Sales Analysis > Sales Targets > List of Sales Targets

List of Sales Targets

You use this program to print a report reflecting the sales targets defined by Customer and Product Class using the Sales Target Maintenance program.

Report Options

Field Description
Target Selection  
Target type
Option Description

Select this to print the sales targets defined against your customers.

If you select this option, then you can enter a range of customers to include in the report

Product class

Select this to print the sales targets defined against your product classes.

If you select this option, then you can enter a range of branches and product classes to include in the report.

Show target as
Option Description
Sales targets Select this to generate a report reflecting sales targets only.
Profit targets Select this to generate a report reflecting profit targets only.
Sales and profit targets Select this to generate a report reflecting both sales and profit targets on the same report.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Customer selection

Indicate the customer(s) for whom you want to include targets in the report.

This applies if you selected to print Customer targets

Branch selection

Indicate the Accounts Receivable branch(es) for which you want to include targets in the report.

This applies if you selected to print Product class targets.

Product class selection

Indicate the product class(es) for which you want to include targets in the report.

This applies if you selected to print Product class targets.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

Details for the 13th period are only printed if you have thirteen accounting periods setup in your company options.

No totals or subtotals are printed.