Requirements Planning > Requirements Planning > Supply Chain Review

Supply Chain Review

You use this program to review and update suggested supply chain transfers and to create live Supply Chain Transfer orders (SCTs) based on the suggestions from the snapshot files or from the Excess Stock Review program.

Reviewing inter-warehouse distribution requirements is an on-going activity of distribution requirements planning undertaken by planners to ensure that branch warehouses are being replenished as required. It involves reviewing what new supply chain transfers they may need to raise and whether to re-schedule jobs and job operations, due to demand, capacity or other operational issues.

The suggestions indicated within the snapshot files are generated by the Requirements Calculation program, and by any subsequent manual manipulation of the snapshot files. The Requirements Calculation program creates suggested supply chain transfers (SCTs) to satisfy demand for items you have flagged as transfer supplied for a particular warehouse. MRP includes any quantity that has been dispatched but not invoiced for a Supply Chain Transfer sales order as part of the supply for the item in the target warehouse.

The suggested SCT functions as a demand on the source (supplying) warehouse and a supply on the target warehouse. The calculation may create additional suggested SCTs for warehouses further up the supply chain and ultimately, a suggested purchase order or job against the replenishment warehouse-to-use if there is not enough stock available at lower levels in the chain.

The Supply Chain Review program enables you to change the ship and due dates, and the quantity of suggested SCTs before converting them into live SCTs. When you convert a suggested SCT to a live SCT, SYSPRO creates the SCT order in the Sales Order module.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Review Select this to display suggested supply chain transfers according to the review criteria you selected.
Change Criteria Select this to indicate different review criteria. This function only becomes enabled after you select the Start Review function.

Review Criteria

You use this screen to indicate the supply chain transfers you want to include in the review.

Field Description
Reference selection Indicate the reference(s) for which to include transfers in the review.
Source warehouses  
Source warehouse selection Indicate the source warehouse(s) for which to include transfers in the review.
Target warehouses  
Target warehouse selection Indicate the target warehouse(s) for which to include transfers in the review.
Stock codes  
Stock code selection Indicate the stock code(s) for which to include transfers in the review.

Stock items defined as a Notional parts (Stock Codes) are ignored.

If you selected the option: Browse stock codes with requirements (Requirements Planning Setup), then the MRP Stock Codes with Demand listview is displayed when you browse on stock codes. Otherwise, the Browse on Stock Codes listview is displayed.

Product classes  
Product class selection Indicate the source product class(es) for which to include transfers in the review.
Suggested ship dates  
Suggested ship date selection Indicate the suggested ship date(s) for which to include transfers in the review.
Suggested due dates  
Suggested due date selection Indicate the suggested due date(s) for which to include transfers in the review.
Buyer selection Indicate the source buyer(s) for which to include transfers in the review.
Planner selection Indicate the target planner(s) for which to include transfers in the review.
Previously excluded SCTs Select this to display suggested supply chain transfers that you previously excluded from the review.

MRP Suggest Supply Chain Transfer Review

This listview is enabled when you select the Start Review function. The suggested SCTs are displayed in this editable listview according to the Review Criteria you indicated.

Field Description
Include Indicate the suggested SCTs you want to include (display) in the listview.

Only included suggested SCTs can be changed or converted into actual SCTs.

Highlighted Lines Select this to retain the suggested SCTs currently highlighted in the listview.

You can use your mouse button together with the Ctrl and Shift keys to highlight multiple suggested SCTs in the listview.

When you select this option, a tick is placed in the Included column of the listview for the currently highlighted suggested SCTs.

All Select this to retain all suggested SCTs in the listview.

When you select this option, a tick is placed in the Included column of the listview for all suggested SCTs currently displayed.


This option enables you to indicate the suggested SCTs you want to exclude from being displayed in the listview.

You can manually exclude individual suggested SCTs by deselecting a suggested SCT which has a tick in the Included column of the listview.

Alternatively, you can use your mouse button together with the Ctrl and Shift keys to highlight multiple suggested SCTs in the listview. You then use the Highlighted Lines option to exclude these suggested SCTs.

When you exclude a suggested SCT, the Select functionality is deselected and greyed out. (i.e. you cannot select a suggested SCT for creation if it is excluded from the listview).

Highlighted Lines Select this to exclude the suggested SCTs currently highlighted from the listview

You can use your mouse button together with the Ctrl and Shift keys to highlight multiple suggested SCTs in the listview.

When you select this option, the tick in the Included column of the listview for the currently highlighted suggested SCTs is removed.

All Select this to exclude all suggested SCTs currently displayed from the listview. To redisplay them, you need to select the Include previously excluded option.
Select This column enables you to indicate the suggested SCTs for which you want to create Supply Chain Transfers.

You will be unable to select a suggested SCT if its corresponding Include checkbox is not selected.

When you select the Create option, SCTs are create for all suggested SCTs with a tick in the Selected column.

Highlighted Lines Select this to include all suggested SCTs currently highlighted in the listview for SCT creation.

When you select this option, a tick is placed in the Selected column for those suggested SCTs.

You can use your mouse button together with the Ctrl and Shift keys to highlight multiple suggested SCTs in the listview.

All Select this to include all suggested SCTs currently displayed in the listview for SCT creation.
Deselect This enables you to deselect suggested SCTs from the creation process.
Highlighted Lines Select this to exclude all suggested SCTs currently highlighted in the listview from SCT creation.

When you select this option, the tick is removed from the Selected column for those suggested SCTs.

You can use your mouse button together with the Ctrl and Shift keys to highlight multiple suggested SCTs in the listview.

All Select this to exclude all suggested SCTs currently displayed in the listview from SCT creation. When you select the Create option, no SCTs will be created.

Select this to maintain the selected suggested supply chain transfer line.

You can only change the Quantity, Ship date and Due date.


The changes you make apply only to the line selected and have no effect on the rest of the supply chain.

Based on the changes you make, no automatic recalculation of dates or quantities is made on the remainder of the supply chain (i.e. if you change one link in the supply chain, you must manually change the remaining links in the supply chain).

Save Select this to save any changes you made to the Quantity, Ship date and Due date fields, using the Change option as well as the Include/Exclude selections for each line displayed.
Create Select this to use the SO Header Maintenance program to create live supply chain transfer orders from the selected suggested supply chain transfer lines.

These SCT orders are always created as back orders.

Supply Chain Select this to use the GIT Warehouse Supply Chain program to view the supply chain for the selected stock code.
Requirements Planning Select this to use the Requirements Planning Query program to view the results of the Requirements Calculation for the selected stock code/warehouse combination.
Include previously excluded Select this redisplay SCTs which were previously excluded from being displayed in the listview.

Listview columns

The following information is included in this listview:

Column Description
Source wh Indicates the warehouse from which the quantity of the stock item must be transferred.
Target wh Indicates the warehouse into which the quantity of the stock item must be transferred.

Enables you to indicate the suggested SCTs for which you want to create Supply Chain Transfers.

You cannot select a suggested SCT if its corresponding Include checkbox is not selected.

When you select the Create option, SCTs are create for all suggested SCTs with a tick in the Selected column.

Reference Indicates the supply transfer reference number.
Stock code Indicates the code of the stock item to be transferred.
Included A tick in this column indicates that the suggested SCT must be displayed in the listview. In addition, you need to select this checkbox if you want to make changes to the line or you want to select it for SCT creation.
Quantity Indicates the quantity of the stock item to be transferred.
Ship date Indicates the date on which the transfer must occur.
Due date Indicates the expected delivery date. The due date is calculated using the transaction date plus the warehouse lead time defined for the item (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code). The lead time is the number of days it takes to move the stock item from the source warehouse to the target warehouse.

On hold indicates that the stock item is either on partial or full hold (Stock Code On Hold Maintenance).

Created indicates that an SCT was created for the line.

Rev Indicates the revision of the item to be transferred, if the item is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes).
Rel Indicates the release of the item to be transferred, if the item is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes).

Suggest Supply Chain Transfer Details

The following information is included in this pane for the line currently highlighted in the MRP Suggest Supply Chain Transfer Review listview:

Field Description
Quantities and values  
Unit of measure Indicates the unit of measure for the quantities displayed in this section
Original quantity Indicates the quantity transferred out of the source warehouse.
Original value Indicates the original value of the item which was transferred out of the source warehouse.
Received quantity Indicates the quantity currently transferred in to the target warehouse.
Received value Indicates the value of the item(s) currently transferred in to the target warehouse.
Outstanding quantity Indicates the difference between the Original quantity and the Received quantity.
Outstanding value Indicates the difference between the Original value and the Received value.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • This program only caters for suggested SCTs and not live SCTs or GIT transfers.

    The Supply Chain Actions report however, includes suggested as well as existing SCTs and GIT transfers for any Actions that need to be taken (e.g. cancel, delay, create or change).

  • Only warehouses to which you have access are included in the review, irrespective of the Target and Source warehouse selections made in the Review Criteria.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.