Sales Analysis > Reports > Sales Tax for EU

Sales Tax for EU

You use this program to generate a tax report reflecting the EU Sales tax that is payable on all items sold since this report was last run.

Report Options

Field Description
Report type  
Summary Select this to exclude detail invoice information from being printed on the report. Only an analysis of the tax is printed.
Detail Select this to print detail invoice information as well as an analysis of tax on the report.
Report sequence  
Invoice date

Select this to print the report in invoice date sequence.

When you select this option, the report is generated in the following sequence:

  • Transaction year
  • Transaction month
  • Invoice date
  • Register number
  • Invoice number
  • Invoice line number
Branch Select this to print the report in customer branch sequence.
Geographic area Select this to print the report in geographic area sequence.
Reprint Select this to print a tax report that has been printed at least once before for the entered period.

Selection criteria

Selection Description
Period selection

Indicate the period(s) for which you want to generate the report.

If you are not reprinting the report, then the Period selection defaults to Single and cannot be changed.

Date selection Indicate the date(s) for which you want to include tax figures in the report.
Tax code selection

Indicate the tax code(s) for which you want to reprint the report.

If you are not reprinting the report, then the Tax code selection defaults to All and cannot be changed.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

  • The sales tax code summary page printed at the end of the report always prints the summary tax code figures for the current month, regardless of the period you select to print or reprint.

  • If any of your Default sales tax codes are not defined (Company Tax Options Setup) then a blank tax code with a description of 'Non-taxable exempt amount' could be printed on the report. This occurs when you invoice a sales order for a tax exempt customer against those tax codes. Because you cannot enter a tax code on the sales order for a tax exempt customer and no default tax code is defined, the Sales Analysis Update program creates its own entry in the Admin Tax Master table/file with a blank tax code with the description 'Non-taxable exempt amount'. The tax values are not affected because the customer is exempt from tax, so the tax value is zero.

    A blank tax code indicates that the item is non-taxable or exempt from taxation regardless of whether it is stocked or non-stocked.

    If a stock code is linked to a tax code, even zero rated, it is not seen as exempt from tax. Only if there is a blank tax code against the stock code will this show as exempt from tax on the tax report.

Notes and warnings

Coding considerations

  • The values in this report are updated each time you use the Sales Analysis Update program to extract the daily sales transactions recorded in the Accounts Receivable and Sales Order modules.

Reports to run

  • If your nationality code is set to USA (System Setup) and you set the Tax system as USA Tax by advanced geocodes or as USA AVP sales tax system (Company Tax Options Setup) then you should use the equivalent Advanced Sales Tax report.

  • If you are not using the EU tax system, then you should use the equivalent Sales Tax report.

Restrictions and limits

  • Tax on Freight and Miscellaneous charges are not included in the report, unless they have been captured as Service charges. The reason is that Freight an Miscellaneous charges do not have a tariff code defined against them. This is in line with the VAT101 document which stipulates that related costs include services which form part of the goods, such as freight and insurance charges.