Quotations > Quotations Processing > Quotation Confirmation > Quotation Purchasing Review

Quotation Purchasing Review

You use this program to create purchase orders or requisitions to buy non-stocked items needed for a quotation.

You can maintain suggested requisitions before converting them to live requisitions or purchase orders.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Review Display quotations according to the Review criteria indicated.
Change Criteria Reset the Review Criteria to the defaults and then change the criteria.

Review Criteria

Field Description
Review selections The review function you select determines the functions available on the review screen.
Maintain suggestions

Select this to correct invalid fields or change information from the Review screen.

Once the changes have been made, the suggestions can be turned into requisitions or purchase orders.

Create requisitions Select this to create live requisitions from the suggested purchases from the Review screen.
Create purchase orders Select this to create purchase orders from the suggested requisitions which are grouped by supplier.
Non-stocked codes Indicate the non-stocked code(s) to include in the review.
Supplies Indicate the supplier(s)to include in the review.
Suggested order dates Indicate the range of order dates to include in the review.
Suggested line due dates Indicate the range of line due dates you want to include in the review.
Include options The options selected here will determine which requisitions will be included in the review.
Previously excluded Select this option to include requisition lines previously flagged as excluded in the review.
Invalid requisitions

Select this option to include invalid requisitions in the review.

This option reads invalid requisitions only when you select to Maintain suggestions.

Component options  
Include component narrations  
Requisition options  
Requisition user This indicates the requisition user that to use to create the requisition.

This defaults to QOT but can be changed, providing the requisition user entered has the authority to add requisitions (defined in the Requisition Users program).

This applies only when creating requisitions.

The eSignature QOT Change req user when creating requisitions can be used to control changes to this field.

Purchase order options  
Copy quotation notes to purchase order Select this to copy the quotation header notes to the purchase order header.

This applies only when creating purchase orders and notes exist against the quotation header in the Quotations program.

Notes This indicates the first line of the note against the quotation header.

Maintain Suggested Requisitions

This review screen is displayed when you select the Start Review function with the Maintain suggestions option enabled.

You can correct invalid fields or change information.

Once the changes have been made, the suggestions can be turned into requisitions or purchase orders.

Invalid Messages

Requisition invalid messages are displayed if any fields on the suggested requisition are invalid.

The following is a list of the messages which could be displayed in the Status/Invalid column of the listview:

Invalid Message Description
Supplier The supplier code is blank, not on file or purchase orders are not allowed for this supplier.
P/class The product class field is blank.
U/m The order/price unit of measure conversion information is not on file.
W/h The stock code is not stocked in the selected warehouse.
Tax code The tax code is not on file.
Errors More than one field on the requisition is invalid.
Excluded The operator has set the requisition to be excluded from the review.

Requisition Information

This displays details of the suggested requisition currently highlighted in the listview.

Invalid Message Description
Auto vouchering required This displays the auto vouchering selection defined against the supplier in the Suppliers program.
YesThe supplier uses auto vouchering, but this can be overridden during purchase order processing.
NoThe supplier never uses auto vouchering.
AlwaysThe supplier always uses auto vouchering and this cannot be overridden during purchase order processing.

Create Live Requisitions

This is displayed when you select the Start Review function and you selected the Create requisitions option.

Field Description
Create Select this to create a live requisition from the selected suggested requisition(s) in the review.

Lines that have already been created or that have been excluded are ignored.

Requisition numbers are generated automatically.

Highlighted lines Select this to create a live requisition only from the lines which are ticked in the Include column.
All Select this to create a live requisition from all lines in the listview. Suggested requisitions containing errors and lines already created are ignored. See Invalid Messages.
Include Indicate the lines you want to maintain.

A tick is placed in the checkbox of the Include column to indicate that a line is included.

Exclude Indicate the lines you want to exclude from maintenance.

The tick in the checkbox of the Include column is removed to indicate that a line is excluded.

Save Select this to save the changes you made.
Change Select this to change details of the currently highlighted suggested requisition line.
Req Planning Query Displays the results of the Requirements Calculation for stock code (see Requirements Planning Query).
Show Excluded Select this to display the excluded lines from the listview. Excluded lines are those without a tick in the Include column of the listview.
Hide Excluded Select this to remove the excluded lines from the listview. Excluded lines are those without a tick in the Include column of the listview.

Create Live Purchase Orders

This review screen is displayed when you select the Start Review function and you selected the Create purchase orders option.

This enables you to create purchase orders from the suggested requisitions which are grouped by supplier.

Field Description

Select this to create a purchase order from the selected requisition lines.

Once created, you can maintain the header details of the purchase order using the Purchase Order Header Information program.

Lines for which purchase orders have already been created, and excluded lines are ignored.

Purchase orders are not created from suggested requisitions that have invalid fields. See Invalid Messages.

Include Indicate the lines you want to maintain.

A tick is placed in the checkbox of the Include column to indicate that a line is included.

Exclude Indicate the lines you want to exclude from maintenance.

The tick in the checkbox of the Include column is removed to indicate that a line is excluded.

Select/Deselect Indicate the lines you want to include or exclude when the live purchase order is created.
Save Select this to save your changes.
Change Select this to use the Requisition Entry Maintenance program change the requisition details.
Req Planning Query Displays the results of the Requirements Calculation for stock code (see Requirements Planning Query).

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program is automatically loaded from the Quotation Confirmation program if you selected to Create purchase orders/requisitions, the quotation is being confirmed for a non-stocked item and you selected Quotations at the Include in requirements calculation setup option in the Requirements Planning Setup program.

Coding considerations

  • The live requisitions which you create are routed to a user called QOT by default, unless this was changed.

    The QOT user must be created in the Requisition System. The Quotations system allocates requisitions to this user, but does not create the user.

Restrictions and limits

  • The Quotation Purchasing Review program only applies to non-stocked merchandise lines and excludes Freight lines, Other charges and Comments.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
QOT Change req user when creating requisitions

Controls access in the Quotation Purchasing Review program when you change the Requisition user and select to create the requisition.

When this eSignature is denied, live requisitions created are routed to a user called QOT by default, unless this was changed in the Requisition system.