Purchase Orders > Reports > Purchase Order Print

Purchase Order Print

You use this program to print purchase order documents in batch mode. Ensure that you have configured the necessary document formats using the Purchase Order Format program.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description

This generates the purchase order documents according to your selections.

If you have not enabled Windows printing and you selected to preview documents before printing them (see SYSPRO Printing) then you can select the E-mail function from the Preview screen. The E-mail address defined against the supplier is automatically used as the default address, but this can be changed using the Send Email program.

Alignment This prints the relevant document using test characters to verify that your stationery is correctly aligned in your printer. This typically applies when using pre-printed continuous stationery.
Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.

Report Options

Field Description
Document type

Ensure that the correct purchase orders are selected for processing. For example: If you want to use a foreign currency document for foreign currency purchase orders, then select Foreign here and Import purchase order at the Purchase order type selection field.

Option Description
Local This uses the local currency purchase order format to print your order documents.
Foreign This uses the foreign currency purchase order format to print your order documents.
Format This indicates the format code of the purchase order format to print.

Select Define Format to use the Purchase Order Format program to configure the layout of your purchase order document format.

Format description This indicates the description for the format code selected
Print translated text If you enabled the Multi-language for document printing option (System Setup) then you can indicate whether to print the stock description, long description and notes in the required language (see Multi-language capability).

If you print documents and do not select the option to Print translated text, all Global narrations will print as a default.

Print and fax  
Include purchase orders to be faxed This enables you to fax purchase order documents to suppliers whose purchase order transmission method is defined as Fax and a valid fax number has been assigned to them.

Uncheck this option to only print purchase order documents for suppliers whose purchase order transmission method is set to Print.


You can only select this option if the Office Automation & Messaging module is installed and against the operator you indicated that fax/mail integration is required.

Print document

This prints purchase order documents matching your selection criteria.

Fax document

If you select to include orders to be faxed, then this faxes purchase order documents to suppliers whose purchase order transmission method is defined as Fax.

Reprint This reprints order documents. See Coding considerations.
Exclude complete lines

If you selected to reprint purchase orders, then this only prints purchase order lines that have a quantity outstanding (i.e. incomplete lines) on purchase order documents that are reprinted.

If you deselect this option then, when you reprint purchase order documents, all purchase order lines (i.e. complete and incomplete lines) are printed on the document.

Completed purchase order lines are only printed when the purchase order is in a status of 4.

This defaults to your selection at the Reprint completed lines option against the print option preferences of the document format.

Print tracking notes

This prints the tracking notes you entered against the purchase order (using the Purchase Order Entry program) on the purchase order documents.

If you selected the Print tracking notes preference in the Purchase Order Format program, then this option is selected by default, but can be deselected here before printing the purchase order documents.

Purchase order type options  
Local purchase order This prints local purchase orders.
Import purchase order

This prints foreign currency purchase orders. Select this option if you selected Foreign at the Document type option.

Other purchase order
Foreign price options  
Convert at current exchange rate

This converts foreign prices for merchandise lines according to the rate that is currently defined in your company currency exchange rate table.

If you do not select this option, then foreign prices are converted at the exchange rate used at the time the order was captured (this does not apply to freight and miscellaneous charges).


You can only access this option if you selected either the Import purchase order or Other purchase order options at the Purchase order type options field.

Order due dates  
Order due date selection Indicate a selective range of order due dates for which order documents must be produced.
Warehouse selection

Indicate a selective range of warehouses for which order documents must be produced.


You can only access this field if you enabled the option Restrict order to single warehouse (Purchase Orders Setup).

Buyer selection Indicate a selective range of buyers for whom order documents must be produced.
Supplier selection Indicate a selective range of suppliers for whom order documents must be produced.
Purchase orders  
Purchase order selection Indicate a selective range of purchase orders you want to print.
After processing completed

These options are displayed within programs that can be automated. They enable you to indicate the action you want to perform once processing is complete (see Automation Design).

Purchase Order Print Totals

This pane displays the results of the processing function you selected once processing is complete (unless you selected the option to close the application from the After processing completed section).

Column Description
Documents printed The total number of documents printed.
Hash total quantity The total quantity of stocked and non-stocked items on the order(s).
Merchandise value The total value of stocked and non-stocked lines, excluding tax.
Line discount value The total of all line discount values for the documents printed.
Order discount value The total of all order discount values for the documents printed.
Freight value The total of all freight charges for the documents printed.
Miscellaneous value The total of all miscellaneous charges for the documents printed.
Tax value The total of all tax values for the documents printed.

Notes and warnings

Coding considerations

  • Completed (receipted) purchase order lines are only included when reprinting a purchase order when the option Reprint completed lines is enabled against the document format.

    Nothing will print when all lines on the purchase order are complete and the Reprint completed lines option is not enabled against the document format.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
PO Batch print purchase order

Controls access to the printing and reprinting of purchase orders in the Purchase Order Print program, and is executed at the beginning of the program as a once off.

When Denied, access to the Purchase Order Print program is disabled.

Online printing of purchase orders is not affected.

PO Batch print purchase order details

Controls access to the printing and reprinting of purchase orders in the Purchase Order Print program, and is executed for each purchase order printed.

This has the potential to slow down the batch printing process when multiple purchase orders are printed.

Online printing of purchase orders is not affected.

PO Print purchase order

Controls access to the printing and reprinting of purchase orders online in the PO Creation and Purchase Order Entry programs.

Batch printing of purchase orders is not affected.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
PO Print purchase order Controls whether an operator can print a purchase order using the Purchase Order Entry or Purchase Order Print programs.