Cash Book > Bank Query

Bank Query

You use this program to view information held against banks in the Cash Book module.

This program can be run at any time.

If you are new to this query, then the following information will help you achieve the best results:

  • If you know the bank code, then you can enter it directly and press the tab key to view the information.

    If you do not know the bank code, then you can use the browse icon to use the Browse on Banks program to locate the code.

  • You can personalize this query in a number of ways. These include:

    • Setting options that affect what information is displayed. These settings can be retained for future use.
    • Configuring property sheets (e.g. the section headed Bank Information). This includes being able to sequence items (by dragging them up or down), to show important items first and removing information you do not want to display.
    • Configuring the Transactions listview. This includes being able to sequence columns by dragging them left or right, sorting columns and changing column widths.
    • configuring the layout of the panes on the screen, including hiding or displaying panes
    • configuring the menu bar and the toolbar

Bank Query

Field Description
Preferences Select this to indicate how you want to display transaction details in the listview pane.
Bank Indicate the bank to query.


You use the Preferences option from the Options menu to indicate how you want to view transaction details in the Transactions listview.

Selections made are for visual purposes only and do not affect processing.

Field Description
Bank balances as of Indicate the period for which to display transactions in the Transactions listview.

Transactions can be displayed for the Current period, Previous period 1 or previous period 2.

Select transactions  
All Select this to display all transactions regardless of whether they are reconciled.
Reconciled only Select this to view reconciled transactions only.
Unreconciled only Select this to view unreconciled transactions only.
Transaction display Indicate the sequence in which to display the transactions in the Transactions listview.

The key: Post year/month and Post date are used to sequence the transactions.

Earliest transaction first Select this to view the list of transactions starting from the oldest transaction held on file.
Latest transaction first Select this to view the list of transactions starting from the most recent transaction held on file.
Select type of transaction  
Both deposits and withdrawals Select this to view deposit and withdrawal transactions.
Deposits only Select this to only view deposit transactions.
Withdrawals only Select this to only view withdrawals transactions.
Include future A/P and A/R transactions Select this to include any future Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable transactions in the listview pane.
Save Preferences Save these preferences against your operator code and use them for future runs of the program until next you change them.
Close Save the preferences for the current run of the program only.

Bank Information

This pane displays a summary of information held against the bank. This includes static details entered at the time of setting up your bank.

The following information is included in this pane:


This pane displays financial information arising from transactions processed against the bank.

Column Description
Current month  
Statement balance Indicates the sum of all the reconciled deposits and withdrawals to date (i.e. the reconciled bank balance), in the currency of the bank.
Outstanding deposits Indicates the value of all the unreconciled deposits to date, in the currency of the bank.
Outstanding withdrawals Indicates the value of all the unreconciled withdrawals to date, in the currency of the bank.
Balance Indicates the sum of the reconciled Statement Balance plus all the Outstanding Deposits and less Withdrawals to date, in the currency of the bank.
Balance (Local currency)

Indicates the local currency equivalent of the Current Cash Book Balance to date.

Where the current balance shown is already in local currency, the local equivalent is the same as the current balance.

For foreign banks, this value is determined by the exchange rate held against each individual transaction.

Previous month 1 The same type of information is displayed as for the Current month, but the balances are for the previous month.
Previous month 2 The same type of information is displayed as for the Current month, but the balances are for the month before last.


This listview displays payment and invoice details for transactions that were posted to the Cash Book, according to the Preferences you selected.


The transactions are displayed according to the preferences you indicated - see Preferences.

You can, however, use the options in the Transaction Selection pane to filter the displayed transactions to only display those you require.

To display the listview functions available, highlight any line in the listview and press Ctrl+F1, or use your right mouse button on any listview column heading. Refer to Listviews for additional information on these functions.

Field Description
More Lines Use this to display the next number of rows indicated in the Rows field.

This is only enabled if the number of lines displayed in the listview is less than the value in the Rows field.

Cash Book GL Distribution Select this to view the details of the General Ledger distribution journal for the entry currently highlighted in the listview - see Cash Book GL Distribution Zoom.

This displays all journals captured against a transaction, unlike the zoom against the Bank equivalent field, which only displays details of the last journal captured for the transaction.

This is only enabled for entries captured in the Cash Book (i.e. it is disabled if the transaction originates in the AP or AR module).

Rows Indicate the number of rows to display in the listview. Use the More Lines option to view the next number of rows.

Transactions Listview

Column Description
Post date

Indicates the date the transaction was posted to the Cash Book.

For Accounts Receivable payments, it is the date on which the Bank Deposit slip was printed.


Indicates the reference entered at the time of processing the transaction.

If the entry was posted from Accounts Payable and comprised of multiple entries, then the text *MULT* appears here.

If the entry was posted from Accounts Receivable, the reference field is affected as follows:

  • If payments are integrated to Cash Book in Detail, the reference is the same as that entered in Accounts Receivable at the time of posting the cash receipt.
  • If payments are integrated to Cash Book by Bank or Journal, the text DEBTORS appears here.
  • Cash is always posted as a single entry in Cash Book, irrelevant of the integration method, so for a Cash Payment type, the reference is AR Pmt for both Posted in detail and Posted by bank. If integration is set to Posted by cash journal, then the cash journal number is used as the reference.

Transaction date Indicates the date entered at the time of posting the transaction.
Check/EFT Indicates the check number or Electronic Funds transfer number posted either in Cash Book or from Accounts Payable, if the transaction is a withdrawal.
Reconciled Indicates whether the transaction is reconciled. A tick in the check box indicates that the transaction is reconciled.
Withdrawals Indicates the value of the transaction if it is a withdrawal, in the currency of the entry. If the entry is a deposit, nothing will appear here.
Deposits Indicates the value of a deposit entry, in the currency of the entry. If the entry is a withdrawal, nothing will appear here.
Posting currency Indicates the currency code of the transaction. For foreign banks, this is always the same as the bank's currency.
Transaction details Select this to use the GL Zoom on Cash Book Journals program to view the details of the journal created for the transaction.

The message No GL Journal created is displayed when the most recent change to the Cash book transaction had no monetary implications. A GL journal is only created when you adjust a monetary value against the transaction.

When you make a non monetary adjustment to a Cash Book transaction (e.g. change the Reference or Narration) a zero value Cash Book journal is created with the fields CSHJNC-GI-YER, CSHJNC-GI-PER and CSHJNC-GI-JNL all set to 0.These indicate that a GL Journal was not created for this Cash Book Transaction. When you zoom on CB Journals, the program looks at the most recent Cash Book journal and checks the CSHJNC-GI-YER and CSHJNC-GI-PER and if these fields are zero, the message indicating that no GL Journal was created is displayed.

Bank equivalent

Indicates the local equivalent of the foreign receipt or payment values. The value is determined by the exchange rate held against the individual transaction. For local currency transactions, this value will be the same as the receipt or payment values.

You can select a Bank equivalent amount to zoom on the entries created for the transaction. The following zoom programs are displayed depending on the type of transaction processed:

  • Cash Book Journals - see GL Zoom on Cash Book Journals.


    This only displays information about the most recent journal created against the transaction. For example, if a transaction was processed and then changed, then only the details of the change are displayed.

    The reason is that the CSHTRD file only contains the most recent journal number and therefore the zoom has no knowledge of previous journal numbers created for the transaction.

    The Cash Book GL Distribution function however, calls the Cash Book GL Distribution Zoom program which uses the CSHENC file which contains all the GL Distribution that has occurred against the transaction. This would therefore display details of the original transaction and the change made to the transaction (using the example above).

  • Accounts Payable details - see Cash Book Zoom on AP Transactions.

  • Accounts Receivable payment details - see Cash Book Zoom on AR Transactions.

In addition, if you right click on the Bank equivalent amount, you can zoom on the equivalent General Ledger journal (see GL Journal Zoom).


The message No GL Journal created displayed if:

  • Cash Book is not integrated to the General Ledger (General Ledger Integration)
  • Cash Book is integrated to the General Ledger but the option Create General ledger journal is not enabled (General Ledger Integration) and you have not yet run the Cash Book GL Integration program to create the GL journal.
Check type Indicates the type of check (manual or system) for a check withdrawal.
Payment Reference

This displays the reference text assigned to the payment.

Transaction Selection

The options in this pane enable you to indicate which transactions you want to display in the Transactions listview.

Once you have made your selections, you select the Refresh Transactions function to display only those transactions in the Transactions listview.


The information displayed in the Bank Query program can be viewed in graphical format.

Graph Description
Statement balance Displays a graphical representation of the statement balance value.
Outstanding deposits Displays a graphical representation of the outstanding deposits for the bank
Outstanding withdrawals Displays a graphical representation of the outstanding withdrawals for the bank.
Current C/B balance Displays a graphical representation of the current Cash Book balance for the bank. This is displayed in the currency of the bank.
Current C/B balance (Local) Displays a graphical representation of the current Cash Book balance for the bank in the Graph pane. This is displayed in your local currency.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.