Bill of Materials > Engineering Change Control > Setup > Status Codes

Status Codes

You use this program to define the various engineering change statuses through which an engineering change order must be routed.

Status Code Details

Field Description
Status Indicates the status code entered on the toolbar.

Statuses are used to describe a stage (or step) an ECO will go through, with events added to statuses to describe what processes are taking place at each stage.

Description Enter a description for the status code.
ECO system status
Option Description
New The ECO has been captured, but is not yet in progress.
In progress The ECO is in progress. Appropriate holds are placed on stock usage and the BOM and routing is available for maintenance.
On hold The ECO is on hold.
Complete The ECO is complete. Any holds released. Live BOM and routing updated to reflect ECO changes.
Cancelled The ECO has been cancelled.
Next status  
Method of moving to next status
Option Description
All actions complete The ECO will be moved to the next status automatically once all actions raised by the current status have been completed.
Operator The ECO will remain in the current status until moved to the next by an ECC user.

Regardless of your selection here, the status of an ECO is moved to the next status automatically if no event is defined against the status New or only one routing is defined.

Specific action complete The ECO will be moved to the next status automatically once the specified action raised by the current status has been completed. It is possible for an action to be defined as requiring a response to a question and the next status is then based on this response.
Immediate The ECO will be moved straight through the current status to the next.
Manual events

If an operator is defined as an ECC system administrator, then manual events are available to any operator associated with that user.

If these options are not selected for a status, then these events may only be actioned when the ECO is in the appropriate (user-defined) status.

Manual additions to affected items Enables the addition of stock codes to the ECO (which will then be ECO-controlled).
Manual locks to be applied Enables the locking of jobs, sales orders and purchase orders for affected items on the ECO.
Manual release of locks Enables the release of any locked jobs, sales orders and purchase orders for affected items on the ECO.
Manual change of responsible user Enables the changing of the responsible user defined against the current status of the ECO.
Manual change of date available Enables the changing of the date that the ECO is due to be completed.
Manual change of description This is enabled by default and cannot be changed, as you can only enter a description manually. This option is hidden by default.
Manual enabling of structure maintenance Allows bills to be maintained for items affected by the ECO.
Manual confirmation of structure changes Allows the confirmation of changes made to bills for items affected by the ECO.
Manual cancellation of structure changes Allows the cancellation of changes made to bills for items affected by the ECO.
Manual unsetting of ECC control Enables the Unset ECC control option in the ECC Change Orders program.

Event Details

Field Description
Type Select the type of event you require (see List of Events).

Use the email option if you only want to notify selected ECC users at certain stages of an ECO (i.e. you do not require a response from them).

There are advantages to using the ECC user notification option instead of the using email:

  • You can send notice to a group of users without having to hard-code all the email addresses.

  • As part of the ECO process you can select a different ECC user, thus sending notice to a different group of users.

  • A record is created in the audit trail of the ECC user group being notified.

Description Enter a description for the event type you selected.
Description fixed Prevents the operator from changing the description.
Email user  
To Enter the e-mail recipient(s). The following wildcards can be specified in the address:
%resp-userPicks up the responsible ECC user from the ECO header, runs through the operators for the user and includes any that are flagged as requiring email notification and have a non-blank email address.
%stk-userPicks up the responsible ECC user from each stock code on the ECO, runs through the operators for the user and includes any that are flagged as requiring email notification and have a non-blank email address.
%buyerPicks up the buyer from all stock codes on the ECO and emails any with a non-blank email address.
%plannerPicks up the planner from all stock codes on the ECO and emails any with a non-blank email address.
Fixed Prevents the operator from changing the recipients.

Enter a subject for the email. The following wildcards can be specified in the subject:

Wildcard Description
%eco ECO number
%status-desc the current status description
%event-desc the current event description
Change user This option is displayed if you selected the Change ECC user event.
Change to user Enter the new user code that must be held against the ECO header.
User fixed Prevents the operator from changing the user code.
Set expected available date This option is displayed if you selected the Set expected available date event.
Number of days until available The number of days you estimate that it will take to complete the ECO against the stock code (documentary purposes only).
Days fixed Prevents the operator from changing the Number of days until available value.

List of Events

Event System statuses Description
Change ECC user All Change the responsible ECC user held against the ECO header.
Set expected available date All, except Complete and Cancelled Set the expected available date against the ECO header.
Email a user All Notify user (via email) of the new ECO status.
Raise an action All, except Complete and Cancelled Raise an action against an ECC user.
Trigger a SYSPRO event All Trigger a SYSPRO event (Event Management).
Lock stock for new jobs In Progress Lock stock code(s) against any new jobs. This locks the ECC affected stock codes from creating a new job.
Lock stock for new jobs for current rev/rel In Progress Lock stock code(s) against new jobs for current revision(s)/release(s).
Hold non-started jobs In Progress Hold non-started jobs for stock code(s).
Hold non-started jobs for current rev/rel In Progress Hold non-started jobs for stock codes' current revision(s)/release(s).
Hold started jobs In Progress Hold started jobs for stock code(s).
Hold started jobs for current rev/rel In Progress Hold started jobs for stock codes' current revision(s)/release(s).
Lock stock for new p/o In Progress Lock stock code(s) against new purchase orders.
Lock stock for new p/o for current rev/rel In Progress Lock stock code(s) against new purchase orders for current revision(s)/release(s).
Prevent p/o receipt In Progress Prevent receipts against existing purchase orders for stock code(s).
Prevent p/o receipt for current rev/rel In Progress Prevent receipts against existing purchase orders for stock codes' current revision(s)/release(s).
Lock stock for new s/o In Progress Lock stock code(s) against new sales orders.
Lock stock for new s/o for current rev/rel In Progress Lock stock code(s) against new sales orders for current revision(s)/release(s).
Hold shipment for s/o In Progress Hold shipments against existing sales orders for stock code(s).
Hold shipment for s/o for current rev/rel In Progress Hold shipments against existing sales orders for stock codes' current revision(s) /release(s).
Release all jobs and locks on new jobs All, except New Release all jobs and lock on new jobs.
Release all p/o and locks on new p/o All, except New Release all purchase orders and lock on new purchase orders.
Release all s/o and locks on new s/o All, except New Release all sales orders and lock on new sales orders.
Enable structure and routing maintenance In Progress Enable maintenance on structures and routings.
Apply structure and routing changes In Progress and Complete Apply changes to structures and routings.
Abandon all changes to structure and routing In Progress and Cancelled Abandon any changes to structures and routings.
Add where-used items All, except Complete and Cancelled Add where-used items through all levels.
Unset ECC control In Progress Remove stock code from ECC control and update relevant in-process transactions.

Raise Action

These options are displayed if you selected the Raise an action type of event.

Field Description
Action user Indicates the user against which the action must be raised.
Action user fixed Prevents the operator from changing the action user.
Number of days to complete action Enter the number of days the user has to complete the action.
Days to complete action fixed Prevents the operator from changing the number of days to complete the action.
Number of days to reminder Enter the number of days before the user is reminded to complete the action.
Days to reminder fixed Prevents the operator from changing the number of days to reminder defined.
Specific action This indicates that a response is required from any one of the SYSPRO operators assigned to the ECC user to complete the action.
Action to be raised at operator level

This indicates that a response must be made by all SYSPRO operators assigned to the ECC user to complete the action, regardless of whether the specific action is in the form of a question.

Operators must run the ECC Change Order Actions program and select the action to which they want to respond.

User action required
Option Description
Mark as complete Marks the action as complete
Respond to question Indicates you want the user to respond to a specific question.
Question Enter the question that must be answered.
Next status for responses  
Positive Enter the next status if the response is positive.
Negative Enter the next status if the response is negative.
Unresolved Enter the next status if the response is unresolved.

This is used when more than one operator is required to respond to a specific action and the operators' responses conflict.

To get multiple operators to respond to an action, you need to attach more than one operator to an engineering user and you need to select the Action to be raised at operator level option.

Events for Status

Field Description
Add Adds events to the current status.
Change Maintains the currently highlighted event for the status.
Remove Deletes the currently highlighted event from the current status.
Clear All Deletes all events from the current status.
Type The event type (see List of Events).
Description The description for the event type.
Fixed description Whether the description can be changed.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.

Add an email event to a status code

Multiple events can be added to a single status code. This task describes how you add an email event to a status code.

  1. Indicate the ECC Status code for which you want to add the email event.

  2. Select the event Type: E-mail a user in the Event Details pane.

  3. Select the Email option at the Email user field and enter the email details.

  4. Select the Add option from the Event for Status toolbar to add the event to the listview.

  5. Save the status code details.