Quotations > Quotations Processing > Quotation Confirmation

Quotation Confirmation

You use this program to confirm an offer into a sales order and/or a job.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Preferences Indicate default sales order, supply order and hierarchical order options you want to apply when confirming quotations.
Quotation Enter the quotation from which you want to create sales orders/jobs/purchase orders or requisitions.

Partially confirmed quotations can be further confirmed - see Activity considerations.

Review Also available from the Function menu, this enables you to review and select the quote lines and offers that you want to convert into sales orders/jobs/purchase orders or requisitions.

This applies if you selected the {Review} option at the Offer field of the Quotation Details pane.


Converts the quote lines and offers you have selected into scheduled sales orders/jobs/purchase orders or requisitions.

See: Sales order considerations in the Notes and warnings section.


Also available from the Function menu, this enables you to reject a quote or to reinstate a quote that was previously rejected.

A reason code for rejecting the quote must be entered.

Rejected quotations can be removed from the system using the Quotation Purge program.

Quotation Details

Field Description
Quotation details  
Quotation Indicates the number of the quotation you are currently viewing.
Quotation version Indicates the version of the quotation you are currently viewing. This applies when the Quotation versioning required option is enabled (Quotations Setup)
Quotation description Indicates the description held against the quotation.
Status Indicates the status of the quotation.
Customer Indicates the customer code defined against the quotation.
Customer name Indicates the name of the customer defined against the quotation.
Customer purchase order Indicates the customer's purchase order number for the quotation.
Option Description
{Review} Enables you to review the lines in the quotation and select the specific quote lines and offers to confirm.
D- Default offer Converts all the default offers on a quote into sales orders/jobs/purchase orders or requisitions.
Offer one - Offer five Select the offer you want to convert into a sales order/job/purchase order or requisition.
Sales order details  
Sales order

You can only access these options if a customer is defined against the quotation (Quotations).

Option Description
Create new sales order

Creates a new sales order for the quotation based on the Sales order type indicated.

See: Sales order considerations in the Notes and warnings section.

Append to sales order Adds this quotation to an existing sales order.
No sales order link Indicates you do not want to link this quotation to any sales order (automatically selected if no customer was defined against the quotation).
Sales order type Indicate the type of sales order to create when creating a new sales order.

The order type is set to Hierarchical order for an hierarchical quotation and cannot be changed.

Only the order types you are allowed to create are available.

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Order Header

Select Edit to maintain sales order header details using the SO Header Maintenance program.

This is only available when you select the Sales order option: Create new sales order.

Supply orders  
Create jobs

Creates jobs for non-stocked items (provided the part category of these items is defined as Made-in or Subcontract (Non-stocked Codes).

Create purchase orders/requisitions Creates purchase orders or requisitions for non-stocked bought-out items.
Hierarchical orders These options are only enabled if you are confirming a hierarchical quotation and you entered a valid contract reference against the quotation (Quotations).
Create schedules

Uses the P&C Billing Schedules program to create the billing schedules for the quotation according to the billing method you selected against the contract (Browse on Contracts).

This option is only enabled if you selected to create jobs.

This option is not enabled if you selected the Percentage of costs accumulated billing method (Browse on Contracts).

Create deposits

Uses the P&C Deposit Creation and Maintenance program to add the deposit information against the job(s) and sale order(s) created from the quotation.

This option is only enabled if you selected the Deposits option from the Browse on Contracts program.

You cannot select this option if you chose the No sales order link option. This is because a miscellaneous sales order line is created from the deposit details you enter and a sales order must therefore be created.

In addition, in order to enter deposit details the customer defined against the contract (see Browse on Contracts) must be the same customer defined against the quotation (Quotations).

Create retentions

Uses the P&C Retention Creation and Maintenance program to add the retention information against the job(s) and sale order(s) created from the quotation.

This option is only enabled if you selected the Retentions option from the Browse on Contracts program.

Quotation notes  
Copy quotation notes to sales order Copies the quotation notes to the sales order notes.

This option is only enabled if notes exist against the quotation and you are creating a new sales order or you are appending to a sales order.

Notes Indicates the quotation notes currently held against the quotation (which will be copied to the sales order if you enable the Copy quotation notes to sales order option).
WIP Reserving These options are only enabled when the Create jobs option is enabled and the Reserve stock for allocations (Work in Progress Setup) option is enabled.
Automatically reserve allocations

Enable this to automatically reserve stock for allocations when creating a confirmed job subject to the following:

  • The option: Reserve stock for confirmed jobs (Work in Progress Setup) is enabled.

  • The job is set to Confirmed.

  • If an allocation is linked to a Sub job or a Purchase order, then the Sub job or Purchase order quantity is used first to satisfy the quantity required for the allocation.

    Thereafter, any remaining quantity still to be reserved must be reserved manually using the WIP Reservations Review program.

  • Reservations are recalculated when you change the Quantity to make for a confirmed job.

    However, allocations linked to Sub jobs and Purchase orders are not recalculated. These must be adjusted using the WIP Reservations Review or WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance programs.

  • If an allocation is ECC controlled at revision or release stock level and the item is not lot traceable but multiple bins are installed, then the reservation takes place based on the quantity available in the default bin against the stock code warehouse.

  • The total quantity required is reserved for each allocation unless the stock quantity available is not enough. In this case, the total available quantity is reserved.

  • Stock for the following items must be manually reserved using the Reserved lots and serials column of the WIP Reservations Review program:

    • serialized items

    • lot traceable items

    • ECC controlled items which are lot traceable and stock control is at revision or release level

  • Stock cannot be reserved for:

    • Bulk issue items - unless these are added as normal allocations to the job

    • Floorstock items

    • Non stocked items

    • Allocations with a negative quantity required

You need to manually create reservations using the WIP Reservations Review program when this option is not enabled.

Load WIP reservations review Enable this to load the WIP Reservations Review program after creating the job providing the created job is confirmed.

Review Details

Only details of lines not yet confirmed are displayed. See Activity considerations.

Field Description
Deselect all lines Select this to deselect all the lines on the quotation. The tick in the first column of the Quotation Lines list view is removed from each line, indicating that the line is deselected.
Select all lines Select this to select all the lines on the quotation. A tick is placed in the first column of each line in the Quotation Lines list view, indicating that the line is selected.
Apply ship date to all lines When you change the ship date on a quotation line, you can select this option to apply the date to all selected quotation lines in the listview.
Show deselected lines Select this to view quotation lines that were previously deselected in the Review Details pane.

Quotation offers

This displays the offer details relevant to the line currently highlighted in the Quotation Lines listview.

Indicate the offer you want to confirm by placing a tick in the first column. Only one offer can be selected. When only one offer exists for the line, selecting the Quotation line automatically selects the quotation offer.

Reject Quotation

Field Description
Reason details  
Reason code

Enter a reason code for the rejection of the quote.

Description Indicates the description held against the reason code.

Quotation Confirmed

This is displayed when you successfully confirm a quotation.

The Quotation Conformation Complete pane displays the sales order number raised for the quotation where applicable.

The Supply Raised listview displays details of requisitions successfully raised for the quotation (Quotation Purchasing Review).

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • Only quotations in a status of Ready for printing or Printed can be confirmed.

  • Once a quotation line is confirmed, the entire quotation is set to a status of Confirmed, regardless of the number of quotation lines you select to confirm.

    However, unconfirmed lines in a confirmed quotation attached to a sales order can be further confirmed. See Activity considerations.

  • Service charge lines are not automatically created on the sales order when the order is created from a quotation.

  • You cannot confirm a quotation for a customer who is on hold.

  • You can only append a hierarchical quotation to a hierarchical sales order, or a non-hierarchical quotation to a non-hierarchical sales order.

  • Jobs or requisitions are not created for stocked items as it is assumed that a manual process via sales order back order review (or a process which is based on the outcome of MRP) will be used. This is because there may be stock on hand or on order for the item, whereas there is never any stock for non-stocked items and so a job/purchase order is always raised.

Cost/Lead time rollup considerations

  • The cost/lead time calculation must be run on each line and offer. If this is not done during quotation entry, you are prompted to do so at the time of quotation confirmation.

Sales order considerations

  • If you enabled the option to base invoice discounts on order value/quantity or invoice line discounts on product class sold (Customers) then you must enable the Apply sales order/line discount break option (Quotations Setup) so that the discount breaks are correctly applied to the sales order.

  • If you want to recalculate order discount breaks based on customer/product class when confirming the quotation, then you need to enable the Recalculate line discount breaks option (Quotations Setup). This ensures that the correct discount is applied based on the lines you selected to confirm.

  • Minimum order rules defined against the customer are applied when you create a sales order from a quotation.

  • Service charge lines are not automatically created when you create a sales order from a quotation.

Custom form considerations

  • When confirming a quotation and creating a new sales order/purchase order/job, custom form data from the quotation is copied if fields on the quotation detail lines custom form match fields on the sales order/purchase order/job custom forms.

EC VAT considerations

  • If the EC VAT system is enabled, you will be required to enter EC information when confirming a quotation for an EC customer.

Comment line considerations

  • If creating a job for the quotation, all comment lines associated with a non-stocked item line are attached to the job as job narrations, providing:

    • you selected to print the comment on the invoice
    • the comment applies to the offer selected for the line

Reserved lots and serial considerations

  • If you are creating a job and you enabled the reserve lots and/or serials option (Work in Progress Setup) and the parent item or a component is defined as lot traceable or serialized, then the WIP Reserve Lots & Serials Maintenance screen is displayed. This enables you to reserve lots/serials for the parent item and its components.

Routing considerations

  • If you are creating a job and no operations or components exist on the route you selected, but you enabled the Use route '0' option (Set Key Information) then the operations or components from route 0 are used for the job.

Numbering considerations

  • If your job numbering method is set to Manual (Set Key Information) then the Quotation Job Loading program is loaded to enable you to define the job number and product class to use for the job being created.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
QOT Quotation confirmation

Controls access to the Confirm function in the Quotation Confirmation program.

WIP Job creation from Quotations

Controls access to the Create jobs function in the Quotation Confirmation and Quotation Job Loading programs.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
QOT Allow subsequent confirmation of confirmed quotes Controls whether unconfirmed detail lines in a partially confirmed quotation attached to a sales order can subsequently be confirmed using the Quotation Confirmation program. Only confirmed quotations that were attached to a sales order can be further confirmed.
SO Orders Controls whether an operator can process an Order using the Sales Order Entry or Sales Order Entry Express program, and create an Order from the Quotation Confirmation program.
SO Billing Controls whether an operator can process a Billing using the Sales Order Entry or Sales Order Entry Express program and create a Billing from the Quotation Confirmation program.
SO Scheduled order Controls whether an operator can process a Scheduled Order using the Sales Order Entry or Sales Order Entry Express program, and create a Scheduled order from the Quotation Confirmation program.
SO Forward order Controls whether an operator can process a Forward Order using the Sales Order Entry or Sales Order Entry Express program, and create a Forward order from the Quotation Confirmation program.
SO Hierarchical order Controls whether an operator can process an Hierarchical Order using the Sales Order Entry or Sales Order Entry Express program, and create an Hierarchical order from the Quotation Confirmation program.
SO Allow override of minimum order validation rule Controls whether an operator can process a sales order for a customer when the order value after discount is less than the Minimum order value defined against the customer (Customers).

The minimum order value check is performed in the following programs: Sales Order Entry, Quick Sales Order Entry, Quotations and Quotation Confirmation.

This activity also controls whether an operator can change the value of the service charge applied to an order (by the SO Service Charges from Order Entry program) which does not meet the Minimum order value criteria.

Refer to Customers - General Details - Minimum order rules for details.


This activity is disallowed by default.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.