Accounts Payable > Setup > AP Permanent Entry Maintenance

AP Permanent Entry Maintenance

You use this program to create and maintain a series of entries that you want to post into the Accounts Payable module on a recurring basis (e.g. rental invoices, or subscription fees that you pay on a monthly basis).

These entries are posted using the AP Permanent Entries Posting program.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Day Indicate the specific day of the month on which the entry must be extracted and posted against the supplier.

This is defined when you add a new permanent entry and once defined, cannot be changed for the same supplier and invoice combination.

Supplier Indicate the supplier code against which the entry must be processed.

This is defined when you add a new permanent entry and once defined, cannot be changed for the same day and invoice combination.


Enter a unique invoice ID you want to use for the permanent entry. This enables you to identify the entry on the supplier's account.

It uniquely identifies the invoice number to be posted against the supplier.

The AP Permanent Entries Posting program cannot post the entry if an identical invoice ID already exists on the suppliers account, irrespective of whether that invoice was processed using the AP Permanent Entries Posting or AP Invoice Posting program.

This is defined when you add a new permanent entry and once defined, cannot be changed. If you want to change the invoice ID, then you need to delete the permanent entry and recreate it with the required invoice ID.

Permanent Entry Information

Field Description
Day This is the specific calendar day of the month on which the entry must be extracted and posted against the supplier.
Supplier This is the code of the supplier to which the entry must be posted.
Invoice This is the invoice number for the entry and uniquely identifies the invoice posted against the supplier.

Once entered, this cannot be changed without deleting the permanent entry and recreating it.

Supplier name The supplier name is displayed for identification purposes.
Terms This is the description for the terms defined against the supplier.
Posted invoices Select this to use the AP Supplier Invoices program to view details of permanent entry invoices already posted to the supplier's account.
Permanent entry details  
Invoice amount in supplier's currency

This is the total amount (including tax if applicable) that is credited to the supplier and debited to the General Ledger. This amount is entered in the supplier's currency.

When you post a permanent entry defined against a foreign currency supplier, the equivalent foreign amount is credited to the supplier and debited to the General Ledger. The exchange rate is determined by the rate for the foreign currency defined in the currencies table.

Discount % This refers to the terms discount and defaults to the terms discount percentage held against the supplier. You can enter a different discount percentage here.
Reference The entry made here is assigned to the invoice and posted together with detail entries to the General Ledger module if Accounts Payable is linked to General Ledger in Detail or Summary.
Narration Enter free format text to describe the entry. This text is printed on the AP Invoice Journal.
Ledger code

Indicate the account that is used for expense distribution (i.e. the invoice amount less the tax amount entered above).

This cannot be a control account, and is validated if Accounts Payable is linked to General Ledger in Detail or Summary.

See also: Notes and warnings.

Ledger description This is the description of the Ledger code and is displayed form identification purposes.
Tax details If the Accounts Payable Setup option: Tax distribution method is set to Detail or Summary, then indicate the portion of the invoice amount representing the tax amount and the tax code representing the rate of tax applicable to the merchandise portion of the invoice amount.
Tax code

This defaults to the Default tax code defined in the Accounts Payable Setup program. This entry highlights the rate of tax that has been applied to the merchandise amount, allowing for analysis by the Tax Distribution Report.

Tax codes are maintained using the Tax Code Setup program.

If the Company Tax Options Setup option: EC VAT system required is enabled and the Accounts Payable Setup option: Supplier default tax code required is enabled, then this field defaults to the tax code defined against the supplier. If the option: Supplier default tax code required is not enabled, then this field defaults to the Default tax code defined in the Accounts Payable Setup program.

Tax amount in local currency

If the invoice amount includes tax, then enter the tax portion of the invoice in this field.

This tax amount is posted to the Input tax Ledger code if the Accounts Payable Setup option: Disburse tax amount over - Single GL tax account is enabled. The tax amount is posted to the AP tax ledger code defined against the tax code entered when the Tax Code Setup option: Disburse tax amount over - Multiple GL tax accounts is enabled.

This amount is entered in local currency for both local and foreign currency suppliers.

QST information These options apply when the Accounts Payable Setup option: Second tier tax required is enabled.

You use these options to indicate the portion of the invoice amount which represents the second tier tax amount and the second tier tax code representing the rate of tax applicable to the sum of the merchandise portion plus tax.

QST code

This defaults to the Default QST code defined in the Accounts Payable Setup program. This entry highlights the rate of second tier tax that has been applied to the sum of the merchandise portion plus tax, allowing for analysis by the Second Tier Tax Report.

Tax codes are maintained using the Tax Code Setup program.

QST amount in local currency

If the invoice amount includes second tier tax, then you enter the second tier tax portion of the invoice in this field.

The second tier tax amount entered here is posted to the Default QST Ledger code if the Accounts Payable Setup option: Disburse tax amount over- Single GL tax account is enabled. If the Tax Code Setup option: Disburse tax amount over - Multiple GL tax accounts is enabled, then the tax amount is posted to the AP tax ledger code defined against the entered QST tax code.

This amount is entered in local currency for both local and foreign currency suppliers.

Entry details  
Entry type
Option Description
Permanent Select this to post the entry against the supplier on a recurring basis. The entry remains on file until its expiry date is exceeded.
Temporary Select this to post the entry only once against the supplier. Once posted, the entry is deleted when next you run the Purge function of the AP Period End program.
Frequency of transfer Indicate how often (in months) you want to post the entry against the supplier.

For example:

If the entry is to be posted monthly, then enter 1; if every 6 months, then enter 6; and if once a year, enter 12.

Expires on Select this to set an expiry date for the permanent entry.

The entry is only posted up to and including the Expiry date you set. After this date, the entry is deleted by the Purge function of the AP Period End program

If you do not select this option, then the entry is retained indefinitely (i.e. it has no expiry date).

Expiry date Indicate the date after which the entry expires. The entry is processed up to and including the date entered here.

After this date, the entry is automatically deleted when the Purge function of the AP Period End program is run.

An expiry date can only be entered when the Expires on option is enabled.

Next posting

These fields indicate when the entry must next be posted.

If the entry has been posted at least once, then the date of the next posting is displayed.

You should not alter the date unless you want to put the date of the next posting forward.

Calendar month This indicates the calendar month in which the entry must next be posted against the supplier.
Calendar year This indicates the calendar year in which the entry must next be posted against the supplier.
Withholding tax options  
Withholding tax code

Enter the withholding tax code required for this entry.

This defaults to the withholding tax code defined against the supplier, but can be changed.

Withholding tax expense type

This indicates the withholding tax expense type as defined against the supplier, but can be changed.

If it is set to Both or it hasn't been captured for the supplier yet, then it defaults to Goods.


The settings defined in the Company Tax Options Setup program override the supplier or transaction settings i.e. if the Tax applicable to Withholding tax option is set to Service and you capture a permanent entry for a supplier set up for Goods, then the withholding tax is not calculated, even if you change the expense type in this program to Service.

If the supplier is set to Both, then withholding tax is calculated for Service only.

Withholding tax amount

This amount is automatically calculated and cannot be overwritten.

Withholding tax is calculated in local currency for both local and foreign currency suppliers.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • You can only access this program when the Permanent entries required option is enabled (Accounts Payable Setup).

  • You cannot add a permanent entry for a supplier who is on hold.

Maintenance considerations

  • The Day, Supplier and Invoice form the key to the permanent entry and once defined, cannot be changed. The only way to change these fields is to delete the permanent entry and create a new entry with the new values for these fields.

  • You can change a permanent entry from one Entry type to another (e.g. from Permanent to Temporary).

    This is useful in situations where a change in circumstances requires that the transaction is terminated earlier (or extended longer) than expected.

GL Analysis considerations

  • If the GL analysis required option is enabled for a ledger account used in this program (General Ledger Codes or GL Structure Definition) then the Capture GL Analysis Entries program is displayed when you post the transaction, so that you can enter the analysis details. For a sub module transaction, the sub module must also be linked to the General Ledger in Detail at company level (General Ledger Integration) or at ledger account code level (General Ledger Codes or GL Structure Definition). GL analysis entries cannot be entered from sub modules if the sub module is linked to the General Ledger in Summary at company level or at ledger account code level.

    Note that the GL analysis required option is ignored for all GL codes which are defined in General Ledger Integration. This applies even when the GL code is manually entered in a posting program. Although GL integration programs may be entered manually, they may also be called automatically by other programs or may be automated, which means that they can never be stopped to allow GL analysis entries to be captured.

    If the GL analysis code used does not exist in the GenAnalysisCat table, then a message to this effect is displayed and the program will not prompt for analysis again. The GL journal will be created but not posted until the GL code, GL analysis code and GL journal are corrected.

    The Ask Me Later function is only available when the option: Force GL Analysis - GL journal posting is enabled for the sub-module (General Ledger Integration).

    General Ledger analysis entries are always distributed in the local currency, regardless of the currency in which the original transaction is processed.

Program access

  • Access to this program can be restricted per operator group (see Security Access).

  • Additional security can also be implemented in the following areas:

    • Functions/Activities can be restricted:

      • per operator (see Security Activities).

      • per operator role (see Role Activities and Fields Maintenance).

      • using Electronic Signatures (see eSignature Setup).

    • Fields can be restricted:

      • per operator (see Security Fields and Access).

      • per operator role (see Role Activities and Fields Maintenance and Role Access Control Maintenance).

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.