SYSPRO to SYSPRO Interface > Interface Export

Interface Export

This program lets you export files from your local SYSPRO site to other SYSPRO sites. The program creates control files in the current working directory containing the records to be imported at one or more destination sites.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Export This exports records according to your selection criteria.

A new group control file is created each time the export program is run. This file is incremented by one each time and contains a list of files that must be transferred to the destination site (i.e. uniquely identify the files exported).

Last Export This displays details in the Last Export pane of all the files that were processed in the last export to the selected remote site (i.e. only if Single was selected at the Site selection field).

The status and group number of the current files being exported are updated. Statuses include:

  • Exporting - the files currently being exported

  • Exported - the files that were exported with the current/latest group

  • None exported - the files that were selected for export, but were not exported.

Export Log This displays summary details in the Export Log pane of all the exports performed to the selected remote site (i.e. only if Single was selected at the Site selection field).

This listview displays a summary of all the exports performed to the selected remote site.

Local site This is the local site from which the export will be made.
Destination site  
Site selection
Option Description
All Select this if you intend exporting the file to more than one site (i.e. once the file is exported to a remote site, all records in the file are flagged as exported (even if they were excluded from the export selection).
Single This exports the selected files to a single site and is not available for export to another site.
List of files to export Indicate the files to export to a specific site. The availability of files is determined by settings configured against the site (Interface Sites).
Inventory master file 
Inventory warehouse file 
Inventory journal fileThe export program only extracts records that have not yet been extracted, and that match the correct branch/warehouse defined for the destination site specified.
Goods in transit files 
Customer master file 
Cash journal fileThe export program only extracts records that have not yet been extracted, and that match the correct branch/warehouse defined for the destination site specified.
Sales transaction fileThe export program only extracts records that have not yet been extracted, and that match the correct branch/warehouse defined for the destination site specified.

Exporting all Inventory files (which may affect processing speed) results in the following records being exported:

  1. A stock code record

  2. The associated INVPRC records for the stock code

  3. The associated INVFOR records for the stock code

  4. The associated INVALT records for the stock code

  5. All the INVALS records for the stock code

  6. All the INVQCT records for the stock code

  7. All the INVWIF records for the stock code

  8. Each of the INVWHS records

  9. All inventory journal records.

  10. All GIT files (if you are using the full Goods in Transit facility).

Stock code selection You can only access these options if you selected to export the Inventory master file. You can select to export all stock codes or only those that were added or modified.
Warehouse selection You can only access these options if you selected to export the Inventory warehouse file. You can select to export all warehouses or only those that were added or modified.
Customer selection You can only access these options if you selected to export the Customer master file. You can select to export all customers or only those that were added or modified.

Notes and warnings

Filename considerations

The name of the control file is ?xxyy.nnn, where:

? indicates the company id of each destination site
xx indicates the code of each destination site
yy indicates the code of the local site
nnn indicates the next group export control number

According to the above formula, if the next group control number is 9, your local site is HO and you are exporting to site BB, then the next control file is named ABBHO.009 (assuming a company id of A for site BB).

Within the group control file, CTL indicates a control record and FILE indicates the name of an actual data file.

The system date and the computer operating system date prevailing at the time the export was performed, are stored on the control record, together with the name of both the local and destination sites.

A transaction record of each file exported is output to the site log file.