Sales Analysis > Sales Targets > List of Sales History Targets

List of Sales History Targets

You use this program to print a report reflecting your targets that have been defined by summary type.

Report Options

Field Description
Target options  

You can only select the targets for the summary types for which you selected to maintain targets.


Indicate the year for which to print the sales history list of sales targets.

Print options

New page after totals

Select this to start a new page after printing a subtotal.

It is not relevant for summary types that have only one key area. If a summary type has two key areas, then the 2nd key area is defined as being the detail part. This means that when the 1st key changes, the program prints a subtotal, and then starts a new page.

If a summary type has three key areas, then the 3rd key area is defined as being the detail part. This means that the 2nd key area is taken as the first subtotal and the 1st key area is taken as the second subtotal. When these two keys change, the program prints a subtotal, then starts a new page.

Print sales including

Sales Analysis Targets are not only defined against the Sales Value. They can also be defined against the calculated Profit, Quantity, Mass and Volume. Therefore, the type of comparison must be defined at the time of printing:

Profit figures

Select this to print sales and profit figures on the report.

This prints the actual Sales and Gross Profit for the month and YTD, versus the defined Sales and Profit Target for the month and YTD, with a calculated percentage variance.


Select this to print sales and quantity figures on the report.

This prints the actual Quantity for the month and YTD, versus the defined Target Quantity for the month and YTD, with a calculated percentage variance.


Select this to print sales and weight figures on the report.

This prints the actual Mass for the month and YTD, versus the defined Target Mass for the month and YTD, with a calculated percentage variance.


Select this to print sales and volume figures on the report.

This prints the actual Volume for the month and YTD, versus the defined Target Volume for the month and YTD, with a calculated percentage variance.

Report Filters

The Report Filters enable you to indicate a range of key fields according to which you want to generate the report.


The options available depend on the report you selected.

Only fields assigned as key fields using the Browse on Sales Analysis Summary Setup program can be selected.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

The report displays subtotals by key area and a company total.

The 13th period is only displayed, if you have thirteen accounting periods setup in your company options.