Assets > Count System > Asset Count Exception Report

Asset Count Exception Report

You use this program to generate a list of asset count exceptions.

You can include all assets (whether exceptions exist or not), or a selected range of exceptions in the report.

Report Options

Field Description
Count items selection Indicate the asset count details to include or exclude from the report.
All Select this to include all count items in the report.
Exceptions only

Select this to generate the report for selected exceptions only.

The following exceptions can be included or excluded in the report:

  • Extracted not counted
  • Counted not extracted
  • Verified not counted
  • Counted not verified
  • Difference in branch code
  • Difference in location code
  • Difference in ID code
  • Difference counted/verified/extracted
  • New ID code
  • Assets found in other locations
Select All

Select this to include all exceptions.

This function is not available if you selected to include All count items in the report.

Deselect All

Select this to exclude all exceptions.

This function is not available if you selected to include All count items in the report.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Branch selection Indicate the asset branch(es) for which to generate the report.
Location selection Indicate the asset location(s) for which to generate the report.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

Exceptions found for an asset are listed beneath the asset's description.

The Qty Extracted column indicates the quantity of the asset held on file at the time the extract was run using the Asset Count Extract-Cancel program.