comments, freight and miscellaneous lines are added to the appropriate dispatch note according the Comment line processing option selected (Dispatch Notes Setup).

This option is selected by default and cannot be deselected when you access the Dispatch Note Review program from the Dispatch Note function on the End Order screen of the Sales Order Entry program.

After processing completed

These options are displayed within programs that can be automated. They enable you to indicate the action you want to perform once processing is complete (see Automation Design).

Dispatch Notes

When you select the Start Review option, the orders matching the review criteria you indicated are displayed in this pane.

Field Description
Dispatch Selected

Select this to create dispatch notes for the currently selected sales order lines (i.e. the lines with a tick in the Selected column).

If a warning message is displayed, then the line which caused the warning is released, but not dispatched. You can, however, manually dispatch the line. See comments against the Edit field below.

If a default warehouse is not defined against the operator dispatching a sales order or against the company, then you are prompted to indicate the Warehouse to use for Non-stocked Items.

The Dispatch Note Header program is loaded if you did not select the criteria: Create dispatch without prompts. If you run the Dispatch Note Review program with automation, or you select Create dispatch without prompts, then a dispatch that requires a prompt (e.g. for a warehouse to use for non-stocked codes) is rejected and reported as such.

If you selected the criteria: Print dispatch notes > Online then you are prompted to print the dispatch note for the dispatch lines you selected. If you selected the criteria: Print dispatch notes > Batch then all dispatch notes created are printed when you exit the program.

A message indicating that lines with zero to dispatch have been excluded is displayed when dispatch note lines are encountered with a zero quantity to ship. These lines can only be released when the option: Dispatch note lines with zero quantity is enabled (Dispatch Notes Setup).

  • Lots, Serials and Multiple bins

    If the stock item is traceable or serialized or multiple bins are in use and you did not allocate the lots, bins or serials in Sales Order Entry, then you use the SO Lots, Bins, Serials Allocations program to allocate the lots, bins and serials.

    If automatic depletion is being applied (Inventory Setup) then the lots and bins are automatically depleted. However, if the stock item is serialized, then the serial numbers must be allocated as serials are not automatically depleted.

    • If you increased the dispatch quantity after the lots, bins and serials were allocated, then you must allocate the lots, bins and serials for the increased quantity.

      Lots and bins are automatically depleted for the additional quantity if automatic depletion is being applied. Similarly, if you decreased the dispatch quantity after lots, bins and serials were allocated, then must de-allocate these for the difference in quantity.

    • Serial numbers cannot be captured for Supply Chain Transfer orders when the Source warehouse does not use Multiple bins and serial numbers are recorded during Order entry (Sales Orders Setup).

  • Kit Types

    Components of Kit Type items cannot be part dispatched. To dispatch individual components, you need to edit the kit, and remove the components from the kit. This can only be done if the components are optional. You would then get those lines presented to dispatch separately.

    To disassociate optional items from a Kit type K - Sub type on a sales order and dispatch them separately, you enter 0 in the Ship qty field to put the quantity into backorder. You can then individually select the components from the kit in the Dispatch Note Review program. This enables you to select the kit with mandatory items in the first dispatch, invoice the first dispatch, and then add the optional items to a second dispatch and invoice them.

  • Trade Promotions

    If you are using Trade Promotions, then associated promotions are updated as follows when the dispatch note is created:

    • If the order line is a stocked line (i.e. not a free goods line) and the customer is a Trade Promotions customer, then all line promotions which are attached to the order line and which have already been selected, are updated with the ship quantity (see Promotion Selection).

      Any off invoice lines are updated at the same time.

    • If the line is a free goods line, then the free goods quantity to ship is checked to ensure that the quantity to be shipped is not greater than the free goods quantity allowed to be shipped. If it is, then the quantity to dispatch is reduced.

      A report indicating the free goods lines which were reduced is produced at the end of the process.

    • Free goods lines are added to a dispatch note as they are selected for dispatch. If you have multiple dispatch notes, you can therefore indicate the dispatch note against which you want to add the free goods line(s).
    • Any global promotions which have already been selected are updated for the line (see Promotion Selection).
    • Lines for off invoice promotions at line level are added to the dispatch note with the merchandise line that generated them.

      Therefore, if you ship half a stocked line, then the off invoice promotion is calculated based on the dispatch quantity and added to the dispatch (if it has a positive value). The subsequent dispatch of the same line adds the rest of the off invoice value to the dispatch.

      The same applies to an accrual promotion, although you can only view this on the accruals posted against the invoice.

    • Global off invoice lines and accruals are only added to the last dispatch for a sales order (i.e. the dispatch created or updated at the time that the sales order has no more ship or backorder quantities).
  • Custom forms

    If you want custom form information entered against the sales order to be copied to the dispatch note, then the Field definition on the sales order must be exactly the same as on the dispatch note and you need to select the criteria: Copy custom form from sales order.

  • Supply Chain Transfer (SCT)

    • If you create a dispatch note from a Supply Chain Transfer (SCT) then at the time the dispatch note is created, the dispatched but not invoiced quantity against the source warehouse is updated.

      The quantity remains on order in the target warehouse until the transfer document is printed using the Document Print or Dispatch Note Maintenance programs.

      Once the transit document is printed, the quantity in transit is updated against the target warehouse and the quantity dispatched but not invoiced is reduced against the source warehouse.

      In addition, a journal is created to debit the Goods in Transit ledger account and credit the Dispatched but not invoiced account (defined in Warehouses or General Ledger Integration) with the value of the transfer.

    • The Inventory Month to date and Year to date sales figures are not updated for SCT Dispatch notes.

    • A serialized item is treated as non-serialized if processing an SCT order in a multiple bins environment (where the source warehouse is not configured to use multiple bins) and the item is configured to record serials during order entry.

Deselect All Lines Select this to exclude all the sales order lines from the review. All ticks are removed from the Selected column of the listview against all sales order lines displayed.
Select All lines Select this to include all the sales order lines in the review. A tick is placed in the Selected column of the listview against all sales order lines displayed.
Allocations Select this to use the SO Lots, Bins, Serials Allocations program to allocate Lots, Bins and Serials for the currently highlighted line.
Sales Order This indicates the sales order number for the currently highlighted line.
Selected You use this tick box to toggle between selecting or deselecting sales order lines for dispatch note creation. This check box is automatically ticked and disabled when you change the Quantity to dispatch.
Edit Select this to change the quantity to dispatch for the line (see Change Dispatch Quantity). Note that once the Quantity to dispatch, is changed, the Selected column is checked and disabled. If you subsequently decide not to dispatch the line, then you must enable the Excluded check box.

The word Release indicates that the line was released, but not dispatched and a warning message was displayed.

The warning message states: At least one selected line has been excluded and will not be dispatched. You can cancel and then select <Release> on warning lines to include, or continue to post excluding these lines. OK to continue?

If you select OK, then only selected lines that did not generate a warning are dispatched. Lines that generated a warning are not dispatched and the word Release is displayed in the Edit column for these lines. You can select the Release option and then re-select the Dispatch Selection option to dispatch the line.

If you select Cancel, then no lines are dispatched and you are returned to the listview. You can now select the Release option to manually dispatch the line. You must re-select the Dispatch Selection option to dispatch the line and any other lines selected for dispatch.

Excluded Select this to exclude the line from the dispatch note creation process. You typically use this option to exclude a selected line on which you edited the Quantity to dispatch, but now want to exclude it from dispatch. Alternatively, you used the Select All Lines option, but you want to exclude some of the lines from the dispatch note creation process.

Listview columns

Column Description
Sales order This indicates the sales order number from which the dispatch note will be created.
Line This indicates the sales order line number.
Available to dispatch

This indicates the quantity available to dispatch for the stock code and is calculated from the quantities held in the stock warehouse record. The Dispatch Review cannot redo the calculation of back order for each stock item. It has to use the quantity as held in the warehouse.

Available to dispatch is calculated as: Quantity on hand less Quantity to ship on sales orders.

The calculation of the Quantity to ship on sales orders uses the Back order quantity and is: Quantity allocated less Quantity on back order.

For example:

If you have 100 on hand, 50 allocated and 40 on back order then you have 100 - (50-40) = 90 available to dispatch. If the line in question has a quantity in ship already, then that quantity is added back to the available to dispatch for that line as it forms part of the overall ship quantity.

Customer This indicates the customer for the sales order.

This indicates the description of the stock code.

If you are using Trade Promotions, and the item is a "free good", then the default prefix to the stock description is Free. You can change this using the Text for free goods field on the General tab of the Dispatch Notes Setup program.

Warehouse This indicates the warehouse from which the stock item will be dispatched.
Uom This indicates the order unit of measure for the dispatch quantity.
Stocking uom This indicates the stocking unit of measure for the stock dispatch quantity.
Ship date

This is the customer request date from the sales order.

For a dispatch note created from a scheduled order, this is the actual ship date from the order detail line.

Changed comp If the item is a component from a kit and it has been changed, then a '*' is displayed in this column.
Optional comp If the item is an optional component from a kit, then a '*' is displayed in this column.
Blanket S/O If the order is a blanket sales order, then a 'Y' is displayed in this column.
Long description This indicates the long description defined against the stock item.
Unit mass This indicates the of a single unit of the stock item.
Unit volume This indicates the volume of a single unit of the stock item.
Extended mass This indicates the total mass for the dispatched quantity.
Extended volume This indicates the total volume for the dispatched quantity.
Address code

This indicates the ship to address code to use for the dispatch line.

You can select the Dispatch by line address code option to sequence the dispatch lines in order of order number, address code, line number.

This only applies if you selected the Ship address per line option (Sales Order Entry - Order Header pane).

Change Dispatch Quantity

This screen is displayed when you select the Edit option against an order in the Dispatch Notes listview.

Field Description
Accept Select this to update the sales order line according to the changes you made.
Cancel Select this to ignore any changes you made and to return to the previous screen. The order line is not changed.
Stock Information This displays the stock code and the descriptions of the stock code.
Dispatch Quantity You can specify a quantity to dispatch that exceeds the outstanding quantity only if you indicated that over dispatches are allowed (Dispatch Notes Setup). Additionally, if you indicated that under dispatches are allowed then you can decrease the dispatch quantity and select the Under Dispatch option.
Quantity free to dispatch This indicates the quantity available to dispatch.
Quantity outstanding This indicates the quantity that must still be dispatched according to the quantity entered against the sales order line (see Sales Order Entry).
Quantity to dispatch

Indicate the quantity to dispatch. This quantity cannot exceed the quantity free to dispatch.

The Selected check box is automatically ticked and disabled when you change the Quantity to dispatch. If you subsequently decide not to dispatch the line, then you must enable the Excluded check box.

You can specify a quantity to dispatch that exceeds the outstanding quantity only if you indicated that over dispatches are allowed (Dispatch Notes Setup). When you over dispatch a line, then the original sales order quantity is not changed when the Retain original order quantity option is enabled (Dispatch Notes Setup). In addition, if you over dispatch the line (with this option set) you cannot use the Dispatch Note Maintenance program to change the line, only cancel it.

If you indicated that under dispatches are allowed (Dispatch Notes Setup) then you can decrease the dispatch quantity and select the Under dispatch option to set the order line to Complete if required.

Negative quantities can be processed only if the dispatch is processed from Sales Order Entry providing and the order is not for a kit item.


The quantity you enter in this field is entered into the Ship quantity field on the sales order, irrespective of whether you create a dispatch note.

Under dispatch

Select this to dispatch less than the order quantity to dispatch and to set the sales order line to Complete.

For example:

The sales order quantity is 100, but you dispatch only 25. If you enter 25 at the Quantity to dispatch field and you select the Under dispatch option, then a quantity of 25 is dispatched, the backorder quantity is set to zero and the sales order line is set to Complete. The order quantity remains 100.


You can only select this if the setup option Under dispatches allowed is selected (Dispatch Notes Setup).

Stocking Quantity  
Stocking quantity to dispatch

Indicate the stocking quantity you want to dispatch.

The stocking quantity to dispatch is automatically recalculated when you change the Quantity to dispatch if you selected the option: Recalculate stocking quantity to dispatch. Although you can manually enter the Stocking quantity to dispatch, this should not generally be necessary.

This option is only enabled if all of the following conditions apply:

  • the option: Theoretical uom conversion is enabled (Sales Orders Setup)
  • the option: Request uom for order quantity is enabled (Sales Orders Setup)
  • you changed the default unit of measure against the order line for the stock item when you processed the order line (Sales Order Entry)
  • you selected the option: Recalculate stocking quantity to dispatch.
  • the dispatch line is for a stocked item
Recalculate stocking quantity

Select this to recalculate the quantity in the Stocking quantity to dispatch field whenever you change the value in the Quantity to dispatch field or if you want to manually enter the Quantity to dispatch value.

If you do not select this option, then stock availability is checked using the converted order unit of measure and not the stocked unit of measure. This could result in the system calculating an insufficient quantity in stock to ship.

This option is only available when the Theoretical uom conversion option is enabled (Sales Orders Setup).

Notes and warnings

Program access

Although this program can be accessed from SYSPRO's Main Menu, it is also loaded from the following programs:

  • Sales Order Entry when creating a Dispatch note on ending the order.

  • Document Print when printing a Dispatch note.

  • Sales Order Entry Express when creating a Dispatch note on ending the order.

  • Dispatch Note Maintenance when adding a Dispatch note from a sales order.

Restrictions and limits

  • Hierarchical and Counter sale orders are ignored from the review process.

  • Only orders in a status 1 to 3 can be included in the review.

  • Sales orders are not included in the review if they are for Kit type items and the order quantity is negative.

  • Freight, Miscellaneous and Comment lines are not included in the Dispatch Note Review, but they are included on the Dispatch Invoice according to how the Freight charge processing and Miscellaneous charge processing options are set (Dispatch Notes Setup).

Coding considerations

  • Reserved quantities (Sales Order Entry) are not used in Dispatch notes. Any reserved quantity must be moved to backorder or ship prior to using the Dispatch Note Review program if you want these order quantities to be considered for dispatching.

  • The inclusion of sales order lines in the Dispatch Note Review depend on your selection at the Criteria for dispatch review option (Dispatch Notes Setup).

  • The ledger account defined at the Non-stocked misc and freight field against the AR branch (AR Branches) is used for non-stocked items, freight charges and miscellaneous charges dispatched when the Use non-stocked ledger code from branch option is enabled (Dispatch Notes Setup) and the Inventory module is installed.

    When the Inventory module is not installed, the ledger account defined at the Non-stocked misc and freight field against the AR branch is used only for freight and miscellaneous charges.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
MDN Add multiple dispatch note

Controls access to the creation of dispatch notes in the Dispatch Note Review and Dispatch Note Header programs.

MDN Change suggested dispatch quantity

Controls access to the maintenance of dispatch quantities in the Dispatch Note Review program.

MDN Print dispatch note

Controls access to the printing of dispatch notes in the Dispatch Note Review program.

MDN Add dispatch merchandise line from maintenance

Controls access to the adding of merchandise lines to dispatch notes in the Dispatch Note Review and Dispatch Note Maintenance programs.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
SO Allow negative quantities in MDN

Controls whether an operator can display and dispatch lines with a negative quantity when reviewing dispatch notes from within the Sales Order Entry program.

By default the Dispatch Note Review program only displays sales order lines that have an outstanding quantity. However, if you select the Dispatch Note function from Sales Order Entry and this activity is allowed, then you can view order lines that have no outstanding quantity and that have a negative quantity.

  • This activity does not apply when you access the Dispatch Note Review program directly from the main menu; only when you access the Dispatch Note Review program from Sales Order Entry.

  • Kit items are unaffected by this option, as negative quantities for kit items are automatically disallowed.

SO Add lines to existing dispatch

Controls whether an operator can add additional lines to an existing dispatch note when reviewing dispatch notes within the Sales Order Entry program.

The operator is forced to create a new dispatch note each time items are dispatched, even if multiple dispatches are being made from one sales order.

This activity does not apply when you access the Dispatch Note Review program directly from the main menu; only when you access the Dispatch Note Review program from Sales Order Entry.


If you allow operators to add lines to existing dispatch notes, then you must enable the Manual release to invoice option in the Dispatch Notes Setup program.

SO and PO Reset order status from 0 Prevents an operator from maintaining sales orders, dispatch notes, or purchase orders that are still in process (i.e. status 0).

Alternatively, you can password-protect the maintenance of orders that are in process. This is achieved using the Password Definition program and configuring a password against the following functions:

  • PO Maintenance of purchase orders which are 'in process'
  • SO Maintenance of sales orders which are 'in process'

When two or more operators maintain the same dispatch note (Dispatch Note Maintenance) a warning message is displayed. Ignoring the warning could result in duplicate dispatch notes. Denying operators access to this activity alters the warning message to an error message, which operators cannot ignore.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.