Assets > Count System > Asset Count Review

Asset Count Review

You use this program to update asset count information by review.

You can set all assets for a branch/location combination to counted or verified or to uncounted or unverified. You can also maintain count information for the assets being reviewed.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Add Select this to use the Asset Count Capture program to manually capture asset count information.
Change Select this to use the Asset Count Capture program to manually change asset count information.
Branch Indicate the asset branch for which to review count information.
Location Indicate the asset location for which to review count information.
Set all as counted Select this to copy the Extracted quantity to the Counted quantity for all assets that you did not manually change using the Asset Count Capture program.

If you manually changed the Counted quantity, then that quantity remains as is.

Set all as uncounted Select this to set the Counted quantity to zero for all assets displayed in the Asset Count Import Details listview.
Set all as verified Select this to copy the Extracted quantity to the Verified quantity for all assets that you did not manually change using the Asset Count Capture program.

If you manually changed the Verified quantity, then that quantity remains as is.

Set all as unverified Select this to set the Verified quantity to zero for all assets displayed in the Asset Count Import Details listview.
Asset Count Import Details The list of assets extracted for review for the selected branch and location are displayed in this listview.

The asset lines displayed in red indicate that an exception exists on that line. For example, the Extracted quantity is not the same as the Counted quantity and/or the Verified quantity.

Notes and warnings

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
Assets Count review Controls whether an operator can access the Asset Count Review program.