SYSPRO to SYSPRO Interface > Interface Import

Interface Import

This program lets you import files that have previously been exported from another SYSPRO site via the SYSPRO to SYSPRO Interface Module to your local site.

When loading this program for the first time, any files identified as being importable are listed on the opening screen. This list is not displayed for subsequent runs of the program (even if you do not import them on the first run).

You can view a list of these importable files using the View Files to Import function, located on the screen indicating the available selection options for the Interface Import program.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
View files to Import View all the files available for importing to your selected site.

Regardless of the number of files you are importing, a maximum of 200 files are displayed in this listview. The number of files displayed and the number of files to import are displayed on the screen. These values will only differ if the there are more than 200 files to be imported.

Validate Files Validate the import file before starting the import process.
Start Import Begin the import process.

No records are imported if any errors are encountered during the validation phase of the import.

The name of the control file is ?xxyy.nnn, where:

?indicates the company id of the local site
xxindicates the code of each local site
yyindicates the code of the export site
nnnindicates the next group import control number

According the above formula, if the next import group control number is 9, your local site is called BB, and you were importing from site HO, then the next control file would be named ABBHO.009 (assuming a company id of A).

From this it follows that the next import group control number of the receiving site must equal the next export group control number of the sending site.

Interface Import details

Field Description
Local site This displays your local site identifier code.
Import selection To import files, the interface system must know all the sites from which a local site will be importing. These must be added using the Interface Sites program.
AllImport files from all sites defined as part of this local site's network.
SingleImport files only from a specific site.
Update prices/discounts  
Update files from import Update prices and discounts when importing inventory.

This defaults to enabled or disabled according to your selection at the Update prices/discountswhen importing inventory field of the Interface Setup program.

Payments linked to Cash Book  
Update Cash Book when printing slips Update Cash Book with details of any payments that are imported. These transactions are not printed on the deposit slip itself.

You can only access this field if Accounts Receivable is integrated to Cash Book (Accounts Receivable Setup).

Number of new files  
Number of new files displayed  
Number of new files to import  

The Import Routine

The import routine process is as follows:

  1. The Interface Import program automatically locates and stores details of data files that have been transferred from another site. This is achieved by processing each of the defined sites in turn and extracting the next import group control number.

  2. Using this control number, the company id and a combination of both local and remote site codes, the program searches for the group control file.

    After locating a group control file, the file names held in the file are processed and the import program attempts to locate each file name on disc. These file names are stored in a log file so that the interface system has a record of which files are still to be processed. If a file cannot be found it is still recorded in the log file. A display of the log file indicates that the file was not found by showing the file name within brackets.

  3. After processing all the file names in a group control record, the program automatically deletes the control file; increments the next import group control number by one and attempts to locate the next control file (assuming there may be more than 1 group control file for a given site awaiting import).

  4. If the next control file is not found then it is assumed that no more control files exist for this site and the program processes the next site in sequence.

    So far the import program has merely entered the list of files to be imported into the transaction log file. The records contained within these files have not yet been used to update the live system.

  5. At this point you can exit from the import program without performing an import run, perform a normal import run, or you can continue with the program and validate the import procedure only. This enables you to validate the files to be imported without actually updating live files.

  6. When the import procedure is running, regardless of whether you selected to validate the import or update the live files, the program first performs a validation check on each file to be imported.

    If any errors are encountered, the program terminates before performing the actual update (or before attempting to import another file). No live files are therefore updated if the validation check fails. If any errors occur, you must rectify the problem and then repeat the import procedure.

Updating the Live System

The Interface System automatically imports records and transactions in a sequence that emulates the sequence of events occurring on the remote site.

For example, if on the same day you add a new customer; post an invoice to that customer; and enter a cash receipt against that invoice, then the import will first create the new customer, then post the invoice and then post the cash receipt.

The following is a description of how the live system is updated:

  1. The interface update flags are set so that subsequent exports from the local back to the remote site do not extract the imported record again.

  2. For each inventory master record imported the following occurs:

    • For a new stock code, the stock code is added to the host's master file. If a warehouse is added to the master file, then all month-to-date and year-to-date values for that warehouse are zeroed before the record is added to the file (this includes zeroing the stock on hand).

      For an existing stock code, the information affected will be static data such as stock descriptions, and so on. For an existing warehouse code no history information is affected, only static data (e.g. safety stock) fields are updated.

  3. The import will not update either purchase orders or jobs on the host site even if an inventory receipt/issue on the remote site affects either a purchase order or a work in progress job.

  4. The import will not update either the lot traceable or serial tracking files on the host site, even if an item is defined as traceable or serialized (Stock Codes)

  5. For each inventory journal imported the following occurs:

    • The GRN suspense is NOT updated at the host site.
    • The history of receipts is NOT updated at the host site.
    • The stock on hand and relevant month-to-date fields on the warehouse file are updated. The unit cost is updated according to the new cost transferred from the remote site.
    • A record of the transaction is output to both the inventory movement and inventory journal files.
    • The FIFO or multiple bins are automatically updated.
    • If General Ledger integration at the host site is required, the new imported journals are transferred in the normal manner through to the ledger system.
  6. For each customer master record imported the following occurs:

    • For a new customer, the customer is added to the host's master file and all balances and history information are zeroed.
    • For an existing customer, the only information affected is static data such as customer names and addresses, and so on. No values in terms of balances or history information are updated.
  7. For each sales transaction record imported the following occurs:

    • A record is output to the sales transaction file on the host site. This causes an invoice register to be printed on the host site and, if General Ledger is integrated for sales, the transaction entries are posted to the ledger system.

      The Sales Analysis system (sales by product class/salesman, sales history, sales tax and commission files) is updated when the normal sales analysis update function is performed at the host site.

      The inventory and customer movement files are automatically updated when the files are imported

      If the option: Create GL journal is not selected for Accounts Receivable (General Ledger Integration) but Accounts Receivable is linked to the General Ledger, then run the AR Invoice GL Integration program to create the General Ledger journals for the transaction.

      If you import invoices and credit/debit notes and the numbers for these documents are identical, then the invoice and credit/debit note are automatically offset by the Interface Import program. This is irrespective of whether you have selected the option: Post to existing invoice (AR Invoice Posting) for credit/debit notes.

    • The inventory warehouse records are updated for each stocked transaction record.

      FIFO and Multiple bins are automatically updated.

    • The customer master and invoice detail files are updated accordingly.
  8. For each cash posting journal imported, the following occurs:

    • A record of each journal is output to a cash journal on the local site.
    • A bank deposit slip (if defined as being required in the Accounts Receivable installation options) is not printed at the local site.
    • Cash journal entries are transferred to the General Ledger system as normal (assuming General Ledger integration is required).
    • Customer master and detail files are updated accordingly. If check payments are required, then a record of each check payment is output to the customer master file.


If the Interface Import program cannot read the import files, then you can do the following:

  • Verify the file format of the source files. This should be: ?TTFF.nnn and ?TTFFDT.nnn:

    ? The source company code
    TT The host site code
    FF The site code of the source company
    nnn The next group number
    DT The code for sales transaction file
  • Check that the control and transaction files (?TTFF.nnn and ?TTFFDT.nnn) are stored in the Work folder. If the control file for the group is missing then it has to be recreated (or use a backup copy).

  • Change the Next Import Group Number for the Site to be the same as the number on the file extension number (nnn).

  • Open the ?INTLOG.DAT file and remove the line for the site code where the Import Group Number (nnn) is included.

  • Reindex the ?INTLOG.DAT file.

  • Run the Interface Import. It should display a message that the file has been read and you should be able to view the file to import.

Notes and warnings

Importing files in the same financial period

  • If importing Accounts Receivable and/or Inventory files, ensure that the financial period of the modules are the same for both the exporting company and the importing company.

Import interface records

  1. Copy the group control and data files to the working directory of the destination site.

  2. From the Interface Import program, select the Interface Import Selections function.

  3. Indicate the selection options required for the import.

  4. Select the Start Import function to commence processing.