Bill of Materials > Engineering Change Control > Change Order Actions

Change Order Actions

You use this program to action events that have been activated against an engineering change order. This ultimately enables the engineering change order to move to the next status in the work flow.


Field Description
Mark as Complete Select this to mark the currently highlighted action as complete.
Maintain ECO Select this to use the ECC Change Orders program to create engineering change orders and to track existing engineering change orders in the work flow.
Switch User  
Switch User If your operator code is attached to more than one ECC user, you use this option to switch users.
Refresh F5 Select this to update the listview with any new actions.

Listview columns

The listview displays the actions available to the user(s) defined for your operator code for all active ECOs. The currently selected user code is displayed in the window heading.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • Only actions available to the user(s) defined for an operator for all active ECOs are available in this listview (see ECC Browse on Users).

    Therefore, if your operator code is not linked to an ECC user code, when you select the ECC Change Order Actions program, the ECC Browse on Users program is displayed enabling you to select an ECO user code to use.