Administration > Solutions > Browse Setup Browse Setup

You use this program to customize the information that is displayed within the browse functions of business objects that access SYSPRO's data dictionary tables.

The program enables System Administrators to configure the data that each operator is authorized to view.

You can configure browses by operator, by group, or by company. In addition, you can add columns from the standard data dictionary tables to the browse function as well as change the wording for column headings.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
New Select this to create a new browse configuration file.
Open Select this to maintain an existing browse configuration file or to add a new browse configuration file.
Save Select this to save changes made to the current configuration.


This pane displays the available browses.

When you right click on an entry in the treeview of Browses, you can select one of the following options:

Field Description
New Browse Select this to add a new browse.
Maintain Browse Select this to add or remove columns from the selected browse.
Delete Browse This deletes the selected browse. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

See Deletion considerations in Notes and warnings

New Browse/Header Information

This screen is displayed when you select the New Browse option or the Header Information function when maintaining a browse.

When you maintain the Header Information, you cannot change the Table or the Browse name.

Field Description

Indicate the table for which you want to create a new browse.

You can browse on the data dictionary tables that are available (see Data Dictionary Tables).

Browse name Indicate the wording you want to use for the browse. This replaces the standard wording assigned to the table name.
Title Indicate the wording you want to display as the title for the browse.
Number of rows

Indicate the number of rows that must be displayed in the browse window.

A selection of 9999 indicates that the browse window must display all rows.

Maintain Browse

This screen is displayed when you select the Maintain Browse option.

Field Description
Available data dictionary columns This displays the available columns which can be added to the browse.

The data dictionary Column name and Description are displayed for each column.

Browse columns This displays the columns which are currently in the browse.
>> Select this to add the currently highlighted entry from the Available data dictionary columns to the browse.
<< Select this to remove the currently highlighted entry from the browse.
Header Information Select this to maintain the Title and Number of rows to display.
OK Select this to accept your changes and to return to the previous screen. You need to select the Save option to save your changes.
Cancel Select this to ignore your changes and to return to the previous screen.

Open Browse Configuration File

Field Description
Create new browse configuration file Select this to use the wizard to generate a new browse configuration file for a specific operator, group or company.
Open existing browse configuration file Select this to maintain an existing browse configuration file.
Browse configuration This column displays the browse configurations currently defined.
Configuration file This indicates the configuration file for the browse configuration. Refer to Browse Configuration File Naming Convention for details.
OK Select this to continue.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

Browse Configuration File Naming Convention

Configuration files are created in the settings folder of your SYSPRO installation (e.g. SYSPRO60\Base\Settings).

The naming convention of the files are as follows:

Type Configuration file Description
Operator Browse99_Oper_Operator.xml 99 indicates the operator's language code (Operators) and Operator refers to the operator for whom you are creating the configuration file.
System-wide Browse99_System.xml 99 indicates the operator's language code (Operators) and System refers to the system-wide configuration file.
Company Browse99_Comp_A.xml 99 indicates the operator's language code (Operators) and Comp_A refers to the company for which you are creating the configuration file.
Group Browse99_Group_ADMIN.xml 99 indicates the operator's language code (Operators) and ADMIN refers to the group for which you are creating the configuration file.

New Browse Setup Wizard

This screen is displayed when you select to create a new browse configuration file.

Field Description
This wizard is used to configure browses for  
Company Select this to configure a new browse file for a specific company.
Group Select this to configure a new browse file for a specific operator group.
Operator Select this to configure a new browse file for a specific operator.
Copy configuration from Indicate the configuration file that you want to use as the template from which the new configuration file will be created.
System wide browse Select this to base the new configuration on the system-wide browse.
Operator XXXXXX Select this to copy the configuration file from another operator's configuration file, where XXXXXX indicates the operator code.

This option is not displayed the first time that you create a configuration file.

Finish Select this to complete the wizard.

Configuration files are created in the settings folder of your SYSPRO installation (e.g. SYSPRO60\Base\Settings). Refer to Browse Configuration File Naming Convention for details.

Notes and warnings

Deletion considerations

  • When you delete a browse, you will no longer be able to use the Browse function for that item in SRS report selections.

Coding considerations

  • The Access controls defined against operators (Operators) are applied when results of browses are displayed if, against the access controls, you selected the option: Filter reports and browses.

Creating a new configuration

By default, a system-wide browse configuration file is created when you access the Browse Setup program for the first time. This configuration file is available to all operators. Consequently, any change made to this configuration file affects all operators.

If you want to customize a browse for a specific operator, group or company, then you must generate a new configuration file for that operator, group or company. Any change made to that configuration file affects only that operator, group or company.

  1. From the Browse Setup program, select New from the File menu.

  2. From the Open Browse Configuration File window, select Create new browse configuration file.

  3. Select OK.

  4. From the New Browse Setup Wizard window, select the operator, group or company for which you want to create a browse configuration file.

  5. At the Copy configuration from field, indicate the configuration file that you want to use as the template from which the new configuration file will be created.

  6. Select Finish to complete the wizard.

Open an existing browse configuration

  1. From the Browse Setup program, select Open from the File menu.

  2. From the Open Browse Configuration File window, select the Open existing browse configuration file.

  3. Highlight the browse configuration you want to open and select OK.

Adding a browse

When browsing on a selection option in an SRS report, you may receive the following error message:

"XML parsing error 'The XML parser has been invoked with a NULL object'

This indicates that the Browse does not exist for the SYSPRO table for the item you are attempting to browse on. You use this task to add the browse back for the table.

  1. From the Browse Setup program, right-click anywhere in the Browses treeview pane and select New Browse from the shortcut menu.

  2. On the New Browse screen, indicate the name of the table for which you want to add a browse. You can use the Browse icon at the Table field to locate the required table.

    Enter a Browse name and Title.

    Select OK to proceed.

  3. In the Available data dictionary columns pane, highlight a column that you want to add to the Browse columns pane.

  4. Select the >> function to add the column highlighted in the Available data dictionary columns pane to the Browse columns pane.

    If you selected the wrong column, you can use the << function to remove the column highlighted in the Browse columns pane.

  5. Indicate the return key. This is the field that must be returned by the browse to the respective program or report.

    From the Browse columns listview, highlight the column name you want to set as the return key.

    Right click and select the Set return key option. The word Yes is displayed in the Return key column for the column name.

  6. Select OK to return to the preview of the browse you have just created.

    You can right click on the browse and select the Maintain Browse to change the browse if required.

  7. Select the Save icon to save the browse.

Maintaining a browse

  1. From the Browse Setup program, highlight the browse you want to maintain.

  2. Right-click the highlighted browse and select Maintain Browse from the shortcut menu.

Deleting a browse

  1. From the Browse Setup program, highlight the browse you want to delete.

  2. Right-click the highlighted browse and select Delete Browse from the shortcut menu.

  3. Select OK.

Changing column headings

  1. From the Browse Setup program, highlight the browse you want to maintain.

  2. Right-click the highlighted browse and select Maintain Browse from the shortcut menu.

  3. In the Browse columns pane, right-click the column you want to change and select Change heading from the shortcut menu.

    The default data dictionary column heading is displayed.

  4. Enter the new heading you want to assign to the column.

    The Use data dictionary default option enables you to reset the column heading to the default data dictionary heading.

  5. Select OK.

Setting the return key

Setting the return key against a field enables you to indicate which field in the table you want to highlighted as the hyperlink for the browse.

  1. From the Browse Setup program, highlight the browse you want to maintain.

  2. Right-click the highlighted browse and select Maintain Browse from the shortcut menu.

  3. In the Browse columns pane, right-click the column to which you want to assign the return key and select Set return key from the shortcut menu.

    A Yes is displayed in the Return key column.