> Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text)

Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text)

This program lets you assign rich text format text (i.e. RTF) to selected key fields within SYSPRO (e.g. ledger codes, sales orders, lots, etc).


Field Description
Save This saves the notes entered against the key field.

When you add a note to a key field using the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program, it is allocated a unique number that is generated from the ADMNOT control file (located on the server) and is used to create a unique filename.

The name of the file defaults to: N0000001.RTF, where N0000001 refers to the generated number that is incremented each time you add a note.

These files are saved to the Work\Notes folder on the server.

Print This prints the notes for the current key field.
Send Document as Attachment This emails the current note text as an RTF attachment called Notes.doc. This enables the recipient to view the attachment using MS Word or MS WordPad.

The Office Automation module must be installed and the Fax/mail integration required option (Operators) must be enabled.

Undo This undoes your previous editing action since last saving the note.
Redo This repeats the previous action you undid (i.e. undoes the previous undo action).
Cut This cuts the highlighted text from the note.
Copy This copies the highlighted text to the clipboard.
Paste This pastes notes from the clipboard.
Select All This highlights all the text on the note.
Date Stamp This pastes the current system date and the current operator code into the note.
Clear Notes This completely removes the note for the current key field and exits the program.
Bold This applies bold formatting to the highlighted text.
Italic This applies italics to the highlighted text.
Underline This underlines the highlighted text.
Font This changes the font of the highlighted text.
Align Left This aligns the highlighted line to the left margin.
Center This centers the highlighted line.
Align Right This aligns the highlighted line to the right margin.
Configure Default Font This configures a default font to be applied system-wide when any new notes are added, providing your operator code belongs to an administrator group.

Shortcut keys

The following table lists the shortcut keys you can use with the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program:

Keystroke Description
Ctrl+Tab Tab
Ctrl+Number Pad 5 Select all
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+E Center alignment
Ctrl+R Right alignment
Ctrl+L Left alignment
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Redo
Ctrl+'+' or (Ctrl+Shift+'=' ) Superscript
Ctrl+'=' Subscript
Ctrl+1 Line spacing = 1 line
Ctrl+2 Line spacing = 2 lines
Ctrl+5 Line spacing = 1.5 lines
Ctrl+' (apostrophe) Accent acute. After pressing the shortcut key, press the appropriate letter (e.g. a, e or u).

This applies to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish keyboards only.

Ctrl+` (grave) Accent grave. After pressing the shortcut key, press the appropriate letter (e.g. a, e or u).

This applies to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish keyboards only.

Ctrl+~ (tilde) Accent tilde. After pressing the shortcut key, press the appropriate letter (e.g. a, e or u).

This applies to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish keyboards only.

Ctrl+; (semicolon) Accent umlaut. After pressing the shortcut key, press the appropriate letter (e.g. a, e or u).

This applies to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish keyboards only.

Ctrl+Shift+6 Accent caret (circumflex). After pressing the shortcut key, press the appropriate letter (e.g. a, e or u).

This applies to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish keyboards only.

Ctrl+, (comma) Accent cedilla). After pressing the shortcut key, press the appropriate letter (e.g. a, e or u).

This applies to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish keyboards only.

Ctrl+Shift+' (apostrophe) Active smart quotes
Backspace Move one character to the left and delete the character
Ctrl+Backspace Delete previous word. This generates the same as F16
F16 Same as backspace
Ctrl+Insert Copy
Shift+Insert Paste
Insert Insert/Overwrite toggle
Ctrl+Left Arrow Move cursor one word to the left
Ctrl+Right Arrow Move cursor one word to the right
Ctrl+Up Arrow Move to the beginning of the current line/up one line
Ctrl+Down Arrow Move to the beginning of the current line/down line
Ctrl+Home Move to the beginning of the document
Ctrl+End Move to the end of the document
Ctrl+Delete Delete the next word or the selected characters
Shift+Delete Cut the selected characters
Esc Stop drag-drop. While doing a drag-drop of text.
Alt+Esc Change the active application
Ctrl+Shift+A Set all CAPS - toggles back again
Ctrl+Shift+L Toggle the bullet style

Notes and warnings

Coding considerations

  • Only regular text characters are recognized when printing notes added using the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program.

    Don't use square brackets in any RTF notes field, specifically the closing square bracket, as it truncates text when printing documents using SRS document printing (i.e. notes on your invoices, delivery notes, purchase orders, quotations, factory documentation, etc, may not be printed in full).


  • You can prevent the unauthorized maintenance of key field notes by denying access to the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) at group level (Groups). The Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program is located within the System Admin & Shared Programs module, displayed once you have selected Security Access.

    Regardless of whether access is denied to the program, the operator can still view the notes held against a key field.