Sales Orders > Counter Sales > Payment Codes

Payment Codes

You use this program to maintain the codes that are used to classify different methods of payment made by customers.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Payment type Indicate the code of the payment type you want to add or maintain.

This cannot start with an underscore character as this is reserved for internal usage within the Sales Order Entry program for cash discounts (_DSC) adjustments (_ADJ) on account payments (_ACT) and deposits (_DEP).

Counter Sale Payment Type Maintenance

Field Description
Payment code This indicates the code of the payment type you are currently maintaining.
Description Enter the description of the payment code.
Currency Indicate the currency in which payments to this code must be made. This is only enabled if you have enabled the Foreign currency sales required setup option (Accounts Receivable Setup).
Banking details  
Deposit in bank

Select this for payments made using this code to be deposited in the bank, and a deposit slip printed by the AR Bank Deposit Slip program.

If you do not select this option, then this payment type cannot be deposited in the bank and no deposit slip is printed. You typically select this option for coupons or other non-monetary payment types.


You must not select this option if you defined a Payment code for cash transactions or Counter sales (Sales Orders Setup).

When this option is not enabled, the system uses the ledger code assigned to the payment type (see Counter Sales Payments Interface) and not the Cash account ledger code held against the bank (see Browse on Banks).

You can only access this option when the Bank deposit slip required option is enabled (Accounts Receivable Setup).


Indicate the SYSPRO bank to which deposits must be made for this payment code. If you do not require foreign currency sales, you can only enter a local currency bank.

If a foreign cash book is installed, and the payment type is for a foreign currency, then the currency of the bank must be either your local currency or the currency in which the payment is being made.

You can only access this field if the Cash Book module is installed and you enabled the option: Bank deposit slip required (Accounts Receivable Setup).

Payment types  
Payment types for AR

Indicate the Accounts Receivable payment type that most closely matches the counter sales payment type. This is used for the printing of the AR Cash Journal and the AR Bank Deposit Slip.

If you specified a foreign currency code at the Currency field, then the payment type is automatically set to Other and cannot be changed.


Transactions for payments made against Payment type: Other are not printed on the Bank deposit section of the AR Bank Deposit Slip, even if you select the option Deposit in bank above.

This is because Other payment types are considered to be non-monetary payments which do not require depositing into a bank. These transactions are, however, printed on the Office copy section of the AR Bank Deposit Slip, to enable you to reconcile the total payments received.

Request bank deposit slip details

Select this to indicate that you want to enter additional details for the bank deposit slip.

At the time of entering the payment for a Counter Sales invoice, you will be prompted for the drawer's name, bank and the bank's branch.

You can only access this field if you enabled the option: Bank deposit slip required (Accounts Receivable Setup); you selected the option: Deposit in bank; and you selected Check at the Payment types for AR field.

Payment details  
Usually full payment

Select this if the payment type is usually receipted in full, to the exact amount of the invoice. This is usually the case with checks and credit card payments.

Selecting this option removes the need to enter the payment amount manually. You can however, override the payment amount if required.

Can make change

Select this to allow change to be made for cash payments.

This option is usually not applicable to checks and credit cards.

You cannot access this option if you selected the Credit Card option.

Allow to overpay invoice

Select this to allow payment amounts using this payment type to exceed the unpaid balance of the invoice.

For example: Your company may have a policy of not accepting credit card payments for an amount greater than the invoice value, since any overpayment would be refunded in cash. You would want to prevent this from happening because you pay a commission on cash given in this manner to your customer.

You cannot access this option if you selected the Can make change option.

Request statement reference

Select this if you require an eight character statement reference to be requested automatically each time you receive payments using this payment code.

If you do not select this option you can still enter a statement reference at the time of accepting this payment code. The statement reference is printed on statements and reports.

Request journal notation

Select this if you require a 50 character journal notation to be requested automatically each time you receive a payment using this payment code.

If you do not select this option you can still enter a journal notation at the time of accepting this payment code. The notation is printed on the AR Cash Journal.

Credit card details  
Credit Card Select this if payment for this payment code is by credit card.
Commission percentage

Indicate the percentage of commission to be applied to the credit card. A summary of the commission calculated is displayed against the payment type in the Deposit Query and Counter Sales Report programs.

Request card no, expiry, authorization Indicates you require credit card information to be entered at the time of accepting payment by credit card.
Minimum value for authorization

Indicates the minimum value that must be paid for using this payment type before an authorization number is requested as part of the credit card details.

Enter zero if there is no minimum value or you always require an authorization number to be requested.

Request start date Select this to record the credit card start date at the time of accepting payments by credit card.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.