> Engineering Change Control Introduction

Engineering Change Control Introduction

SYSPRO's Engineering Change Control solution helps you improve the management of engineering changes to your products and/or associated data. This is achieved through user-defined workflow, steps and processes and can augment or replace the paper trail that usually accompanies any changes to product design data. The archiving facility enables retrieval and production of prior revisions / releases.

The Engineering Change Control system gives manufacturers ready access to documentation on prior product versions. In this manner, the manufacturer can address questions relating to product defects in older product versions. Comprehensive ECC documentation also enables manufacturers to easily revert to the production of prior product versions, if necessary, to suit the requirements of a particular customer or conform to regulatory requirements.

Engineering Change Control helps you improve the management of engineering changes to your products. It achieves this through various features and processes - the essence of which is the Engineering Change Order process (ECO) process. The Engineering Change Order process is a workflow type subsystem, intended to replace the paper trail that typically accompanies any changes to product design data. When a product is under the control of ECC, then any maintenance to a bill of material and/or routing of the product can be accomplished only by means of a current ECO.

Engineering Change Orders provides the mechanisms to:

  • assign product design tasks to particular users (or groups of users)
  • transfer tasks between users (or groups of users)
  • notify users of new tasks
  • remind users of outstanding tasks
  • sign off engineering changes electronically