Sales Analysis > Sales Targets > Sales Target Maintenance

Sales Target Maintenance

You use this program to define projected targets against Customers, Product Classes and user-defined Sales History Summary Sequence Types.

Once the projected targets are defined, you can print performance and achievement reports enabling you to compare the actual figures attained in relation to the projected targets.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Review Select this to display the customers selected in the Review Criteria.
Change Criteria Select this to enable the Review Criteria pane enabling you to change the criteria.
Target Indicate the type of target you want to maintain. The Review Criteria available will depend on your selection at this field.
Customer Select this to add and maintain customer sales targets.
Product Class Select this to add and maintain product class sales targets.

When you select this option, you are prompted to indicate the branch against which the product classes are required to be maintained.

Sales History Summary Select this to add and maintain sales history summary targets.

When maintaining targets where either the Salesperson or the Product Class is part of the key, but the Branch is not, you are prompted to define the branch for which you want to maintain the targets.

Review Criteria

This enables you to indicate the criteria according to which you want to run the review. The selection criteria available depend on your selection at the Target field.

Field Description
Customers Indicate the customer(s) for whom you want to review targets.
Branches Indicate the AR branch(es) for which you want to review targets.
Product classes Indicate the product class(es) for which you want to review targets.
Sales history summaries

Option Description
Sales history summary type selection Indicate whether to maintain all summary types or a single summary type.

Targets can only be maintained for summaries that have the Targets required for this summary option enabled in the Sales Analysis Summary Setup program.

Additional options are available when you select to review a Single sales history summary type.

Sales history summary type Indicate the single sales history summary type to maintain.
Posting year Indicate the posting year for which to maintain the sales history summary type.

The current posting year is displayed by default, but you can select any of the prior 5 years.

Key area 1 - 3 The key areas displayed for selection are the key areas defined against the Sales history summary type you selected to review. Indicate each specific key area to review.


The customers, branches and product classes selected in the Review Criteria are displayed in this treeview.


'(Customer deleted)' is displayed instead of the customer name when the customer was deleted, but sales targets still exist for that customer.

Field Description
Add Add a new target for the entry currently highlighted in the treeview.
Change Maintain the targets for the entry currently highlighted in the treeview. Targets are maintained in the Monthly targets listview.
Delete Delete the targets for the entry currently highlighted in the treeview.
Graph Display a graphical representation of monthly targets for the entry currently highlighted in the treeview.

Add Customer Targets

This screen is displayed when you select to add or change Customer sales targets.

Field Description
Distribute and Save Updates and saves the monthly target values according to the distribution option you selected.
Customer Indicate the customer for whom you want to maintain targets.
Customer name This indicates the Customer name.
Distribute option See also Examples.
Repeat amounts for each month

Select this option to repeat the entered sales amount and calculated profit amount for each month.

The sales and profit amounts are then recalculated for the totals.

Divide amount using default spread

Select this option to divide the entered sales and calculated profit amounts, according to the monthly default spread percentages defined for the target fields.

You can only select this option, if you have defined a default spread.

If necessary, the calculated profit amount is rounded up and the last monthly target is used to balance up to the total amounts.

Divide amount equally over months

Select this option to divide the entered Sales amount and the calculated Profit amount, evenly between each month.

If necessary, the calculated profit amount is rounded up and the last monthly target is used to balance up to the total amounts.


This value can be one of the following:

  • The projected annual sales target value for the customer if you select the Divide amount using default spread or Divide amount equally over months options to distribute this amount into the monthly sales targets.
  • The projected monthly sales target value for the customer if you select the Repeat amounts for each month option to distribute this amount into the monthly sales targets.
Profit percentage

This refers to the projected gross profit target.

It indicates the overall gross profit percentage you intend to make on the Sales amount entered at the previous field.

The profit percentage cannot exceed 100 percent.

Profit amount This is the gross profit amount, calculated as the Sales amount multiplied by the Profit percentage.

Add Product Class Targets

This screen is displayed when you select to add or change Product class sales targets.

Field Description
Distribute and Save Updates and saves the monthly target values according to the distribution option you selected.
Customer branch Indicates the AR branch code to which the product classes belong.
Branch description Indicates the Customer branch name.
Product class Indicate the product class for which you want to enter or maintain sales targets.
Product class description Indicate the Product class name.
Distribute option See also Examples.
Divide amount using default spread

Select this option to divide the entered sales and calculated profit amounts, according to the monthly default spread percentages defined for the target fields.

You can only select this option, if you have defined a default spread.

If necessary, the calculated profit amount is rounded up and the last monthly target is used to balance up to the total amounts.

Divide amount equally over months

Select this option to divide the entered Sales amount and the calculated Profit amount, evenly between each month.

If necessary, the calculated profit amount is rounded up and the last monthly target is used to balance up to the total amounts.

Repeat amount for each month

Select this option to repeat the entered sales amount and calculated profit amount for each month.

The sales and profit amounts are then recalculated for the totals.


This value can be one of the following:

  • The projected annual sales target value for the product class if you select the Divide amount using default spread or Divide amount equally over months options to distribute this amount into the monthly sales targets.
  • The projected monthly sales target value for the product class if you select the Repeat amounts for each month option to distribute this amount into the monthly sales targets.
Profit percentage

This refers to the projected gross profit target.

It indicates the overall gross profit percentage you intend to make on the Sales amount entered at the previous field.

The profit percentage cannot exceed 100 percent.

Profit amount Indicates the gross profit amount, calculated as the Sales amount multiplied by the Profit percentage.

Add Sales History Summary Targets

This screen is displayed when you select to add or change Sales History Summary targets.

The summary type keys are defined using the Sales Analysis Summary Setup program.

When maintaining targets where either the Salesperson or the Product Class is part of the key, and the Branch is not, then you must also indicate the AR branch.

Field Description
Distribute and Save Updates and saves the monthly target values according to the distribution option you selected.
Sales history summary type Indicate the sales history summary type code you want to maintain.

You can only define targets for summary types if the option Targets required for this summary is enabled for the summary type.

Sales history summary type Indicates the history summary type you entered on the toolbar.
Sales history summary type description Indicates the description of the history summary type.
Posting year Indicates the year for which you are adding the targets.

The default posting year is displayed, but you can select any of the prior 5 years.

Key areas Depending on the Key areas you defined against the Sales history summary type, up to 3 of the following fields are displayed: Salesperson, Branch, Order type, Customer class, Geographic area, Customer, Warehouse, Department, Product class,Stock code.
Distribution option See also Examples.
Divide amount using default spread

Select this to divide the entered amounts, according to the monthly default spread percentages defined for the target fields.

You can only select this option, if you have defined a default spread.

If necessary, the calculated profit amount is rounded up and the last monthly target is used to balance up to the total amounts.
Divide amount equally over months

Select this to divide the entered Sales amount and the calculated Profit amount, evenly between each month.

If necessary, the calculated profit amount is rounded up and the last monthly target is used to balance up to the total amounts.

Repeat amount for each month

Select this to repeat the entered sales amount and calculated profit amount for each month.

The sales and profit amounts are then recalculated for the totals.


This value can be one of the following:

  • The projected annual sales target value for the summary type if you select the Divide amount using default spread or the Divide amount equally over months options to distribute this amount into the monthly sales targets.
  • The projected monthly sales target value for the summary type if you select the Repeat amount for each month option to distribute this amount into the monthly sales targets.

This value can be one of the following:

  • The projected annual cost target value for the summary type if you select the Divide amount using default spread or the Divide amount equally over months options to distribute this amount into the monthly sales targets.
  • The projected monthly cost target value for the summary type if you select the Repeat amount for each month option to distribute this amount into the monthly sales targets.
Quantity Indicate the quantity to spread over the months.
Mass Indicate the mass to spread over the months.
Volume Indicate the volume to spread over the months.

Monthly Targets

The targets for the entry currently highlighted in the Targets treeview are displayed in this pane.

This listview is enabled when you select the change a target in the Targets pane.

The information displayed in the listview depends on the type of targets you selected to maintain using the Targets to Maintainoption and whether you selected the View sales and costs or View qty, mass and volume option from the Functions menu.

When listing sales history summary target information, the information for the selected summary keys is displayed together with the sales and cost values for each month.

Field Description
Save Save your changes.
Default Spread Enter the initial monthly sales and profit percentage spreads required for the year.
Print Print the currently displayed targets.
Export to Excel Export the currently displayed targets to an Excel spreadsheet.

Listview columns

Column Description

Indicates the month number for the Sales and Profit values.

Month 13 is only displayed if the number of accounting periods for the year is set to 13.

Sales Indicates the sales value for the relevant month.
Profit Indicates the profit value for the relevant month.

Default Spread

This screen is displayed when you select the Default Spread option.

When you add the actual targets for customers, product classes and summary types, you can choose to spread the values over the year according to the default percentages assigned here.

Although it is possible to add targets for customers, product classes and sales history summary sequence types without defining a default spread, the option: Divide amounts using default spread will not be available when you define these targets.

Field Description
Save Select this to accept the default percentage spreads you entered and to return to the previous screen.
Print Generate a report of the listview currently displayed.
Export to Excel Select this to export the currently displayed listview rows to an Excel spreadsheet.
Search Enter the text you want to find and display in the listview.

For example, if you want to display only rows that contain a certain value, then enter that value in this field.

Clear Select this to redisplay all rows on the listview.

The month numbers for the Sales % and Profit % fields are listed to the left of these fields.

Month 13 is only displayed if the number of accounting periods for the year is set to 13.

Sales %

You use these fields to enter the default sales percentage spread required for each month.

The sum of the sales % spreads must equal 100.

When adding sales target values, you can optionally spread the sales amount over the year based on the percentages entered here.

Profit %

You use these fields to enter the default profit percentage spread required for each month.

When adding sales targets, you can optionally calculate the gross profit values for each month according to the percentages you entered here.

The sum of the profit % spreads must equal 100.


These fields indicate the total sales and profit percentage spreads entered.

The total spread entered for both sales and profit targets must equal 100 percent.

Cancel Select this to ignore any changes you made and to return to the previous screen.


This section contains examples for the Distribution options for each type of monthly target.

Customer Targets

Repeat amounts for each month

Assume that the distribution amounts are:

  • Sales 15 000
  • Profit percentage 50.0
  • Profit amount 7 500 (calculated as 15 000 x 50%)

Distribution into monthly targets is:

Month Sales Amount Profit Amount
1 15000 7500
2 15000 7500
3 15000 7500
4 15000 7500
5 15000 7500
6 15000 7500
7 15000 7500
8 15000 7500
9 15000 7500
10 15000 7500
11 15000 7500
12 15000 7500

The Sales amount for each month is taken as the Sales amount entered.

This means that for Months 1 to 12, the monthly Sales amount is 15000, which is the Sales amount entered.

The Profit amount for each month is taken as the calculated Profit amount.

This means that for Months 1 to 12, the monthly Profit amount is 7 500, which is the same as the calculated Profit amount.

Divide amount using default spread

Assume that the distribution amounts are:

  • Sales amount 15 000
  • Profit percentage 50.0
  • Profit amount 7 500 (calculated as 15 000 x 50%)

Assume that the Default spread is defined as:

Month Sales % Profit %
1 8.0 8.0
2 8.0 8.0
3 8.0 8.0
4 8.0 8.0
5 8.0 8.0
6 8.0 8.0
7 8.0 8.0
8 8.0 8.0
9 9.0 9.0
10 9.0 9.0
11 9.0 9.0
12 9.0 9.0

The Sales amount for each month is calculated as the annual Sales amount entered multiplied by the default Sales % for that month.

This means that for Month 1, the Sales amount is 15000 x 8% = 1200.

The Profit amount for each month is calculated as the total Profit amount multiplied by the default Profit % for that month.

This means that for Month 1, the Profit amount is 7 500 x 8% = 600.

Divide amount equally over months

Assume that the distribution amounts are:

  • Sales amount 15 000
  • Profit percentage 50.0
  • Profit amount 7 500 (calculated as 15 000 x 50%)

Distribution into monthly targets is:

Month Sales Amount Profit Amount
1 1250 625
2 1250 625
3 1250 625
4 1250 625
5 1250 625
6 1250 625
7 1250 625
8 1250 625
9 1250 625
10 1250 625
11 1250 625
12 1250 625

The Sales amount for each month is calculated as the annual Sales amount divided by the number of months.

This means that for Months 1 to 12, the Sales amount is 15000 / 12 = 1250.

The Profit amount for each month is calculated as the total Profit amount divided by the number of months.

This means that for Months 1 to 12, the Profit amount is 7 500 / 12 = 625.

Product Class Targets

Divide amount using default spread

Assume that the distribution amounts are:

  • Sales amount 15 000
  • Profit percentage 50.0
  • Profit amount 7 500 (calculated as 15 000 x 50%)

Assume that the Default spread is defined as:

Month Sales % Profit %
1 8.0 8.0
2 8.0 8.0
3 8.0 8.0
4 8.0 8.0
5 8.0 8.0
6 8.0 8.0
7 8.0 8.0
8 8.0 8.0
9 9.0 9.0
10 9.0 9.0
11 9.0 9.0
12 9.0 9.0

Distribution into monthly targets is:

Month Sales Amount Profit Amount
1 1200 600
2 1200 600
3 1200 600
4 1200 600
5 1200 600
6 1200 600
7 1200 600
8 1200 600
9 1350 675
10 1350 675
11 1350 675
12 1350 675

The Sales amount for each month is calculated as the annual Sales amount entered multiplied by the default Sales % for that month.

This means that for Month 1, the Sales amount is 15000 x 8% = 1200.

The Profit amount for each month is calculated as the total Profit amount multiplied by the default Profit % for that month.

This means that for Month 1, the Profit amount is 7 500 x 8% = 600.

Divide amount equally over months

Assume that the distribution amounts are:

  • Sales amount 15 000
  • Profit percentage 50.0
  • Profit amount 7 500 (calculated as 15 000 x 50%)

Distribution into monthly targets is:

Month Sales Amount Profit Amount
1 1250 625
2 1250 625
3 1250 625
4 1250 625
5 1250 625
6 1250 625
7 1250 625
8 1250 625
9 1250 625
10 1250 625
11 1250 625
12 1250 625

The Sales amount for each month is calculated as the annual Sales amount divided by the number of months.

This means that for Months 1 to 12, the Sales amount is 15000 / 12 = 1250.

The Profit amount for each month is calculated as the total Profit amount divided by the number of months.

This means that for Months 1 to 12, the Profit amount is 7 500 / 12 = 625.

Repeat amount for each month

Assume that the distribution amounts are:

  • Sales amount 15 000
  • Profit percentage 50.0
  • Profit amount 7 500 (calculated as 15 000 x 50%)

Distribution into monthly targets is:

Month Sales Amount Profit Amount
1 15000 7500
2 15000 7500
3 15000 7500
4 15000 7500
5 15000 7500
6 15000 7500
7 15000 7500
8 15000 7500
9 15000 7500
10 15000 7500
11 15000 7500
12 15000 7500

The Sales Amount for each month is taken as the Sales amount entered.

This means that for Months 1 to 12, the monthly Sales amount is 15000, which is the Sales amount entered.

The Profit amount for each month is taken as the calculated Profit amount.

This means that for Months 1 to 12, the monthly Profit amount is 7 500, which is the same as the calculated Profit amount.

Sales History Summary Targets

Divide amount using default spread

Assume that the distribution amounts are:

  • Sales amount 15 000
  • Profit percentage 50.0
  • Profit amount 7 500 (calculated as 15 000 x 50%)

Assume that the Default spread is defined as:

Month Sales % Profit %
1 8.0 8.0
2 8.0 8.0
3 8.0 8.0
4 8.0 8.0
5 8.0 8.0
6 8.0 8.0
7 8.0 8.0
8 8.0 8.0
9 9.0 9.0
10 9.0 9.0
11 9.0 9.0
12 9.0 9.0

The Sales amount for each month is calculated as the annual Sales amount entered multiplied by the default Sales % for that month.

This means that for Month 1, the Sales amount is 15000 x 8% = 1200.

The Profit amount for each month is calculated as the total Profit amount multiplied by the default Profit % for that month.

This means that for Month 1, the Profit amount is 7 500 x 8% = 600.

Quantity, mass or volume amounts entered are spread using the default Sales % entered. (i.e. the quantity, mass or volume figures entered are multiplied by the percentage entered in the default Sales % column and the result is put into each month).

Divide amount equally over months

Assume that the distribution amounts are:

  • Sales amount 15 000
  • Profit percentage 50.0
  • Profit amount 7 500 (calculated as 15 000 x 50%)

Distribution into monthly targets is:

Month Sales Amount Profit Amount
1 1250 625
2 1250 625
3 1250 625
4 1250 625
5 1250 625
6 1250 625
7 1250 625
8 1250 625
9 1250 625
10 1250 625
11 1250 625
12 1250 625

The Sales amount for each month is calculated as the annual Sales amount divided by the number of months.

This means that for Months 1 to 12, the Sales amount is 15000 / 12 = 1250.

The Profit amount for each month is calculated as the total Profit amount divided by the number of months.

This means that for Months 1 to 12, the Profit amount is 7 500 / 12 = 625.

Quantity, mass or volume amounts entered are spread in the same manner. (i.e. the quantity, mass or volume figures entered are divided by the number of months and the result is put into each month).

Repeat amount for each month

Assume that the distribution amounts are:

  • Sales amount 15 000
  • Profit percentage 50.0
  • Profit amount 7 500 (calculated as 15 000 x 50%)

Distribution into monthly targets is:

Month Sales Amount Profit Amount
1 15000 7500
2 15000 7500
3 15000 7500
4 15000 7500
5 15000 7500
6 15000 7500
7 15000 7500
8 15000 7500
9 15000 7500
10 15000 7500
11 15000 7500
12 15000 7500

The Sales amount for each month is taken as the Sales amount entered.

This means that for Months 1 to 12, the monthly Sales amount is 15000, which is the Sales amount entered.

The Profit amount for each month is taken as the calculated Profit amount.

This means that for Months 1 to 12, the monthly Profit amount is 7 500, which is the same as the calculated Profit amount.

Quantity, mass or volume amounts entered are spread in the same manner. (i.e. the quantity, mass or volume figures entered are put into each month).

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.